Ahmed Mohammed Aly Mahmoud
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.89, no.5, pp.575-585, 2020 (Released:2020-10-30)
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Tomato grafting is an important agricultural technique to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses and increase plant growth and productivity. Breeding and selection of resistant and vigorous rootstocks are necessary to achieve grafting goals. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate eight tomato interspecific hybrids between accession Solanum lycopersicum L. LA1221 ‘VFNT cherry’, as the female parent and each of wild accessions S. chmielewskii LA1028 (Chm-1028); S. galapagense LA0530 (Gal-530); S. habrochaites CGN 15391 (Habr-15391) and LA1777 (Habr-1777); S. pennellii AusTRCF 312075 (Pen-312075) and LA716 (Pen-716); and S. pimpinellifolum AusTRCF311810 (Pim-311810) and CGN18388 (Pim-18388), as male parents, as rootstocks under greenhouse conditions compared to the commercial rootstock ‘Emperador’, to select the most suitable rootstock. S. lycopersicum ‘Santa Cruz Piedade’ was selected as a scion and used as self-grafted and non-grafted controls. Plant growth and productivity measurements were estimated for the grafted and non-grafted plants. The response to the evaluated rootstocks was not consistent for many of the studied traits, denoting that the scion was differently influenced by the rootstocks. Grafts did not always outperform self-grafts. Grafting onto either Pen-312075, Habr-15391, or Pim-18388. in addition to self-grafting, increased the total and marketable yields compared to the non-grafted plants, with proportions that would enable increased profits and cover the extra cost of grafting. In addition, fruits from these grafts had acceptable quality traits. Therefore, the interspecific hybrids Pen-312075, Habr-15391, and Pim-18388 are considered suitable rootstocks to improve the scion ‘Santa Cruz Piedade’. Greater and continuing efforts are needed to evaluate several interspecific hybrids, as well as different high yielding scion cultivars, to select the most suitable rootstocks for different scion cultivars.
細見 彰洋 内山 知二
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.67, no.1, pp.44-50, 1998-01-15 (Released:2008-01-31)
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ネコブセンチュウが生息し, かつ生育障害の発生している大阪府下のイチジク栽培圃場から土壌を採取し, これを接種していや地を起こさせた圃場の土をいや地土壌として実験に供した.いや地土壌, あるいはこれを添加した用土でのポット試験では, 挿し木イチジクの萌芽や発根が阻害されて活着率が低下し, 活着した個体の生育も著しく劣った.いや地土壌を予め60℃で2時間湯煎し, いや地土壌に含まれるネコブセンチュウを死滅させた場合, このような生育阻害は軽減されたが, 対照土壌に比べると活着率が低く, 活着しても新梢や根の生育が劣った.ネコブセンチュウ幼虫を, ポットで生育中の挿し木イチジクの用土に添加すると, 新梢や根の生育が抑制された.しかし, この抑制程度は, ほぼ同数のネコブセンチュウ幼虫を含むいや地土壌を添加した場合に比べてはるかに軽微であった.静止液法による養液栽培で生育中のイチジクに対し, 培養液にいや地土壌の懸濁液を添加すると, 根部へのセンチュウの寄生がなくても新梢や根の生育が著しく抑えられた.この生育抑制は懸濁液をメンブレンフィルターで濾過したり電子レンジで2分間の加熱処理することで消滅した.以上から, 本実験で使用したいや地土壌には, センチュウ以外の強い生育阻害要因が存在すると考えられた.この要因が単一のものかどうか不明だが, 生育阻害が, いや地土壌やその懸濁液を熱処理することによって軽減もしくは消滅したり, メンブレンフィルターによる濾過で消滅することから, この要因は微生物に由来する可能性が高い.
矢羽田 第二郎 野方 仁
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.70, no.1, pp.72-77, 2001-01-15 (Released:2008-01-31)

イチジク'桝井ドーフィン'を用い, 結果枝内の第7節以下のすべての果実を横径が約4mmに達した結果期に摘果して, 第8節と第13節の果実の形質と糖集積に及ぼす影響を調査した.1. 第8節と第13節の果実が結果から成熟までに要した日数は73∿74日で, 摘果区と無処理区との間に差はなかった.結果後の果実肥大において, 第8節の果実では摘果処理の影響が小さかったが, 第13節では果径が肥大初期から大きくなる傾向が認められた.2. 無処理区の収穫果実は, 第8節と第13節の果実は第3節の果実に比べ横径と果実重が著しく小さく, 肥大が劣った.第8節, 第13節の果実は, 第3節に比べて果皮色のE値が高く着色が劣り, 小果, 果托の糖度も低かった.果実の硬度は, 節位間に差がみられなかった.3. 摘果区では, 第13節の収穫果実の横径と果実重が無処理区より大きくなり, 果肉内では小果よりも果托の重量が増加した.果皮色のE値は, 第8節では摘果区が無処理区より低くなって着色が優れ, 第13節でも摘果区が低下傾向となった.果実の硬度は, 第8節, 第13節の両節位とも処理区間に差がなかった.4. 摘果区では, 第8節, 第13節の小果および果托で無処理区に比べ単位重量当たりの果糖, ブドウ糖含量が増加した.また, 部位ごとの重量から換算した糖の総量も無処理区より多くなり, 特に, 重量増加が顕著であった第13節の果托で糖の集積が促進された.
平井 重三 平田 尚美 多田 英喜
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.35, no.4, pp.354-360, 1966 (Released:2007-07-05)
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油処理によるイチジク果実の成熟促進について, 果実の発育と処理時期の関係および油の種類による効果の相違について, マスイドーフィンの第2期果を材料として実験を行なつた。1. 果実生長の第II期の末ごろ, 果径が約34.0mmに達した時, 果皮が緑色から黄緑色に変わり, 果頂部の目の部分が多少隆起して, 淡桃色から赤桃色に変わり, かつ花托内の小果が淡桃色から赤桃色に変つたころが, 油処理を行なつて成熟促進に効果のある時期であると判定された。2. 各種の植物油処理では, その沃素価の大小にかかわらず, 同様の促進効果が認められ処理後6日で成熟した。油処理された成熟果の大きさ, 糖, 酸含量および着色度など, 自然成熟果と差異がなかつた。3. 動物油処理は植物油よりも効果はやや劣つたが処理後8日で成熟し効果が認められた。4. 鉱物油処理は成熟促進効果は著しく劣り, その効果も不均一であつた。また流動パラフィンの効果はほとんど認められなかつた。
細見 彰洋 三輪 由佳 古川 真 瓦谷 光男
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.81, no.2, pp.159-165, 2012 (Released:2012-04-17)
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日本の主要イチジク品種‘桝井ドーフィン’については,病原菌(Ceratocystis fimbriata)によるイチジク株枯病(以下,株枯病)が深刻である.そこで本病抵抗性が期待される‘Celeste’,‘Boldido Negra’,‘Ischia Black’,‘Negronne’の 4 品種の耐病性を検証し,‘桝井ドーフィン’用の抵抗性台木としての能力を検討した.砂礫 350 mL を培地とする根箱の‘Celeste’苗は,培地への病原菌の接種直後から根の伸長が抑制され,根の呼吸速度は接種 2 ヶ月後には低下し,細根は伸長が停止して病斑を生じた.用土 3.5 L で鉢栽培した 4 品種は,病原菌の土壌かん注 5 ヶ月後の調査で地下部には病斑が確認された.しかし,全個体は生存し,大量の菌を接種しなければ根の呼吸速度は低下せず,‘Celeste’以外では葉重,新梢重および根重の有意な減少はなかった.4 品種を台木とする‘桝井ドーフィン’樹を用土 22 L のコンテナで栽培し,病原菌を接種すると,2 年目には一部の個体が枯死し,全般に接ぎ穂や根の生育が減退する傾向にあったが,‘Negronne’台木には,枯死や有意な生育の低下は認められなかった.4 品種を台木とする‘桝井ドーフィン’樹は株枯病汚染ほ場でも枯死が少なく,定植後 5 年間はその大半が枯死を免れた.この間,穂木‘桝井ドーフィン’の生育に,経年的な明らかな樹勢衰弱はなかった.以上から,4 品種については,株枯病の被害を受けながらも生存を維持する「ほ場抵抗性」が実証され,台木の耐病性は‘Negronne’が最も期待できた.
矢羽田 第二郎 野方 仁
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.68, no.5, pp.987-992, 1999-09-15 (Released:2008-01-31)
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イチジク果実の糖含量と糖組成比について, 秋果および夏果の品種間差異, 果実の部位, 結果節位による相違を検討し, 以下の結果を得た.1. 供試した普通型10品種の秋果と, サンペドロ型3品種および普通型1品種の夏果のすべてで, 小果の全糖含量に占める果糖, ブドウ糖の合計値の割合が90∿95%以上に達し, ショ糖の割合は低かった.しかし, 糖組成比の品種間差異はショ糖で顕著に認められた.2. '桝井ドーフィン'と'蓬莱柿'の秋果では, 成熟期に小果, 果托の果糖, ブドウ糖含量が急増するとともに, 全糖含量に占めるブドウ糖の割合が低下して果糖の割合が高まった.収穫期における糖組成比は, 両品種とも小果, 果托の間に有意な差がなかった.3. 小果, 果托の重量は, 収穫前の約2週間で急激に増加し, その際, '桝井ドーフィン'は果托, '蓬莱柿'は小果の重量が大きくなった.小果, 果托の重量から換算した部位別の糖含量は成熟期に急増し, とくに小果の重量が大きくなった'蓬莱柿'では, 小果の各組成糖の含量が果托に比べて顕著に多くなった.4. '桝井ドーフィン'と'蓬莱柿'の秋果では, 結果節位が高い果実で, 小果の全糖に占めるショ糖の割合が高くなった.結果節位の上昇に伴う糖組成比の変化には, 秋季の気温低下が影響していると考えられた.
Mi Sang Lim Sun Hee Choi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.87, no.1, pp.132-139, 2018 (Released:2018-02-06)
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The genetic diversity and relationships among plants belonging to the subfamily Sedoideae (Crassulaceae), some of which are indigenous to Korea or introduced from other countries, were determined using chloroplast (cp) nucleotide sequence analysis. To analyze genetic diversity and variation among 19 plants including species belonging to Sedum, Hylotelephium, and Phedimus, the tRNA-Leucine gene (trnL [UAA]) and adjoining spacer in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced and compared across species. Species were divided into two main groups based on the cpDNA sequence comparison. The generated phylogeny indicated that many native Sedum species had diverged from S. album. Members of the Phedimus and Hylotelephium species, and several Sedum species analyzed here, clustered distinctively in different groups. Using cpDNA sequence analysis, we successfully discriminated Sedoideae plants cultivated in Korea from each other, even at the intraspecific level, and the results were reflective of the morphological and biogeographical characteristics. These findings could be useful for classifying samples for proper naming, choosing breeding materials for new cultivars, or identifying species for conservation of horticultural crop resources.
Masafumi Omori Yosuke Fujiwara Hisayo Yamane Kenji Miura Ryutaro Tao
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-062, (Released:2023-06-14)

Evaluating the function of genes expressed in fruit tissues of fruit tree species using a genetic transformation approach is a long process because the trees are generally recalcitrant to genetic transformation and cannot bear fruit during their long juvenile phases. Transient gene expression in fruit enables the functional analysis of genes associated with fruit traits, which may accelerate the study of fruit physiology. Here, by using the recently developed “Tsukuba system”, we successfully established an efficient transient expression system in harvested fruit tissues. The “Tsukuba system” utilizes a combination of the geminiviral replication system and a double terminator, which ensures sufficient levels of transgene expression. We used blueberry fruit as a model to characterize the applicability of this system for transient expression in fruit tissue. The pTKB3-EGFP vector was introduced by agroinfiltration into the fruit tissues of several blueberry cultivars. We found that transient GFP fluorescence in fruit peaked 4–6 days after agroinfiltration. Agrobacterium suspensions were easily injected into soft, mature fruit, and GFP was strongly expressed; however, hard, immature fruit were not penetrable by Agrobacterium suspensions, and GFP was rarely detected. We then tested the applicability of the developed system to other fruit tree species: six families, 17 species, and 26 cultivars. GFP fluorescence was detected in all species, except for Japanese apricot. In blueberry, bilberry, sweet cherry, apricot, and satsuma mandarin, GFP was highly expressed and observed in a large proportion of the flesh. In kiwifruit, hardy kiwifruits, persimmon, peach, apple, European pear, and grape, GFP fluorescence was limited to certain parts of the fruits. Finally, transient VcMYBA1 overexpression in blueberry was tested as a model for gene functional analysis in fruit. Transient VcMYBA1 overexpression induced red pigmentation in the flesh, suggesting that VcMYBA1 expression caused anthocyanin accumulation. This study provides a technical basis for the rapid evaluation of genes expressed in fruit, which will be useful for gene function evaluation studies in fruit crops with long juvenile phases.
Natsu Tanikawa Hiroyuki Sano Fumi Tatsuzawa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-067, (Released:2023-06-14)

We investigated bluish-purple Platycodon grandiflorus flowers for yet unidentified flavonoid-related compounds and their flower coloration mechanisms. We identified a new polyacylated anthocyanin, delphinidin 3-O-[6-O-(α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-7-O-[6-O-(4-O-(6-O-(4-O-(6-O-(4-O-(β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranoside] (3) as the minor anthocyanin component along with four known anthocyanins, four known flavones, and chlorogenic acid. The major anthocyanin of the bluish-purple P. grandiflorus flowers is platyconin. While platyconin has two caffeic acids linked in series via glucose molecules at the 7-position of delphinidin, anthocyanin 3 has three caffeic acids linked in series via glucose molecules at the 7-position of delphinidin. To investigate the effects of the number of aromatic acyl groups in polyacylated anthocyanin on bluing and stability, the color and stability of anthocyanin 3 in diluted aqueous solution (5 × 10−5 M) at a weak acidic condition (pH 5.7, the same pH as the petal sap) were compared with those of platyconin. Results showed that even if the three caffeic acids were bound in series at the 7-position of delphinidin, there was no further bluing or stabilizing effects of anthocyanin 3 compared to platyconin, but a tendency toward weakening color intensity was observed. Investigation of the change in anthocyanin content at the flower developmental stages showed that delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside, which is the deacylated form of platyconin, first accumulated up to sufficient amounts at the bud stage, followed by an increase in platyconin content. At the bud stage, the petals were not purple or violet, except for veins, despite the presence of a good amount of delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside, indicating the delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside was present in some colorless state.
Rei Kaneeda Keith Hardie Ken Hoshino Chie Yoshida Takashi Handa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-065, (Released:2023-05-31)

The most popular fragrant cut rose cultivar in Japan is ‘Yves Piaget’, but its petals often become malformed after harvest. These malformed flowers, referred to as “incurved flowers”, are characterized by petals curving toward the adaxial side which prevents normal flowering and significantly decreases the cut flower quality. It has been reported that jasmonic acid (JA) affects petal growth, and could suppress the emergence of incurved flowers. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the use of exogenous JA, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), applied to cut flowers of ‘Yves Piaget’ by 24 h pulse-uptake treatment. Results showed that 500 μM MeJA 24 h pulse-uptake treatment was effective at suppressing the number of incurved petals. Then, salicylic acid (SA), an antagonist of JA, was applied to see if the number of incurved petals increased. We compared three treatments: deionized water uptake treatment (control), 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment, and 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatment. Vase life did not differ significantly between the three treatments, but the 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment produced a better-preserved flower shape due to only slight petal bluing and discoloration. In contrast, the control and 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatments produced cut flowers with major petal wilting, bluing, and discoloration. The 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment tended to extend the number of days from flower bud to full bloom and decrease the number of incurved petals due to the continued high-water absorption. The commercial value of roses lies in the blooming process from bud until full bloom; the increased number of days from bud to full bloom after 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment improved the cut flower quality. In contrast, there was less water absorption and more incurved petals in the days after the 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatment, indicating an antagonistic response to the 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment. In conclusion, treatment of ‘Yves Piaget’ cut flowers with 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake could decrease the number of incurved petals and improve the cut flower quality.
Hikaru Ishikawa Yasuyuki Togano Tomoki Shibuya
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-054, (Released:2023-05-31)

The large berry mutant (LBM) of the ‘Delaware’ (V. vinifera × (V. labrusca × V. aestivalis)) is known to produce larger berries than ‘Delaware’ when subjected to traditional double gibberellic acid-3 (GA3) treatment. In this study, we first compared ‘Delaware’ and the LBM in terms of their berry and cluster quality to reevaluate previous findings on LBM. Next, we compared berry size without GA3, histological characteristics of the early developmental berry, and then GA-related gene expression to reveal the characteristics of the LBM. The previous finding that LBM yielded larger berry sizes than ‘Delaware’ with double GA3 treatment was verified, but without GA3 treatment, LBM did not produce larger berries than ‘Delaware’. This highlights the prerequisite of exogenous GA for larger berry size in LBM. Histological analysis revealed an increase in cell numbers of the inner and outer mesocarp walls in the early developmental stage of LBM berries. Gene expression analysis of the flower buds and berries indicated an increased expression of VvGID1A, encoding the GA receptor, in LBM than in ‘Delaware’ 3 h after the first GA3 treatment. Additionally, the expression of VvGID1A and VvGID1B was higher in LBM than that in ‘Delaware’ before and after the second GA3 treatment. The expression of VvGID2A, which interacts with the GA receptor and promotes GA signaling, was also higher in LBM than in ‘Delaware’ before the first GA3 treatment. However, the expression of VvSLR1, VvGAI1, and VvGAI2 that encode DELLA proteins, essential negative regulators for GA reactions, mostly showed no significant changes. These results suggest that LBM berries had higher GA sensitivity than the ‘Delaware’. Based on these results, we believe that the larger berry size in LBM may be due to increased cell numbers resulting from high GA sensitivity.
Kaori M. Nakajima Manato Ohishi Fumio Sato Megumu Takahashi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-045, (Released:2023-05-31)

In Japan, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) is primarily harvested manually. Some Japanese broccoli cultivars have short stems, but these broccoli heads are more difficult to harvest, and complicate the introduction of mechanical harvesters. Therefore, research is focused on strategies to control stem length. The present study examined the effects of the plant hormone gibberellin (GA) on the morphological and agronomic traits of broccoli shoots. The broccoli cultivar ‘SK9-099’, widely distributed in Japan and characterized by a short stem, was studied. These experiments were conducted over three cropping seasons, i.e., spring (Exp. 1), summer (Exp. 2), and fall (Exp. 3), with four GA treatment plots at 0 ppm (Control), 20 ppm, 100 ppm, and 500 ppm. This study observed that, on average, GA elongated stem length from approximately 16.0 cm in the control plot to 24.7 cm in the 500 ppm plot for the three cropping seasons, without decreasing yield. In addition, GA treatment accelerated apical bud growth and shortened the overall growth period by 16 days in the 500 ppm plot compared to the control in the fall, equivalent to 20.5% of the growth period from transplantation to harvest in the latter.This study highlights several practical benefits of GA application for growers, minimizing manual harvesting labor, avoid the difficult of designing mechanical harvesters for short-stemmed cultivars, and increase field usage efficiency by shortening the growth period.
Haruka Sato Natsumi Kawato Furong Li Kanto Ito Ami Shinoda Taichi Hasunuma Jiayi Liu Yasuyuki Kawaharada Chikako Nishitani Masato Wada Manabu Watanabe Sadao Komori
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-041, (Released:2023-05-31)

Shoot regeneration experiments from growth-point-derived callus were conducted to improve apple genome editing techniques. The plant material studied was in vitro maintained shoots of ‘Fuji’. In the first step, a procedure for shoot formation from apple callus was established. After using the two earlier reported cases’ experimental procedures and media compositions, we investigated the effect of media variations in callus induction, callus multiplication, and shoot induction from the meristem. The procedure that yielded a higher shoot regeneration rate with meristem-derived callus involved shoot multiplication with 1001 medium followed by the Caboni’s callus induction medium, then without callus propagation on liquid medium, and then either Caboni’s or Saito-Suzuki’s shoot induction medium. In this experiment, axillary buds may remain as the shoot apexes were excised at 1 mm. In the next experiment, shoot apexes were excised at 0.5 mm to completely eliminate the axillary bud. Then treatment in the dark was added to the procedure to further improve shoot regeneration rates for the meristem-derived callus. Shoot multiplication medium and shoot induction medium procedures were conducted under dark conditions. This yielded the following optimal procedure: excising meristems from chlorosis shoots after 2–3 months of dark treatment in shoot multiplication medium on 1001; placing the excised meristems in Carboni’s callus induction medium in the dark for 20 days; then transferring the formed callus Saito-Suzuki’s shoot induction medium with incubation in the dark for at least 2 weeks. The shoot regeneration rates of calli treated in the dark for 6 weeks with shoot induction medium reached 68%. Relative to previous reports, this value is considered high for shoot regeneration from calli in apple cultivars.
曽根 一純 望月 龍也 野口 裕司
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.68, no.5, pp.1007-1014, 1999-09-15 (Released:2008-01-31)
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国内外から導入した幅広い特性を有するイチゴ品種について, 促成および露地栽培におけるビタミンC含量を調査した.1995年には293品種を用いて5回の収穫時期で, また1996年には149品種を用いて7回の収穫時期で調査した.これをもとにビタミンC含量の品種・収穫時期間における変動を明らかにするとともに, ビタミンC含量と平均果重, 果皮色, 糖および有機酸の含量・組成等の果実品質関連形質との関係を検討した.1) 1995年作における収穫期間を通じた各品種のビタミンC含量の平均値は, 15.9mg/100g∿114.8mg/100gの範囲に分布し, 供試した293品種の総平均は59.1mg/100gであった.ビタミンC含量およびその時期的安定性には幅広い品種間差がみられた.Finlay・Wilkinson (1963)の方法による回帰係数を用いて環境変動に対する安定性を検討したところ, 高いビタミンC含量の品種ほど環境変動に敏感な傾向がみられた.しかし, '静紅', 'あかしゃのみつこ', 'さちのか'等は高いビタミンC含量を有し, かつ環境変動に対して比較的鈍感であり, 安定して高いビタミンC含量の品種を育成するための育種母本として有望と考えられた.2) ビタミンC含量の品種間差は収穫時期間の安定性が高く, 品種特性としてのビタミンC含量を評価するに当たっては, 大まかなスクリーニングのための調査を収穫期間中に数回行ない特性を把握し, より詳細な環境変動に対する調査が必要な場合には収穫期全体を通じた評価を行うことにより, 合理的な評価が可能と考えられた.3) ビタミンC含量と全糖含量および全糖含量に対するスクロースの割合(スクロース比率)との間には, 有意な正の相関がみられたが, 有機酸含量および有機酸含量に対するリンゴ酸の割合との間には有意な相関が認められなかった.また, ビタミンC含量の収穫期間を通じた変動係数は, スクロース比率およびグルコース/フルクトース比率の変動係数との間に正の相関を示した.従って, ビタミンC含量の安定して高い品種を育成するに当たっては, 糖含量が高く, かつ糖組成の安定性の高い素材の利用が可能であり, これらを用いることにより食味とのバランスが取れた安定して高いビタミンC含量を有する品種の育成が可能と考えられた.
太田 和子 香川 彰
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.65, no.2, pp.327-332, 1996 (Released:2008-05-15)
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ホウレンソウ(Spinacia oleraceaL.)F1品種'松緑'のシュウ酸含量を低下させることを目的にジ硝酸態窒素の濃度と硝酸態窒素対アンモニア態窒素の比率の影響について検討した.植物体は,0~100ppmのNO3-を含む養液で生育させたところ,窒素濃度が10ppmより低いとき,シュウ酸含量は低下したが,生育も不良となった.さらに,葉中の全窒素含量も低くなった.次に,硝酸態窒素とアンモニア態窒素の混合割合を変えて栽培した.アンモニア態窒素の割合が高くなるほど総シュウ酸,水溶性シュウ酸ともに含量が低下した.生育は季節により変動があったが,アンモニア態窒素が75%以上の高比率の区では低下した.しかし,混合区でもアンモニア態窒素の割合が25%より低いと,生重が低下しない区もみられ,生育を落とさずにシュウ酸含量を低下させられる可能性がみいだされた.
Yosuke Isoyama Atomu Sugimura Kazuyoshi Nada Hideki Kato Hatsuyoshi Kitamura
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-029, (Released:2023-03-09)

Supplemental interlighting is a technique to improve horticultural light conditions. However, optimal methods for energy-efficient supplemental lighting are not yet established. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of supplemental light canopy position during the tomato fruit enlargement stage on photosynthetic function and aboveground dry-matter weight. A supplementary interlighting module was fixed at the initial irradiation position, then the irradiation position for three other modules were raised to 10 cm above each fruit truss at different developmental stages. These stages were the early enlargement stage (ES), from flowering until the first fruit reached a diameter of 10 mm, then the vigorously enlarging stage (VES), with tomato fruit diameter from 10 to 30 mm, and the late enlargement stage (LS) with a tomato fruit diameter greater than 30 mm. Cultivation was carried out using a D-tray system with a planting density of 5.5 plants·m−2. The LED supplemental interlighting reduced specific leaf area (SLA), altering the plant canopy structure. This increased the canopy light transmittance from 40% to 70% at 20 cm from the canopy and from 20% to 40% at 40 cm from the canopy, especially during the ES. The total chlorophyll (Chl) content of leaves was higher under all irradiated treatments compared to the untreated control. However, Chl a/b ratios decreased for all treatments except in leaves under continuous LED irradiation. The maximum photosynthetic rate was higher in leaves closer to the supplemental interlighting exposure, but was lower in the 17th and 13th leaves at 6 μmol·m2·s−1 and 4 μmol·m2·s−1, respectively. Fruit dry-matter weight increased significantly to 143.2–156.5 g in all supplemental interlighting treatments compared with 119.6 g for the control. Interlighting treatment during VES achieved the highest yield and the greatest increase in fruit and total dry-matter weight. Therefore, VES-irradiation is most efficient to increase dry-matter weight.
庵原 遜
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.35, no.4, pp.405-412, 1966 (Released:2007-07-05)

(1) 前年枝を使つたカエデの枝接が活着しにくい原因を明らかにするために, 1964年から′65年の間に, イロハモミジを材料としてカルス形成と環境温度との関係を調べ, 更にイロハモミジにノムラを接木したものについて, 同じく環境温度と接木のゆ合組織発達との関係を調べた。(2) 6日間の観察では, カルスは15°C以下ではほとんど形成されない。20°C以上になると温度の上昇とともに形成量が増加し, 30°Cでは急激に増大した。接木のゆ合組織の発達も, 30°Cでヵビのために阻害されたのを除いて, これと全く同じ傾向を示した。(3) カルスは組織が若いほどよく形成された。しかし前年生の組織でも, 接木活着に重大な影響をおよぼすほど少なくはなかつた。(4) カルスは, 休眠期に多く形成され, 生育伸長期にやや少ない傾向はあるが, 年間を通じてつねによく形成された。接木も環境条件を調節すれば, 季節による活着率の差はあるが年間を通じてよく活着した。(5) 以上の結果は, 接木のゆ合組織の発達がカルスの発達と同じ要因の影響をうけることを示す。また, これまで前年枝を使つたカエデの枝接が活着困難であつたのは, 環境温度の不足によるものであろうと推定される。すなわち, 接木親和性のある樹種において, 接木活着に影響する最大の要因は接木時の環境条件特に環境温度であると考えられた。
宮崎 丈史 都築 和香子 鈴木 建夫
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.60, no.1, pp.217-224, 1991 (Released:2008-05-15)
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サツマイモの表皮色はその市場評価を高めるうえでの重要な品質要因となっている. 表皮の鮮やかな赤色はアントシアニンによるものとされているが, これについての研究はきわめて少なく, その化学構造についても一部が明らかにされているにすぎない. Imbertら(4) は, サツマイモの茎の赤色色素について調査し, その主要成分をジカフェオイル-シアニジン-3-ジグルコシド-5-グルコシドおよびジカフェオイル-ペオニジン-3-ジグルコシド-5-グルコシドと報告している. 一方,塊根内部が紫色のサツマイモは, 一部の品種についてその主要なアントシアニン ('Yen217':カフェオイル-フェルロイル-シアニジン-3-スクロシド-5-キシロシド) が同定されている (9).アントシアニンは, 近年, 天然の着色料として食品への利用が急速に増加しているだけでなく, 抗酸化能などを有する機能性物質としての検討も開始されている (10). そこで著者らは, 高品質なサツマイモの生産,貯蔵に関する研究およびアントシアニンの利用に関する研究の一環として, わが国における青果用サツマイモの主要品種である'紅赤'と'ベニアズマ'の表皮を用い,これらの表皮色を構成している色素であるアントシアニンの構造の同定を試みた. 本報告では, その結果とともに, 紫サツマイモの代表的な品種である'山川紫'と'種子島紫'の塊根のアントシアニン組成についても述べる.
Chutisorn Deemark Ladawan Lerslerwong Supatchaya Nampila Somyot Meetha Supat Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-011, (Released:2023-02-04)

Papaya cultivators in northeast Thailand deal with dry conditions that dramatically affect growth, yield, and fruit quality. The use of intercropping fruit crops, especially banana, should improve papaya production. This study evaluated intercropping papaya and banana in terms of papaya growth, fruit quality, and nutrient content. Experiments were conducted at the Fruit Tree Experimental Field, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University between January 2019 and July 2020. The mono-papaya and intercropped papaya with banana used 3 × 2 m spacing, and the intercropped papaya used 1 row of banana with 3 rows of papaya. Plant growth was analyzed between the 5th and 19th month post-transplantation, while fruit yield and nutrient status were evaluated between the 14th and 19th month after transplantation. Plant height, number of leaves, and girth were not different between mono- and intercropped papaya. All plant growth patterns were sigmoidal, reaching stable growth rates between the 15th and 19th month after transplantation. Fruit numbers were not significantly different, but banana-intercropping with papaya increased papaya yield through fruit length and pulp thickness. Nutrient levels in all plant parts were not significantly different. In addition, nutrient analysis identified that papaya fruit extracted N, K, and B at higher levels than other parts, while P and Ca were the highest removed by the stem.
Masashi Yamamoto
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-035, (Released:2023-01-28)

Self-incompatibility and compatibility of Citrus depressa (Shiikuwasha) and its related species were determined by pollen tube growth within the style. Among the 30 accessions investigated, twelve C. depressa, two C. ryukyuensis (Tanibuta), and three species derived from C. depressa, C. keraji, C. oto, and C. tarogayo, were self-incompatible, while ten C. depressa, one C. tachibana (Tachibana), and two C. tachibana relatives showed self-compatibility. Of the self-incompatible accessions, some cross-incompatible relationships were discovered. All self-incompatible C. depressa except “Ishikunibu” were cross-incompatible with each other. Two C. ryukyuensis were cross-incompatible. This species showed cross-compatibility with C. depressa. C. depressa “Ishikunibu” was cross-compatible with all self-incompatible C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis. From the above, three genotypes determining incompatibility were found in C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis. In addition, all self-incompatible C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis accessions were cross-compatible with self-incompatible C. keraji, C. oto, and C. tarogayo which are related to C. depressa. The present study suggests that S (self-incompatible) alleles of C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis are derivatives of themselves and not from C. maxima (pummelo), major source of citrus S alleles.