Hatori Tokutaro
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.47, no.6, pp.1063-1072, 1969-12-20

The wave source of the tsunami generated off West Hokkaido (Shakotan Peninsula), in the Japan Sea, on Aug. 2, 1940 is estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram, making use of a new bathymetric chart. The source area extends 170km in the NNW-SSE direction, which is smaller than that obtained by Miyabe (1941). However, the dimension estimated by the present analysis is still large for the earthquake magnitude of M=7.0. From a comparison of the geographic distribution of the earthquake intensity with those of the other tsunamigenic earthquakes that occurred in the Japan Sea, the magnitude of this earthquake is investigated. Effective tsunami height observed on the surrounding coasts of the Japan Sea can be explained by the direction of the present source. Magnitude of the tsunami of 1940 seems to be equal to that of the Niigata tsunami of 1964 and is represented as m=2. Besides, the wave source of the tsunami generated off Rumoi, West Hokkaido, on Nov. 4, 1947 is discussed, taking the aftershock area into consideration.|1940年8月2日,北海道積丹沖に起きた津波は日本海全域に伝播し,北海道西岸をはじめソ連の沿海州と北朝詳,隠岐にも家屋,船舶などに被害を与えた,地震の規模Mは,気象庁の地震カタログ(1958)によるとM=7.0, USCGSによるとMG=7.7と示されており,両者の決定値には著しい違いがある.一方,余震は札幌において多数観測され,P-S頻度分布は10 secから33 secの範囲にあつて,余震域の長さは約190kmと推定されている(宇津,1961)
岡田 文弘
インド哲学仏教学研究 (ISSN:09197907)
vol.21, pp.105-117, 2014-03-31

The Dai Nihonkoku Hokekyō Genki (大日本国法華経験記), is an eleventh-century collection of Buddhist tales written by the monk Chingen (鎮源). In this Genki, there are many stories concerning non-human beings (called irui, 異類), and this study is aims to examine how such beings are depicted in this work. Specifically, it focuses on the story of “Iga o kuni hō’on zennan” (伊賀国報恩善男, Episode no. 106). This tale depicts a beggar-monk who by elucidates the fate of a woman had been reborn as a cow, and by doing so, saves her. In this paper, I discuss how non-human beings feature in Genki episode 106, and show how these unique features may have arisen from Chingen’s Lotus Sūtra-inspired thought. Chingen wrote this tale based on one of the stories in the Nihon-ryōiki (日本霊異記, vol. 2, story no. 15) and the Sanbō-ekotoba (三宝絵詞, vol. 2, story no. 11). Furthermore, a version of this story appears later in the Konjaku Monogatari shū (今昔物語集, vol. 14, story no. 13). By comparing these four tales, this research aims to find what elements are original to Chingen’s Genki. For example, we find that Chingen cut out a description of the miraculousness of the Heart Sūtra (Hannya-Shingyō, 般若心経) and replaced it with text in praise of a monk (i.e. zanbun, 賛文), based on a section of the Lotus Sūtra (Hoke-kyō, 法華 経). Next, I considered what meaning these unique aspects of episode 106 of Chingen’s Genki would have had in context, with respect to his specific audience. In other variations of the story, the merit gained from copying the Lotus Sūtra by the son of the woman who had been reborn as cow, is combined with the merit from the hannya darani (般若陀羅尼) said by the monk, and given to the cow. That is to say, the one who is saved (the cow-woman), and the ones who do the salvific act (the monk and the cow-womans son) are depicted in simple contradistinction. However, in the Genki, the monk is regarded to have received the power of the Lotus Sūtra, and advanced from a common human being to a saint, and as a result, both the cowwoman and the monk have come to be arranged in parallel as subjects who receive the Lotus Sūtra’s power. That is to say, in the Genki, the one who does the saving (the monk) and one who is saved (the cow-woman) are not in a simple contradistinction as above, but are dependent on each other for salvation by the power of the Lotus Sūtra. Furthermore, I suggest that the “ten worlds theory” (jūkkai-setsu, 十界説) which Chingen refers to in the preface, is one background factor that may have influenced how these special features of Genki no.106 came about.
佐藤 亮洋
大橋 慎平 永野 優季 加藤 克 河合 俊郎 矢部 衞
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.64, no.2, pp.55-69, 2014-07-31

Approximately 3,500 fish specimens were transferred from the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University to the Fisheries Science Center, Hokkaido University Museum (HUMZ). The authors identified fishes from at least 16 orders, 57 families, 109 genera and 145 species. Although most specimens were collected around Japanese waters, several species were collected from other areas, e.g., Eleginops maclovinus (Eleginopsidae) from Chile and Luciocephalus pulcher (Osphronemidae) from India.
深瀬 忠一
北大法学論集 (ISSN:03855953)
vol.15, no.2, pp.95-120, 1964-11-14
溝上 恵
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.2, pp.483-504, 1980-11-15

It has been pointed out from geological and geomorphological evidences that the time rate of undulatory crustal movement shows a remarkable dependence on its wavelength. Specific studies on the problem were made by MATSUDA (1960, 1961, 1964), KAIZUKA (1967, 1968) and OTA (1968, 1969). KAIZUKA compared the rate of folding in the Quaternary with the mode of undulatory crustal movements in the present. He indicated such regularities of folding as the smaller the wavelength, the greater the rate of folding and the rate of present folding is in the same order with that of the Quaternary folding.
飯高 隆 中村 功 溝上 恵
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.1, pp.37-50, 1989-06-30

溝上 恵
vol.12, pp.41-56, 1974-03

It should be emphasized that when using an array to determine directly dT/dΔ for the study of the structure of the Earth's deep interior, the necessity for the correction for the near surface structures is inevitable, particularly in such a region as the Kii Peninsula where existence of a dipping Moho-discontinuity is expected. A teleseismic slowness vector analysis method given by Zengeni(1970) is applied for the study of the diwing Moho-discontinuity in the Kii Peninsula.
松田 時彦 恒石 幸正
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1267-1279, 1971-02-27

A locally destructive earthquake with magnitude 6.6 occurred in Okumino area, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan on September 9, 1969 (Fig. 1). The damage area is underlain mainly by Paleozoic formations and Cretaceous rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits, which are partly covered with dissected Quaternary volcanoes (Figs. 2 and 3). A number of Quaternary faults which are dominantly of strike-slip nature, occur in Central Japan which includes the epicentral area (Fig. 6). The epicentral area is located about 10km west of a main fault of the Atera fault system, which is an active left-lateral strikeslip fault of Central Japan. Although a few active faults are in the meisoseismal area, no definite evidence of surface faulting was found along any active fault, except some echelon cracks suggesting a left-slip on a fault line at one locality. The push pull distribution of P waves (Fig. 1), the distribution of aftershocks and the shape of the meisoseismal area (Fig. 5) suggest the concealed seismic fault to be a northwest-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault, which strikes parallel to the Atera fault and has the same sense of displacement. The direction of maximum pressure of the present earthquake corresponds well with the Quaternary stress direction, which has been inferred from the study of active fault systems in Central Japan.
伯野 元彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1287-1294, 1971-02-27

The following features are pointed out concerning the damage of structures by the recent Sept. 9, 1969 earthquake in the Gifu Prefecture in Japan. i)It is supposed that the acceleration of the ground motion is more than 350 gals, due to the behavior of gravestones, however, the damage of structures is not so severe. The reason might be the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake is in the mountainous region, so the frequency content of the ground motion concentrations in a higher frequency domain. ii)The damage of the following structures are severe, A)Road, highway going through the slope of mountains, B)Masonry retaining wall, C)Failure of the forest area, iii) Almost no damage was found in Wooden Houses.
篠原 孝
