渡邊 美樹
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.102, no.3, pp.63-94, 2020-12-17

In the research to date on the history of the Liao Dynasty, the reign of Emperor Shengzong 聖宗 (982–1031) is regarded as the turning point in the Dynasty’s tribal system, based on the facts that Shengzong 1) reorganized the six nomadic tribes under the leadership of Xiwang 奚王 that had existed since the founding of the Dynasty and 2) formed subjects not of Qidan 契丹 ethnic origin—the Ordo 斡魯朶 people and imperial slaves—into tribes. Since there is no record of any new tribal formation in the Liaoshi 遼史 histories from that time on, Shengzong’s reign is regarded as marking the completion of the Dynasty’s tribal system. Referred to in the Liaoshi as “Shengzong’s thirty-four tribes” (Shengzong Sanshisibu 聖宗三十四部), the research to date has inferred that this tribal collectivity was formed for the specific purposes of firmly establishing a centralized system of governance and expanding the tribal defense forces on the borders, despite the fact that no attempt have yet been made to ascertain the circumstances under which each individual tribe was formed. In order to fill this gap, the present article examines from which tribe each of Shengzong’s thirty-four tribes originated through a careful survey of the background and motivation for each tribe’s formation. What this survey reveals is the possibility of classifying the thirty-four tribes into two distinct groups: those people already under the Liao rule prior to Shengzong’s reign and those people organized on the occasion of the acquisition of human resources in the expeditions during Shengzong’s reign. Furthermore, the purposes behind formation varied from tribe to tribe: for example, compensating for population scarcities, accounting for war captives, the restoration of order on the frontier, and appeasing groups of people to submit to Dynasty rule. In other words, Shengzong’s thirty-four tribes were not formed collectively under a consolidated policy of political centralization and border defense, but rather formed separately and incrementally in the process of the Liao Dynasty attempting to solve domestic and foreign problems that had arisen during Shengzong’s reign. Despite the fact that the research to date has viewed the Liao tribal system as depicted in the Liaoshi as a self-evident conclusion and has avoided any discussion other than the aims of creating the system as a whole, the author concludes that tracing the circumstances of formation tribe-by-tribe casts doubt on the argument of the research to date that Shengzong conceived his own master plan when reorganizing the tribal system. In the future, only careful examination of conditions evolving over time promises to reveal the actual raison d’etre of the tribes formed under the Liao Dynasty.
建石 由佳 小野 芳彦 山田 尚勇
vol.1988, no.25(1988-HI-018), pp.1-8, 1988-05-09

牧 幸輝
オイコノミカ (ISSN:03891364)
vol.48, no.1, pp.27-45, 2011-09-30

本稿は,「中京デトロイト化計画」として知られる戦前名古屋の自動車開発について,その経緯と内容,挫折した背景,関係各社の経営環境などを詳細に検討し,その全体像を明らかにした上で,同計画を1930年代の軍需工業化の流れの中に位置付けようとするものである.1930 年代には多くの企業が自動車事業への進出を企てた.ところが,国内で自動車工業を確立するために必要な技術,資本は十分でなく,米国型の大量生産システムをそのまま採用することは望めなかったため,車種の選択や製造方式についての考え方も様々であった.日本車輌製造,大隈鉄工所,岡本自転車自動車が主導した乗用車のアツタ号は,分担作業による国産化を目指した.一方,豊田式織機によるバスのキソコーチ号は,下請企業を活用しながら,機関部品は外国製を用いる国際的部品綜合ノ方式を採用したのだった.しかし結局,アツタ号もキソコーチ号も,本格的な生産に移行出来ないまま製造中止となった.名古屋財界を糾合した大資本による中京自動車工業設立計画も,関係会社間の調整がまとまらず頓挫した.自動車工業は,次第に国策工業の色合いを強め,最終的には,政府・軍部の要求を満たして,自動車製造事業法の許可を受けた会社のみが事実上,事業の継続を可能としたのであった.但し,中京デトロイト化計画に関わった企業は,自動車事業に失敗したことで,その後業績を低下させたわけではなかった.これらの企業は,工作機械や鉄道車輌,繊維機械,自転車といった分野では国内有数のメーカーであり,それ故に軍需生産の重要な担い手となったのだった.自動車事業を断念したというよりも,むしろ軍需を中心とした急速な重化学工業化の中で業容を拡大していったことが肝要であった.名古屋の機械工業発展を目指した中京デトロイト化計画は,軍需工業という形によって実現することになったのである.
宮川 久美
奈良佐保短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Nara Saho College (ISSN:13485911)
no.21, pp.25-34, 2013-03-31

岡本 洋子

吉野 政治 YOSHINO Masaharu
同志社女子大學學術研究年報 (ISSN:04180038)
vol.64, pp.130 (53)-118 (65), 2013-12-26

論文 (Article)
相沢 直樹
山形大学紀要. 人文科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Humanities
vol.16, no.3, pp.1(118)-31(88), 2008-02-15

The goal of this paper is to present research of the “Gondola Song” (Gondora-no Uta : words by Isamu Yoshii, music by Shinpei Nakayama), which was one of the most popular songs in the Taisho era and continues to be one of the most well-loved songs even today. The “Gondola Song” is famous for its strikingly simple and straightforward opening message : ”Life is so short. Do love, young girl!” It was originally written for the 1915 performance of Turgenev's “On the Eve” by Art Theater (Geijutsu-za) in Tokyo and was sung on the stage by the famous actress Sumako Matsui. In this paper, we shall examine the following points: 1) To confirm the text of the Song and restore the original text in the stage scenario if necessary. 2) To compare Yoshii's text with that of Ogai Mori's translation of “Venetian Song” , which is inserted into H. C. Andersen's “Improvisator”. 3) To investigate the background of Yoshii's writing of the Song (including the fact of his borrowing from Ogai's “Improvisator” ). 4) To reveal the rhetoric and technique of Yoshii's text as a verse. 5) To examine in what way and to what extent the introduction of the Song into the drama depends on Turgenev's original novel and its translation by Gyofu Soma. 6) To describe specific features of Nakayama's melody from a viewpoint of Japanese and European music while referring to Japanese culture of the Taisho era. Yoshii's now almost unknown open letter to Matsui is also introduced and examined in detail in this paper. Finally, some reflections of the “Gondola Song” in the area of so-called subcultures, such as animations and computer games, in the Heisei era are introduced proving both the longevity of the Song and the magical power of its words .