岸見 太一
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.64, no.2, pp.2_252-2_273, 2013 (Released:2017-02-01)

In this article, I reconsider legitimacy of selective immigration policy from the standpoint of political philosophy. Today states have unilateral discretion over entry policy, therefore prospective immigrants have no voice in the policy making process. However, legitimacy of those policy practices partly depends on underlying normative reasons. By focusing on individual liberty, I indicate the policy practice is illegitimate.   The issue of legitimacy of selective immigration is concerned with “democracy's boundary problem,” that is, of deciding who should be included in the democratic decision procedure. In this article, I take the lawful coercion approach to this problem among others. There is some disagreement within this approach: Thomas Nagel and David Miller argue that the current policy practices are legitimate and on the other hand, Arash Abizadeh argues that they are not. Their debates apparently focus on the conceptions of “coercion”. However, “liberty” is actually the key to their arguments. In this connection, the present article proceeds as follows: firstly I try to reconstruct their arguments by introducing two conceptions of liberty, freedom as option-availability and freedom as independence. Secondly, I critically examine these theorists and argue for Abizadeh. Finally, I briefly show the policy implications of Abizadeh's position.
半沢 孝麿
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.16, pp.204-250,en5, 1965-11-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

Anyone who takes a glance over the whole history of Burke studies from his death up to the present should certainly be struck at various and sometimes mutually inconsistent interpretations. We now have many Burkes, such as great statesman Burke, romantist Burke, utilitarian Burke, democrat Burke, Burke the prophet of Conservatism, Burke the natural law theorist in Thomistic tradition and so forth.The writer thinks, however, all such Burkes come from quite the same premise; the premise that we can have a political philosopher Burke free from theoretical contradictions. This article argues that it is necessary to change such a premise.The writer does not wish to describe what political philosophy Burke advocates. All that the article wishes to make clear is how he recognized the nature of the world of politics, through the inspection of his whole treatises and letters before and after 1765. At the same time, since Burke is not only an ordinary politician but also a literary man fond of talking about history and literary criticism (especially before his entrance into Parliament in 1765), the writer also tries to draw some parallelism among his ideas of political, aesthetic and historical knowledges.First. Burke's basic view on historical and aesthetic world is very near to that of his contemporary Hume. He is agnostic of the essential existence. He tries to secure the certainty of his knowledges through reducing every sensible object to the utmost of its simplicity. But, notwithstanding that method, he always has a desire, consciously or unconsciously, to know the world in the wholeness. Hence method and desire contradict each other. The result is that, for instance, his idea of the “necessity” of historical world is divided into two in its meaning; one, the necessity of mechanism composed of cognitive elements, and the other, that of transcendental will of the doers.Second. Of politics; The letters in his earlier life in Parliament show that he strongly feels that the room for choice in politics is very small to him. Very important to the writer is the fact that he extends the conclusion derived from this personal experience to the idea of the world of politics in general and says that the nature of politics is also a mechanistic necessity. Since, for instance, he sees the theory of Lockian social contract not from the side of free choice of régime by its members, but from the side of irreversibility of the state of nature, or inconveniences of the dissolution of governments.But, if it be true that the method of analysation into the ultimate elements is the only systematic way to know the nature of political world, is it also true that this nature is necessarily a mechanistic necessity? Firstly, the element of the “spirit (or temper) of people” which he often mentions always lacks concreteness in its contents. Secondly, the element of “Burke himself” is also uncertain, because, according to him, the knowledge of himself is always post facto. Thus, it is no wonder that he was “never forward in his speculation” in practical affairs.However, Burke is a flexible thinker. Through the difficulties of his party and himself at the time of the American Revolution, he gradually modifies his earlier ideas on the nature of politics, and the result appears before 1782 in the following ways. Firstly, his letters in 1778 addressed to his intimate friends emphasize the importance of the unity of his party members and the consistency of the principle. The aim is to secure the firmness of leadership in politics. This firmness will produce the cognitive element. Secondly, the same letters insist upon the necessity of “identifying with” and “inclining towards” the spirit of people as such. This assertion means that we ought to know the indefinite “elements” in politics as indefinite.
大西 楠テア
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.73, no.2, pp.2_42-2_59, 2022 (Released:2023-12-15)

北ドイツ連邦およびドイツ帝国において、外交権は連邦に一元化されず、部分的に邦の外交権が留保された。これはアメリカ合衆国やスイスが邦の外交活動を禁じたのと対照的である。 北ドイツ連邦憲法の成立過程においては、可能な限り邦の主権を維持する形式での統一が目指され、邦が外交使節を派遣し、接受する権限は廃止されなかった。そのため、北ドイツ連邦およびドイツ帝国においては連邦と邦の複線的な外交ルートが存在し続けた。 帝政期の国法学説においては、連邦と邦の外交の複層性をいかに理解すべきかという点が論点となり、連邦国家論との関連で広く議論された。特に連邦外交に抵触する邦の行為をいかに阻止するかが問題となるが、ほとんどの学説が帝国の監督権を認めている。
稲吉 晃
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.73, no.2, pp.2_79-2_97, 2022 (Released:2023-12-15)

芝崎 厚士
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.66, no.1, pp.1_138-1_169, 2015 (Released:2018-06-10)

This paper is designed to present a speculation of the future of the study of international relations from the birds-eye-view analysis of IR by pointing out the “theoretical aporia”, which emerges from ignoring the crucial relationship between “theory” and “domain”. Recent literatures on analysis of the present status of IR converge on two pluralisms: one is on theory and the other is on domain. Both of them basically welcome for IR to get more plural in each aspect but both of them are in a sense nothing but a ‘whishing for the moon’, in that they are not aware of the importance of the interaction between theory and domain in the process of making a discipline. This paper shows that interaction in general and how that process was overlooked in the disciplinary history of IR, and insists that all disciplinary aporias in IR comes from it. Based on those explorations, this essay concludes that in order to get out of those aporias, IR, and study of international relations in general has to become the study of global relations, which deals with all the transboundary phenomenon on this globe, based on the purpose of how the human-being to survive.
山本 吉宣
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.27, pp.203-226,en9, 1977-03-31 (Released:2009-12-21)

The aim of this paper is: (a) to review briefly the present stage of mathematical and quantitative political science; (b) to examine new directions for its future development; and (c) to discuss some caveats regarding the relevance of mathematical and quantitative political science and its proper institutional function.Mathematical political science is one of the ways in which we develop models regarding political phenomena and examine the extent to which they represent the real world. A major characteristic of such models is the use of mathematics, statistics, and symbolic logic. Given this general definition of mathematical political science, the field is, and has become, very diversified in terms of its aims, methods, and substantive problems. However, we can delineate two salient traditions in mathematical and quantitative political science. One may be called a “causal model” approach. The other is based on the use of “rational actor models.”In the causal model tradition, political phenomena are analyzed in terms of cause-effect relationships between variables. These relationships are usually represented by mathematical functions (equations). Mathematical equations in this kind of analysis (a) are used to deduce other propositions regarding political behavior at varied levels of aggregation, and/or (b) are examined against data, and through statistical techniques, to determine the extent to which they represent the referent world. Furthermore, simulation models can be utilized in such a way that logical consequences are obtained from a set of empirically tested propositions.Even though causal models are sometimes built implicitly on the assumption that actors, such as voters, are rational, we can single out a set of models that are different from causal models and which are directly built on the rationality assumption about political actors. In rational actor models, just as in causal models, the aims, styles and substantive problems are quite varied. While they are utilized to examine such normative problems as comparative study of decision rules which transform individual preferences into collective choice, many models have been constructed in order to represent and explain real political phenomena such as voting behavior, alliance maintenance in international politics, etc.Given the diversity of mathematical and quantitative political science, it is most difficult to set up fundamental dimensions by which we can satisfy the requirements of assessing its general appropriateness to the analysis of political phenomena and of forecasting its future development. However, let us propose two dimensions which may satisfy these two requirements. One dimension ranges from a mechanistic view of political phenomena to the view in which politics is considered as adaptive, an organized complexity. The other dimension is an idiographic-generalization continuum. Admitting that we need simple models in analyzing political phenomena at least at the elementary stage, it seems apparent that contemporary mathematical and quantitative political science, and methods and models thereof, tend to adopt a mechanistic, rather than an adaptive view, and intend to be general rather than idiographic. If politics is collective adaptation by human beings to both internal and external environments, a mechanistic view and models representing such a view, though not irrelevant, must be considered to be short of giving us a full understanding of political phenomena. If human beings adjust their objectives and change their purposes in responding to internal and external changes, idiographic approaches may be more important than implicitly assumed among many mathematical and quantitative political researchers.
井関 竜也
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1_267-1_291, 2020 (Released:2021-06-16)

醍醐 龍馬
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.72, no.1, pp.1_132-1_154, 2021 (Released:2022-06-15)

明治初期の日露国境問題 (樺太問題) に関する先行研究では、明治政府に対する駐日英国公使パークスの樺太放棄勧告の影響が強調されてきた。これに対し国内要因に着目した本稿では、従来思想分析の対象に留まってきた黒田清隆の樺太放棄論が、政府内の重層的な対立構造のなかで政策実現していく政治過程を跡付けた。黒田は大久保利通に推され樺太専任の開拓次官に就任すると、組織内を対露宥和路線に統一した。さらに樺太開拓使と北海道開拓使の合併後は、札幌本庁から岩村通俊を駆逐し樺太放棄論で開拓使全体を纏めた。岩倉使節団外遊中の黒田は樺太放棄を建議し、外征派の外務卿副島種臣の樺太買収論、分界論と対抗した。そして、明治六年政変により副島から対露外交の主導権を奪い、外征優先ではなく内治優先に立脚する対露宥和路線を確立させた。最後には、木戸孝允ら政府内の慎重論を抑えながら自らと政策理念を共有する榎本武揚をロシアに送り込み樺太千島交換条約を結ばせた。こうして終止符が打たれた樺太問題を契機に大久保政権内に開拓使を基盤とした黒田グループが重要な位置を占め、そのなかにその後の対露外交で重要な役割を担う黒田、榎本、西徳二郎を中心としたロシア通の政策集団の原点が形成された。黒田とその周辺の位置付けを明治初期にまで遡り検討することは、長州閥中心で描かれがちな明治政治史の枠組みを薩摩閥の視点から再構成することにも繫がる。
梅川 健
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1_247-1_270, 2011 (Released:2016-02-24)

In legislative process, the American Constitution allows President to sign a bill or veto it. However, the modern American Presidents have issued “Signing Statement” when they sign a bill into law without constitutional provision. In signing statement, Presidents have declared unconstitutionality of a bill.   The previous researches found the Reagan administration began to use signing statement to point unconstitutionality. How have the Reagan administration institutionalize the usage of constitutional signing statement as a new presidential tool?   This paper focuses on primal resources of the Department of Justice and White House and shows how the conservative lawyers had institutionalized constitutional signing statement. For the conservative lawyers, the primary goal of constitutional signing statement was to restrict “Judicial Activism” of judicial branch and they relied on the conservative constitutional interpretations, “Originalism” and “Departmentalism,” to legitimate signing statement as a new presidential tool.
竹中 佳彦 遠藤 晶久
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1_13-1_33, 2020 (Released:2021-06-16)

グローバル化と 「格差社会」 の進展、統治機構改革などは、エリートの平等観や政策選好をどのように変化させたであろうか。本論文は、1980年の 「エリートの平等観」 調査 (三宅一郎・綿貫譲治・嶋澄・蒲島郁夫. 1985. 『平等をめぐるエリートと対抗エリート』) に倣って2018年に実施した調査の結果をもとに、エリートの平等観や政策選好がどのように変化したかを明らかにしようとするものである。なお、この調査でのエリートとは、国会議員だけでなく、地方議員や経営者、労働組合、メディアなど各種リーダーを含めたものである。 本論文では、エリート・レベルのイデオロギー対立とその平等観との連関について、1980年代との比較から検討する。イデオロギーの変容が指摘され、右傾化が論じられている今日において、エリートにおいてもイデオロギー対立の様態が変容しているのかは重要な研究課題といえる。さらに、この約40年の間に生じた 「一億総中流社会」 から 「格差社会」 へという社会変化によって、平等観がイデオロギー対立にどの程度、組み込まれてきているのかについても分析を行う。
安原 浩
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1_13-1_23, 2018 (Released:2021-07-16)

歴史的に見て, 政治と司法の間には常に緊張関係が存在した。戦後, 司法行政はすべて最高裁判所の裁判官会議が所管することが憲法上明記されたため, 戦前とは異なり行政機関や立法機関が裁判所の予算や人事に直接介入することは制度的に不可能となった。 ところが, 1960年代から1970年代にかけて, 公務員の労働基本権の制限などの違憲性をめぐって時の政府と最高裁が鋭く対立する事態が発生した。政権側の偏向判決批判に対して最高裁は司法の独立に対する介入は許さないという立場を堅持しつつ, 他方で青年法律家協会などの団体への裁判官の加入を露骨に規制する方針をとった。外部からの圧力に変わって, 裁判所内部の自主規制という内部的な圧力が裁判官の独立や気概を損なう危険が発生したのである。その結果, 1990年代になって, 最高裁長官がそれを慨嘆するほどになった。 近年の憲法をめぐる種々の厳しい論争は, 再び政治からの介入の危険を予期させている。最高裁裁判官を任命する内閣が, その任命権を濫用しないようにするための方策, 下級審の裁判官が自己の良心に従った判断をできるようにするための方策など, 裁判官の独立の実態に即した改革が急務である。
本多 倫彬
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1_178-1_200, 2020

<p>民主党政権の外交・安全保障政策は、一般に評判が悪い。しかし、国際平和協力について民主党政権は、ハイチと南スーダンという二つの国連PKOへの自衛隊部隊派遣、東南アジア地域での防衛省・自衛隊による能力構築支援の開始、さらにジブチでの海賊対処を目的に自衛隊初の海外拠点の整備など、従来の枠を超える積極的な試みを行っている。</p><p> それにも係わらず、2011年の自民党への政権交代後、第二次安倍政権が進めた 「積極的平和主義」 に基づく国際平和協力強化の試み、就中、平和安全法制に対して、野党民主党は強固な反対姿勢を示した。これにより、批判者としての印象が先行し、民主党政権期の国際平和協力は正面から検討されることのないままとなっている。</p><p> 本稿は、民主党政権の実施した国際平和協力について、後の自民党政権との相違と共通性に着目して検討を行うことで、国際平和協力における民主党政権の再評価を行った。分析を通じて、民主党政権の役割が、積極的平和主義に基づく国際平和協力の試みの基盤整備にあったことを示すとともに、自民・民主両党の国際平和協力政策の根本的相違は、国際平和協力の考え方にではなく、対米関係の考え方にあることを明らかにした。</p>
都築 勉
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1_167-1_186, 2011 (Released:2016-02-24)

Kobayashi Hideo, one of the most excellent founders of criticism in 20th century Japan, has been regarded as a strong supporter of the Japanese war from 1931 to 1945. Because he had been an Anti-Marxist critic since his debut of 1929, many people looked upon him as a right-wing statist or at least a conservative thinker. He was indeed a conservative like as Michael Oakeshott, because he thought the role of politics was very small in human affairs. He did not live in the world of politics or statecraft, but lived in the world of art and literature. When the war between Japan and China began at 1937, he suddenly said he was already to die for the Japanese state as one of the Japanese people. But the Japanese state often disliked his writing about his travel around China during the war. Though he was apt to be silent and indulged in collecting old china after the war between Japan and USA happened, his very rare writing such as “Mujyo to iu Koto” (Nothing to be eternal) of that time (at 1942) would have been his dying message telling us a cultural heritage if he and his state had perished by that war together.
金子 優子
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.61, no.2, pp.2_151-2_173, 2010 (Released:2016-02-24)

The percentage of women representatives m local assemblies in Japan is 10.9% at the end of 2009. Moreover, in Yamagata Prefecture, the percentage is 6.2%, the ninth lowest among all prefectures. In this article, effective strategies to increase women representatives are presented based on the analyses of the interviews at the major political party local branches and the surveys of women members.   The model of the recruitment process of Pippa Norris is utilized as an analytical framework. Based on the analyses of interviews and surveys, the following strategies are effective to increase women representatives in local assembly.   Changing the people's attitudes toward women and politics, especially women themselves are to be liberated from traditional thinking of politics being men's responsibilities./Women are to aggressively participate in community activities and to play central roles in solving community problems./Women are to recognize politics as tools for improving daily lives and to get involved in politics.   The Japanese major political parties are indifferent to increasing women candidates in local assembly elections. And women members of the local assemblies do not expect the parties to promote women's representation. Women representatives are to gradually increase but not to increase rapidly under such circumstances.
前田 幸男
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1_12-1_36, 2014 (Released:2017-07-01)

Who claims to know “the will of the people” and what are those claims based on? Invocations of “the will of the people” play a much larger role in contemporary public discourses in Japan than in the preceding decades. In this paper, rather than trying to define the popular will in the abstract, the author compiles and examines newspaper articles dating from the Meiji period to the present day with “the will of the people” in their headlines. This historical survey reveals that the contexts in which “the will of the people” is discussed has changed and diversified over time. While the popular will is mostly evoked during national elections, an increasing number of news items refer to public opinion polling and local referendums as important vehicles through which “the will of the people” is expressed. The emergence of these new contexts has changed the power balance between politicians, journalists, and ordinary people regarding who has the authority to present their interpretations of the public's aspirations.
小宮 京
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.70, no.1, pp.1_271-1_292, 2019 (Released:2020-06-21)

第三次吉田茂内閣は衆議院では絶対多数を確保した。だが、参議院では民主自由党 (のち、自由党) は第二会派にすぎず、多数派を形成するためには第一会派の緑風会の協力が必要不可欠だった。本稿はこうした中央政界の状況が地方政界にいかなる影響を与えたかを考察した。とりわけ注目したのは静岡県の選挙である。吉田首相は1950年の参議院議員選挙や1952年の参議院議員補欠選挙で、緑風会に配慮せざるを得なかった。一方、1951年の県知事選挙では緑風会に配慮する必要がないため、党内の調整だけで良かった。この間、吉田首相と緑風会の交渉の窓口は河井弥八参議院議員であった。河井は静岡県地方区選出で、後に参議院議長を務める、緑風会の有力者であった。本稿は河井の日記を用い、第三次吉田内閣と緑風会の関係を、静岡県の知事選や参議院議員選挙などの各種選挙を通じて明らかにした。これにより従来の吉田内閣像の見直しを行うと同時に、中央の政治状況が地方に直接的に影響を与えたことを明らかにした。