ビアルケ(當山) 千咲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.46, pp.153-161, 2004-03

The purpose of this article is to review the development of qualitative studies on school and childhood as well as youth in Germany. The focus of this review will be on studies dealing with the changing experiences of students at school in the post modern age. Moreover, comparable changes in the relationships between students and school in Japan will be also taken into consideration. Studies on this issue in Germany are characterized by the following two points: The first is that perspectives of the studies on school as well as those on childhood and youth are converging increasingly. The second is that research perspectives on the macro, meso, and micro levels are connected with each other. This article deals with two topics which contributed in 1980s to forming the basis of the actual trend mentioned above: "individualization theory" discussed by U. Beck as well as "narrative analysis" developed by F. Schiitze. Then, light will be thrown upon the development of life story studies of students which have been forming the main stream of qualitative research in Germany. Finally, implications of this research trend in Germany for Japanese contemporary situation will be discussed. It indicates the necessity to pay attention to subjective perspectives of individual students who have their own life stories and to explore what they experience school.
海蔵寺 大成

菊池 尚代
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.48, pp.203-215, 2006-03

日本におけるEラーニングはまだ初期段階にあるが,学習意欲の高い社会人はフレキシブルなEラーニングでの学習を求めている.本論文は,日本のEラーニングにおけるケーススタディーを通し,社会人がEラーニングでの学習意欲を持続させ,学習環境を最大限に活用するために必要な動機づけについて調査した.学習者の観察,インタビュー,さらにEラーニングの初期段階にある群と,2年間のEラーニングを経た群に分け,アンケート調査からデータを入手した.インストラクショナルデザインで広く使用されているARCSモデルの動機付け要因に関してと,各学習者の学習環境に関する要因に関しての2つの視点,各要因の相関関係,さらに 日本人の特徴を考慮しながら分析を試みた.その結果,動機付けに必要なものは学習者同士のインターラクションであり,それはまた学習者の自己効力感を高めることがわかった.
星野 命 祖父江 孝男 須江 ひろ子 今井 義量
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.5, pp.148-216, 1958-12

This is the first part of a report on research which has been undertaken by a psychologist, the senior author, and three anthropologists. The second part contains empirical studies of the child rearing pattern and personality development made at a rural community in the central Japan. In Japan there has been done no significant work in the field of culture and personality, particularly of child rearing patterns and personality development, whereas many fruitful studies on the subject have been undertaken by anthropologists and psychologists in the U.S. since the 1930's. However, some attempts have been undertaken recently in Japan in two kinds of studies; 1) experimental and critical studies of patterns of feeding, weaning and toilet training which were expressly pointed out as important factors in children's personality development by psychoanalytic researchers, 2) supplementary studies following the studies previously done by foreign researchers on parent-child relationship. The authors have been interested in relationships between traditional child-rearing patterns in rural areas in Japan and personality types of Japanese people. They have attempted to make an intensive and collaborative investigations at a hamlet (buraku), in Kaida-mura (village) of Nagano-ken (prefecture) in central Japan, where a specific way of handling children has been the custom for a long time. Use is made of a basket of straw, which is called "Ejiko (Izumi, or Koshiki)", in which an infant is swaddled and kept all day long. The custom is not so commonly seen at present as in previous days. However, it calls the authors' attention to a similar use of a cradle among the American Indians who have been studied extensively by American anthropologists. The procedures, results and discussions of the research at the hamlet will be reported in the next issue of this journal. The following are contents of the present review of articles and books previously published in this field. 1. Child-rearing patterns in terms of training of basic habits: i) Feeding and weaning ii) Toilet training iii) Restriction of Motions iv) Physical contact between mother and child 2. Child rearing pattern and socialization processes of children. i) Communication as means of socialization ii) Family as a milieu of socialization iii) Patterns of discipline (or sanction) 3. Conclusive remarks. In Chapter 1, the Freudian theories on child development, particularly those of Erikson and Ribble, are introduced, and anthropological studies related to child-rearing practices in primitive cultures made by Sapir, Benedict, M. Mead, Kardiner are reviewed. The work of Gorer, La Barre and Benedict, who studied Japanese, are specially referred to. The views of Orlansky, Sewell and Haring who were critical toward psychoanalytical theories on the basis of their own empirical observation are quoted, the results of a study of "the psychological influences of child rearing pattern" done by Ishiguro and Asahi (Japanese child-psychologists) are introduced. Tables are presented showing the time of completion of weaning among Japanese children on the basis of findings by Japanese anthropologists and pediatricians. As to customs of swaddling child and use of cradle, analyses of Erikson, Honingman and Kluckhohn are cited in order to construct a hypothesis concerning the psychological influences of the use of "Ejiko" upon development of Japanese rural children. Probable effects of close physical relationship between Japanese mother and child, which is observed in such phenomena as "Soe-ne" (sleeping together) or "Ombu" (carrying on the back) are compared with mother-child physical relationships in Western countries. In Chapter 2, the significance of child-rearing patterns, which enforce children obtain certain behavior patterns required by their society and culture, is considered after certain theoretical views of psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists on the functions of family are introduced. Child rearing patterns are shown to differ from one culture to another, from one family to another, depending upon sex, age and sibling relation of children, family structure and status, occupation, education and personality of their parents. Studies on patterns of discipline and those on the effect of parental attitude and personality of children are especially reviewed. Anthropological, sociological, sociological and psychological studies are briefly described in terms of three points: method, patterns observed, and relations between cultural patterns and personality development. In conclusion it is the authors' feeling that the importance and significance of early child-rearing patterns should not be overestimated and one should carefully observe the whole processes of socialization, which continue through late childhood and adolescence with gradual change, in order to determine the cultural components of personality development in any culture.
秋田 稔
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.1, pp.39-72, 1955

I. The significance of Eros in education (Paideia). This basically comes from the educational character of the Greek mind. Eros is a strong, inner, vital power of man which brings forth a pure step to ideals in the personal relationship. II. The limitation of Eros in education and its self-dissociation. This also comes from the Greek mind. Its character of passion for value has a tendency to let us forget "human-being" itself. The education based on Eros is rather not for common man but for spiritual elite. III. The Hebraic understanding of man as the basis of Christian education. In the Hebraic understanding of man personality has its root in the relation to God. The Hebraic posture to human culture is that culture and history is under the divine Providence; it is once denied and eschatologically affirmed through the keen, inner confrontation. IV. The Biblical understanding of Agape. Agape is fundamentally God's love, and reveals itself in the fact that it breaks the various limitations of man and revives his active power in the personal relationship with God. V. The relationship between Eros and Agape in the idea of Christian education. Agape penetrates the action of Eros and fundamentally supports and purifies it. Character building is made in this way.
生駒 夏美

Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.4, pp.17-38, 2009-03-31

"Women's language" in fiction has been discussed in terms of its role in constructing or representing gender norms in society and culture. Research in recent years has included a re-examination of this relationship between gender norms and women's language in fiction. However, there has been little focus on the relationship between the fact that certain characters speak in "women's language" and the context surrounding their speech in the narrative structure. This paper examines the meaning and function of one female character's use of women's language in the narrative structure of a Japanese girl's comic called Raifu (Life). From a certain point in the series, the character starts to make extensive use of female-specific sentence endings that are not used in modern-day speech. If we consider the intention behind her speech in context, the use of women's language can be linked to her artful strategy of attacking the heroine. On the other hand, given her marginalized position in the story, her use of women's language identifies an important role that she has come to play in the narrative structure. With regard to the role of women's language here, it could be argued that this is a story that not only depicts solidarity among girls, but also female conflict.
石川 勝博
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.47, pp.145-156, 2005-03

The purpose of this study is to investigate factors related to dysfunctional aspects of cellular phone communication (1) passive interpersonal relationships, (2) restraints, (3) anxiety towards information, (4) escape, (5) lower abilities in verbal expression, and (6) annoyance. In this study I focused on the following factors: Bantsu sentaku (that is, selective answering to telephone calls by using the number display service), affinity to cellular phones, and uncertainty avoidance. A survey was conducted to clarify the relationship between the factors by a questionnaire method during January and February 2004. The subjects were 517 Japanese university students from Ibaraki prefecture. The total of valid responses was 502. Through multiple regression analysis, the following relationships were found. Bantsu sentaku was linked positively to (3) anxiety towards information and (2) restraints. Affinity to cellular phones was linked positively to (2) restraints, 5) lower abilities in verbal expression, (4) escape and (6) annoyance . Uncertainty avoidance was linked positively to (6) annoyance, (1) passive interpersonal relationships, and negatively to (2) restraints. This study concludes that further research on cellular phone communication literacy education is necessary.
萩原 優騎
国際基督教大学学報. II-B, 社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
vol.60, pp.205-223, 2007-03

The concept "paradigm" has been used in many research areas since Thomas Kuhn used it in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. However, as this concept was applied to various areas, its critical meanings in philosophy of science tended to be lost. The aim of this paper is to reconsider paradigm theory and deepen an understanding about it in relation with social anthropology and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Paradigm is necessary to form a scientific community, where scientists study following shared models. It brings about the stable situation of community which Kuhn called normal science. Kenelm Burridge called the subject in this situation the person. According to Burridge, the person is a result of socialization, which is necessary for the subject to become a member of society. From a viewpoint of Lacanian psychoanalysis, it means to enter the symbolic order. The subject follows this order, and it makes him/her stable because the symbolic controls the imaginary which is a dimension of the identity of ego. The imaginary conceals the lack of a basis of the symbolic, and then the stability of daily life is maintained and reproduced. When this stability is shaken, a chance of paradigm change comes. However, paradigm does not change easily even if irregular cases which are not consistent with a given paradigm appear. Paradigm changes only when its instability reaches the limit where the balance of its system cannot be maintained. This deadlock of symbolization is the real. The person can become the individual who is a creative ignition to change a given tradition, when he/she meets the real. Conversely, the individual cannot come into existence without the person; the real cannot be recognized retroactively as a miss of perfect symbolization until symbolic order is formed. Paradigm change is a change of referent. The subject can compare different paradigms, but he/she cannot understand them perfectly. If he/she can do so, paradigm A which he/she belongs to should be equal to paradigm B which he/she recognizes as a different paradigm. He/she cannot avoid distortion of understanding, which is called incommensurability. When he/she recognizes something as an incommensurable object, this object is object a as a remainder of the real. It is a structural gap of his/her imaginary identity or a mirror of nothing where he/she meets the real. He/she as the individual can recognize this object as the real, but he/she as the person cannot do so because the imaginary usually conceals a structural lack of the symbolic by putting the object as an object of fantasy on the gap. The individual transcends a given paradigm through such processes, then he/she accepts the lack of a basis of the symbolic. However, he/she does not leave the symbolic because the subject cannot exist without the symbolic. Because of this psychoanalytic structure, he/she cannot help accepting his/her structural limit and trying to symbolize the real again. A new paradigm appears here through a process of symbolization. To symbolize consistently, theorization is necessary; he/she uses a theory as a frame of reference to see consistently. Even if he/she symbolizes successfully, this is not a goal. He/she has a lack of the symbolic, which guarantees him/her structurally to continue self-critical praxis.
布柴 達男

非変異発がん物質Benzeneの代謝物、hydroquinone(HQ)の染色体分配異常に伴うヘテロ接合性喪失(LOH)誘発性を確認した。HQがtubulinとの相互作用を介し紡錘体形成におけるtubulin重合/解離のバランスを乱すことやHog1-Swe1 morphogenesis checkpointを活性化することから、それらの性質がLOH誘発に寄与すると考えられた。また様々な線エネルギー付与(LET)のイオンビームが相同組換えに起因するLOHを誘発することを確認した。
那須 敬

松谷 邦英
国際基督教大学学報. II-B, 社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
vol.60, pp.267-286, 2007-03

This essay attempts to explore Rene Girard's theory of violence while paying particular attention to the theme of "violence and political philosophy." Although Girard's works have had a wide influence on various academic fields, they have received little response from political theory or political philosophy. The basic purpose of the present paper is twofold: 1) to shed some light on Girard's theoretical insight which is based on his mimetic theory, and 2) to show that his theory of violence, particularly seen from a political standpoint, has some serious drawbacks in consequence of the mimetic theory. First, I will skeletonize Girard's theory of violence and point out some of its characteristics. The analysis of mimetic desire, on which Girard constructs an "anthropological" theory of sacrificial violence, enables us to gain multitiered and comprehensive understanding of human violence. Second, I will go on to examine how Girard's theory is connected to his diagnosis on modernity. It will be argued that Girard has an ambiguous comprehension of the nature of modern democratic society, since modernity both increases and decreases the potential energy of mimetic violence. I will show that Girard's perspective, especially his critical understanding of the modern jurisprudence, has something in common with W. Benjamin's critique of violence, yet does not lead us to a political critique of violence. Third, I will critically examine why Girard's theoretical construct is lacking in viewpoint that is required for any political critique of violence. This lack, I contend, can be explained by the basic nature of his mimetic theory. 1) Mimetic theory is potent enough to explain "interdividual"as well as intracommunal violence, but not intercommunal violence. 2) The logic of "the political" is absent from the Girardian perspective on human relations. This is why Girard tends toward "overcoming" of antagonism itself, but not to "politics" as in the sense of "taming" antagonism. 3) Mimetic theory, which mainly focuses on the symmetrical aspect of human desire, is unable to address properly the question of domination and subordination implicit in asymmetrical relations.
立川 明
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.47, pp.11-22, 2005-03

鄭 仁星 工藤 雅之

毛利 勝彦

クリステワ ツベタナ 小峯 和明 スティール ウィリアム 小島 康敬 古藤 友子 ロビンソン ケネス 宮沢 恵理子 高崎 恵

染谷 臣道 WIBAWARTA Bambang

「大逆事件」に連座した関係者の断罪によって日本の民主化は大きく後退することになった。その歴史的経過について、また、「大逆事件」の犠牲者ゆかりの地で展開されている現時点での市民運動について、関連文献と現地調査によって明らかにした。すなわち「大逆事件」に連座した一群の知識人すなわち幸徳秋水については、その生誕地である高知県中村市(現四万十市)で、大石誠之助、高木顕明、峰尾節堂については、和歌山県新宮市、成石平四郎、勘三郎兄弟については和歌山県本宮町、内山愚堂については、和歌山県中辺路町と神奈川県箱根町の林泉寺などを訪れ、関係者にインタビューし、多くの資料を得た。また、「大逆事件」に強い反応を見せた石川啄木ゆかりの岩手県玉山村字渋民、北海道の函館、小樽などを訪れ、彼がたどった足跡を追った。スハルト体制下で弾圧を受けた知識人については、フランスのパリやオランダのアムステルダムやライデンに在住するSimon Sobron Aidit, Ki Budiman, Mintardjo, Usmar Said氏らを訪れ、多くの資料を得た。ジャカルタ、ジョグジャカルタでは、Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Amarzan Loebis, Joko Pekik氏らを訪れ、多くの資料を得た。明治期の日本とスハルト体制下のインドネシアを比較した結果、いわゆる知識人は大きく三つに分類できるのではないかと考えた。すなわち真理を追究し、現世的な関心をもたない知識人(intellectuals)と、政治経済に深く関わろうとした知識人(intelligentsia)とその中間的存在である。それぞれがどのような役割を果たしたのか、を考察した。
鈴木 寛

1.距離正則グラフの結合グラフの研究が進み、特に、よいクラスとして、既存のかなりのものを含む距離半正則グラフの概念を定義した。特に、位数が(s,t)で、s>tのものについては、結合グラフが常に距離半正則グラフになることが示され、それまで複雑な組合せ構造の議論に頼っていた部分が全く簡単に扱えるようになった。2.部分グラフの構成および部分グラフの束を調べることは距離正則グラフの研究でもっとも重要なことと思われるが、平木氏、Weng氏の研究も関連して、geometric girthが5のものについても結合グラフの束が構成できることを示した。この束自体が研究されそこから幾何を構成する事へと発展することが望まれる。3.距離正則グラフの表現論を進展させるためには、Q-多項式型のアソシエーションスキームの研究が欠かせないが、このパラメターが指標の積分解などと関連して非常に難しいことから今まで進展が見られなかった。今回、行列成分の等式を駆使することにより、いくつかの新しいパラメターの関係が示され、それによって長い間未解決であった、非原始的なQ-多項式型アソシエーションスキームの特徴付け、および、二つ以上もQ-多項式構造をもつアソシエーションスキームの特徴付けが得られた。表現論の進展が待たれる。4.上にの述べたように表現論は指標の積などとも関連が深いが、有限群の既約指標の積分解が、Q-多項式型の分解になる場合を考えそのクラスを分類することが出来た。このことは、距離正則グラフ、Q-多項式型アソシエーションスキームの研究が単に組み合わせ構造の中に留まるのではなく、群の表現や、鏡映群、不変式などとも深い関連があることを確認することともなっている。