安 道永
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.678, pp.1991-1996, 2012

The purpose of this study is to clarify the taste of painter's residence in the suburbs in Kyoto at the late Edo period.<br>There were about ninety painters, who lived in the suburbs by the directory published in Kyoto at the late Edo period.<br>This study researched on the transition of address, activities of execution, etc., about the painters who proved at that time, Ikeno Taiga, Hara Zaityu, Ganku, Tanaka Totugen, Nakabayashi Tikudo, and Hine Taizan.<br>The painter's residence in the suburbs was clarified. In short, it had the elements:<br>(1) Lead a full work<br>(2) Retirement's place<br>(3) Health resort
井澗 裕 角 幸博
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.571, pp.121-128, 2003-09-30 (Released:2017-02-09)

ユジノ-サハリンスク市は、1905年から1945年までは豊原と呼ばれ、日木統治下の南サハリンにおける中心都市であった。そのため、市内には当時の建造物が数多く残されている。その現存状況については1996年から予備的調査を実施し、72件の建造物(群)については日本建築学会技術報告集第5号にも報告したが、短期間での調査のために未調査地域や誤謬も多かった。そのような事情を踏まえて、第1回小渕フェローシップにおける派遣研究活動および文部科学省科学研究費基盤研究(B)(2)「南サハリンにおける日本統治期(1905-1947)の建造物に関する広域実態調査」の一環として、ユジノ-サハリンスク全市域を対象とした建造物状況の再調査を2001年度に実施し、43の建築物群、総数93件の日本期建造物についてその状況を把握した。本稿はその概要を報告するものである。サハリンでの建造物調査においては日本の建造物を判別する方法が難しく、前回の調査ではこれを確立できなかったが、ここでは以下に挙げる3つのうち、いずれかを満たすものを日本期建造物と判断した。1)当時の地図・図版や写真から日本期建造物と判断されるもの、2)日本期建造物を特徴付けるような、ロシア建築には見られない部材や構造的特徴をもつもの、3)旧豊原市の居住者やユジノ-サハリンスク居住歴の長いロシア人の知識人など、日本期建造物に関して知識を有している人物から複数の証言が得られたもの。判明した43の日本期建造物(群)は、便宜上旧建築用途によって官庁建築・産業施設・商業建築・宗教建築・上木建造物と記念碑の5つに分類して概説した。日本期の官庁建築には日ソ交替期にソ連軍に接収され、現在あるいは近年まで軍事施設として利用されているものが多く、管理や修繕が比較的行き届いたものが多い。とりわけ樺太庁技師貝塚良雄の設計による旧樺太庁中央試験所本館(P-5, 1933年)・同温室(P-6,1934年)・旧樺太庁会議室(P-8, 1935年)・旧樺太庁博物館(P-9, 1937年)などは、全体的なプロポーション細部意匠の巧みさや施工精度の高さで注目すべき存在である。産業施設群にはサハリンにおける近代工場の嚆矢である旧樺太庁豊原乾溜工場(I-1, 1911年)のほか、旧王子製紙豊原工場(I-3, 1917年)、旧樺太製糖豊原工場(I-4, 1931年)などサハリンの近代化を語る上で無視できないものが多い。ただいずれの工場も軍事施設、機械修理工場、製菓工場に転用されており、日本期の状態を回復することは難しい。商業建築の中では旧北海道拓殖銀行豊原支店(C-1, 1931年)が白眉であり、現在はユジノ-サハリンスク美術館に転用されているが、この他にもあわせて3件の店舗・店蔵の現存が確認された。サハリン全域でも商業建築の現存例はほとんどないため貴重である。ユジノ-サハリンスクの日本期住宅は製紙工場・製糖工場の社宅群や樺太庁官舎群など数の上では多くの建造物が現存するが、いくつかの例外を除けば良好な状態とはいえない。また、外壁・開口部・屋根部材のいずれもがロシア風の部材に改変されているため、古い木造住宅はソ連時代のものとの識別が大変に難しい。しかしながら、サハリン各地にある全半壊した日本期住宅群を調査する限り、主要な柱や基礎部分にはほとんど改変が見られないため、同様の手法で改変されたと見られる木造住宅群をここではロシア化された日本期建築(Russianized Japanese Buildings)として調査対象に加えた。住宅建築の中では旧樺太庁部長官舎(H-3)や旧樺太庁拓殖学校校長官舎(H-10)の現存状態が良好であることが注目される。宗教建築についてはSamarin, I. A.の研究があり、校倉造に似せたコンクリート造の旧樺太神社宝物殿(R-5, 1940年?)と権現造の旧招魂社本殿基礎(R-4)が歴史的建造物として知られている。また、サハリン各地に現存している奉安殿がユジノ-サハリンスク市内には1件も存在しないことも特徴的である。土木建造物としては、コンクリート造の橋が2件現存している(M-1, M-2)。また、旧師範学校寄宿舎(S3)、旧樺太庁鉄道事務所職員官舎群(S-2)など日本期建造物群の可能眩か高い5件の建造物(群)については、確証を得られなかった建造物群(suspected Japanese buildings)として別記した。これらの確認は今後の課題としたい。ユジノ-サハリンスク市内にはあわせて90件以上の日本期建造物の現存が明らかになったが、この数字の評価は難しい。なぜなら、中国東北部や朝鮮半島、台湾といった他の旧海外植民地と比較するなら大きな数字ではないが、都市の起源・発展経緯・人口・規模において類似点の多い、稚内(2件)・北見(6件)・釧路(1件)・根室(6件)といった北海道北部あるいは東部の諸都市に比べて、むしろ恵まれた部類に属する。とりわけ、サハリンスカヤ通(旧真岡通)を中心とした旧市街地北部には、旧樺太守備隊の建築群や旧王子製紙工場施設群を中心として日本期建造物が集中しており、歴史的建築物群としての価値も十分に有している。しかしながら、現在のロシアではこうした建造物群に対する法的保護を図ることは難しい。ユジノ-サハリンスク市内で歴史的建造物として認知されているものは、旧樺太庁博物館や旧北海道拓殖銀行豊原支店などわずか6件のみである。しかしながら、ロシア側と日本側が協力体制を深めてこれら日本期建造物の保護に努めることは、両国の友好関係や相互理解の深化にとっても有効な方策であろう。
高柳 伸一
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.631, pp.1975-1982, 2008

This paper analizes the actual design process of <i>Castillo de Felipe III</i> in La Mamora, Morocco, constructed as an enclave by Spain of Felipe III in 1614. The military engineer who designed the Castle was Cristóbal de Rojas, the most important Spanish military engineer in that period. And this paper demonstrates that its design was to establish an appropriated inner space or area of the Castle in order to accomodate a certain number of solders who would be stationed in it. In the final process, the inner space or area was set by an inner circumference as a value that defines the proportion of the Castle. This paper also shows that this actual design process is not explained in the treatises of Rojas.
李 燕 小松 尚
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.717, pp.2449-2458, 2015

London Borough of Tower Hamlets has successfully renewed local public libraries as Idea Stores. This research focuses on UK library policies, London spatial plan and Tower Hamlets's community plan, and aims to make clear of progress of reorganization of public library in Tower Hamlets, which corresponds to the local problems and needs.<br> It turns out that Tower Hamlets Council relocated the libraries according to the London Plan and local development framework. Besides, it expands library service based on Central Government's library polices as well as Tower Hamlets Community Plan. These policies, especially local government's plan, provide important context for refreshing Tower Hamlets's libraries.
辻 泰岳
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.704, pp.2291-2298, 2014

This paper investigates the 1966 exhibition "From Space to Environment," held at Matsuya Department Store in Tokyo, Ginza, involving the architects Isozaki Arata and Hara Hiroshi. This exhibitions subtitle was "Synthesized Exhibition of Painting + Sculpture + Photo + Design + Architecture + Music," which was instrumental in introducing the terms Intermedia and Environment Art (<i>Kankyo geijutsu</i>) to Japan. This paper examines the exhibition installations studying primary sources and clarifying the formation of the collective named Environment Society. This paper analysis the impact generated by the topic of "Environment" seen through a different point of view rather than the one of art movement establishment of the time.
ムラツ ドンダル
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.602, pp.225-232, 2006-04-30 (Released:2017-02-17)

上 なつき
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2355-2363, 2015

The order is to show the role on which women carry out a residence by reading ceremonious factor from the banquet of Yuan Xiao Jie of the annual event in "Jin Ping Mei". Regarding the banquet of this annual event as a series of ceremonious acts by women in the each space in the residence, the series of ceremonious acts is a ceremony to pray a year's happiness. By completing this ceremony, women support the success of XimenQing and his family.
鈴木 美央 アルマザン ホルヘ
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.709, pp.601-610, 2015

The use of public streets by markets have been legally accepted and provided livelihood for people living nearby all over the world for centuries. The study aims to identify the effects of street markets in London together with the management system which transforms usual streets to market streets. In the result, the effect of markets are classified into three large categories; economy quality of life, environments which coincides with triple bottom line of sustainable development. The result also shows the market operation is formed with two pillars, an institutionalized rule and flexible and prompt actions on site.
安藤 勝洋 福川 裕一 友田 博通
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.708, pp.379-389, 2015

This study aims to clarify the formulation process and structural features of historic conservation system of Hoi An ancient town in Viet Nam. The conservation work began after the Vietnam War, and its process can be classified into 4 phases in accordance with the enactment and implementation of policies. Through reviewing the process, we found that the following features have played important roles. 1) a conservation fund created by revenues of tourist ticket. 2) the regeneration of state-owned buildings has played leading roles for the conservation. 3) professional organizations are responsible for both tangible and intangible cultural heritage conservation.
田中 和幸 羽生 修二
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.640, pp.1481-1490, 2009

Before World War II, finish materials used on exterior walls in Japan included tile, terracotta, mortar, steel and paint. Though many of these buildings have been designated as cultural properties, approximately 60% of these original finish materials have been remained. The author notes that there are four types of procedures which are followed: repair, restoration, resemblance and alteration. Although many buildings retain original materials in their exterior walls, resemblance and alteration in replacement materials, such as paints, are being used which were unavailable when they were first built. This presents two conservation-restoration dilemmas. First, the original exterior wall materials are being lost, and second, the overall value of the buildings decreases.<br> This paper, drawing on conservation - restoration research, will make recommendations for the replacement of finishing materials on the exterior walls of pre-war reinforced concrete - construction buildings. The paper concludes that care should be taken when retain original materials whenever possible, and / or when choosing replacement materials.
コーザー ボウ 木方 十根 鷹野 敦
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.687-696, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

This study examines signage and monuments to discover how they may contribute to Built Environment Education (BEE) for self-directed lifelong learning. The site chosen for this study is Ishibashi Memorial Park in Kagoshima, due to its layered historical functions; currently as an educational park for Kagoshima’s stone bridge heritage, but formerly a battleground and religious site. This analysis is conducted using BECK (Built Environment Context of Knowledge) Charts developed in our previous study, which allows us to categorize types of knowledge presented, and to visualize where this knowledge is concentrated. The text and diagrams on 20 signs and 9 monuments are analyzed by coding phrases according to the horizontal and vertical axis of the BECK Chart. These codes were tabulated, the number of occurrences were entered into the corresponding cell on the chart, and each cell was assigned a tonal gradation with darker tones representing higher frequency. This allowed us to see at a glance which types of knowledge were mainly presented on each sign or monument. This analysis demonstrated that technical, political, and social knowledge about the built environment appeared most frequently. The amount of textual information available throughout the park is extensive, and thus it is possible to state that the signs and monuments have potential to contribute to BEE through self-directed lifelong learning. However, some hurdles to learning were also identified. Due to its many uses over time, this site contains a mixture of historic remains, reconstructed historical artifacts, and modern facilities. These are scattered throughout, and there is no clear attempt to integrate these coherently in the overall park design. This makes it difficult for visitors to infer the relationship between these disparate elements through the information on the signs alone. Additionally, reading the signs is time consuming, and depending on the background, motivation, and literacy of the visitor, the amount of effort needed to understand all the information on display is considerable. While the potential for BEE in the park is great, whether this translates into actual learning is questionable. This is an important consideration in relation to the design of parks which are intentionally educational. In terms of applying the BECK Chart, it was found that the original matrix label of ‘building’ was insufficient to address structures which are built, but are not buildings. This was rectified by adding the term ‘structure’ to the label, which allowed for wider application without losing the integrity of the original chart.
伊藤 喜彦
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.675, pp.1257-1264, 2012

In this article, we analyze how columns are used and to what extent they determine the architectural characteristics of the church of San Miguel de Escalada. This leads us to two important features of Escalada.<br>1. <i>Spolia</i> columns were not necessarily used as substitutes for those made ex <i>profeso</i>, but in fact played a pivotal role at the time of the building's conception, especially from aesthetic point of view.<br>2. The inherent incongruity between masonry walls and monolithic columns leads to quite distinguishable features where the two elements meet. In the case of Escalada, we can observe a growing interest in keeping the independence and wholeness of the columns adjacent to the walls.
高橋 暁
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.642, pp.1945-1950, 2009

This paper aims at analyzing the conceptual interactions and the integrated application of the following three UNESCO's International Conventions in culture through examples in Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Afghanistan, and Iraq: 1. Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its 1<sup>st</sup> Protocol (1954) and 2<sup>nd</sup> Protocol (1999), 2. Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970), 3. Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972).
神原 康介 窪田 亜矢 黒瀬 武史 萩原 拓也 福士 薫 田中 暁子
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.701, pp.1593-1602, 2014

Many elderly people were killed by Tsunami during Great East Japan Earthquake in Akahama, Otsuchi town, Iwate prefecture. The purpose of this paper is to describe the evacuation behaviors by interviews with residents in Akahama which is along the rias Coast and clarify how the built environment influence on the evacuation behaviors of the elderly. It is found that 1) geographical features such as nearness of a rising ground, sloping road to the sea and a narrow plain land are good for evacuation, 2) the towns background such as past tsunami, seawall construction and elementary school which has never been damaged in a few hundred years influence on evacuation behaviors and 3) family network and local community led to an influence on a turning point of an evacuation behavior, but there were younger people who tried to help the elderly and damaged or killed.
タン ソウニ 郭 東潤 北原 理雄
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.681, pp.2569-2575, 2012

In a station square, avoidance behavior happens frequently. In order to create a more comfortable and safe walking space, it is necessary to consider people-to-people avoidance behavior and pedestrian personal space. In this research, we analyzed avoidance behavior by pedestrian pathways and discussed pedestrian personal space through the relative positions of two pedestrians in avoidance behavior. The characteristics of pedestrian avoidance behavior and personal spacewere as follows:<br>1. Pedestrian avoidance behavior has significant differences between moving in the opposite direction and in the same direction.<br>2. The distance of avoidance behavior in the morning is the least.<br>3. Under free walking conditions, the locus of the object's relative position can be considered as the boundary of the subject's personal space.<br>4. Reduce avoidance behavior: a. Give enough spacefor pathways of pedestrians. b. Consider the situation of users.
水田 恒樹
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.686, pp.941-948, 2013

Ogaki, a castle town, is one of the most successful cities in attracting modern industries. This study is to investigate why the modern canal was planned as an alternative to the pre-modern canal, and how it was converted to a part of the drainage system of the city without its completion. Findings are as follows. 1) The old canal had lost sufficient width and depth to make navigation possible. 2) The new canal also lacked capacity for modern transportation. 3) The major objective of the new canal was seemingly to drain waste water from chemical factories.
泉田 英雄
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.708, pp.411-417, 2015

Edmond Morel, a chief engineer in railway construction of the Meiji Japan, proposed the foundation of a board called <i>KENCHIKU-kyoku</i> to the government in April 1870 to promote various construction projects for the public convenience. The proposed board was to consist of three sections; administration, accounting and education, and should be controlled by a minister. This paper argues the origin of this board referring to Morels career, British and its colonys situation. During the 1850s-60s, the British government challenged to reformation of public works in the British India for effective development and administration, and founded technical school to train civil engineers. Morel had chance to learn this effort, and might propose that the Meiji Government should found a government body in charge of public works. Although <i>Kenchiku-Kyoku</i> had to be the Board of Public Works for Morel and his followers, its function was turned to more engineering based industrialization when the Board was officially formed by the government councilors as <i>Kobu-Sho</i>. <i>Yozo Yamao</i>, a government technocrat tried to realize an idea of public works by adding survey and education departments, with assistance of Colin Alexander McVean.
川西 利昌 大塚 文和
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.696, pp.201-207, 2014

Ultraviolet radiation may be cause the skin damage. In order to determine the shade to protect of the skin against ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to know the radiance distribution of the sky ultraviolet radiation. Conventionally, the sensor of the sky radiance distribution has been generally swept using mechanical method. The mechanical sweeping method has the problems that sky conditions change during several minutes. Electronically sweep-type measurement equipment for sky erythema ultraviolet radiation equipped with 145 area of erythema ultraviolet sensors was developed, and it has become possible to measure the all sky in only three seconds. This research aims to measure the erythema ultraviolet radiance distribution for low latitude area using this measurement equipment. A regression equation of radiance distribution was made from measurement results. Architectural Sun Protection Factor of shade was calculated using the equation.
田中 孝明 渡辺 勝彦
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.651, pp.1219-1224, 2010

By surveying village <i>Sinto</i> architecture with historical plaques of <i>Simousa</i> fief once a part of Chiba-ken, we can find out the activities of the sculptors represented as <i>Takeda Juzaburo</i> in the late Edo period.<br> We are able to draw out our results by examining the materials as follows; Four sculptors named <i>Takeda Juzaburo</i> once lived in <i>Yuuki</i>, near the northern part of Kanto area, where some shrines have an extreme amount of wood-curving. They had spread the use of large amounts of wood-curving in shrines in the fief, and carved onto not only the panels used as decorative transoms but also entire wooden walls of shrine from 1806 to 1822.
Wu Jiayu Fang Yong
Architectural Institute of Japan
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (ISSN:13467581)
vol.15, no.1, pp.9-16, 2016

The Lama temple in Inner Mongolia, which was originally built in the Yuan Dynasty, was once the social, economic, and cultural center of Inner Mongolia, and is the most important tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural carrier for the religious activities of Inner Mongolia throughout its history. The Lama temples in Inner Mongolia are the typical cultural landscape heritage: First, the Lama temples in Inner Mongolia are intentionally designed and created by humans and bear continuous organic evolution; second, the Lama temples in Inner Mongolia are located in a distinct geographical environment of grassland farms The Lama temples in Inner Mongolia bear an architecture type gradually formed by Mongolian society in seeking social development and religious dissemination in the prairie geographical environment, and have strong regional characteristics. Finally, the Lama temples in Inner Mongolia are the typical religious associative landscape. From the point of view of the perspective of cultural landscape heritages, this paper analyzes the characteristics and values of the Lama temple heritages in Inner Mongolia through a category comparison, proposes the organic evolution characteristics of Lama temple heritages in Inner Mongolia and the forms connecting and adapting with nature, and gives suggestions for their protection.