森 克己 山田 理恵 渡邉 修希 蔭山 雅洋
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.276_1, 2018

<p> 高校野球は、日本固有の形態をもつスポーツ文化である。また、高校球児=丸刈りというイメージが広く国民全般に定着している。例えば、2016年3月に開催された選抜高等学校野球大会に21世紀枠で出場し選手宣誓した小豆島高校の主将が長髪であったことが大きな話題となったように、他の競技では選手の頭髪が自由であるのに対し、野球だけが選手の頭髪は丸刈りであることが当然視されている。このことは、高野連には高校球児の頭髪を丸刈りとする明文の規定がないにもかかわらず、高校の野球部員や指導者が高校球児=丸刈りという慣習法的なルールにとらわれてきた結果であると考えられる。また、その背景には、精神の鍛練がスポーツの重要な使命であることを説いた飛田穂洲の著作の中にみられる選手の頭髪についての記述のように、野球を単なるスポーツではなく精神修養を伴う「野球道」の思想等とも関連づける考え方の存在があると言える。以上のことを前提として、本研究では、高校球児の髪型=丸刈りという慣習法が成立した経緯やその慣習法の成立構造について、文献・資料及びアンケート調査結果に基づき考察する。</p>
田端 真弓 山田 理恵
研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- (ISSN:18828728)
vol.5, no.1, 2011-11

The purpose of this study is to clarify Saito Shintaro’s (1828–1888) ascetic practices focusing on the Ohmura domain. Shintaro was the eldest son of Saito Yakuro (1798–1871), a well-known swordsmanship instructor at the end of the Tokugawa period. Yakuro had established the Rempeikan (dojo), and Shintaro inherited it. He traveled to various feudal domains from 1847 to 1849. Two historical sources, Shoshu Shugyo Eimeiro-ku and Shugyo-chu Shohan Houmei-roku, contain records of his travels. The significance of these sources has not yet been examined. This paper examines the reliability of these sources and presents the following conclusions. (1) These sources indicate the places (feudal domains) and the dates of the visitmade by Shintaro. In particular, most of the records of Kyushu appear in Houmei-roku. (2) The first area visited by him was the Koga domain. The northernmost domain was Matsumae and the southernmost was Hyuga. The Hirado domain and Tsushima domain were the westernmost places. (3)He participated in matches more actively in the north of Kyushu than he did in other districts. (4)His ascetic practices became the turning point in the transformation of the school (ryuha) of swordsmanship in Ohmura.
田端 真弓 山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.143-155, 2011 (Released:2011-07-08)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the transformation that occurred in a school (ryuha) of swordsmanship in the domain of Ohmura, Nagasaki, at the end of the Tokugawa period in Japan, focusing particularly on the invitation extended to Saito Kannosuke, one of the leading instructors in the Shinto Munen-ryu (school of swordsmanship), in 1854. This paper was based on two historical materials: Shugyo-chu Shohan Houmei-roku (1849) and Kuyo Jitsuroku (1849-1855). Ohmura Sumihiro, the 12th domanial lord, and Egashira Kandayu, his chief retainer, were tacitly interested in the utility of swordsmanship in Ohmura, and actively proposed the transformation of a school of swordsmanship. In 1854, they invited Kannosuke to act as the swordsmanship instructor. Kannosuke was the third son of Saito Yakuro, a famous instructor of the Shinto Munen-ryu, who had established and managed the Rempeikan, a swordsmanship school (dojo) in Edo. Saito Yakuro's eldest son, Shintaro, had embarked on a journey throughout the domains of Japan in order to train and practice against other warriors there. These training and practice were known as kaikoku-shugyo. Shugyo-chu Shohan Houmei-roku indicates that Shintaro visited many feudal domains, including Ohmura. Ohmura Sumihiro and Egashira Kandayu then became interested in the technique of the Shinto Munen-ryu, which was taught at the Rempeikan, because they considered it to be useful for actual fighting. Afterwards, they succeeded in inviting Kannosuke in 1854, and he became the instructor employed by the domain of Ohmura. His duty was to promote the training of the Shinto Munen-ryu with warriors in Ohmura. In 1855, the Itto-ryu and Shinkage-ryu instructors of swordsmanship were dismissed and forced to stop their teaching. According to Kuyo Jitsuroku, this transformation from the Itto-ryu and the Shinkage-ryu to the Shinto Munen-ryu occurred over a period of six years (from 1849 to 1855). It was brought about to achieve the political ambitions of Ohmura Sumihiro and Egashira Kandayu.
山田 理恵 山本 徳郎

田端 真弓 山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.1104250184, (Released:2011-05-02)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the transformation that occurred in a school (ryuha) of swordsmanship in the domain of Ohmura, Nagasaki, at the end of the Tokugawa period in Japan, focusing particularly on the invitation extended to Saito Kannosuke, one of the leading instructors in the Shinto Munen-ryu (school of swordsmanship), in 1854. This paper was based mainly based on two historical materials: Shugyo-chu Shohan Houmei-roku (1849) and Kuyo Jitsuroku (1849-1855). Ohmura Sumihiro, the 12th domanial lord, and Egashira Kandayu, his chief retainer, were tacitly interested in the utility of swordsmanship in Ohmura, and actively proposed the transformation of a school of swordsmanship. In 1854, they invited Kannosuke to act as the swordsmanship instructor. Kannosuke was the third son of Saito Yakuro, a famous instructor of the Shinto Munen-ryu, who had established and managed the Rempeikan, a swordsmanship school (dojo) in Edo. Saito Yakuro's eldest son, Shintaro, had embarked on a journey throughout the domains of Japan in order to train and practice against other warriors there. These training and practice were known as kaikoku-shugyo. Shugyo-chu Shohan Houmei-roku indicates that Shintaro visited many feudal domains, including Ohmura. Ohmura Sumihiro and Egashira Kandayu then became interested in the technique of the Shinto Munen-ryu, which was taught at the Rempeikan, because they considered it to be useful for actual fighting. Afterwards, they succeeded in inviting Kannosuke in 1854, and he became the instructor employed by the domain of Ohmura. His duty was to promote the training of the Shinto Munen-ryu with warriors in Ohmura. In 1855, the Itto-ryu and Shinkage-ryu instructors of swordsmanship were dismissed and forced to stop their teaching. According to Kuyo Jitsuroku, this transformation from the Itto-ryu and the Shinkage-ryu to the Shinto Munen-ryu occurred over a period of six years (from 1849 to 1855). It was brought about to achieve the political ambitions of Ohmura Sumihiro and Egashira Kandayu.

2 0 0 0 OA 胃梅毒の1例

中山 真緒 勝部 隆男 加藤 博之 坂本 輝彦 山田 理恵子 芳賀 駿介 久原 浩太郎 今野 宗一 村山 実 臼田 敦子 塩澤 俊一 吉松 和彦 島川 武 成高 義彦 小川 健治
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.70, no.2, pp.68-69, 2007-06-07 (Released:2013-08-21)

症例は47歳,男性。3型胃癌の診断で紹介されたが,上部消化管内視鏡検査で幽門前庭部から胃体部にかけて易出血性の不整な多発潰瘍を認め,胃梅毒を疑った。生検組織でTreponema pallidumを確認し,Benzylpenicillin benzathineによる駆梅療法を施行した。症状は速やかに改善し,潰瘍も瘢痕化,治癒した。 胃梅毒の内視鏡所見は特徴的で,本症の存在を念頭において内視鏡検査を行うことが重要と考えられる。
阿久澤 和彦 山田 理恵 畢 長暁 定成 秀貴 松原 京子 土田 裕三 渡邊 邦友 二ノ宮 真之 纐纈 守 村山 次哉
日本補完代替医療学会誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.7, no.1, pp.25-33, 2010 (Released:2010-04-02)

現在我々は,代替医療薬を中心に抗 HCMV 薬の探索を行っており,防腐作用(抗菌作用)を含む種々の生理活性をもつクマザサに着目し,その熱水抽出液に抗 HCMV 作用があることを明らかにしてきた.今回,クマザサ熱水抽出液の成分の一部が分離・精製・同定され,その中の 1 つである tricin がウイルス粒子産生に最も高い抑制効果を示すことがわかった.また,その抑制効果は,クマザサ抽出液同様のウイルス感染後の処理だけでなく,感染前処理した場合にも見られることがわかった.さらにリアルタイム RT-PCR 法および,ウエスタンブロット法による解析の結果,tricin がウイルスの複製・増殖に重要な major immediate early (IE) 遺伝子の発現を抑制することがわかり,tricin が現在使用されている GCV とは異なる作用機序により抗 HCMV 効果をもつことが示され,新たな治療薬としての可能性が示唆された.
山田 理恵
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)

The game of <i>dakyugi</i> (literally, "hitting-ball-game"), involving three components of play (hitting a ball, throwing a ball, and pushing of opponents), is a traditional stick game that has been passed down to the present in Kuwana City (Mie Prefecture).<br>  The purposes of this study were to examine the process of the game's revival and cultural features, and to clarify the significance of <i>dakyugi</i> as a traditional sport in regional development through sports. The materials used in this study were mainly collected through fieldwork at the Rikkyo Area Great Meeting and interviews with members of the preservation association, as well as investigation of historical sources.<br>  In the Meiji era, <i>dakyugi</i> had been played as a bravery game by boys in the Kuwana <i>gijyuku</i>, which inherited the idea of the Rikkyou-kan, a school in the fiefdom of Kuwana. Although <i>dakyugi</i> declined after World War II, it was revived to mark the 150th anniversary of Matsudaira Sadanobu's death in May 1978.<br>  Today, <i>dakyugi</i> is performed at the Kuwana Municipal Rikkyo Elementary School supported by the <i>Dakyugi</i> Preservation Association. Boys and girls of the school play the game at the athletic meeting held jointly by the school and Rikkyo area community. The game of <i>dakyugi</i> in Kuwana is noteworthy in promoting the behavior pattern and style of <i>samurai</i> culture that characterized the Edo era. In addition, <i>dakyugi</i> is considered to play an important role in the revitalization of provincial cities and in the establishment of local regional identity.<br>  The significance of traditional Japanese culture is emphasized in the present school education program. The current study indicates that traditional Japanese sport culture can play an important role in regional development in Japan.<br>
山田 理恵
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.46, no.6, pp.537-552, 2001-11-10

An investigation was conducted to clarify the sports activities of Japanese prisoners of war in Siberia shortly after World War II. Up to now, little has been written concerning the sports activities of these prisoners, and this paper was intended to shed light on this blank in Japanese sports history. The historical materials used were collected mainly from the Nihon Shimbun (Japan Times), a prison newspaper edited by fifty Japanese prisoners and fifteen Russians. The Nihon Shimbun was the only source of information for the approximately 600,000 Japanese prisoners of war in Siberia. The newspaper was under the supervision of the political department of the Soviet army, but it is still highly revealing about life in the camps. It is well known that life in the camps was extremely difficult, so it is surprising to find that Japanese prisoners participated in various sports activities, even while enduring heavy labor, intense cold, and extreme hunger. It seems clear that these activities, along with theatrical and musical entertainment, did much to revive the spirits of the men.
山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.1, pp.15-30, 1989-06-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influnce of the activities of German war-prisoners in the Bando P.O.W. (prisoner of war) Camp on the development of sport and physical education in Tokushima where the Camp was located. The historical materials used for this paper were collected mainly from newspapers and "Keibi-Keisatsukan-Hokokusho" which was a report on the German prisoners' life in the Bando P.O.W. Camp written by Japanese police sergeants. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: Students and teachers of some elementary and secondary schools went to see German prisoners, activities such as Turnen, football, tennis, and hockey. And several prisoners visited schools to coach them for Turnen. In "German war-prisoners' variety show", German prisoners introduced their Turnen and sport activities such as gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting and dance to students and people in Tokushima. "Japan Martial Arts Association Tokushima Branch" set up "Meeting for the Study of German Martial Arts" and invited eleven German prisoners to perform wrestling, boxing and fencing matches. Then the Association sent two Japanese members to the Camp to do further study of those activities. This friendly communications with people of Tokushima which was brought from the German war-prisoners' Turnen and sport activities gave a significant influence on sports in Tokushima, and this fact should not be neglected in the consideration of the history of sport and physical education in Japan.
山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.415-428, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
3 1

The game of dakyugi (literally, “hitting-ball-game”), involving 3 components of play (hitting a ball, throwing a ball, and pushing of opponents), is a traditional stick game that has been passed down to the present in Kuwana City (Mie Prefecture).   The purposes of this study were to examine the process of the game's revival and cultural features, and to clarify the significance of dakyugi as a traditional sport in regional development through sports. The materials used in this study were mainly collected through fieldwork at the Rikkyo Area Great Meeting and interviews with members of the preservation association, as well as investigation of historical sources.   In the Meiji era, dakyugi had been played as a bravery game by boys in the Kuwana gijyuku, which inherited the idea of the Rikkyou-kan, a school in the fiefdom of Kuwana. Although dakyugi declined after World War II, it was revived to mark the 150th anniversary of Matsudaira Sadanobu's death in May 1978.   Today, dakyugi is performed at the Kuwana Municipal Rikkyo Elementary School supported by the Dakyugi Preservation Association. Boys and girls of the school play the game at the athletic meeting held jointly by the school and Rikkyo area community. The game of dakyugi in Kuwana is noteworthy in promoting the behavior pattern and style of samurai culture that characterized the Edo era. In addition, dakyugi is considered to play an important role in the revitalization of provincial cities and in the establishment of local regional identity.   The significance of traditional Japanese culture is emphasized in the present school education program. The current study indicates that traditional Japanese sport culture can play an important role in regional development in Japan.
山田 理恵 渡辺 融
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.47-60, 2011 (Released:2011-07-08)
2 1

The traditional Japanese game in which players hit a wooden disk known as a hama with wooden sticks is considered to be derived from gittyô, which is believed to have originated from dakyu, which is believed to be derived from the stick game that was played in western Asia in ancient times. Therefore, traditional Japanese stick games and Western polo have the same origin. In Kagoshima Prefecture, the game is called hamanage (literally, “disk-throw”), and it has been passed down in its traditional form through the Satsuma clan, having been performed by the children of samurai class in the old educational system (or gojû kyôiku) widely practiced since the Edo period. Today, the Kagoshima City Hamanage Preservation Society (Kagoshima-shi Hamanage Hozonkai), the Kajiki Town Association of Old Age Clubs (Kajiki-chô Rôjin-Kurabu Rengôkai), and the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya (NIFS) set each of the playing rules, which have been compiled along traditional lines. The present study investigated the actual conditions of the Satsuma game of hamanage, focusing on Kajiki Town (Aira County). The sources used included mainly pictures and interviews with members of the Kajiki Town Association of Old Age Clubs collected by investigations, and game rule books edited by each organization. In Kajiki Town, the Association of Old Age Clubs set the original rules of hamanage using modern elements while considering the safety of the older people playing these games, and a hamanage meeting has been held as a part of the New Year events since 1980. It can be said that the hamanage played in Kajiki is an exciting and traditional culture activity passed down since ancient times, and illustrates the ideal role of traditional sports in local areas.
河﨑 寛孝 本村 千春 山田 理恵子 藤田 聡美 飯田 英子 坪川 操 山口 昌夫
一般社団法人 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会
日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌 (ISSN:13438441)
vol.12, no.3, pp.223-232, 2008-12-31 (Released:2021-01-23)

【目的】摂食・嚥下障害患者の咽頭残留に対しては,窒息・肺炎等のリスクを軽減する為,さまざまな除去法を用いるがその効果を確認した報告は少ない.今回,市販の嚥下困難者用ゼリー(エンゲリード®アップルゼリー)を用いた交互嚥下を嚥下造影検査時に実施し,咽頭残留の除去効果について検討した.【対象と方法】対象は,粘度の異なる3種類の模擬食品(ハチミツ状,ヨーグルト状.液状)のうち,1種類以上で咽頭残留を認め,本ゼリーを摂取し交互嚥下を行った摂食・嚥下障害患者とした.咽頭残留除去効果は,模擬食品毎に,本ゼリー摂取前後の喉頭蓋谷,梨状窩残留の程度を,4段階スコア(多量残留,少量残留,付着残留,なし)にて,評価した.【結果】試験を実施した症例は28例であった(平均年齢:73.2歳,原因疾患:脳梗塞15例,脳出血7例,誤嚥性肺炎4例,その他2例). 模擬食品が大量残留し,梨状窩からの誤嚥が続いたため,試験を中止した症例が1例あった.本ゼリー摂取後,全ての模擬食品にて,喉頭蓋谷残留に対しては,60%~72%,梨状窩残留に対しては,75%~100%の症例で残留スコアの改善が得られ,統計学的有意差が認められた(Wilcoxon signed-rank test). 本ゼリーが原因と考えられる,むせ・湿性嗄声・酸素飽和度低下・発熱などの有害事象は発現せず,臨床上問題となる事例はなかった.【考察】本ゼリーを用いた交互嚥下は,粘度の異なる3種の模擬食品すべてにおいて,喉頭蓋谷および梨状窩残留の除去に高い効果を示した.このことから,本ゼリーを用いた交互嚥下は,多様な粘度をもつ嚥下調整食品の経口摂取によって生じる,咽頭残留の危険性を軽減する方法として有用であることが示唆された.
山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.329_1-329_1, 2016

<p> 古戦場の舞台や合戦にまつわる伝説に因んで、綱引きが行われる県境の地域がある。また、経済的事情等により中止された県境綱引きもある。発表者は、伝統綱引きによる地域開発との比較において、地域の歴史や伝説を題材にした県境綱引きに着目し、現地調査および資料調査を行ってきた。本研究では、その一環として、鹿島(加賀市)の綱引き伝説が、県境綱引きとして現代に再生された事例について考察する。その伝説では、美しい鹿島の森をめぐり、加賀の女神と越前の男神がそれぞれ綱を作り鹿島に巻き付け引き合っていたが、なかなか勝負がつかなかったところ、男神の綱が切れ尻もちをつき鹿島は加賀の方に少し動き、男神の大きな尻もちの跡は北潟湖になったという。このような伝説に基づき、2015年10月、広域的な交流と活性化を目的として「第1回鹿島の森伝説 越前・加賀県境綱引き」が、北潟湖の湖畔、鹿島の森を望む「越前加賀県境の館」前(福井県と石川県の県境)で開催された。県境一帯を一つの地域としてとらえ、地域の伝説に登場する綱引きを現代に蘇らせたこの県境綱引きは、スポーツによる地域開発を考察するうえでの好事例と位置づけられる。</p>