井本 英一
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.2, pp.83-89, 1990-03-31
牧野 正憲
IDUN (ISSN:02879042)
vol.17, pp.227-240, 2006

Margrethe's instructions were written in the beginning of 15^<th> century when King Eric, her son-in-low, began an inspection tour to Norway. However, it is difficult to determine exact date because the original text was so ragged and damaged by moisture that a part of the date was missing. These instructions consist of 54 sets of statements which instruct King Eric on his behavior as a ruler in different situations and range over various topics from the art of politics and statesmanship to a ruler's personal conduct. The statements are not arranged systematically and also include impulsive and personal expressions so it is apparent that Margrethe had no intention for anyone else except Eric to read these informal instructions. Therefore, these historical documents are Margrethe's personal and secret counsel to King Eric and reflect her most secret political machinations. Without doubt, they give an interesting and unique insight into understanding the woman and her reign. She advised Eric on how to achieve absolute power through the monarchy. Her instructions give us worthy information about how this experienced woman as a ruler governed her kingdom. The news chroniclers of the period such as Holsteiner and other Swedish commentators often characterized Margrethe as "cunning". Surely this word seems to be true of her because she instructed Eric to delay as long as possible the publishing of important notices which give advantage to someone. She also advised him not to give anyone official parchment documents with his royal seal. But she was prodigious in her ability to win the hearts and minds of the people and the aristocracy in three kingdoms in Scandinavia had to concede her much moral and political authority. She saw into the personality and the character of King Eric and gave him invaluable advice. Nevertheless, the war against Holsteiner and the Hanseatic League soon after Margrethe's death, as well as the Swedish rebellion against Eric and finally the conflicts with Danish aristocracy on the successor to throne brought about, in the end, Eric's dethronement. By reading Margrethe's instructions, on the one hand, we gain important insights on the inner workings of her reign and, on the other hand, these instructions are one of the most important historical sources on King Eric.
古谷 大輔
IDUN (ISSN:02879042)
vol.16, pp.225-244, 2005-02-28

Efter det stora nordiska kriget borjade en period som i Sverige kallas for Frihetstiden och en ny konstitution antogs med riksdagen som beslutande organ istallet for kungen. Nar riksdagen, i vilken alia standerna deltog, oppnade eller avslutade sina moten brukade biskoparna (eller arkebiskopen) halla en predikan. De redogjorde for de politiska och sociala problem vilka Sverige var stallt infor och visade den ideologiska bild av Sverige som alla svenskar skulle dela som undersatar. Malet for uppsatsen ar att undersoka de predikningar som holls i olika riksdagar under Frihetstiden och att forklara hur manniskors medvetenhet om sin identifikation i det tidiga moderna Sverige grundlades-en medvetenhet som var annorlunda an en modern nation. Identifikationen som den svenska statsledningen hade tvingat sina invanare till var beroende av begreppet "fadernesland", vilket prasterna som tillhorde den lutherska kyrkan visade i sina predikningar. Begreppet var grundat pa en tolkning i Bibeln att Sverige hade varit lika med Israel i Gamla testamentet. Predikanterna i riksdagen brukade tala om de religiosa plikter som alia invanare som bekande sig till den lutherska kyrkan skulle fullgora. Manniskor som inte delade ursprung eller sprak utan bara trosbekannelse tillhorde en grupp som predikanterna kallade for "Swea barn". Nar vi tanker pa hur det tidiga moderna Sverige, som var en konglomerat-formation bade politiskt och kulturellt, varit integrerat som "Ostersjovaldet", blir medvetenheten om "karleken till faderneslandet" en nyckel for att forsta en sadan integration. Den har medvetenheten uppkom inte ur patriotism. Den var grundad pa den religiosa plikt som den lutherska kyrkan hade insisterat pa i riksdagen. En av plikterna var att man skulle vara lojal mot fosterlandet och mot den kristna kyrkan genom att alska faderneslandet. Denna lojalitet blev inte bara en plikt for de goda kristna utan ocksa villkoret for manniskorna under senare halften av 1700-talet. Detta begrepp spred sig bland de svenska invanarna genom medvetenheten att tillhora en social och religios gemenskap baserad pa kristna karleken till medmanniskorna.
小野田 求
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
no.18, pp.293-309, 1997

This article discusses problems with the Japanese expressions for the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as well as experssions referring to the ethnicity, language, etc. of the people of these republics. First, the author describes several common expressions used by the Japanese goverenment, mass media and compulsory education system. Secondly, the author discusses several problems with the usage of these expressions and mainly proposes that, instead, Japanese government use formal name for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and both general and individual expressions for the ethnicity, language, etc. of these republics. Lastly, the author briefly argues for his proposed solutions to these problems.
セマコフ ヴラディーミル
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.33, pp.59-69, 2006-03-28

太田 妙子
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.20, pp.189-214, 1999-03-30

We can think of image of the woman's breast from a variety of viewpoints including artistic, religious, moral, medical and even political and economic. This article reports the results of observations made on the sculptures (from 3rd century BC to 12th century AD ) of Indian Hindu goddesses, particularly on the expression of the breasts. First, one trend found in many ancient Indian statues of goddesses is for the upper body to be bare(naked). Secondly, during the thousand and several hundred - year period examined, a colorful variety in the way breasts are depicted exists, including plump, erotic, deformed, and shriveled. Such a wide variety exists that it can be thought of as a "general breast catalogue". Third, the Indian mother goddesses "Kalii" and "Camunda" which appear as goddesses of death, may have a common origin with the Japanese "Yamanba". It is thought that the Japnese word "yama" and the Sanskrit word "yamma" may have originated from the same word, during a time before the Japanese adopted the kanji writing system. The two words are not only similar in pronunciation, they are also both associated with the location of a dead body.
アルボレダ ピア
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.32, pp.27-43, 2006-02-16

本論文はビノ・レアルヨの『傘の国』を女性学におけるガラトリ・スピバック(Gayatri Spivak)の理論を用いつつ分析したものである。その中核となる命題は,エストレラ(Estrella)と彼女の息子たちが影響力を持たない立場を占める一方,エストレラの夫である男性が権力のある立場にいるということに向けられる。『傘の国』は少年・グリンゴ(Gringo)の目を通して,マーシャル・ロー時代のフィリピンのスラム街での一家の生活について述べられている。グリンゴは母親のエストレラと父親のダディー・グルービー(Daddy Groovie),そして兄のピポ(Pipo)と暮らしている。ダディー・グルービーはニューヨーク(Nuyork)に行くことを夢みている。結果的に彼はその夢を叶え,息子たちと共にニューヨークで暮らす方法を見つける。小説のラストシーンでグリンゴは飛行機に乗るが,エストレラはフィリピンに残ることを決意する。この評論(Critique)は悲劇的な経験を持つ女性と談話する取り組みとして,エストレラに宛てた一通の手紙の形式で論をすすめる。そうすることで,自分自身がエストレラと似通った立場にいることを自覚する全ての女性たちに語ろうというのである。
米山 喜晟 米山 喜晟

生田 美智子

有水 博
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.1, pp.95-117, 1990-01-25

Bastante impressionado pelo lema de que "o factor decisivo para tirar maior proveito no ensino de uma lingua estrangeira, reside nao na melhor qualificacao do professor nem do aluno, mas sim na selecao do material didatico," o escritor deste ensaio tem concentrado o seu esforco, nestes tiltimos 9 anos, na escolha de material do ensino da lingua portuguesa. Utilizando, em cada ano, materiais de generos distintos, o escritor procura avaliar a adequacao de cada texto, atraves de enquetes feitas com alunos e resultados das provas. Conclusao; Leitura para os alunos do primeiro ano:extraido de livros didaticos do ensino primatio, princpalmente os de disciplina de "estudos sociais e ciencias. 2@ ano:leitura de contos e cronicas contemporaneos intercalados com livros didaticos de historia do Brasil e de Portugal, etc.
林田 雅至
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.1, pp.145-152, 1990-01-25

A palavra mae vem da latina madre, atraves da transformacao diacronica. A forma promitiva da mae foi apresentada numa cantiga de escarnho, atribuida a Joao Fernandes d'Ardeleiro de epoca tardia, talvez 2.゜ quartel do seculo XIV, conforme sugerem certras formas ja evoluidas, como mai, traz e fodido, em lugar de madre, trage e fodudo. Trata-se, segundo se colhe daquele termo, amiga, do verbo sofaIdrar e dos versos da <<finda>>, de uma cantiga d'amigo chula, em que vem abaila um sangrador de Leiria, que abusava das mulheres a quem ia tirar o sangue, apalpando-as onde nao devia. A partir dessa epoca, a Guerra entre Portugal e Castela comecou a ficar grave, na dual foi cada vez mais estabelecendo o poder da Rainha D. Leonor Teles (1350?-86), sobretudo depois da morte do Rei D. Fernando (1345-83), politicamente apoiado pelo direito divino dos reis, conceito ideologico que foi descrito no livro chamado de Speculum Regum (1341-44) de F. Alvaro Pais (c. 1275-1349).
宿 玉堂
大阪外国語大学論集 (ISSN:09166637)
vol.14, pp.83-95, 1996-02-29
