山田 浩之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.59-74, 2010-06-30

朴澤 泰男
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.51-71, 2012

本稿では男子の大学進学率の地域格差,すなわち都道府県間の差が構造的に生ずるメカニズムを説明することを目的に,人的資本理論の枠組みに基づいて,都道府県別データと,高校生及びその保護者を対象とする質問紙調査の分析を行った。分析の結果,得られた知見は以下の通りである。第一に,大卒と高卒の男子一般労働者の平均時給を県別に推計したところ,その相対賃金(大卒/高卒)が大きい県ほど大学進学率が低い。20~24歳の男子の相対賃金は,男子大卒労働需要(出身県の20~24歳の大卒就業者数を高卒就業者数で除して定義)と負の相関関係にある。第二に,男子大卒労働需要を用いて,県単位の大学進学率の回帰分析を行った。その結果,大卒労働需要の大きい県ほど地方在住者の県外進学率や,進学率全体が高いことがわかった。なお県外と県内の進学率は負の相関関係にあるため,収容率は大学進学率全体にはほとんど関連性がない。第三に,高校生調査を用いた分析でも同様の結果が得られた。大学進学希望の有無に関する二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行うと,個人間で異なる家計所得や学力を統制してもなお,大卒労働需要の多い県に住む男子ほど,大学進学希望を(地方在住者の場合,県外進学希望も)持つ見込みが高いことが確かめられた。In this article, the college-going behavior of Japanese high school seniors was analyzed under a Human Capitalist framework, using aggregate data for the prefectures of Japan, and a national sample of Japanese twelfth graders and their parents. The aim of this analysis is to propose an explanation that addresses the mechanisms generating the structural differences in male college attendance rates among prefectures, focusing on the pecuniary benefits of higher education for males that vary by region. The major findings are as follows. First, an estimation of average hourly wage by prefecture for male general workers whose educational backgrounds are high school and college revealed that the larger the relative wage between high school graduates and those with a college degree (average earnings for college graduates divided by those of the high-school-educated), the smaller college attendance rates are. The relative wage for males in their early twenties is negatively correlated with the male labor demand for college graduates (defined as the number of college educated youth workers divided by that of high-school-educated employees in their twenties in the prefecture where they reside). Second, the prefectural college attendance rate was regressed on the regional labor demand for male college graduates. The analysis of twelfth graders whose prefectures of residence are in non-metropolitan areas clarified that the total rates of advancement to colleges and those to colleges outside of the prefecture of residence are higher in the prefectures with a greater male labor demand for the college-educated. Since enrollment rates for colleges outside or inside the prefecture are negatively correlated, there is scarcely any relationship between college capacity and the total rate of college enrollment. Third, a survey data analysis of male high school seniors confirmed the 70 relationship between college attendance and regional labor demand for male college graduates. Binary logit models for male college plans maintained that the students living in prefectures with more job opportunities for male college graduates are more likely to anticipate college attendance, after controlling for individual variations in family income and academic achievement at the ninth grade. In addition, for those who reside in non-metropolitan areas where the amount of local college graduate job opportunities is large, students are more likely to attend outside-of-prefecture colleges.
潮木 守一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.5-22, 2008-12-15

Yano and Hamanaka have analyzed recent trends in the ratio of advancement to higher education in Japan, and concluded that the increased financial burden on households has been a blocking factor in recent years. They argue that a public policy for reducing the financial burden is needed, and that if such a policy is implemented, it will lead to increased advancement to higher education. As methodology they adopt a time-series multi regression of Japan as a single unit, using several economic variables such as starting salary of high school graduates, household income, unemployment rate and tuition fees. In this paper, the author uses a similar time-series multi regression, but broken down into 47 prefectures, and with the addition of variables describing the educational system such as student capacity in metropolitan areas and in local prefectures. From this analysis, the author finds that economic factors do not have a significant effect on the advancement ratio, and that educational system variables have a greater influence in determining the advancement ratio. In contrast to Yano and Hamanaka, the author argues that the negative attitude toward advancement to higher education in recent years lies not outside of the educational system, but rather inside of the system of higher education. Curricular innovation to provide more relevant content is the key to attracting more students to higher education. In an age where more than 50% of youngsters advance to higher education, enriching teaching content is a more important task than providing financial support. Researchers on higher education should pay greater attention to the educational system itself rather than factors outside of the system.
宮島 喬 藤田 英典
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.50, pp.398-399, 1992-08-07
山田 昌弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.63, pp.25-38, 1998-10-20

In Japanese the word "kodomo" has two meanings, one is child(vs.adult)another is offspring(vs.parent). As a result, a gap has formed between the sociology ofeducation which deals with children and sociology of family which deals with theparent-child relations. G.W.F.Hegel and Takaaki Yoshimoto discussed the prototype of modern child rearing as a coincidence of the period of childhood and "offspering hoods". They stressed that parent-child relations disappear when offspring become adult. Thus, these are two traits of modern parent-child relationships. One is that parents have to find meaning child rearing because parents cannot expect financial compensation for their efforts. The major motivation of child rearing for parents in modern society is "love". However, love-relation between parents and children are incomplete because only parents feel love. That is the other characteristic of modern child rearing. But, because parents's love is incomplete they could believe in the presence of love. Modern society can be divided into the public sphere and private sphere (family), and the adult sphere and child sphere. In modern prototype quadrands B & C (figure 1)did not exist. So children were restricted into the quadrands. [figure] Recently because of longevity, the B quadrand has been appearing and also because of 'schoolization', the C quadrand has been appearing. The enlargement of the BC quadrand causes crisis in the meaning of child rearing for parents. In order to feel conviction in the presence of love relationship with children, parents need the evaluation by adult offspring and public evaluator (such as school). Therefore, parents have come to question why they must rear their children.
保田 卓
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.25-43, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

ましこ ひでのり
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.48, pp.146-165, 1991-06-05

In any border district, in this case the Ryukyu Islands, "nation states" run the risk of being vulnerable to various separatist movements. In order to combat this vulnerability, "national" education, the conscriptive and compulsory educational system, plays the role of an assimilative apparatus used by the "national states" in order to stabilize their own hegemonic rule. In particular, the educational system assimilates and unifies the diverse cultures represented in minority or regional groups. This is achieved largely through the imposition and/or replacement of the primary reference group, or "imagined community", where membership in the traditional or local community becomes membership in the "national state". In important ways, the "imagined community" of the "national state" is a function of the internalization of the "communications market" by abstracted intellectuals whose primary concern is the securing of their own better life chances. In this process, the intellectuals become a part of the hegemonic leadership and play a prominent role in the reproduction of the "communications market" and the legitimation of the "state language" for following generations. Ultimately, it is this mechanism that is responsible for the replacement of any local or traditional community by the hegemonic "imagined community" of the "national state". This paper discusses this historical process in detail as it is manifest in the case of the Ryukyu Islands during the pre-war period.
牧野 智和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.145-163, 2009-05-31

Since the latter half of the 1990s, new expressions have appeared concerning ability in labor and education. These expressions of ability do not only reflect the transformation of the contemporary dominant ability model. The expressions themselves are social processes, and they are social practices that structure the dominant ability model anew. From these points of view, this paper will analyze expressions of ability as a social practice, and examine and consider the social significance of the expressions of ability empirically. As a result of the analysis, the following points were extracted. Firstly, the routine of magazine editing is a reflexive process which incorporates trends from all different forms of media. Therefore special features on business ability are produced based on trends from these media. They consequently reflect the dominant ability model that precedent studies have described. Secondly, in special features on business ability, company managers and office workers of well-known organizations frequently appear as the embodiers of the ability. In addition, experts that have specific dispositions frequently construct, define and rate the ability. Thirdly, in these special features, specific "relationships to oneself' are frequently seen. The relationships are that transformations of character and emotion into ability, based on self-monitoring and self-control, assist in engaging oneself positively and maximizing the potential nature of the self. These are psychologized "relationships to oneself." Such monitoring, control, engaging oneself positively, and maximization of potential nature, are an intention for the whole process of labor. These special features on business ability seem to be a transient trend, but it is clear that there are various aspects of cultural arbitrariness involved. It may be said that one of the tasks of the sociology of education today is to prepare a blueprint based on a comprehensive theoretical framework of such cultural arbitrariness and the actual situation. In this article, I show that Bourdieu's theoretical framework of symbolic struggle is one such framework.
阿部 耕也
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.103-118, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

本稿は,幼児教育における相互行為を分析する視点・枠組みを検討することを目的とする。 幼児教育は,家庭での初期的社会化の段階と学校教育段階の間に位置し,両者と密接に関連している。幼稚園での教育は,集団を媒介にした指導が軸となっており,学校における社会化に先行する雛形が観察される。 幼児をその相互行為の様式として観察─分析しようとするさい,注目されるのは種々の非対称ルールである。幼児─大人間でやりとりされる問いかけ─応答,人称─呼称のあり方など,いくつかの局面で非対称ルールは見出されるが,それらを介して大人と子どもの相互行為が構成され,社会化場面が立ち上がっていく。 遊びや指導場面では,子どもの集団においても非対称な関係があり,集団活動への参与資格にかかわる非対称ルールは,集団あるいは社会が成立し,存続するために不可欠の契機となる。幼児教育とはその意味で,非対称ルールを手がかりに対称ルールの習得を目指す,子どもへの働きかけといえる。 社会化は,集団を構成することと参与者が構成員となることを相即的に成就させる過程を示す。本稿では,具体的な相互行為場面をそうした過程が進行している場として観察し,分析する視点・枠組みを準備する。
石戸 教嗣 山崎 鎮親 小玉 重夫 久冨 善之 小澤 浩明
no.47, pp.205-210, 1995-09-15

rights: 日本教育社会学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001891129/
麻生 誠
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.64-78,en206, 1979-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

From a viewpoint of the post-war trends of high school education, I intend to review some of the main sociological studies on high school. The following criteria are adopted for the evaluation of studies;(1) problem setting, (2) research methods and techniques, (3) contribution to fact-finding and theory-building, and (4) contribution to solving practical problems. Since 1950, the number of studies on high school has increased five times as large as that at the begining, and also studies have risen to a higher academic level, especially by adopting the method of multivariate analysis. Now, senior high school has become one of the research fields in which Merton's middle range researches and theories are especially dominant.