山﨑 貴子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.85, pp.93-112, 2009-11-30 (Released:2015-06-03)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify changes over time of images of working women during the prewar period following World War I in Japan.I investigated a major women’s magazine (Fujin Kurabu). And, I examined how “ideal image of working women” described in the magazine had changed over time and how the images of working women were affected by the “good wife and wise mother” norm, which was prevailing before then.Working women at that time can be divided into two different types. One is “traditional working women” who were highly educated or skilled. They included teachers, doctors, and nurses. The other is “modern working women” who worked in the tertiary industry that had developed after World War I, and which did not require a highly educated or skilled labor force. The number of modern working women increased dramatically from the 1920s, and become the dominant pattern among working women. Many of these women, however, worked at low pay and had little chance of career promotions. At first, the modern working women were seen as second class workers in contrast to the traditional working women, who were seen as first class.The image of the traditional working women, who gained high status and fame, constituted the “ideal image of working women” in the early 1920s. The social trend toward the idea of women’s liberation encouraged this image. The relationship between the working women and the norm of “good wife and wise mother” was actively discussed in the magazine.On the other hand, it was considered ideal for modern working women, who could not be like the traditional working women, to achieve social promotion not through their jobs but through their job environment. That is, the modern working women gained increased opportunities for marriage in the workplace. Modern working women came to be seen as potential “good wives and wise mothers” and were comparable as an ideal with women who married after graduating from school without ever working. The idea also supported a continuous quantitative expansion of modern working women from the 1920s. As modern women came to occupy the majority of working women in the 1930s, the “ideal image of working women” in the magazine gradually changed from the traditional working woman to the modern working woman. The image of the modern working woman became incorporated into the norm of “good wife and wise mother.”
小川 和孝
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.135-154, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)
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本論文では,高校生の持つ時間割引選好とリスク回避傾向が,教育期待へと与える影響について分析する。これによって,合理的選択理論における行為の前提となっている信念を,より明確化することを目的としている。 日本全国の高校2年生とその母親に対する調査をデータとして使用し,時間割引選好とリスク回避傾向が,高校卒業後の教育期待に与える影響を検証した。時間割引選好は,入職時点とその後の上昇度合いが異なっている賃金プロファイルのどれを好むかという選択から,またリスク回避傾向は仮想的な宝くじへの支払い意思額から尺度が構成される。 分析の結果から,これまで教育選択のモデルに明示的に取り込まれてこなかった信念は,既存の社会階層変数とは独立した効果を有していることが示された。時間割引選好は教育期待に対して有意に正の影響を有していた。これは将来の大きな利益をより重視する生徒ほど,より長い教育を望む傾向あることを示している。また,リスク回避傾向は教育期待に対して有意に負の影響を有していた。これはより損失に敏感な生徒ほど,より長い教育を望みにくいことを意味する。ただしリスク回避傾向については,モデルの選択によって頑健な結果とは言えなかった。これらの結果が教育選択におけるリスク回避仮説に対して持つ意義や,信念の役割を明らかにすることと機会の不平等における規範理論への発展との関連について議論した。
古賀 正義
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.39-57, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper examines the importance of ethnography using the theory of constructionism, especially toward the understanding and improvement of educationalproblems. Conventionally, ethnography involved the researcher understandinga fact subjectively, and the method of applying an analytic diagram andunderstanding. Both methods adopted the ontological perspective of observationand investigation. However, researchers can learn facts interpreted by thepeople of a community and through the stories that they retell. This method iscalled the ethnography of constructionism. The characteristic of this method isthat it is not concerned over whether something is a fact or not, but rather triesto grasp correctly what people of the local place tell. In other words, theinvestigation is the ethnography of a tale, and since the aim of investigation isto discover facts, the task becomes understanding a tale. The researcher is apartner in a dialog, and the research serves as the practice of the dialog.Is there no method to employ such ethnography effectively? Until now, research following the principle of construction has analyzed public discourseusing public records. However, the ethnography of trouble has recently beenpresented. Trouble indicates problems for the people of the local place, or thingsthat are topics for them. For example, students and teachers understand thatthere are problems in schools today. How do they cope with these troubles inschool education? When teachers and students are interviewed, their understandingsdiffer depending on their positions. In particular, it is easy for those inpositions of power to spread understanding on educational problems in a waythat are beneficial to them.While those with a strong position can express a strong dominant narrativewhich creates trust in people, the narrative of those in a weak position is rarelyheard by many people. The former is a dominant narrative and the latter is analternative narrative. This relation is called the politics of a narrative. The taskof the researcher is to listen carefully to the tale of those in a weak position, compile the tale, and transmit it to many people through a report. In this way, the researcher adjusts the dynamics of the narrative. This perspective ofresearch practice is called “polyvocality.”As a case study, the features of the narrative of a dropout student and otherstudents are analyzed, and compared with those of the teacher's narrative. Suchresearch uses the ethnography of constructionism and is considered to be a “clinical method”.
牟田 博光
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.200-215,en313, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will approximate 30, 000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be ¥4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipments and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to be ¥5.0 billion to ¥7.1 billion. Summing up this and the study expenses that students spend, ¥6.7 billion to ¥8. 7 billion would be required to operate the university. About 50% to 60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated, to be ¥171 thousand to ¥237 thousand per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in humanities and social sciences programs of a conventional university, whose academic structures aresimilar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be one fourth of that of national universities, one third of public universities, two thirds of day programs of private universities, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities. Taking study expenses and opportunity cost of a student into account, the University of the Air is much more efficient than conventional universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening pro grams of private universities, those day programs, public universities, national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, 20% respectively.In general at distance education in any country fixed costs of universityoperation and the initial facility and equipment investment are high, but the marginal cost which is directly proportional to the number of students is low. Therefore, the more students a university of the air has, the more it is efficient comparative with conventional universities.Yet because of low graduation rate compared with that of conventional universities, the cost per graduate is higher than that of conventionuniversities except in a few countries. In Japan also raising the graduation rate will be one of the most important subjects.
渋谷, 知美
vol.65, 1999-10-15

This paper shows the images of youth sexualities in mid-last-Meiji period and examines the way in which sexualities of youth was discussed as problematic by society and the reactions of youth to the problematization. To do this, I examined articles about Gakusei-Fuki Problem in Kyoiku-Jiron published in Meiji period. The perspective of social-constructionism approach developed by Kitsuse and Spector was employed in this study. The questions I asked here were : (1) what sexual behaviors were considered problematic?; (2) what rhetoric was used to make them problematic?; and (3) what reactions were arisen. In these problem areas, I also examined the countermeasures taken by educators and administration, the counter discourse and the behaviors of students. The following are the findings of this study. (1) Male students : buying prostitute, sexual violence against younger boys (including gay sexual behaviors), women or girls and having a date with female students were considered sexually delinquent. Female students; prostituting, becoming a mistress and having a date with male students were thought to be sexually improper. (3) In most articles, these sexual behaviors were problematized without providing reasons. Simultaneously, the authors immediately concluded that sexual behavior of youth must be controlled with vigor. (3) Educators thought that bad manners ubiquitously seen in Japan were the factors of youth's problematic behaviors and suggested that students should be strictly supervised. These arguments were realized as the purity of environment around students and the supervision of youth by administrators and educators. Contrary to these movements, however, heated problematizations on sexual behaviors of youth caused some counter discourses. They also led student's movement of self government.
白松 賢 久保田 真功 間山 広朗
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.207-249, 2014-11-28 (Released:2016-11-15)
上山 浩次郎
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.207-227, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)
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本稿では大学進学率における都道府県間格差の要因構造を時点間の変容を考慮しながら明らかにする。そのことを通して,近年の都道府県間格差がどのようなメカニズムによって生じているのか,その特質を浮かび上がらせる。 そこで1976から2006年の4時点マクロデータに基づき,共分散構造分析の下位モデルである多母集団パス解析を行った。 結果,(1)1976年には「所得」と「職業」によって格差が生じていたものの,(2)1986年には「地方分散化政策」(供給側要因の格差是正)の効果もあり「所得」と「職業」の影響力が弱まった。だが(3)1996年に入ると,男子で「所得」の影響力が,女子で「大学収容率」の影響力が増し始め,さらに(4)2006年には,男女ともに「所得」と「大学収容率」が影響力を持ち始めただけでなく,男子のみではあるが「学歴」も大きな影響力を持っている。加えて,「大学収容率」を介した「所得」の間接効果ももっとも大きい。 以上から,こんにちの大学進学率の都道府県間格差のメカニズムには,社会経済的条件が持つ影響力の大きさ,供給側要因の「実質化」と「機能変容」,両者の「相乗効果」の増大という特徴があることが浮き彫りとなった。
小玉 亮子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.7-25, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

幼児教育は,それが誕生した時からきわめてポリティカルな問題であり,そこには,近代社会の三つのポリティクスをみることができる。本論文は,幼児教育に作用するポリティクスについて,その誕生のときにまで立ち戻って議論するものである。 第一に,国民国家のポリティクスがある。幼稚園を作ったフリードリッヒフレーベルは,ドイツという国のための学校体系が不可欠であると考えていた。19世期初頭においてドイツは分裂し弱体化した国であり,フィヒテやフレーベルといった人たちはドイツ人となることと,自分たちの国民国家を必要としていた。フレーベルは国民国家ドイツの教育体系の基礎として幼稚園を構想したのであった。幼稚園はドイツで普及したが,19世紀中ごろには幼稚園禁止令によって閉鎖させられてしまう。当時の反動政権は,幼稚園の自由な思想を危険なものだとみなしたのである。禁止された幼稚園運動は,国外に活路を見出し,結果的に世界に普及した。 それを促進したのが,19世紀の新しいメディアである万国博覧会である。博覧会の展示物のなかに,幼稚園とフレーベルが考案したおもちゃである恩物があった。幼稚園運動は,近代消費社会によってサポートされたのである。 第二のポリティクスは,階層のポリティクスである。幼稚園は私的なシステムとして造られ,恩物は売買される商品であった。フレーベルの教育思想はすべての階層の子どもたちにひらかれたものであったが,彼は事業を成功させるために,上・中流階層をターゲットにした。そのため当初から幼児教育システムは二元化したシステムになる要素を胚胎することとなった。 第三のポリティクスは,ジェンダーである。フレーベルによれば,幼稚園は学校とは異なるものである。そこにおける教育者のモデルは教師ではなく,母親である。幼稚園は女性のものとなると同時に,上層のためのものと下層のためのものに分断され,そこで働く女性たちのヒエラルヒーも形成された。 幼稚園を普及し拡大した,ジェンダーのポリティクスは,女性たちに働く場と特別な教育的役割を与えたが,女性たちに特殊な社会は,教師社会から分断され,社会的に低いものとみなされることとなった。
浜井 浩一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.143-162, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)

Although Japan traditionally enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most crime-free economically advanced countries in the world, since the late 1990s its crime rates have increased and clear up rate have dropped. It now appears that the Japanese public has lost confidence in the effectiveness of the criminal justice system and is more anxious about safety. The Japanese public now believes that young offenders are becoming increasingly violent and that more and more adolescents are committing serious offenses. This view stems from a belief that there has been a breakdown in family life and that as a consequence, young people have become more amoral. In response, the Japanese government is trying to overhaul the national education curriculum, with a major focus on imposing and improving public morality.However, a careful examination of crime statistics shows that the perception of ever-increasing youth crime is groundless. There has been no decline in the age of youngest offenders. On the contrary, the average age of young offenders has risen, partly because the job market for young people, especially those without skills and/or a high school diploma, has become tight. The delinquency rate in Japan used to peak at age of 15 and then drop sharply. Most juvenile delinquents had ceased to offend by the age of 20.There is a large gap between what the public believes about youth offenses and the reality. The measures adopted by the government to prevent youth offenses, mainly focusing on morality, are based on a kind of stereotypical young offender. If the government continues to ignore the real problem, i. e., the shrinking job market for unskilled young people, it will create a self-fulfilling prophecy of future violent offenses by young people.
上間 陽子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.87-108, 2015

本稿は,風俗業界で働く若年女性たちの生活・仕事の中で直面する種々のリスクへの対処の仕方,その対処において果たす彼女たちの人間関係ネットワークの機能,そのネットワークの形成の背景,特にネットワーク形成において学校体験のもつ意味を捉えることを課題とした。<BR> 本稿は,筆者らが取り組んでいる,沖縄の風俗業界とその界隈で働く若者への調査の対象者の中から特に2人の女性(真奈さん・京香さん)を取り上げ,それらの比較対照を通じて上記の課題を追究した。2人は,中学校卒業時点で学校社会のメインストリームから外れ,地元地域からも排除されていた点で共通する。だが,真奈さんは中学校時代不登校であり,同世代・同性集団に所属した経験をもたず,多少とも継続的な人間関係は恋人とのそれに限られていたのに対して,京香さんは中学時代地元で有名なヤンキー女子グループに属し,その関係は卒業後も続き,困難を乗り切り情緒的安定を維持する上での支えとなってきた。そして京香さんが仕事場面でのリスクに対処する戦術も,そのグループに所属する中で身につけた非行女子文化の行動スタイルを流用するものだった。<BR> 2人のケースの比較検討から浮かび上がってきたのは,学校時代に保護された環境の下で人間関係を取り結ぶ機会としてその場を経験できることは,移行期に多くのリスクに直面せざるを得ない層の若者にとって,相対的な安全を確保する上で不可欠なネットワークを形成する基盤となりうるものであり,その意味は決して小さくないという点であった。
小川 和孝
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.225-244, 2017-07-28 (Released:2019-03-08)

本論文では,日本の教育政策に対する人々の選好に関して,公的支出の水準と支出の配分を,それぞれ区別して分析する。これによって,日本の公教育におけるマクロな特徴を支えている,ミクロな意識構造を明らかにする。 2011年に東京都内で行われた質問紙調査をデータとして,(1)税金を増やしてでも教育への公的支出を拡大すべきか,(2)異なる教育段階間ではどこに資源を配分すべきか,(3)同一教育段階内では,エリート的・非エリート的学校のどちらに資源を配分すべきか,という3つの次元を従属変数とする。独立変数としては,人々の持つ利害と,平等性規範が影響するという仮説を立てる。具体的には,性別,年齢,学歴,世帯年収,政党支持,高校生以下の子どもの有無,就業の有無を用いる。 第一に,公的支出の水準に関しては,学歴や世帯収入による選好の違いは見られず,政党支持と高校以下の子どもの有無が影響している。第二に,異なる教育段階間における支出では,高学歴者は低次の教育段階への配分を望み,また左派的な人々は高次の教育段階への配分を望む傾向にある。第三に,同一教育段階内における支出では,高学歴者や富裕な人々はエリート的な教育機関への配分を,また左派的な人々は非エリート的な教育機関への配分を,それぞれ支持している。これらの理論的な示唆として,高等教育への公的支出に伴う逆進性と,意識の次元に見られる社会的な閉鎖性について考察する。
渡辺 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.25-37, 1997-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper discusses the meanings of monopolization for the role of socializer, ie., child carer and also primary or nurturant socializer in the modern family, especially mothers.In modern societies, 1) the socialization process has become more discontinuous than in that of pre-modern societies. Children have their socialization experience not in the whole societies in which they live, but in their own famillies that are formed as isolated socialization systems. 2) The mother has held the monopoly for the role of parenting. Societies have lost the mechanism of multiple parenting and also the device of social uncle. 3) Anticipatory socialization has become the main process as opposed to participatory socialization. 4) In modern societies, the purpose of socialization is for mobility, ie., upward mobility in social stratification; anticipatory socialization is suitable for mobile societies. In other words, socialization is used not for ascription, but for achievement.As a whole, we can say that modern societies have lost their manifest function of socialization, although they have important latent or implicit effects upon socialization. Now, in contemporary societies changing toward the post-modern era, societies require us to construct a new socialization system to build a new manifest function of socialization, not monopolized by the family or by mothers, but taken by multiple socializers in broader societies as a socialization system.
大森 不二雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.225-244, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

The growth of “transnational universities, ” including offshore branch campuses and degree programs provided in partnership with local institutions, is a major factor that made higher education a target of WTO/GATS negotiations. Quality assurance for transnational universities, including approval and evaluation, is a newly emerging issue for national higher education systems in the face of globalization.This paper analyzes Australia's policy on quality assurance for transnational universities, since Australian universities are extremely active as transnational universities, and because the Commonwealth and State governments of Australia have developed an explicit quality assurance framework for transnational higher education.The analytical viewpoint adopted in the paper is that for nation states, assuring the quality of transnational universities is a control measure for embracing those universities into their national education system, as a part of their strategic adaptation to globalization. The paper examines whether or not this viewpoint is valid by analyzing quality assurance policies in Australia, a leading country in this regard.The results of the analysis confirm the validity of the viewpoint, and demonstrate that Australia, as both a supplier and recipient country, is utilizing quality assurance as a control measure for incorporating transnational universities into its national education system. The quality assurance policy of Australia, as a supplier country, is to implement external quality assurance of Australian universities' offshore programs through overseas audit visits by the Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), while calling upon the universities to develop their own internal quality assurance mechanisms, in order to sustain the brand image of Australian higher education. Its policy as a recipient country is to manage the approval process for foreign universities to operate in Australia, requiring them to have equivalent quality and standards to Australian universities. While there is a difference between the former policy, which is supportive in nature, and the latter, which involves legal regulation in the form of licensing, both policies are instruments that aim to incorporate transnational universities into the national education system, and place them under the nation state's control.Australia's policies will have significant implications for Japan as it begins to recognize foreign university branch programs, and authorize moves by Japanese universities to open offshore branches, opening up its national borders to transnational universities both into Japan and outwards from Japan.
石岡 学
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.75, pp.65-84, 2004

The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji (children in superior health), by analyzing representations of kenko-yuryo-ji in newspaper articles. The term kenko-yuryo-ji refers to children who were selected as Japan's healthiest children under the Kenko-Yuryo-Ji Hyosho Jigyo (Commendation Project). Section 1 reviews previous studies on kenko-yuryo-ji, pointing to a lack of views on the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji. Emphasis is placed on the importance of regarding kenko-yuryo-ji as symbols of the "ideal child" and examining what their bodies signify. Section 2 clarifies the fact that the increase of concern over the health of children in the 1920s generated similar projects to the later Hyosho Jigyo. It then provides an overview of the contents of the Hyosho Jigyo, which was started due to the increase of concern mentioned above. Section 3 considers how representations of kenko-yuryo-ji changed with the continuation of the project, using newspaper articles as the main historical data. The findings are as follows: (1) Due to the difficulty of selecting "Japan's no. 1," relatively greater importance came to be given to school records and behavior in making the selection, (2) Although the main purpose of the project was to find what makes children healthy, it failed to do so; (3) Nevertheless, the project was continued and press reporting about the school records and behavior of kenko-yuryo-ji increased, (4) Consequently, the "health" of kenko-yuryo-ji not only indicates that their bodies are healthy, but has also come to refer to their innocence and excellence in terms of intelligence and character, and (5) This logic was supported by the following three points; the gymnastics view in the 1930s; "scientific" research on the connection between growth and intelligence/spirit; and the view of children in the 1930s. Section 4 presents a comprehensive consideration of the meaning adopted by the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji. (298 words)
徳岡 秀雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.18-31, 1984

Juvenile justice policies had been developing smoothly up until the 1960's, backed up by the rehabilitation ideology. But, they have been drastically changing for two decades. The rehabilitative idea and its institutions supported by traditional liberals have come under heavy cross-fire from labeling theorists, just desert liberals, and deterrence conservatives. The latest reforms are summarized ; (1) Juvenile offenders should be processed in the same way as adult cases, (2) The medical model must be removed, which is exemplified by the growing interest in offences (not offenders), mechanized justice to eliminate discretions, and so on. The equal treatment between juveniles and adults is facilitated by the disappearance of childhood. The concept of childhood is becoming extinct because of mutual causalities of the following factors. The escalation of an adult-centered society forces children to become precocious and independent early. The children's rights movement claims equal rights with adults, but rationalizes the lesser protection of children in the aging of society. Popularization of Freudian idea has changed the concept of children and the method of child-rearing. Transition from printed media to TV media enables the undifferentiated accessibility to, and the total disclosure of, all kinds of information monopolized by adults before. On the other hand, childish adults are increasing. So, the boundary between childish adults and adultlike children is blurring. The decline of the rehabilitative ideal is a good example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Pessimistic atmosphere has become prevalent after President Kennedy's assassination. American reliance on establishment in general, and on the juvenile justice system has lapsed. Public opinion which became disappointed in the rehabilitative function of correctional institutions has undermined the real activities of these systems. The malleability of human character is a dependent variable of the contemporary concept about human nature. Present juvenile offenders are next to incurable because almost all people have lost their faith and hope in their corrigibility. It is only with the rejection of social fatalism implied in the notion of unchangeable human nature that the tragic circle can be broken.
耳塚 寛明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.52, pp.115-136, 1993-06-15 (Released:2011-03-18)