竹花 佑介 北川 忠生
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.76-79, 2010 (Released:2014-03-05)
小山 直人 北川 忠生
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.56, no.2, pp.153-157, 2009 (Released:2014-03-05)

In order to examine genetic introgression from the orange-red type commercial strain of Oryzias latipes (himedaka) to wild medaka populations, a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was conducted for 45 populations from the Yamato River system, Nara Prefecture and two fish farm populations from special product grounds of himedaka (Yamatokoriyama and Yatomi Cities). Orange-red type fish only were collected from three sites, and a mixture of wild and orange-red types from sympatric populations at four other sites in theYamato R. system. Most orange-red type specimens had the B27 mitotype, being identical with that of the typical orange-red type Hd-rR strain. Although most of the wild type fish individuals had mitotype B1a, inferred as one of the native mitotypes in the Yamato R., four from three sites had mitotype B27, implying genetic introgression from himedaka to wild medaka populations.
渡辺 勝敏 高橋 洋 北村 晃寿 横山 良太 北川 忠生 武島 弘彦 佐藤 俊平 山本 祥一郎 竹花 佑介 向井 貴彦 大原 健一 井口 恵一朗
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-38, 2006-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

The biogeography of freshwater fishes in Japan was reviewed in terms of achievements and perspectives. In the last three decades, biogeographic studies have changed from earlier descriptions of the freshwater fish fauna, based on the Linnean classification system, to phylogenetic approaches using various molecular markers. Especially, the phylogeographic approach, which explores the formation of geographic distribution patterns of genealogical lineages within species, has become predominant. Analyses of genuine freshwater fishes have disclosed their speciation and dispersal patterns throughout temperate East Asia since the Neogene, along with the formation of the Japanese Archipelago. In particular, molecular clocks of mitochondrial DNA have played an important role in examinations of biogeographic relationships between the Japanese Archipelago and Chinese continent/Korean Peninsula, and vicariance by Fossa Magna in central Honshu Island. Patterns of range expansion through the sea and landlocking in coldtemperature euryhaline fishes have indicated their speciation and distribution dynamics under the fluctuating climatic conditions of the Plio-Pleistocene. Likewise, phylogeographic implications of unusual biological entities arising from interspecific hybridization or gynogenesis have been discussed. Nevertheless, despite the emphases given to some groups, the present knowledge of phylogeographic patterns of Japanese freshwater fishes is for the most part still insufficient for quantitative analyses of the overall history of the freshwater fish fauna and geographic regions of Japan. Improved research techniques and methodologies for the integration of findings from multiple taxa and/or genes are essential. Further, evolutionary formation of distributional ranges should be considered together with ecological biogeography, including the processes of local adaptation, interspecific interaction and extinction. Modern day disturbances of freshwater fish distributions, including fish transportation, are rapidly leading to artificial distribution patterns and extinctions. Exhaustive phylogeographic analyses should be necessary as a primary requirement for conserving freshwater fish biodiversity in Japan.
中尾 遼平 入口 友香 周 翔瀛 上出 櫻子 北川 忠生 小林 牧人
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.64, no.2, pp.131-138, 2017-11-25 (Released:2018-06-19)

Genetic disturbance in Japanese wild medaka populations (Oryzias latipes species complex) has resulted mainly from artificial introductions from geographically distinct populations or of commercial varieties, especially an orange-red body color variety (himedaka). Because the extent of genetic introgression within a single water body has remained unclear, the genetic population structure of wild minami-medaka Oryzias latipes in the Nogawa River, a tributary of the Tamagawa River system in Tokyo, Japan, was surveyed using three DNA markers (cytb and ND2 genes on mitochondrial DNA and b-marker on nuclear DNA) to evaluate the extent of introgression throughout upper and lower reaches. Genotypes originating from himedaka were detected at all sites surveyed. Although different genetic composition of introgressed mitotypes among some sampling sites suggested multiple introductions of non-native populations, high dispersal rates of introgressed genes could not be rejected as a cause of wide-spread introgression. Based on this study, appropriate management strategies for the genetic conservation of wild medaka populations are discussed.
岸野 泰恵 柳沢 豊 松永 賢一 須山 敬之 納谷 太 坂田 伊織 北川 忠生
研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.11, pp.1-7, 2014-07-21

希少魚の保護は生物多様性維持の観点から重要な課題であるが,生息環境が十分に明らかにはされておらず,経験的な知識をもとに保護されている場合も多い.無線センサネットワークを用いて希少魚の生育環境をモニタリングすることで,生息環境や繁殖の条件を明らかにできれば,生物多様性の保護に貢献できる.そこで本研究では,ニッポンバラタナゴ (絶滅危惧 IA 類) の保護池に無線センサネットワークを構築し,溶存酸素量,水温,温度,湿度,照度のモニタリングを行っている.本稿では,2013 年 3 月から開始したニッポンバラタナゴ生息環境モニタリングの実験について報告する.Conservation of biodiversity is important issue. However conservation of endangered fish is difficult problem, since some of their habitat environments are not clear. We are investigating habitat monitoring of endangered fish (Japanese rosy bitterling) with a wireless sensor network. We are measuring dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, air temperature, humidity, and illuminance. In this paper, we describe habitant monitoring experiment which was started in March 2013.
北川 忠紀
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
vol.23, pp.42-50, 1975-03-20 (Released:2017-04-05)

Questo articolo vuol essere un tentativo per fissare la fase letteraria e ideologica della maturita artistica del Verga, in cui l'A. cerca di ricostruire l'atmosfera intellettuale del tempo per dare un' interpretazione sincronica delle prefazioni dell' Amante di Gramigna e I Malavoglia. Il primo lavoro dell' A, e analizzare cio che significa come teoria della letteratura la prefazione dell' Amante di Gramigna, confrontandola principalmente con gli scritti contemporanei di L. Capuana. In questa analisi l'A. si sforza di chiarire in che modo siano integrati e risolti felicemente nella poetica dell' impersonalita verghiana i due motivi su cui il Capuana ha cercato di basare la sua critica; quello dell' unita organica e quelle della logica interna all' opera d'arte, e in che senso una risposta alle questioni del rapporto fra l'arte e la fotografia o fra l'arte e la natura sia implicita nel concetto della realta artistica come illusione, e come ci si rispecchi l'idea del romanzo quasi come l'unica forma possibile dell' arte moderna. Il secondo lavoro dell' A. e rintracciare il pensiero verghiano intravisto dalla prefazione de' I Malavoglia, concentrando l'attenzione alla conoscenza della realta e all' atteggianento verso la realta nel Verga maturo. In questo punto il ragionamento dell' A. si svolge nella maniera seguente : a) il concetto positivistico del progresso come evoluzione rende la conoscenza verghiana della realta piu pessimistica. b) il Verga si ritira nella posizione di un osservatore con la coscienza d' impotenza e di estraneita alla realta storica, vista come qualcosa che procede da se e senza bisogno dell' attiva partecipazione dell' uomo. c) questa conoscenza della realta e questo atteggiamento verso la realta sono nati dalla riconferma d' invalidita dei ideali romantico-risorgimentali ed dal senso di alienazione, sia dalla realta storica, sia dal mondo salottiero e dal mondo popolare. E, allo stesso tempo, questa attitudine rivela che il Verga decide di superare l'atteggiamento anarchico della Scapigliatura, misurare la distanza fra se stesso e la realta e mantenere severamente questa distanza essendo sempre in contatto con la realta come e, cioe, vivere questa alienazione. d) il progresso stesso concepito come una (fiumana) e gia trasformato in qualcosa d' implacabile e di opaco come destino nel suo mondo artistico. e) il ritirarsi dalla realta diretta, il rifugiarsi nel suo mondo artistico ammette al Verga di vedere il mondo e gli uomini dalla visione piu universale e superare ogni ostacolo che debba generare un determinato punto di vista ideologico. Alla fine, l'A. conclude che la poetica verghiana dell' impersonalita in cui il Verga dichiara di <sparire nella sua opera immortale), cioe, di vivere solo con la sua opera, e una conseguenza naturale delle sue esperienze letterarie, esistenziali e ideoiogiche.
ベンチヴェンニ アレッサンドロ 北川 忠紀
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.14, pp.7-24, 1966-01-20

Studiando il canto 26mo dell' Inferno, non mi e mai sembrato che ci fosse un vero contrasto, fra l' Ulisse della tradizione classica, cambiato in fiamma, pre avere istigato il tranello del cavallo di Troia e la confessione che Ulisse stesso fa, raccontando la storia del suo naufragio. che secondo Dante e anche la causa della sua discesa nell' Inferno. Alcuni commentatori troppo abituati a leggere la Divina Commedia, come un racconto oggettivo di un viaggio immaginario del poeta, che una esperienza intima esistenziale di Dante, hanno sentito il contrasto, e per spiegarlo hanno dovuto ricorrere all' ormai troppo vecchio strattagemma, di dividere la personalita del poeta in due, facendolo giudicare alcune volte come poeta ed altre come teologo. Secondo me, Ulisse, che non e altro che un simbolo, per Dante, simbolo di un male da evitare, comincia con insegnare inganni e termina ingannando se stesso, attribuendosi falsamente, e qui l' inganno, la forza di poter sorpassare i limiti fissati dagli Dei.La confidenza esagerata, frutto del successo avuto ingannando gli altri, lo conduce naturalmente ad avere una tale fiducia nel potere della sua intelligenza da osare persino di sorpassare i limiti fissati da Dio.Mi sembra dunque, che il secondo Ulisse non sia che una conclusione logica del primo, perche infondo fra il primo Ulisse, quello della tradizione classica, ed il secondo quello inventato da Dante, c' e la medesima relazione di quella che esiste fra causa ed effetto, e chi oserebbe vedere un solo contrasto anche se non contradizione, fra la causa e l' effetto ?
北川 えみ 北川 忠生 能宗 斉正 吉谷 圭介 細谷 和海
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.71, no.2, pp.146-150, 2005-03-15
5 2

1988 年にオオクチバスフロリダ半島産亜種が放流された池原貯水池では,1996, 1997 年の遺伝学的調査においてフロリダ半島産亜種由来のミトコンドリア DNA(mtDNA)をもつ個体の割合は 56.8% であった。今回(2003 年)再調査を行った結果,本亜種由来の mtDNA をもつ個体は全体の 86.7% となり,前回調査より有意な増加がみとめられた。また,近畿地方の池原貯水池とは別水系の湖沼(津風呂湖,宝ヶ池,深泥池)からも本亜種由来の mtDNA をもつ個体が検出された。<br>
石井 文子 安齋 有紀子 伊藤 玲香 小山 直人 北川 忠生
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.65-74, 2011 (Released:2014-03-07)

The Yoshino diversion (Yoshino Bunsui) was established to supply irrigation water from the Yoshino River to the Yamato plain. In order to examine fish introductions through the canals of the Yoshino Bunsui, the genetic structure of 17 populations of dark chub Zacco temminckii collected from the Yamato and Yoshino rivers were analyzed and their mtDNA ND2 sequences studied. A total of 16 haplotypes were detected in 261 individuals, 6 haplotypes being present in both rivers. In the Yamato River, the shared haplotypes were found to be associated with the locations of inflows from the Yoshino Bunsui. On the other hand, the majority of haplotypes found in individuals from the Yamato River were not found in those from the Yoshino River. This study confirmed the secondary introduction of dark chub from the Yoshino River into the Yamato River via the Yoshino Bunsui.
小山 直人 森 幹大 中井 宏施 北川 忠生
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.81-86, 2011

Genetic disturbance in wild populations of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) has resulted from the introduction of populations originating from commercial strains. To clarify the genetic composition of orange-red type and wild type commercial strains of O. latipes ('himedaka' and 'kuromedaka', respectively), polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were conducted for Medaka populations cultured in 2 fish farms and others purchased from 21 aquarium fish shops. All 'himedaka' populations showed a high frequency of the B27 mitotype, an original mitotype of 'himedaka', and a low frequency of the B1a mitotype, an introduced mitotype from wild populations in Okayama or Nara Prefectures. 'Kuromedaka' populations, originating from cultured populations, were characterized primarily by the B27 and B1a mitotypes, being a result of hybridization between wild populations and 'himedaka'. All 'kuromedaka' populations originating from wild populations had their own native mitotypes, although some also had the B1a mitotype, which was inferred as being of 'himedaka' origin.
小田 浩伸 北川 忠彦 糸永 和文
特殊教育学研究 (ISSN:03873374)
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-12, 1991-06-30
