落合 将太郎 原田 和樹 李 相逸 樋口 重和
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.22, no.2, pp.69-76, 2017 (Released:2017-10-31)

The aim of the present study was to determine the measurement dependence of the effects of color light and to clarify the correlation between physiological responses and subjective impression. Seventeen male university students without color vision deficiency were exposed to blue light and red light (200 lx at eye level) at night for three hours. The effects of blue light on pupil constriction and melatonin suppression were significantly greater than the effects of red light. On the other hand, heart rate tended to be higher under the red light condition. There was no significant difference between the effects of blue light and red light on rectal temperature or alertness. Individual variations in the subjective impression of light were correlated with heart rate and rectal temperature but not with melatonin concentration or pupil constriction. The results suggest that the physiological effects of light depend on measurements and that these variations may be influenced by subjective impression.
木村 亮介
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.24, no.2, pp.87-91, 2019

Modern humans dispersed into East Asia approximately 40K years ago and genetically adapted to unprecedentedenvironmental conditions. Signatures of local genetic adaptations, which are engraved in our genome, can bedetected using population genomics approaches. Human genome variation data have enabled a comprehensive searchfor genetic variants showing such signatures as well as for those associated with phenotypic variation. Although ourknowledge about local genetic adaptations has increased due to recent research efforts, little is known about whatselective pressures acted on the selected variants.
宮崎 良文 宋 チョロン 池井 晴美
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.20, no.1, pp.19-32, 2015-02-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

Several million years have passed since a subset of primates became humans. Because we spent more than 99.99% of our evolutionary history in natural environment, it is considered that we are essentially adaptive to nature. However, we live in a society characterized by urbanization and artificiality despite our physiological functions still being adapted to a natural environment. According to the concept of evidence-based medicine, we reviewed preventive medical effects of nature therapy, which comprised forest, park, wood, and flower therapy. We collected scientific data from field and laboratory experiments using physiological indicators. We expect nature therapy to play an increasingly important role in preventive medicine in the future.
許斐 剛志 江島 尚 石橋 圭太 安河内 朗
vol.7, no.2, pp.95-106, 2002-05-25
大平 雅子 吉田 怜楠 山口 歩 井澤 修平 本多 元 野村 収作
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.22, no.3, pp.153-159, 2017

The aims of this study were to extract the stress biomarkers from human hair samples and explore the optimalprocedure for this extraction. The investigation included a methodological variation related to the extraction time andpulverization method in the procedure for the determination of stress biomarkers. Consequently, the three stressbiomarkers, cortisol, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone were successfully extracted from the hair sample.Moreover, the pulverization method had no impact on the determination procedure. Additionally, the extraction timesignificantly affected the amount of the target substances. An optimal procedure based on the results of this studywas proposed.
大平 雅子 吉田 怜楠 山口 歩 井澤 修平 本多 元 野村 収作
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.22, no.3, pp.153-159, 2017 (Released:2017-10-31)

The aims of this study were to extract the stress biomarkers from human hair samples and explore the optimal procedure for this extraction. The investigation included a methodological variation related to the extraction time and pulverization method in the procedure for the determination of stress biomarkers. Consequently, the three stress biomarkers, cortisol, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone were successfully extracted from the hair sample. Moreover, the pulverization method had no impact on the determination procedure. Additionally, the extraction time significantly affected the amount of the target substances. An optimal procedure based on the results of this study was proposed.
Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science (ISSN:13453475)
vol.24, no.4, pp.333-337, 2005-07-01

Developing effective behavioral and psychological mechanisms for coping with social stress was very important in human evolution because humans evolved as social beings. The aggressive and post-aggressive behavior of 30 boys aged 7–11 years was observed during free play in summer camp with the standard “post-conflict—matched control” method (de Waal and Yoshihara, 1983). The focals were the victims of the conflict. Saliva samples for examination of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels were taken from each boy in 5 cases: 10 minutes after a conflict with and without reconciliation, matched-control samples next day and morning samples for the basal level. Every boy filled in a sociometry form, Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, Eysenk Personality test and the Revised Children's form for the Manifest Anxiety Scale. The stress-reduction role of peacemaking was supported on the physiological level. The level of stress-related hormones was higher when no reunion occurred.
Flávio C. Magalhães Renata L. F. Passos Michele A. Fonseca Kenya P. M. Oliveira João B. Ferreira-Júnior Angelo R. P. Martini Milene R. M. Lima Juliana B. Guimarães Valério G. Baraúna Emerson Silami-Garcia Luiz O. C. Rodrigues
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010-01-31 (Released:2010-04-30)
15 30

To evaluate the effects of heat acclimation on sweat rate redistribution and thermodynamic parameters, 9 tropical native volunteers were submitted to 11 days of exercise-heat exposures (40±0°C and 45.1±0.2% relative humidity). Sudomotor function was evaluated by measuring total and local (forehead, chest, arm, forearm, and thigh) sweat rates, local sweat sodium concentration, and mean skin and rectal temperatures. We also calculated heat production (H), heat storage (S), heat exchange by radiation (R) and by convection (C), evaporated sweat (Esw), sweating efficiency (ηsw), skin wettedness (wsk), and the ratio between the heat storage and the sum of heat production and heat gains by radiation and convection (S/(H+R+C)). The heat acclimation increased the whole-body sweat rate and reduced the mean skin temperature. There were changes in the local sweat rate patterns: on the arm, forearm, and thigh it increased significantly from day 1 to day 11 (all p<0.05) and the sweat rates from the forehead and the chest showed a small nonsignificant increase (p=0.34 and 0.17, respectively). The relative increase of local sweat rates on day 11 was not different among the sites; however, when comparing the limbs (arm, forearm, and thigh) with the trunk (forehead and chest), there was a significant higher increase in the limbs (32±5%) in comparison to the trunk (11±2%, p=0.001). After the heat acclimation period we observed higher wsk and Esw and reduced S/(H+R+C), meaning greater thermoregulatory efficiency. The increase in the limb sweat rate, but not the increase in the trunk sweat rate, correlated with the increased wsk, Esw, and reduced S/(H+R+C) (p<0.05 to all). Altogether, it can be concluded that heat acclimation increased the limbs' sweat rates in tropical natives and that this increase led to increased loss of heat through evaporation of sweat and this higher sweat evaporation was related to higher thermoregulatory efficiency.
宮城 舜 鷲塚 愛 田井村 明博
vol.19, no.2, pp.77-82, 2014

This study examined the effect of listening to heart sound after stress on recovery period. Six healthy male university students gave their consent to participate in the measurement. The measurement consisted of three different sessions: (1) 5-min quiet baseline period, (2) 15-min stress period by mental arithmetic task, (3) 10-min stress period during exposure to heart sound or white noise. There was no statistical difference in any measured parameters between heart sound and white noise during recovery period. However heart sound tended to be more positive than white noise for recovery after stress. The order effect was observed only in the skin temperature during stress period.
木村 美可 河野 麻衣 中明 初予 鈴木 めぐみ 神川 康子 矢田 幸博
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-7, 2011-02-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

This study examined the mental and physiological responses to degree of comfort in using sanitary napkins. During menstrual period two types of napkins (thin type, thick type) were used by 8 women each. The indexes were 5 point scale, heart rate (HR), ratio of low frequency and high frequency (LF/HF) of heart rate variability and salivary chromogranin A (CgA). The results of 5 point scale (subjective evaluation) showed the thin type napkins were more comfortable than the thick type napkins. The results of LF/HF and CgA (physiological evaluation) indicated that sympathetic activities were lower in the thin type napkin users than in the thick type napkin users. From these results we concluded that using comfortable napkins have less mental and physiological stress.
Tomoko Ueno Tadakatsu Ohnaka
vol.25, no.6, pp.357-362, 2006 (Released:2007-01-07)

In the present study, the influence of the long-term use of air-conditioning in summer on the cortisol rhythm was examined by measuring the rhythm in subjects who had been exposed to air-conditioning for a short [S] or long [L] time. Investigations were conducted twice in July and September. Atmospheric temperature and relative humidity near the subjects were measured for three days in each season. Saliva samples for cortisol analysis were collected every 2 hours during the daytime beginning at 8:00 h with subsequent sampling times at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 and 22:00 h. A questionnaire on sleep and duration of air-conditioning use was also undertaken. Ambient mean temperature was higher in the S group (mean±SD; 30.8±1.2°C in July, 28.0±0.8°C in September) than in the L group (28.0±1.2°C in July, 27.3±1.0°C in September) (p<0.01), while mean relative humidity did not differ. There were no differences in bedtime, waking time and sleeping hours either between groups or months. Diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol rhythm in July and September were similar in the S group, but the L group had a delayed rise of morning cortisol secretion in September compared with July. These results suggest that long-term exposure to an air-conditioned environment might adversely affect the human cortisol rhythm.
Kakitsuba Naoshi Mekjavic Igor B. Katsuura Tetsuo
Journal of physiological anthropology (ISSN:18806791)
vol.28, no.6, pp.275-281, 2009-11
1 4

For evaluating the effect of body physique, somatotype, and physical constitution on individual variability in the core interthreshold zone (CIZ), data from 22 healthy young Japanese male subjects were examined. The experiment was carried out in a climatic chamber in which air temperature was maintained at 20-24℃. The subjects' body physique and the maximum work load were measured. Somatotype was predicted from the Heath-Carter Somatotype method. In addition, factors reflecting physical constitution, for example, susceptibility to heat and cold, and quality of sleep were obtained by questionnaire. The subjects wore a water-perfused suit which was perfused with water at a temperature of 25℃ and at a rate of 600cc/min, and exercised on an ergometer at 50% of their maximum work rate for 10-15min until their sweating rate increased. They then remained continuously seated without exercise until shivering increased. Rectal temperature (T_<re>) and skin temperatures at four sites were monitored by thermistors, and sweating rate was measured at the forehead with a sweat rate monitor. Oxygen uptake was monitored with a gas analyzer. The results showed individual variability in the CIZ. According to the reciprocal cross-inhibition (RCI) theory, thermoafferent information from peripheral and core sensors is activated by T_<re>, mean skin temperature (T^^-_<sk>), and their changes. Since T^^-_<sk> was relatively unchanged, the data were selected to eliminate the influence of the core cooling rate on the sensor-to-effector pathway before RCI, and the relationship between the CIZ and the various factors was then analyzed. The results revealed that susceptibility to heat showed a good correlation with the CIZ, indicating that individual awareness of heat may change the CIZ due to thermoregulatory behavior.
Takashi Abe
Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science (ISSN:13453475)
vol.21, no.6, pp.291-295, 2002 (Released:2003-03-01)

A large inter-individual variation is seen in muscle fascicle length of the athletes but the reasons for this phenomenon are unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine whether genetic factors contribute to the variances in muscle architectural characteristics. Nine monozygous twin pairs (3 males and 6 females), mean age 23 years (range 17–40) were studied. Fascicle length, pennation angle, and muscle thickness of the medial (MG) and lateral (LG) gastrocnemius muscles were measured in vivo by B-mode ultrasound. In the LG muscle intrapair resemblance (P<0.01) for fascicle length (r=0.98), pennation angle (r=0.94) and muscle thickness (r=0.86) were observed. In MG muscle, however, there was no intrapair resemblance for fascicle length (r=0.66, P>0.05), although pennation angle (r=0.73, P<0.05) and muscle thickness (r=0.86, P<0.01) were significant. Mean percent intrapair difference in LG and MG muscles were 1.8% and 5.1% for fascicle length, 11.3% and 12.3% for pennation angle and 12.4% and 9.9% for muscle thickness, respectively. There is intrapair difference between muscle thickness and pennation angle in both MG (r=0.69, P<0.05) and LG (r=0.70, P<0.05) muscles. However, no significant correlation was observed for intrapair difference between muscle thickness and fascicle length in both muscles (MG, r=0.46; LG, r=0.40). It appears that genetic predisposition is the predominant factor for the determination of muscle fascicle length. However, a lack of intrapair resemblance in MG fascicle length raises the possibility that fascicle length may be further influenced by external environmental factors such as physical training.
Ryo Fujita Yoshinori Tanaka Yasuhiro Saihara Mitsuya Yamakita Daisuke Ando Katsuhiro Koyama
vol.30, no.5, pp.195-201, 2011-09-30 (Released:2011-10-01)
8 21

The objectives of this paper were to determine the level of oxidative stress in atrophied gastrocnemius, and to verify the effect of molecular hydrogen (H2) saturated alkaline electrolyzed water (HSW) on gastrocnemius atrophy by modifying the redox status, indicated by 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity. Female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: (1) the control (CONT); (2) the Hindlimb unloading (HU, for 3 weeks) given purified normal water (HU-NW); (3) the HU given alkaline electrolyzed reduced water (HU-AEW); and (4) the HU given HSW (HU-HSW). We showed that 8-OHdG, but not MDA, significantly increased by 149% and 145% in HU-NW and HU-AEW, respectively, when compared with CONT. In contrast, there was a trend toward suppression in 8-OHdG levels (increased by 95% compared with CONT) by treatment of HSW, though this effect was not prominent. Additionally, SOD-like activity significantly increased in both HU-NW (184%) and HU-AEW (199%) when compared with CONT. This result suggests the elevation of O2−· in the atrophied gastrocnemius. However, upregulation of SOD-like activity in the HU-HSW was increased by only 169% compared with CONT, though this difference is too small to detect statistical significance. HU led to 13% and 15% reduction of gastrocnemius wet weights in HU-NW and HU-AEW, respectively, compared with CONT. And the reduction of gastrocnemius wet weights in HU-HSW was attenuated by 7% compared with CONT. The gastrocnemius wet weights in the HU-HSW group were significantly greater than those in the HU-AEW, but not statistically significant with HU-NW. These results indicate that HU causes an increase in oxidative stress, but, in this experimental protocol, continuous consumption of HSW during HU does not demonstrate successful attenuation of oxidative stress and HU-mediated gastrocnemius atrophy.
相澤 清香 中島 利誠 山野 春子 仲西 正 菅屋 潤壱 小川 徳雄
vol.5, no.1, pp.31-38, 2000-02-25

The present study was carried out to examine the hypothesis that ocular surface temperature measured at the site over the iris by an infrared radiation thermometer could be an indication of core body temperature. In healthy young subjects, ocular surface (T_<os>), tympanic(T_<ty>), esophageal(T_<es>), mean skin(T^-_<sk>) temperatures, and local sweating rates and skin temperature of the forehead(T_<sf>) were measured in a chamber controlled at a moderate climate of 28℃-40%(rh) on two separate tests, a passive body warming and an exercise. The passive body warming was induced by immersion of lower limbs in hot water bath regulated 43℃. The moderate exercise was performed with cycle ergometer at the intensity of 80 W. In both tests, T_<os> didn't follow either core (T_<ty>, T_<es>) or shell (T^-_<sk>, T_<sf>) body temperatures. In the second series of experiments, ambient temperature (T_<am>) was raised from 27℃ to 34℃, or lowered from 34℃ to 27℃ for 10 min. In both tests, T_<os> followed the change of (T_<am>) rapidly in spite of the steady T_<ty>, and the change rates of T_<os> were greater than of T_<sf>. When T_<am> was raised slowly from 20℃ to 23℃ for 20 min, the T_<os> rise was almost simultaneous with the T_<am> rise, and there was a high correlation between these two factors (r=0.99). Moreover, the regional thermograms around eyes showed that skin temperature surrounding eyes was significantly higher than T_<os> (p<0.01). These results suggest that ocular surface temperature measured by an infrared radiation thermometer might reflect corneal temperature rather than iris temperature, and could not be an indication of core temperature.