西村 幹子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.62, pp.147-155, 2020-03-31

本稿は,グローバル化の影響を受けて変化する高等教育において,高等教育の市民性の醸成という社 会的な役割に焦点を当て,アメリカの 4 つのリベラルアーツ大学の先駆的な事例を分析する。具体的に は,教育プログラムの中にいかにグローバルなレベルの市民参加が統合されているか,またグローバル レベルの市民参加プログラムがどのようにデザインされ実施されているのかというリサーチクエスチョ ンを設定し,2018 年 2~4 月に 23 名の教職員への半構造化インタビューおよびドキュメント調査を実施 した。4 大学に共通して見られる特徴としては,組織主導,教員主導,学生主導の 3 つの意味において オーナーシップが共有され,多様な取り組みが行われているという点,救世主コンプレックスや文化的 観光に批判的な視点をもちながら教職員および学生のあり方を見直すような制度やプログラムが導入さ れている点,ローカルとグローバルの間を繋ぐ問題意識を意識的に学内に持ち込む取り組みがなされて いる点,大学の使命とその他の制度が連動している点が挙げられる。 This article aims at examining the social role of higher education to nurture global citizenship in the context of accelerated globalization. The research took the case study approach to 4 liberal arts colleges in the United States for the purpose of understanding the underlining perception and institution that support the innovative cases. In concrete terms, two research questions were posed: How do the colleges integrate civic engagement at the global level into the education programs?; and how do they design and implement the programs as an institution? The author conducted the semi-structured interviews with 24 faculty and staff members in total and analyzed the documents of four colleges in February-April, 2018. The study revealed four common characteristics across the four colleges, namely, 1) a combination of institution-led, faculty-led, and student-led approaches; 2) intentional programs that attempt to avoid savior complex and cultural tourism; 3) intentional integration of common issues that link the local level with the global level into various education, research, and training programs for faculty, staff, and students, and; 4) consistency in university mission and the institutional, educational, and financial measures to enhance civic engagement at the global level. In sum, various actors are collaboratively promoting the concept of global citizenship in education, training, research, and service with shared ownership, with the different degrees and dynamics across the four colleges.
安野 花凜 稲葉 祐之
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.87, pp.67-90, 2020-03-31

For many years, Japanese companies have been engaging in what can be referred to as “a closed innovation” policy, that is, they seek to create innovation within the boundaries of their own corporations. However, due to the impact of IT technology and globalization, it has become harder to create innovation within a closed community. Accordingly, this difficulty stresses the importance of seeking different approaches such as open innovation whereby large organizations collaborate with venture companies to attract people's attention. This paper focuses on corporate venture capital (CVC), which is one of the means of creating open innovation that has been attracting attention in recent years. The cosmetics industry is one of the sectors engaging in open innovation for new value creation. As the industry matures, new players with innovative technologies emerge, which intensifies competition. Collaboration with external organizations is necessary to achieve growth under such circumstances. However, there is no research on this CVC investment model, although it could be considered an effective method for the cosmetics industry to promote open innovation and restructure R&D strategy for sustainable growth. Therefore, this paper addresses the current investment model of the cosmetics industries focusing on the importance of transforming closed R&D into open R&D and on whether this approach is an effective method to attain sustainable growth. This research conducted multiple case studies on Shiseido, and POLA ORBIS Holdings, as these are two examples of cosmetic companies currently working based on a CVC investment approach. As a result, this research proposes three conceptualized CVC investment models: 1) R&D enhancedtyped CVC, 2) human resource development enhanced-typed CVC, and 3) corporate value improvement-typed CVC. Finally, there is also an analysis of the effectiveness of each of these models.
キング アリアナ
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.157-166, 2015-03-31

正確で倫理的なメディア環境の追求には,メディアリテラシーだけでは十分ではない。メディアリテラシーは現在のメディアの問題を明らかにする上では非常に重要だが,「メディア能力」の高い社会であっても,非倫理的なメディアに立ち向かうメカニズムがなければ,その能力は制限される。この研究の目標は,メディアリテラシーを学ぶ者に,メディアの倫理性を評価するメカニズムを提案することである。Time Warner,News Corp 等のメディア会社の世界的な拡大と,それに伴う経済的・政治的権力の集中化を考察すると,メディアに投影される意見の多様性の減少が認められる。メディアの右派と左派の分極化や広告費への依存が高まった結果,メディア倫理は社会における重大な問題となりつつある。マス・ニュース・メディアを中心とした,グローバルメディア倫理学の重要性について語り,グローバル・メディアの倫理コードを提案し,メディア倫理への違反行為を分析するフレームワークを紹介する。In the ongoing pursuit of an environment of accurate and ethical media, media literacy alone is insufficient. Media literacy education is of paramount importance in bringing attention to the ethical conundrums facing today’s media. However, a media literate society is extremely limited without a mechanism to confront the “unethical” in the media. This study’s main purpose is to provide a mechanism for students of media literacy to evaluate media ethicality. Considering the global expansion of mass media corporations like Time Warner and News Corp, and the subsequent concentration of their financial and political power, there is a narrowing of the diversity of opinions being represented in the mass media.Moreover, there is an observable polarization of right and left-wing media, and with fewer willing to pay for news services, the mass media is dependent on advertising revenue. As this study postulates, the current state of mass media is characterized by an inclination to appease media investors at the expense of media consumers. This tendency to prioritize financial and political self-interest above all else is the very definition of a media ethics conundrum. Yet, while media literacy education plays an important role in revealing the financial and political bias of the mass media, recognition of the “unethical” alone is not enough to enact change. Focusing specifically on mass news media, this paper asserts the importance of discourse concerning global media ethics. A code of global media ethics is proposed, as well as a framework for evaluating potential breaches of ethics in the media which can be applied in future media literacy education. Through introducing a global media ethics code and a media ethics framework to the media literacy curriculum, it is anticipated that media literac students will be empowered to more actively enforce ethical reporting of the mass media.
田中 かず子

宮添 輝美
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.60, pp.1-17, 2018-03-31

本稿は,語学に特化したMOOC(略称LMOOC:massive open and online courses designed specifically for language learning)を英語カリキュラムに導入するための予備調査の結果を報告する。アンケート調査は2017 年7 月に東京を所在地とする大学の単一学部で行い,有効回答数70 を得た。対象サンプルは情報通信技術(ICT)のスキルが高い学習者グループである点に特徴をもつ。データ分析の結果, 1 )オープンな教育資源(OER)に関する知識と利用は浸透しているが,MOOCとLMOOCに関する知識・利用は開発途上にあること,また, 2 )学生のデジタル学習に対する期待が,従来の学習方法のイメージや経験により狭まっている可能性を認めた。付随して,本研究ではアンケート調査の質問法にスライダーを採用し,その機能性も検証しているが,3 )スライダーには妥当性ある統計処理の可能性が示唆された。結びに,LMOOCを用いた英語コースの設計に向けて,今後に期待される研究課題と実践研究を考える。
塚本 美恵子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.32, pp.111-133, 1990-03

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the concept of the term "TEKIO" and to report on the result of a survey done on school children who transfered schools. The term "TEKIO" originally used in biology is now commonly used. Although the function of "TEKIO" might be same, the concept or the definition of the term shows delicate shades of meaning depending on the research field. The English term of TEKIO is also different, like "adjustment" in psychology and "adaptation" in anthropology. In addition to these differences, the term "TEKIO" has a lot of synonyms. To make the concept clear and to avoid confusion, the term TEKIO should be used with a definition or an appropriate adjective. The aim of this survey was to determine the length of adjustment time and to identify facilitating factors when children encountered new environments: new schools, new classes and new friends. 29 school transfer children, their teachers and parents were administered questionnaires and later interviewed. Most teachers, 21 out of 29, concluded that these school tranfer children adapted within a couple of months. On the other hand, more than half children (17 out of 29) still preferred their former schools even when 6 months had passed. From an analysis of this survey, the following facilitating factors were identified: (1) prior school transfer experience, (2) parents positive attitude toward new environments, (3) active and outgoing girls in lower grades, (4) children who were given a chance to show their talent or skill among their classmates.
ビアルケ (當山) 千咲 青木 幸子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.47, pp.135-143, 2005-03

In the changing society in postmodern age, it is becoming more necessary to focus on the individuals who assign meanings to their various experiences and construct the lives from their own unique point of view. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct a life story told by one woman in an autobiographical narrative interview and to consider the meanings of her experiences at school in the context of her whole life process. This analysis is based on the "Case-Mediated Approach" developed by S. Mizuno. Its primary task is a particular understanding of the case in question which should be followed by comparative analyses of other cases to approach the research objective. The case is analysed by focusing not only on main topics which are selected and arranged by the interviewee in a particular order, but also on changing perspectives over time from which the interviewee told her life story. Thus, her life story is elucidated by distinguishing the factual life process which consists of her experiences and actions in the past from her retrospective interpretation of her life. After this reconstruction, the following question is examined: which sustained effects do her experiences at school such as teacher-student-relationships and peer relationships have on the sequential process of her further life and how are these experiences embedded in the whole context of her social environment in each life stage? The analysis of an individual case presented here indicates the possibility to approach meanings of the school in a new way that has not been attempted by previous studies on school education.
深見 敦子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.15, pp.111-124, 1971-10

布留 武郎
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.20, pp.141-167, 1977-03

Hypothesis: The bulk of TV program content is entertainment, offering mainly passive pleasure. Although the program content varies the perceptive process in TV viewing has certain common characteristics in its structure. Children are required to perceive immediately the context developed on a TV screen with a global frame of reference but are not required to visually analyze the situations or reflect over them when the responses are uncertain. Therefore as a cumulative effect it can be assumed that TV might function to facilitate children's cognitive tempo and increase their field-dependency, nonananalytic preference or impulsivity. Method: Three kinds of tests were administered to ninetyone boys and ninety-six girls in the fifth grade from the Tokyo suburban area to assess cognitive style and one questionnaire to measure three kinds of TV viewing pattern. The fifth grade children are selected because they are of the age which receives a relatively stable habit of TV exposure (Furu '71), and in addition they still have the possibility of modifying their cognitive style in the future. The three kinds of cognitive tests included a Group Embedded Figure Test (25 items) developed by H.A. Witkin, a Group Conceptual Style Test (24 items) developed by J. Kagan, and a Matching Familiar Figure Test (10 items with 6 variants of each item) developed by J. Kagan, which was further modified for the Japanese children (Furu et al., '75). Reliability coefficient of each test was r_<tt>=0.88 (Kuder-Richardson's formula 20) on EFT. r_<tt>=0.89 (K-R's formula 20) on CST, r_<tt>=0.92 (Cronbach's α) on MFF-response time and r_<tt>=0.40 (Cronbach's α) on MFF-errors respectively. TV viewing time and program content were obtained through a weekly diary designed to complete a time table and identify TV programs watched, which were later classified into three types by a factor analysis (direct varimax method). The first factor was named "entertainment for adults" (e.g., variety shows, detective dramas, etc.); the second factor, "information" (e.g., news, newsshows, etc.) and the third factor, "entertainment for children" (e.g., cartoons, puppets, etc.). Channel preference obtained by a questionnaire was classified into two types, NHK (the public TV station in Japan, having two VHFs) and commercial TV (five VHFs). Ten months later the panel study which measured the same cognitive style and channel preference was carried out in order to investigate the causality of those two variables. Results: Among girls TV-I (entertainment for adults) or TV-III (entertainment for children) showed a statistically significant correlation with EFT respectively (p<.05, p<.05); in other words, the more they watched entertainment TV programs, the more they increased their field dependency. TV-II (information) also correlated with the reflection-impulsivity (close to 5% level of significance) which was categorized by double median split techniques on MFFT. Stated another way, they showed a tendency towards reflective perception in proportion to increment of TV-II (information) exposure. (See 表 5, page 149: 表 means Table). Boys who indicated commercial TV preference were inclined to be field dependent or nonanalyitc type, in contrast to the NHK preference group. Girls with commercial TV preference showed a tendency toward impulsivity in contrast to NHK preference group (see 表 6; 男 means boys, 女 girls. page 149). Although there was no relation betweeen the amount of TV viewing time and any cognitive style, significant correlations among them were found if a certain third variable was held constant. For example, among the lower verbal intelligence boys the more they were exposed to TV as a whole, the more they increased their field dependency, while the higher verbal intelligence group showed the reverse tendency. (see 表 8; 言語性上 means high in verbal scale 1 and下 low; 差 difference, z is tested on the difference between two correlations, page 151). Among girls the higher social maladjustment group tended to be field dependent in proportion to increment of TV exposure time, while higher social adjustment group did not show such a trend (表 9b). Extroverted girls tended to delay their cognitive responses and showed a decrease in errors in MFFT according to the increment of TV exposure time; the converse was true for the introvert group(表 9d, e). Discussion: It was assumed that children's TV viewing pattern would have a certain effect upon their cognitive styles. According to the results of present research, however, it seems more reasonable to interpret that any cognitive style children already possess determines their TV viewing patterns, since there were no TV programs which could help children to make analytic, field independent or reflective perception and which at the same time, aquire enough number of audience to the extent of influencing upon our findings. Secondly it is reasonable to consider some third variables mediating the relationship between cognitive style and channel preference. Among girls we found the intervening variable, the Family Communication Pattern correlated with both of these variables, that is, field independency-depencendency (EFT) and TV entertainment (TV-III or TV-I). See 図1^. (図 means figure, page 155). FCP is a scale which measured a certain parental attitude towards their children on a continuum between the polar of conciliatory or conservative and critical or progressive. The conservative family communication seems to lead their children to watch TV-III and also leads them to field dependency. Path analysis showed .the following results. When TV-III was taken as the criterion measure, the path FCP to TV-III had a significant B weight (.21, p<.05), but the path EFT to TV-III did not show the significence (図 2c; page 156). Next when EFT was taken as the criterion variable, the path FCP to EFT had a significant B weight (-.24, p<.05), but no significance on the path TV-III to EFT (図 2d). This implies that there would not be a causal relationship between EFT and TV-III, and FCP contributes to predict a part of total variance of EFT or TV-III. The coefficients of multiple correlation in this Figure are comparatively low (R=.25 to .32), which implies the existence of some third variable besides FCP, and also the question of FCP Test. It is also reasonable to assume the existence of some third variable intervening between channel preference and cognitive style. As far as the research data were concerned, however, FCP had little correlation with the either variable mentioned above. Therefore we connot refer to any third variable here. At any rate, the notion that cognitive style is an antecedent, and TV viewing pattern its consequence, or vice versa, cannot be concluded here. Another suggestion derived from this research is this correlation between the amount of TV viewing time and some cognitive styles were found when the subjects within a sub-sample were equalized in their attributes by adding one more attribute, that is, verbal ability or some personality aspect to sex difference. Particularly the studies on medium level such manipulation would be desirable. Prominent sex difference was found in our data. But as far as present research is concerned, it is impossible to refer to its cultural and social origin. The results of a panel study which was carried out ten months later showed the following cross-lagged-correlations as denoted in Figure (図3; page 158) (男 means boys, 女 girls, nummeral 5 or 6 indicate the school year, coefficients show zero order correlations.) A path analysis calculated from this cross-lagged-correlations indicated that field independency-dependency at the fifth grade did not contribute to the variance of channel preference at the sixth grade, nor was the converse true. However, in the case of reflection-impulsivity a path analysis showed that channel preference at the fifth grade could prescribe in part the total variance of reflection-impulsivity at the sixth grade. In this case the possible effect of the third variable can be considered but as far as present research data are concerned, such a variable was not found.
立川 明
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.48, pp.1-26, 2006-03

寺尾 明人
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.34, pp.1-31, 1992-03

Recently Japanese society has been strongly interested in the school refusal problem which is continually informced by mass media. Behind this interest, there is the fact that the number of school refusal children has been rapidly increasing these 10 years. For example in 1987 there were 5286 school refusal children in the primary school and 32725 students in the junior high school. School refusal problem began to be recognized among those who were concerned in the late of 1950' in Japan. After that, this problem has been examined in the domain of psychiatry and psychology. This paper tries to discuee about this problem from the point of the educational practice, especially in terms of private juku schools for school refusal children. The past studies of school refusal problem have four characteristics as below; 1. There were no clear definition of the term "school refusal" among researchers. So several similer terms are used to explain this problem such as school phobia, dislike school, drop-out and truancy. 2. The object of the study has changed. In the beginning the main object of the study was the school refusal children themselves. But after that the object was gradually changed to their family background, their teachers and their schools. 3. The recognition of the cause of school refusal has changed. In the beginning the cause was thought with the children themselves. But after that the cause gradually became to be thought with the change of family style or social change. 4. There was no study on the activity of private juku schools for school refusal chidren, although the number of private juku schools is increasing year by year. In this paper I define "school refusal" as the condition in which a child does/can not go to the school more than 50 days in a scholastic year from his/her own mental reasons. To understand this problem we should understand the meaning of the attendance. In our school system all students are compulsorily requested to attend the school every day without being late and lefting school. The absence is regarded as a bad manner by their parents, teachers and society. Of course there are some reasonable reasons of the absence such as sick, accident and mourning. But other reasons are regarded as the unreasonable absence. And it is condemned. If the school would be a comfortable place for all students, the school refusal problem would not occur. But unfortunately the school life is not interesting for most of Japanese children nowadays, especially those who don't like to be involved in the severe entrance examination competition which is very tough and over-burdened for them. Generally speaking most of the people have inclined to think the cause of school refusal was in child's own mental problem. In fact in 1983 Ministry of Education also express the same opinion in a report in which they said that school refusal have its origin in child's own personal character or emotional interaction between mother and her child. But the rapid increase of the school refusal children requires us to change the former explanation. In 1990 Ministry of Education has changed their opinion in the report in which they said that the main cause of school refusal was not originating in child's own personal character but in our social change which included excessive expectations of parents to their children, the very severe entrance examination competition, and so on. Still the ratio of school refusal students is less than 1% of the total students. But this number should not be regarded as the small number. Because it will be thought that the number of the potential school refusal children would be several times than that. And most of them don't have any opportunities to study. It means that they are not assured of their own right of basic learning. In this situation private juku schools for school refusal children have set up and have been increasing. These juku schools are mostly small in their scale and are run by those who have a will to give children an alternative place for study. In spite of the practical activity of these private juku schools, educational researchers have paid less attention to them. Because the total number of juku schools was so small (there were 22 private juku schools at least in 1989 by the examination of Ministry of Law), and there were little documents and informations about them. We don't know what kind of education is going on in them, what qualifications stuffs have. But it is necessary for educational researchers to study this problem. And now we can see two possible ways to assure students of their right of basic learning. First one is to prepare places where school refusal children can spent their time with no fear and study something to develop their ability as possible as they can. And second one is to make present schools more comfortable. To make these ideas present we should recognize "school refusal" as below; 1. School refusal is not an individual desease but a social desease. 2. The reason of school refusal is complicated. So we should not try to endevour to find only one reason for resolution. Various approaches are improtant. 3. The essence of the problem is connected with the purpose of living. So it is important to find a way to make a school comfortable in which children can live vividly. But even if the number of private juku schools would increase suprisingly, there is little possibilities that Ministry of Education would admit the education of such juku schools as formal education. Because it might break present school system. Nevertheless, the study of juku schools is still important. Because it will give us a good idea to make the school more humanistic. And it will give us a practical hints to understand what the school refusal children are thinking, what kind of feeling they have to the school and why they do/can not go to the school. The results from this kind of research will give us various ideas to assure children of healthy, safety and happy school life.
西村 幹子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.56, pp.1-11, 2014-03

本稿は,グローバル化の影響を受けて,過去十数年の期間に高等教育機関の国際化にどのような変化がうまれているのか,そしてそれに対応する入試改革とはどのようなものか,について検討することを目的とする。過去10年間に出版された国際ジャーナルにおける高等教育に関する研究成果をレビューした結果,教育内容と対象の国際化と,卓越性の標準化と公正性という2 つのテーマを巡り,複数の課題が抽出された。グローバル化は,高等教育機関に国際性,卓越性,公正性,多様性を同時に求めるという極めて高度な要求を突き付けており,それに対応するためには追加的措置ではなく,既存の教育システムを見直すことが求められる。その上で入試改革に求められるのは,卓越性,国際性とともに公正性と多様性を確保すること,卓越性や優秀性の基準を大学自らが模索すること,入試,カリキュラム,成果,結果のリンクを強化することである。Since the World Trade Organization (WTO) referred to higher education as a tradable good and service in 2001, the internationalization of higher education has become a major issue and concern in a variety of ways. In response to globalization, higher education is experimenting with various schemes of cross-border mobility and partnership models, four major rankings of universities around the world have emerged, and the International Baccalaureate has received substantial attention as an international model of world-class education. This article aims to investigate how globalization has changed higher education institutions over the past ten years and discuss the implications of possible entrance exam reform. Having reviewed international journal articles published over the past ten years, the author identifies challenges surrounding two themes, namely,the internationalization of educational content and the target and standardization of excellence and its equity.Globalization burdens higher education institutions with great demands, internationality, excellence, equity, and diversity included among them. Responding to these challenges goes far beyond mere countermeasures and will require a fundamental revision of the current education system. The implications of an entrance exam reform at higher education institutions are three-fold: namely, to ensure equity and diversity in addition to excellence and internationality, to seek one's own standard of excellence and merit, and to strengthen the link among entrance exams, curriculums, outputs, and the outcomes of higher education institutions.