讃岐 和家
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.33, pp.1-24, 1991-03

The Department of Education at ICU Liberal Arts College conducted, in the academic year of 1989-90, a comparative study on the credit systems of four-year colleges and universities in Japan and the United States. This article is a report with a comment on the findings of the survey. I We sent a questionnaire to all the 1,268 colleges (gakubu) in all of the 500 Japanese universities and asked about 1. the number of course units required for graduation, 2. the requirement concerning the senior thesis, 3. the regulation concerning the promotion (student classification), 4. the regulation concerning the maximum number of the units a student may earn in one academic year, and 5. the regulation concerning the minimum number of the units a student must get in one academic year. 909 colleges responded. Main findings are as follows: 1. Average number of the units required for graduation from four-year colleges is 133.6, the range being between 124 and 178.5. (In the Law concerning the Chartering of Colleges and Universities (Daigaku Setchi Kijun) it is stipulated that 1) one unit means 45 hours of study inside and outside the classroom and 2) the minimum number of units for graduation shall be 124.) 2. Concerning the senior thesis requirement, almost all of the colleges of letters and the colleges of engineering require senior thesis, whereas about two thirds of the colleges of law and one third of the colleges of economics require it. 3. Generally speaking, there is no concept of the promotion or student classification in Japanese colleges and universities, although many of them have the regulation concerning the minimum number of units to be earned or specific courses to be taken by a certain specific time such as the end of the so-called General Education Section (kyoyo katei, i.e., usually first two years of the undergraduate education). 4. Concerning the maximum number of units, a student may earn, the regulations vary among the colleges. In case of the colleges of economics, 61.8% of them have the regulation concerning the maximum number, and the average number of upper limit units in those colleges which have such regulation is 49.2 in one academic year. In case of the colleges of engineering, 13.5% of them have such regulation and the average number of the upper limit units in those colleges which have such regulation is 53.6 in one academic year. Concerning the minimum number of units a student must consecutively earn in each academic year, very few colleges in Japan stipulate the regulation. In case of the colleges of economics, 2.7% of them have such regulation, and in case of the colleges of engineering, 2.9%. The average number of the minimum units to be consecutively earned in each academic year is 16. II We asked 300 American colleges and universities to send us the catalogues, with which 176 colleges complied. The examination of these catalogues shows that the minimum number required for graduation form semester-system colleges is 126.3, and that of term-system (quarter-system) colleges is 185.0. (One unit of term-system colleges usually corresponds to 2/3 unit of semester-system colleges.) 68.7% of colleges prescribes the maximum number of units, the average number of which is 18.1 per semester and 18.4 per term. 60.4% of colleges prescribes the minimum number of units, the average number of which is 12.2 per semester and 13.3 per term. Many colleges adopt the normal course load system. In case of the University of California at Berkeley, 30 units in each academic yeasr are set as normal course load. III Comparison of the Credit Systems of Japanese and American Colleges and University 1. There is no difference between the American and the Japanese colleges and universities in the definition of one unit (provided that one unit of term-system colleges in the United States is adjusted to that of semester-system colleges). 2. In case of Japanese colleges and universities, there is a fairly big difference in the minimum number of units required for graduation, the range being between 124 and 178.5, whereas in American colleges there is no big difference. 3. Remarkably very few Japanese colleges have the regulation concerning the maximum and minimum number of units, whereas many of American colleges have such regulation. IV Based on the survey, the author argues on the problem of the "hollowed" credit (tan-i seido no kudo-ka) in the Japanese colleges and universitiers, and proposed the introduction of the so-called "normal course load system" or "the minimum progress system" widely adopted in American colleges and universities into the colleges and universities of Japan
Hossain Tania
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.51, pp.125-132, 2009-03
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.5, pp.23-43, 2010-03-31

This paper explores the potential of female female impersonation by examiningthe nature of gender performativity as not necessarily being interlocked with gendercrossing. This issue is studied in light of the desire for gender identification by femme lesbians, particularly high femmes.Since the 1990s, there has been increasing attention on the subversive potential ofgender crossing subject in both queer theory and post-structuralist feminist theory. However, femme lesbians have not only tended to be overlooked in this regard, but rendered "invisible" due to the fact that they "look straight."This paper examines how high femmes do not try to resolve this conflict but in factmaintain it, while still holding onto their "fem(me)ininity" in their strong desire for gender identification. The issue is explored through a study of high femme narratives and considered in light of Kaja Silverman's concept of "identity-at-a-distance."
南雲 千歌
ICU日本語教育研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13447181)
vol.3, pp.72-98, 1994-03-31

"...Teki" words are widely used in modern Japanese language. The affix "teki" was introduced into the Japanese language during the Meiji era, based on the "tic" sound of English adjectives-sytematic, automatic, etc. Establishment of "...teki" word usage in contemporary Japanese language within just a century manifests foreign influence in the diversification of Japanese vocabulary. Imbedded in the characteristics of "...teki" words are certain characteristics of the Japanese language. To study these characteristics, this paper analysed 1152 "...teki" words that appeared in the magazine CHUO-KORON (1992.11). Concluding from the analysis are five distinctive points: (I) Frequency of the usage of "...teki" words is dependent on the article's topic. Frequency of usage is comparatively higher in writings on publics compared to culture, (ii) The type of vocabulary used as prefix differs according to the topic of writing. The variation could be distinct as: (1) Kango, wago, gairaigo in topics on politics and social problems. (2) Kango and gairaigo in topics on culture. (3) Kango and wago in topics on literature. (4) Only kango are used in topics on history, health and advertisement, (iii) Notation of the prefix varies by the type of vocabulary. (1) kango are written in kanji. (2) Wago are written in kanji or kanji+hiragana. (3) gairaigo are written in katakana. (iv) Frequency of repeating the same "...teki" is higher in politics than in literature, (v) The range of the meaning of the prefix varies according to the article's topic.
五野井 郁夫
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.85, pp.5-22, 2018-03-31

This paper focuses on presenting and analyzing some of the most importanttheological models of participatory democracy, deliberative democracy and liquiddemocracy to emphasize their possibilities and limits. Each of these democratictheories are located between democratic bipolar models‒representativedemocracy and direct democracy‒ and have explicit commitment to reconsiderexisting models of representative democracy. Liquid Democracy is bothdemocratic political idea and the open source political voting platform createdand practiced by the Swedish and German Pirate Parties as a way to create ascalable and delegate democratic political party in the era of development of theinformation society and social network. Recently this idea has partly been appliedby the working groups of Bundestag (German federal parliament). This papershows how these three models of democracies can be embedded into theframework of existing democratic bipolar models by attempting to providetheoretical foundations of "mixed government" in democratic theories.
斉藤 泰雄
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.59, pp.149-157, 2017-03-31

本論は,1880 年代後半期に初代文部大臣として日本の近代教育制度の基本的骨格を樹立した森有礼の思想と政策を,かれの豊富な国際経験とグローバル感覚という視角から,あらためて見直すことを目的とする。初期留学生,外交官として長い海外生活を経験していた森は,弱小国日本の国力向上,国づくりのためには,国家的な教育制度の樹立が不可欠であると確信する熱烈な教育立国論者となっていた。維新以来の教育事業を整理し,体系的な教育システムに再編することを企てる。また,きびしい国際競争のなかで日本が生残り発展するためには,脆弱な国民気質の改善そのものが不可欠であるとして,国民の士気の向上,気力の鍛錬が国民教育の中心的目的であると力説した。国民の精神的支柱となるものを模索した森は,それを日本独特の天皇制の伝統に見いだした。しかし,森の功利主義的な天皇制への接近は,国粋主義者の疑念をまねくものとなった。In 1885, Mori Arinori was appointed to the minister of education under the newly-established cabinet system led by the prime minister Ito Hirobumi. Mori was the primary architect of the national education system. He was one of the Westernized intellectuals in the early period of Meiji era and had worked mainly for in the field of diplomacy. Through his suffering negotiation with the great powers, he had come to firmly confident of the importance of education for nation building. His experience and observation in the global context had a major effect on his educational philosophy and policy. He undertook to reorganize the educational efforts in the early stage of development and integrated into an entire education system. He stated that education was not for the sake of individuals but for the sake of state. He thought that in order to Japan survive and win in the increasing competitive world, it was essential to boost the morale of the Japanese people. To strengthen the mental backbone of the nation, he dared make the most of the authority of the age-honored Japanese imperial system. However, the conservative camp suspected his utilitarian approach to the imperial tradition. He was assassinated by a fanatic who insisted on his disrespectful act in the main shrine connected with the Imperial Household.
呉 恵卿
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.56, pp.119-127, 2014-03-31

高倉 かほる 朝野 武美 石川 光男

バックリー 節子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.61, pp.39-47, 2019-03-31

1990年代のバブル経済崩壊により,日本は中流社会から格差社会へと移行し,さらに社会グループの急増により,多文化社会に突入した。この傾向は社会公正の論争を牽引しているが,責任ある市民の期待を担う青年の多数は公共問題に無関心で,公共,政治活動に従事していない。2015 年6 月,政府は政策を一新しようと,被選挙権年齢を20歳から18歳に引き下げた。しかし未だ単一文化同一性は中央集権政府に統制され,青年は社会から疎外され,引きこもるか社会的政治的暴力に走りがちである。社会の承認,恩恵のない社会参加不可能な状況下で,個人,社会の統合はあり得ない。本研究はまず単一文化同一性,社会格差の下で,青年が直面する問題を捉える。次に心理社会学的立場から,統合の壁となる個人と社会の関係を分析する。最後に公正に影響を及ぼす文化的意味,道徳的価値を分析する。開放的,包含的社会を重視した市民社会を構築するのに,この方法は有意義であろう。
渡辺 久子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.60, pp.119-125, 2018-03-31

デューク ベンジャミン
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.33-41, 2002-03

萩原 優騎
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.82, pp.25-45, 2016-09-30

Resilience became a keyword to consider the situation after the GreatEast Japan Earthquake. However, defining resilience is not easy because of thevariety of its definitions. Therefore it is necessary to compare the definitionin one field with that in the other. It will be impossible to gain a deeperunderstanding of necessary conditions of resilience without such a review. Thepurpose of this paper is to form the foundation to design a resilient communitywith this kind of method mainly based on the views of sociology.One of the most famous definitions of resilience is the one by C. S.Holling. He tried to define resilience by comparing it with stability. Stabilityis the ability of a system to return to an equilibrium state after a temporarydisturbance. On the other hand, resilience is the ability of a system to absorbchange and disturbance and still maintain the same relationships betweenpopulations or state variables. According to Andrew Zolli and Ann MarieHealy, many definitions of resilience rest on one of two essential aspects:continuity and recovery in the face of change. They defined resilience as thecapacity of a system to maintain its core purpose and integrity in the face ofdramatically changed circumstances.Defining community is also indispensable. Junichi Saito definedcommunity as intermediate groups between individuals and nations.Community tended to be evaluated negatively because of its exclusivity andhomogeneity. However, today it means various relationships among peoplethrough the process of collaboration to rebuild their life. The other characterof the contemporary community is it is under the influence of globalization.There are many problems beyond the boundaries such as global environmentalproblems. Making much of plurality and individuality is important because thediscussion without going into specifics will not be useful to solve the problemsin each area. Besides, it is also necessary to consider how to connect theindividual efforts with one another to tackle global issues.However, such kind of efforts has some problems. Efforts of people maybe convenient for the government to reduce costs of their control. As a result,people will function as subcontractors of the government without knowingit. Another problem is the static views of people. They may think the presentsituation is self-evident. They do not assume the situation can change becauseof the lack of critical thinking. It is essential for them to be aware how thepresent situation has been formed to reconsider the actual state. The otherproblem is the difficulty of communication between the experts and the lay.The role of a transitional leader to mediate specialized knowledge of theexperts and local knowledge of the lay will be important to achieve a betterdecision-making.Considering these points is a necessary condition to design a resilientcommunity. They will be presented by the researchers who take part in adecision-making process to support to improve the situation. Moreover, it isalso important to be aware the participation of researchers itself may affect adecision-making process, as Niklas Luhmann pointed out.
武田 礼子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.58, pp.121-127, 2016-03-31

西尾 隆
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.79, pp.143-162, 2015-03-31

Modern governments have shifted their major functions from coercion to service delivery. Even in such a coercive policy field as correction administration, where the security issue is still a top priority, the style of prison management is changing towards a softer and more responsive system in accordance with new demands from inmates, who are aging, more multicultural and diverse. Having reviewed the characteristics of Japan’s prison management in a comparative perspective, this paper will focus on the recent changes in the correction administration system, with special focus on human resource management and the introduction of the PFI institutions.Historically, Japan’s postwar prison management had been decentralized and flexible, while not well-standardized, but since around 1970 a tightly-controlled prison management system was institutionalized across the country. However, the government started reforming this system’s, legal and practical components, when injuries and fatalities occurred at Nagoya Prison in 2002. In order to put more emphasis on rehabilitation and to mitigate overcrowding, four PFI prisons were established from 2007 to 2008, where prison guards as public servants andstaff of private companies are collaborating in rehabilitation and occupation training of the inmates. Although it is still at an experimental stage, this new style of correction administration seems to replace the traditionally “tight-controlˮ system.When one observes the reality of inmates comparing with patients or handicapped people outside the prison walls, it is becoming harder and harder to draw a clear line between prisons and welfare or medical institutions. While the PFI prisons were introduced to meet the urgent, short-term needs, the reform can have a longer-term impact on the shift of nature of correction administration from a simple coercion for inside safety to a mixture of services including education, training, and welfare for inmates, as well as security for people at large.
生井 裕子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.56, pp.51-60, 2014-03-31

大西 直樹 岩切 正一郎 生駒 夏美 佐野 好則 クリステワ ツベタナ 小玉 クリスティーヌ サイモンズ クリストファー 松田 隆美 荒井 直 本山 哲人

小林 潤司
