澤野 孝一朗
オイコノミカ (ISSN:03891364)
vol.50, no.1, pp.11-38, 2013-09-15

The aim of this survey is to discuss the results of economic research on pediatric care utilization. Our main conclusions are as follows : First, primary determinants are copayment, number of physician (pediatric care specialist) and parents’ opportunity cost. Second a rapid pervasion of its free care is observed. Finally the magnitude of its price response is very small.
森田 克徳
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.13, no.2, pp.17-29, 2001-03-01

Main two point problems of this paper exist. The first is to clarify the details concerning the dawn of Japanese beer industry since the beginning of 1870's. And secondarily, the process in which Dainipon beer company is established is clarified by joining three companies of the Sapporo beer company, Nipon beer company, and Osaka beer company in 1906.
山田 麻紗子 渡邊 忍 小平 英志 橋本 和明
日本福祉大学社会福祉論集 = Journal social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:1345174X)
vol.137, pp.133-151, 2017-09-30

筆者たちは児童虐待への効果的支援のあり方を探るため,2015 年の児童虐待対応の先進国であるアメリカ(ニューヨーク市,バージニア州)視察に続いて,2016 年に韓国(ソウル市)の関係機関10 ケ所を,次の2 つの知見を得るために視察した.それらは,①韓国の児童虐待に関わる各関係機関の役割・機能,②各関係機関の連携・協働の実際についてである.その結果,過去10 年間における韓国の児童虐待等に関する取り組みには格段の進歩があり,日本にとって学ぶ点が複数みられた.政府,司法,地方自治体,民間機関が縦横に連携・協働している点やひまわり児童センターの総合支援システムには,目を見張るものがある.本稿では,韓国ソウル市における児童虐待,児童福祉の現状と課題などを紹介したい.
新川 登亀男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.277-327, 2015-03-31

角野 雅彦 カクノ マサヒコ Masahiko Kakuno
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.39, no.4, pp.1-14, 2021-02-01

坪倉 誠
vol.62, no.2, pp.64-66, 2021-01-15

宮 次男
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.251, pp.11-26, 1968-02-27

This is Part I of the study of the Gosannen Kassen Emaki (Illustrated Scroll of the War, Gosannen Kassen). The Gosannen Kassen (lit. Succeeding Three Year War; 1083-87) is the war in which Minamoto no Yoshiie was involved in trouble inside the Kiyowara Clan, then a powerful clan in the district of Ōshū (present Tōhoku), and pacified the area. It is so called in contrast to the Zenkunen Kassen (lit. Preceding Nine Year War) in which Yoshiie's father, Yoriie overcame the rebellion of the Abe Clan in the district. The oldest record of the illustrated scroll retating the Gosannen Kassen is that of the four volume work which Priest Seiken had the painter Myōjitsu make by order of Ex-emperor Goshirakawa in 1171. It is referred to in Kikki, the diary of Yoshida, Tsunefusa, and Yasutomiki, the diary of Nakahara, Yasutomi. The existing example of the Gosannen Kassen Emaki, preserved in Tokyo National Museum, has a preface by Gen'e, a priest of the Enryakuji dated 1347. The preface emphasizes that the Ashikaga Shogunate family, an offspring of the Minamoto Clan, held political power due to the protection afforded it by the god of Hie Sanno Shrine which is closely related to the Enryakuji. It suggests that there was some intention of showing the superiority of the Enryakuji to the Ashikaga Shogunate in the production of this present version. When we see the pictures of this work, scenes of battles and slaughter are depicted so realistically that it may safely be said that it is an exceptional example in the field of Japanese scroll paintings. The scenes have a ghastliness which shows common features with preceding and contemporary examples of paintings of hell and paintings of “Six Domains”. Here we see the intention of emphasizing the misery of battle. The author judges that the rendering and philosophy of these battle scenes have been influenced by the pictures of hell which prevailed in the period. The time of the production of this version was the beginning of the so-called Nambokucho Period when turmoil and battles were almost continuous. This work might well be said to suggest the daily philosophy of the Buddhist clergy who lived in this unstable period, a desire for paradise and a disgust with the nasty world, in short the desire for peace and their aversion to a disorderly world. This work now consists of three volumes. But Sanetakakāki, the diary of Sanjōnishi, Sanetaka, suggests that it originally consisted of six volumes. Its context and main contents are almost the same as those of the four volume version of 1171, which are discribed in the above mentioned diaries. But there are minor differences, and the comparison of these two versions indicates that the contents of the present version is a story developed from the story of the version of 1171 to which has been added some supplementary elements. There are repetitions of the same sort of settings, which is a compositional method often seen in the illustrated scrolls of the late twelfth century. This must be the influence of the earlier version. However, on the other hand, here are some characteristics peculiar to the time of its own production. For instance, the large proportion of human figures and minute rendering of them are factors attributed to the style of the fourteenth century. Thus this work has a complex style. Though different names are written at the end of the text of each volume, the entire text of the extant work is no doubt by one hand, The official titles written with these names are those which were held by them during the period 1358-61.
高倉 良一
香川大学生涯学習教育研究センター研究報告 = Research review of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning, Kagawa University (ISSN:13420534)
vol.14, pp.91-103, 2009-03-31
