マーハ ジョン C
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.189-202, 2002-03

童謡(nursery rhymes:ナースリーライム)とは子供向けの短い詩歌のことで,通常,一つのストーリーを示すものである.童謡は,反復や言葉遊びを使ったり,風刺的だったり,特に意味のない音を使うなどの特徴をもつ,確立した言語類型である.文体的には,子守唄,指や手を使った遊び歌,なぞなぞ,数え歌や何かを覚えるための歌,早口言葉,言葉を重ねていく歌など,異なった種類の文体が存在する.音声構成についても,童謡ならではの特徴があり,例えば,形容詞はほとんど使われず動詞が多く用いられたり,強弱格や跳ねるようなリズムを持ったりする.子守唄には,わざと子供には発音しにくい音を用いたりするなど音声学上の「トリック」も使われている.童謡はまた,親と子供の会話も促す.童謡の歌詞には,パラドックスがあったり意味的に矛盾していたりするものもある.そしてさらに,例えば「牛が月を飛びこえた」など,通常の観念で理解できる「言葉と世界」とのつながりでは成立しないような,ぶつかり合いを含んだ言葉の世界観へ子供達を誘うのである.また,童謡は,様々な差異や同一性を含み,これによって,子供は,時間,場所,社会関係などの構造を理解していく.童謡の世界では,「なにか言う価値のある事を言うために発話する」という通常の言語行動の前提は成立しない.一つの世代から次の世代への電報ともいえる童謡は,独特の子供の文化を産み出すための言語や伝承的知識を含むものである.口頭伝承の童謡がもつ一つの重要な要素は,それがしばしばすでに絶滅してしまった言語の残存例を含んでいるということである.(例えば南アフリカのKukasiなど).童謡には方言の違いが反映されていることもある.また「子守り」文化の中には,童謡の形を借りて,辛いしかしユーモラスな部分も含んだ,あざけりに近い歌が歌われることがあるが,これは,社会批判を含む一つのディスコースである.すなわち,童謡が文盲や社会的弱者にとっての抵抗の武器となるのである.本論では英語,日本語,アイヌ語,フランス語,そしてドイツ語の童謡を例にとり,童謡は社会言語学的に研究されるべき,独立した言語の一類型であることを論ずる.
バックリー 節子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.62, pp.79-85, 2020-03-31

現在,日本は生活水準向上のため,高度な知識,スキルを必要とする知識基盤,実力主義社会である。 一方,日本では少子高齢化が急速に進み,雇用不足の撤回,高年齢者介護福祉が必須とされる。しかし, 男性中心の雇用,社会システムおいて,女性差別は深刻な問題である。1985 年の雇用機会均等法施行以 来,政府は雇用,社会システムにおける男女平等に全力を尽くしているが,教育の機会均等にもかかわ らず,日本の雇用,社会システムは依然として,男女不平等である。本稿は,まず雇用,社会システム における女性差別問題を明確にする。次に,政府がどのように女性差別問題に取り組んでいるかを探索 する。さらに,心理学的,社会学的立場から,日本女性の社会進出への可能性を探索する。本稿は特殊 文化を持つ日本社会における女性差別問題を論理的に提起し,女性の社会進出を社会の公生及び人権レ ベルで捉えることにおいて,有意義であろう。 Today Japan is a knowledge-based and performance-based society where demonstrating advanced knowledge, information, and skills are critical to success. Meanwhile, Japan is facing a sharp declining of the birthrate as well as societal aging, a combination which causes a labor shortage. In spite of the equal opportunity for education for all in Japan, the labor and social system stressing Japanese traditional gender roles certainly reveals gender inequality. Consequently, labor shortage and gender inequality in the labor and social system is a critical issue. The question is how to change a distorted gender perspective and take action for equity and human rights. Since the Equal Opportunity Law was enacted in 1985, the Japanese government has been striving to attain gender equality in the labor and social system. This paper will 1) clarify the gender issues in the labor and social system; 2) examine the government measures to attain gender equality in Japan; and 3) examine gender equality for equity and human rights from a psycho-sociological perspective. Advanced knowledge, information, and skills are needed to enhance equity in the labor and social system. Furthermore, there is a need for empowering the relationship between men and women that may help them to build a gender-equal society. Without a change of men's consciousness about gender equality, there is no solution. This approach could benefit educators to find ways to attain gender equality and to empower the relationship between men and women in the labor and social system, which could result in attaining human rights in Japan.
水口 洋
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.55, pp.43-53, 2013-09-01

学校教育を構成する特別活動の中で,学校行事は生徒の帰属意識を培うために有効な手段となっている。それぞれの学校の特色は行事の中に見られる。しかし,学校行事の一部に位置づけられる儀式的行事は,多くの生徒・卒業生にとって印象の薄いものとなってしまっている。それは式典の意味がきちんと伝えられていないからであろう。歴史的に見ても,式典の形式や内容については,様々な議論が展開されてきた。とりわけ,式典における国旗・国歌の用い方を巡って政治的・社会的問題が繰り返されてきたが,肝心の生徒に対する式典の意義は議論されずに,例年通りに踏襲されているに過ぎないことが多い。本稿は学習指導要領に見られる特別活動の意味を視野に入れつつ,式典等の儀式的行事の持っている教育的意味について考えてみたい。児童・生徒にとっての,「節目体験」になる区切りの行事の大切さについて考察してみたい。School events are an effective means of giving students a sense of belonging. The characteristics of the school are also evident in various school events. Unfortunately “ceremonial” events have, over time, lost significant meaning for students. Historically, the form and content of ceremonies have created various problems. Problems concerning the national flag and the use of the national anthem in the school ceremony have repeatedly created political and social dispute, although there has been no debate in the educational sphere on its meaning. I will consider the meaning of school ceremonies in this paper and consider the meaning of the events that are important in students’ social development.
Moriki Yoshie
国際基督教大学学報. II-B, 社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
no.74, pp.27-45, 2012-09-30

The latest population projections published in January 2012 presented theprospect that the Japanese population will continue to decline over the next50 years. Although the Japanese government has introduced various familyfriendlypolicy measures, it appears that raising fertility rates is not an easytask. This paper sheds light on under-recognized factors for Japan's low fertilitythat have not been well explored, focusing on the issue of sexless marriagesand the associated cultural practice of parent-child co-sleeping. It is foundthat, based on national surveys, sexless marriages are common in Japanesesociety and the percentage of "sexless" is high even for those who want a child.Focus group discussions conducted with Japanese males and females revealthat sexual relations between spouses are a secondary matter in their busydaily schedules. For Japanese couples, keeping the family, which is said to behighly child-centered, working well is more of a priority. Also, discussion datasuggest that given strong cultural values for mothering, the sense of "beingthe mother" may make women, who themselves grew up seeing their mothers"sex-free," uninterested in sex. In this context, these women being sexless andnot seeming to mind this situation may be a natural consequence of trying tobe "good" mothers. Besides the ideological closeness between a mother andchild, mothering involves close physical proximity as well; there is a markedpreference for the kawanoji-sleeping arrangement in which parents and a childsleep together in the shape of the Chinese character kawa ( 川). This sleepingarrangement, which makes spousal sexual activities more difficult in practice, ischosen by the parents, who believe that co-sleeping is good for children. Sincemothering work is deeply internalized in Japanese society, it is suggested thatmore attention should be given to this value and the significant implications itcarries with it, including the issue of sexless marriages. It may be true that thisideal norm for proper mothering, a norm that costs time, money, and energy, ismaking the decision to be a mother, to have multiple children, and to continueto work more challenging. The practice of mothering will have to adapt to theemerging socio-demographic conditions in one way or another, so it is necessaryto closely examine what happens to this cultural value.
中村 妙子
ICU日本語教育研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13447181)
vol.9, pp.27-36, 2000-03-31

栗山 容子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.31, pp.79-96, 1989-02

マーハ ジョン C.
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.53, pp.117-123, 2011-03-31

あだ名とは、個人に属する名前の代わりとして、もしくは、個人の名前に付け加える形で、個人を特定する参照表現である。それは新しい分類化である。名前を作り出す方法が存在する。あだ名は語彙を増やす。あだ名とは、他人の先入観や、性的、人種的ステレオタオプや、集団の規範の強化などを明らかにする。あだ名とは、社会管理の一つの形である。あだ名は、同族意識と集団の連帯感覚、つまり団結心を強めることができる。あだ名はしばしば、社会的、言語的な行動に影響を与える。個人は、あだ名を持つことにより、自分の行動の特徴や、話すアクセントや体型や日常の習慣を変えようとすることがある。同じ集団にいる人々を特定し、明確にすることもできる。あだ名をつけることは、こども時代に、そして学校において、広く普及している。男性は女性より、あだ名をつけられたり使ったりすることが多い。男性のあだ名は、強さや大きいことという意味を含むことが多い。たとえば、野球の松井秀喜選手をゴジラを呼ぶといったものである。女性のあだ名は、軽蔑的あだ名であるよりは、愛情のこもったものであることが多く、身体的・個人的特徴 (美しさ、親切)を示す傾向がある。学校の教師にあだ名を付ける慣行は広く普及している。教師は、教員としてのステレオタイプなイメージを自ら投影する。この教室でのペルソナは、子どもたちから教師を守り、また教師のプライベートな生活を守る防御手段となる。一般には親しさや、あるいは不満や軽蔑を表明するために使われる名付けの工夫を生徒がこっそりと使うことは、おそらくは強力な人物の地位を対処できる程度にまで矮小化する方法である。こういう形で、生徒であることからくる無力感が和らげられるのである。ここで使用するデータは、2008年から2010年における東京西部のある中学校の2.3年生のものである。
Ginoza Ayano
社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
no.60, pp.135-155[含 抄録], 2007-03

Focusing on a tourist site called the "American Village," this paper examines the socio-political interdependency of militarism and tourism in Okinawa by working from cultural theorist Teresia Teaiwa's (1999) neologism "militourism," "a phenomenon by which a military or paramilitary force ensures the smooth running of a tourist industry, and that same tourist industry masks the military force behind it" (p.252). Expanding on this concept, this paper discusses the workings of tourism and U.S. militarism in Okinawa as an interlocking system that supports a tourist economy and simultaneously disguises militarized masculine violence against the local people, environment, and culture in Okinawa. By using an antimilitarist feminist and cultural studies approach, this paper makes visible militarized violence against women in Okinawa. Modeled on Seaport Park in San Diego (a U.S. military town), the American Village was built in 1992 on the central part of Okinawa, Chatan Town, 54% of which is used for the U.S. military facilities. Due to the combination of the U.S. militarization of Okinawa and the recent celebration of U.S. popular culture, this miniaturized simulacrum of America has been incorporated into Okinawan landscape to be enjoyed by the younger generation of Okinawans, tourists from mainland Japan, and U.S. GIs from nearby bases. This paper argues that the American Village functions as an ideological justification of Okinawan colonization by the U.S. and Japanese forces, exploiting Okinawan nature and Okinawan women's bodies and deploying a fantasy of American GIs as a means to capitalize on militarism. Finally this paper discusses a need to incorporate a grounded antimilitarist feminist praxis and a community-based vision of security into the ideas of security reform in order to achieve Okinawan women's empowerment and the goal of true human security.
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.6, pp.107-116, 2011-03-31

The "International Women's Day" celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2010. The 2010 International Women's Conference was held in Copenhagen commemorating the day proposed by female activist Clara Zetkin at the International Socialist Conference in 1910. At theconference, feminists and politicians mainly from western countries had panel discussions in which they engaged in a number of debates concerning the necessity and the problems of modern feminism. According to the Gender Gap Report at the 2010 World Economic forum, Northern Europe nations such as Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden rank high on the list of countries where the gap between men and women is narrow. Unfortunately, the same report shows that Japan ranked 94th out of 134 countries. These results are calculated by the gender gap index in terms of women's employment opportunities, education, health, and political roles. Japan's particular concern is the lacking of women's participation in the spheres of employment and politics. In order to improve this situation, this report intends to highlight Northern European countries' past efforts and their current attitudes in the field of gender equality. On the other hand, the 2010 Corporate Gender Gap Report indicates that only 4% of CEOs in Japan are female, a fact that is caused by lack examples of women in positions of power, the cultural background of the male hegemony, and a shortage of networks and employee training. Moreover, there are many cases in which women leave their jobs when they marry or have children. It is therefore becoming more difficult for them to advance in society or to climb to managerial post. Japan faces a large number of challenges in terms of gender issues, which cannot be separated from the traditional Japanese understanding of hierarchy, family and image of women in the public sphere. This report is aiming at opening new perspectives on gender equality in Japan by introducing current views proposed by female activists from around the world at the 2010 International Women's Conference.
咸 苔英
アジア文化研究 (ISSN:04542150)
no.37, pp.95-119, 2011
高倉 かほる 酒井 一夫 朝野 武美 安田 秀世 石川 光男

数年前, 賀田らによって発見された, 核酸の形質転換能のトリチウムによる不活化が, 照射線量率が低い程効率よくおこるという研究結果は, 学問的に興味深い結果であるだけでなく, 生物的には重要な発見であると考えられた. 高倉,石川は, 大腸菌とそのプラスミドDNAの系を用いて追実験し, 同様な結果を得て, 昨年の科研費研究報告で報告した. この賀田効果が, トリチウムに特異的な現象であるかどうかは, 大変重要な事であるが, 本年度は, この点を明らかにするべく, Coー60ガンマ線を用いて, 同様な実験を行い, その結果トリチウム照射と同じ様に, 照射線量率依存性が存在することが明らかとなった. この事により, トリチウム水の照射効果のRBEが正しく評価できるよりどころが生じ, 核酸の一本鎖切断のRBEには, 約0.3〜0.4形質転換能の不活化に対するRBEは, 約1であることがわかった.酒井は, 高線量率でトリチウム照射された細胞の中の核酸の主鎖切断を調べた. 照射直後の主鎖切断は, RBEが0.6でX線照射に比べ少ないのに, 10時間の修復期間の後の切断は, RBEが1というように, X線照射と, 同ど程度である事を報告している. 朝野は, 放射線分解を抑制して核壊変効果を観測する「希釈剤添加法」を用いて, とりちうむの糀壊変による〔2ー^<>C,5ー^3H〕ウラシルの分解を酸素胞和水液中と, 脱気水溶液中とで調べた. 核壊変による生成物が5種類検出され, そのうちの1つとしてトリチウムがOH基におき変わった. インソバルビツール酸が推定された. 安田は, 核酸にとり込まれたトリチウムによる主鎖切断を調べる研究に取り組むため, その予備実験をPー32を用いて行った. Pー32でラベルされたdCTPが1ヶ所だけ入ったプラスミドDNAの作成に成巧し, Pー32の崩壊に伴う鎖切断をシークエンスゲルで確認することができた.
臼井 直人
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.42, pp.277-303, 2000-03

萩原 優騎
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.85, pp.23-43, 2018-03-31

It is difficult to share values and aims in the contemporary society, which is abackground of the difficulties of consensus building. The purpose of this paper isto consider the location of problems concerning the difficulties by referring toprevious researches on risks. Theories of Ulrich Beck, Slavoj Žižek and NiklasLuhmann will mainly be focused on.Beck is well known to his theory of risk society. He says that expert knowledgeis necessary to recognize risks in the contemporary situation, which is a result ofthe radicalization of modernity. A main character of a risk society is uncertainty.For example, not only the lay but also experts cannot predict the effects of theproblems caused by science and technology such as environmental problems.People share anxiety and seek safety, but it will not motivate them to change thesituation because their main interest is to avoid the worst. Moreover, the more thesituation becomes serious, the more they will be faced with what they do notknow. In spite of this paradoxical matter, they have to make a decision to avoidthe worst.Žižek's thought is based on Lacanian psychoanalysis. He tries to explainwhere the problems are in a risk society from the view of the structure of thepsychoanalytic subject. The imaginary is stable as long as the symbolic orderworks well. However, this function tends to become unstable in the contemporarysituation. Traditional values and ethics are not self-evident today because of therapid development of science and technology. Ethics committees are organized every time problems occur, but they cannot recover the obviousness of socialvalues. The disintegration of the symbolic order is a result of the radicalization ofreflexivity. The obviousness relies on non-reflexive acceptance of the symbolicinstitution.Luhmann distinguishes risks from dangers. Risks are the losses which arerecognized as the results of decisions, and dangers are the ones which arerecognized as what are provided from the outside. There is a gulf between risksand dangers, in other words, between the decision makers and those affected. Forexample, the decision makers may communicate with those affected. Even if theysucceed in building a consensus as a result of this communication, the structure ofthe conflicts among them itself continues to exist in the concerned society. It isusually said that communication, participation, ethics, and so on are importantelements when they try to build a consensus, but none of them can bridge the gap.Obviously these three theories have different premises and major concerns,though all of them try to analyze the problems of consensus building. It will bedifficult to bridge among them, but comparing their premises and major concernsis significant. Their characters and efficiency are clarified to some degree throughthis research. Knowing characters and efficiency of some theories is necessary inapproaching complex problems in the contemporary risk society, becauseexamining the various aspects is a key to grasp the entire image even if it may betentative.