伊藤 誠
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.51, no.4, pp.58-69, 2015-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

In this paper, historical and social significance of ideas and practices of local (or community) currencies are examined, starting from economic thoughts and theories of Silvio Gesell. (1)Gesell's major work Die naturliche Wirtschaftsordnung durch Freiland und Freigeld (1916) was highly appreciated by J. M. Keynes. It aims at socialism with human freedom by abolishing unearned income such as ground rent and interest. In order to abolish ground rent, nationalization of land is to be achieved through offering certain amounts of state bond to private owners of land. The resultant payment of rent to the state is to be redistributed to mothers in proportion to their number of children (just like a sort of basic income). Whereas the idea to nationalize land does not seem particularly unique, Gesell's thoughts and theories of money and interest are quite original. In his view, traditional money has an advantage over all other commodity products physically not to decay or rust. Therefore money can easily be withdrawn from a market without loss, while other commodities are enforced to be sold. Under the circumstances interest is obtainable to money owners like merchants when they exchange their money with other commodities. In order to abolish interest as unearned income, traditional money has to be converted into 'stamp money', which needs carry-over cost like other commodities in the form of duty to stick stamp of one thousandth amount of face value of paper money weekly (so as to make annual rate of 5%). Stamp money would no longer be able to demand interest, and must continuously stay in a market to be exchanged. Thus it must solve also a decisive cause of depression due to money hoarding. This paper would examine significance and weaknesses in Gesell's theories; such as negligence of profit as a more fundamental form of surplus value in a capitalist society, as well as the logical relevance of his theory of interest. (2)Then this paper treats the ideas and historical significance of local currencies, which were initiated under the strong influence of Gesell's arguments in the early 1930s. In many cases to set up local currencies, the form of stamp money was utilized in order to mitigate the economic distress under the Great Depression in local towns and communities. However, as the national economic recovery policies became strengthened, the central governments and central banks prohibited most of local currencies from a view of unified national budgetary and monetary policies at that period. After several decades, the second wave of upsurge of local currencies has globally been conspicuous in our age of continuous economic crises and restructuring since 1970s. The number of local currencies grew rapidly especially since 1990s, and reached more than two thousands in the world, and more than five hundreds in Japan. They are largely facilitated by development of information technologies such as personal computer and mobile phones. Their forms are no longer limited to stamp paper money, but multiplied. For instance cases of Local Exchange Trading System (LETS) organize mutual debit account system through computerized records, without issuing paper money. In most cases of recent local currencies either in LETS type or in paper money type, interest is not paid for saving or debt, by following Gesell's idea. However, those to charge minus interest rate such as stamp money in Gesell's model became rare. At the same time quite a number of recent local currencies intend to organize equal exchange of labour time by using labour time as unit of account or setting money unit proportional to labour time (say 10 dollars per one hour of labour). This idea is disconnected from Gesell's, and follows the genealogy of labour money presented by Ricardian socialists, or R. Owen. In this genealogy, abolishment of surplus value based on exploitation of(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
伊藤 誠基 砂山 渡
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.2021, pp.4C3OS1a01, 2021

<p>近年,オンラインチャットによる対話の機会が増えてきているが,意図的あるいは無意識に相手を傷つけるコメントが発信されることがある.多くのシステムでは,あらかじめ送信することが適切ではない単語を用意して,その単語を含むコメントを発信できないようにすることが多い.しかしこの方法では発信する側の意識を変えることはできないため,根本的な解決を与えるには至っていない. そこで本研究では,誹謗中傷コメントの発信を未然に防止する機能として,誹謗中傷の可能性があるコメントの発信者にメッセージを表示して,内容の意識と確認を促す機能,ならびにコメントを受け取るユーザの,誹謗中傷によるこれまでの蓄積ダメージを推計して可視化する機能を提案する.これらにより,コメントを発信するときのユーザの意識の変化を促す.実験により,提案する機能が誹謗中傷コメントの発信防止に繋がるかどうかを検証した.</p>
勝見 康平 伊藤 誠 岩田 章裕 鈴村 裕 片岡 洋望 竹島 彰彦 池戸 昌秋 坂 義満 伊藤 龍雄 岸本 明比古 加藤 實 中沢 貴宏 武内 俊彦
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.35, no.3, pp.457-462, 1993-03-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

石井 成郎 鈴木 裕利 鈴木 滉人 澤野 弘明 伊藤 誠 原 崇
vol.63, 2016

今井 龍一 神谷 大介 井上 晴可 田中 成典 藤井 琢哉 三村 健太郎 伊藤 誠
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.77, no.2, pp.I_58-I_66, 2021

<p> 建設現場における労働災害をゼロにするには,効果的な安全管理の対策の徹底が肝要である.安全管理の一方策として,ビデオカメラを用いて危険箇所への侵入や建機と接触する恐れのある作業者をリアルタイムに警告することが考えられるが,この場合,作業者の自動識別が必要となる.深層学習を用いた人物識別の既存研究では,顔認証,歩容認証や人物同定などで従来よりも高精度な成果を得ることが報告されているが,服装などが類似する作業者が往来する建設現場への適用は困難である.</p><p> 本研究は,建設現場の作業者が常に装着するヘルメットに着目し,深層学習の畳み込みニューラルネットワークに基づく人物の識別手法を提案した.そして,模様と符号の学習モデルに同手法の評価実験を実施し,建設現場における人物識別に適用できる可能性のある知見を得た.</p>
伊藤 誠一郎
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.53, no.2, pp.76-99, 2012 (Released:2019-08-22)

In Jealousy of Trade (2005), I. Hontʼs “realism” involves both a warning against understanding The Wealth of Nations as a product of the two idealisms of “civic-humanism” and natural juris-prudence, and an attempt to apply “Machiavel-lism,” or the perspective of reason of state, to the history of the world trade economy. However, when one puts Hontʼs argument in the context of Machiavellian political discussion, such as that of F. Meinecke, R. Tuck, and W. F. Church, it becomes clear that all of these scholarsʼ realistic understanding of the European history of ideas entails the description of the idealʼs history, in terms of progress towards it, rather than its re-nunciation. Specifically, Meinecke finds his ide-al in reason of enlightenment, Tuck in peace, Church in morality, and Hont in “cosmopolitical economy.” Nevertheless, each views the ideal in terms of its tension with historical reality. In contrast, H. Takemoto and T. Nakano, unencum-bered by such European idealism, seek a realis-tic political economy if in different ways while disregarding the ideal. For these two thinkers, reality is not a temporal hindrance that will eventually be overcome, but rather what contin-uously and permanently is. Hence, T. Nakano argues that an ongoing governmental industrial policy is a necessary measure to protect the nation and society, and H. Takemoto finds in The Wealth of Nations something like a political economy of order and safety. JEL classification numbers: B 11, B 49, Y 30.
滝口 清昭 伊藤 誠吾 河野 賢司 袖山 洋子
国際生命情報科学会誌 (ISSN:13419226)
vol.29, no.1, pp.9-22, 2011
