池田 幸恭 葉山 大地 高坂 康雅 佐藤 有耕
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.24, no.2, pp.111-124, 2013-02-15 (Released:2017-05-22)

This study aimed to clarify undergraduate students' styles of sharing with close friends at their university. Participants were 972 undergraduate students who responded to a 75-item questionnaire relating to styles of sharing, satisfaction, and depth of relationship with university friends (acquaintances, good friends, or best friends). The results were as follows. (1) Six styles of sharing with friends were identified: sharing relationships, places, feelings, intentions, items, and sensitivity. (2) Scores for all six styles of sharing were higher in the order of best friends, good friends, and acquaintances. (3) Irrespective of level of intimacy, sharing in relationships increased satisfaction and depth of relations. On the other hand, sharing worries or negative feelings decreased satisfaction with all three types of friends, but stimulated deeper relations with both good and best friends. In addition, sharing items decreased satisfaction with good friends and depth of relations with best friends. Results show that close friendships among undergraduate students involving sharing relationships, places, feelings, intentions, and sensitivity was based on psychological bonds, and such sharing might decrease satisfaction but deepen relations with close friends.
佐藤 有理 峯島 宏次
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.1, pp.139-152, 2020-07-15 (Released:2021-03-15)

The use of diagrams, instead of linguistic and symbolic representations, in logical reasoning has been the subject of continuous research interest over the last few centuries. Especially in 1990s, such logic diagrams have attracted substantial research attention in the fields of logic, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. More recently, according to some applications to computer sciences, various diagrammatic systems have been developed to handle extended types of logical information and reasoning. The research direction of logic diagram design raises the question of to what extent diagrammatic systems can be expressive enough to handle the generality of logics as well as be natural and effective so that they are easy to understand. This paper surveys historical and recent developments of logic diagrams, focusing on the two types of visualization: Euler/Venn diagrams and graph representations. While a majority of previous researches on cognitive science of reasoning focus on linguistic forms, this survey provides a systematic overview of diagrammatic reasoning, contributing to understanding the theoretical basis of reasoning in visual forms.
佐藤 有史
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.44, no.44, pp.98-113, 2003 (Released:2010-08-05)

Since late 1970's there has emerged a variety of ‘new’ interpretations of classical monetary theory, shedding new light on classical economists pace ‘old’ interpretations. They have indeed transformed our understanding of classical theory. Though there have already been several efforts to outline these ‘new’ interpretations: e. g., those of J. Niehans, M. C. Marcuzzo, A. Rosselli, N. T. Skaggs, and D. Glasner, they are far from monolithic, and indeed there are significant differences among their viewpoints. Unfortunately there has been no effort to comprehend ‘new’ interpretations, though several common grounds have been put forward to revise our understanding of classical theory as opposed to ‘old’ interpretations. It is time to synthesize and appraise the major findings of ‘new’ interpretations.In this review article I propose my own syntheses of ‘new’ interpretations as follows: (a) the theoretical framework of classical monetary theory was quite different from that of the quantity theory of money, while ‘old’ interpretations have often confused them, (b) classical economists had in fact developed a remarkable theory of monetary policy, while ‘old’ interpretations have failed to appreciate it since they have insisted in looking at classics through the ‘rules versus discretion’ lens, and (c) instead, the ‘central banking versus free banking’ controversy should be understood as one of the most crucial themes in appreciating the way in which classical economists sought to develop their own theories of money and banking, while almost all ‘old’ interpretations have neglected this aspect.Almost all the ‘new’ interpretations, including my own, have shared a broad agreement regarding thesis (a), though there are some differences, for example, regarding their attitudes to the monetary approach to the balance of payments, and its applicability to Adam Smith and David Ricardo. As for (b) and (c), there are differences, to which the modern free banking school has contributed. On the one hand, the modern free banking school, by highlighting the classical theory of commodity money, praises the Smithian-banking school tradition in favor of their case for free banking. In so doing, they put both Henry Thornton and Ricardo in a rather unhappy position. On the other hand, in their perceptive treatments of Ricardo's theory of money and monetary policy, Marcuzzo and Rosselli, and A. Arnon detect a rupture between Smith and the ‘true classical monetary theory’ of Thornton and/or Ricardo. I emphasize a continuity in the development of the classical theory of central banking from Smith to Ricardo via Thornton in that Smith played an important role in making the 1765 Act, banning small notes below f5 and optional clauses, which facilitated the Bank of England in his day to behave in the manner of a central bank. Moreover, it is Ricardo's plans both for ‘bullion payments’ and for the establishment of a national bank, a remarkable achievement of the classical theory of monetary policy, that makes the ‘old’ interpretations based on the ‘rules versus discretion’ distinction obsolete. I argue that there existed quite a coherent classical central banking tradition based on their insights into the fractional reserve banking system under the gold standard, rather than an alleged rupture between Smith and Thornton-Ricardo. I also emphasize that advocates for free banking in the classical era were in fact no match for the Smith-Thornton-Ricardo tradition.
佐藤 有紀 大山 昌憲 興戸 正純
一般社団法人 表面技術協会
表面技術 (ISSN:09151869)
vol.63, no.2, pp.108, 2012-02-01 (Released:2012-10-05)

Interfacial impedance method was applied to evaluate the interface stability of solder joints. Results showed that the surface treatment on rolled copper strongly influenced the solder joint interface structure. The composition and interfacial impedance between rolled copper and solder were also influenced by the surface treatment of the copper. Especially, a correlation was found between the surface treatment and time dependence of the interfacial impedance value. The admittance spectra of interfacial impedance between as-rolled copper and solder showed strain from the semicircular shape, although the plasma ashed copper or thermally oxidized copper showed no such strain over time. The strain probably represents solder joint instability. The interfacial impedance method can be useful for evaluation of the solid metal interface, not only the interface between the liquid and solid.
葉山 大地 髙坂 康雅 池田 幸恭 佐藤 有耕
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.30, no.2, pp.99-113, 2019-03-22 (Released:2019-05-04)

The purpose of this study was to examine how sharing styles and social skills relate to the development of same-sex friendships in universities. In 2011 and 2013, longitudinal surveys were conducted in July (Time1), November (Time2), and January (Time3). Fifty freshmen participated fully in these surveys.Cross-lagged effects models including “degree of satisfaction” indicated that “degree of satisfaction with their friendships” (Time2) decreased “sharing intentions” (Time3), while “degree of satisfaction” (Time1) promoted many styles of sharing (Time2). These findings show that some participants avoid sharing intentions because they prefer to maintain moderately satisfactory relationships. In addition, a negative effect of “sharing goods” was estimated from the result that “sharing goods” (Time1) decreased “degree of satisfaction” (Time2).A cross-lagged effects model including “depth of relationship” showed that “sharing relationships” (Time2) promoted “depth of relationship” (Time3). Moreover, the findings that “depth of relationship” (Time1) promoted “sharing feelings” (Time2) and “sharing feelings” (Time2) promoted “depth of relationship” (Time3) showed a mutual causal association.
佐藤 有紀 五十嵐 祐 吉田 俊和 SATO Yuki IGARASHI Tasuku YOSHIDA Toshikazu
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.60, pp.39-47, 2013-12-27 (Released:2014-03-06)

Today, most Japanese corporations implement a merit pay or pay-for-performance system in order to enhance job performance. This study investigated the effect of pay-for-performance system on employees’ preference for organizational citizenship behavior using the hypothetical Prisoner’s Dilemma. Based on regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997), we focused on reward expectation for performance (e.g., promotion) and performance pressure (e.g., fears of failure), both of which presumably affect employees’ approach motivation in a different way. We hypothesized that employees’ reward expectation for performance increases their preference for organizational citizenship behavior while performance pressure decreases it. Three hundred and nineteen Japanese employees completed a take-home questionnaire; however, we only examined 175 of those (126 men and 49 women) who were working under management by objectives. Logistic regression analysis confirmed our hypotheses, suggesting that under pressure employees prioritize their individualized objectives rather than cooperate with others for a common goal. Expectation for reward increased employees’ preference for cooperative behavior when a situation calls for dealing with a coworker’s favor. Furthermore, these results were seen only for employees under pay-for-performance system such that those under the traditional system showed the reverse trend. Future studies should examine situational factors as well as each employee’s approach motivation.
佐藤 有耕
筑波フォーラム (ISSN:03851850)
vol.59, pp.57-59, 2001-06

「どうしておなかの大きな学生がいないの?」、私が院生の時、ブラジルからの留学生がこんなことを言いました。いるわけないよと、当時は不思議に思いました。しかし、その後の自分の教員生活の中では、社会人学生の結婚や産休もありました。子ども連れの入学式や、教室の後ろにベビーカーの赤ちゃんが寝ている光景も目にしました。 ...
松田 裕子 中野 孝祐 金山 正範 佐藤 知春 松尾 美里 平良 由紀子 稲嶺 紀子 上村 晶子 梅田 博子 梅野 淳子 江口 みちる 大塚 涼子 梶原 ゆかり 金田 佳代 菅野 朋和 具志堅 三恵 古閑 夏樹 佐藤 有佳里 下村 真介 城間 唯子 平良 美穂 滝本 和子 田口 幸子 蔦谷 美奈子 渡嘉敷 典子 長野 愛 福田 寿子 帆足 羽衣子 松岡 陽子 満崎 裕子 宮里 桂子 安村 由美 若松 奈津美 渡辺 真理 安藤 かおり 井上 かおる 上田 友美 上野 由紀子 甲斐 直美 後藤 綾 後藤 里佳 後藤 さや加 西水 友絵 安部 雄司 益永 美紀 宇都宮 大地 河野 育恵 吉岡 幸子 井村 慎 下森 弘之 後藤 智美 秋吉 真由子 小川 智美 奥 望 蒲原 和也 栗本 俊希 黒木 稔子 合田 奈加 後藤 恵美 佐野 明香 財満 あき 竹内 あゆみ 田村 絵梨 津野 美和 富永 久美子 中島 義及 中村 智久 戸次 つゆ子 松本 一世 松本 千尋 村上 美帆 山田 輝明 山中 由香理 三ヶ尻 克也 高木 恵理 安藤 佳香 内山 智恵 岡 恵美 国広 千恵 栗井 幸恵 後藤 恵 清 真由美 村上 智美 西府 隆行 高橋 啓子 屋良 亮子 大槗 亜理紗 紙屋 喜子 本浦 由希子 森上 奈美 吉田 知子 吉留 紅蘭
司書課程年報 (ISSN:1343974X)
no.2, pp.20-74, 1999-03 (Released:2011-02-28)