吉村 英孝 塚本 由晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.751-758, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-06-09)
3 6

The aim of this study is to clarify the criteria of the relationship between building frontage and streetscape through automobile management in suburban areas. First, we chronologically investigated the use, frontage width and building frontage of roadside buildings through map and photos. Secondly, the buildings' ground plan parking arrangements, backyard, and boundaries were examined and analyzed. Thirdly, nine “building front types” in three groups were made clear through similarities found between various characteristics and their arrangements. Next, the ground plans and groups of building frontage types were combined to obtain several “roadside building types”. Following this we could demonstrate the relationship between the “roadside building types” and the generational change of their frontage width as well as quantity. Finally, by comparing chronological change and distribution of streetscape, a framework for discussing the analogical streetscape of roadside building types can be presented.
吉村 英孝 塚本 由晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.751-758, 2010

The aim of this study is to clarify the criteria of the relationship between building frontage and streetscape through automobile management in suburban areas. First, we chronologically investigated the use, frontage width and building frontage of roadside buildings through map and photos. Secondly, the buildings' ground plan parking arrangements, backyard, and boundaries were examined and analyzed. Thirdly, nine “building front types” in three groups were made clear through similarities found between various characteristics and their arrangements. Next, the ground plans and groups of building frontage types were combined to obtain several “roadside building types”. Following this we could demonstrate the relationship between the “roadside building types” and the generational change of their frontage width as well as quantity. Finally, by comparing chronological change and distribution of streetscape, a framework for discussing the analogical streetscape of roadside building types can be presented.
小栗 一太 吉村 英敏
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.32, no.6, pp.413-426, 1986-12-31 (Released:2008-05-30)
1 1

Recent progress of forensic toxicology of morphine and heroin, and of the boundary area was reviewed. Topics included in this review were 1) opioid peptides, 2) opioid receptors, 3) endogenous morphine, 4) metabolism of morphine : glucuronidation, sulfate conjugation, N-demethylation and dehydrogenation, 5) pharmacological activity of morphine conjugates, 6) metabolism of heroin, 7) analytical methods of morphine and heroin for forensic toxicological purpose.
榮 昭博 吉村 英悟
桐丘学園 桐生大学・桐生大学短期大学部
桐生大学紀要 (ISSN:21864748)
vol.30, pp.53-58, 2019 (Released:2020-06-11)

コーヒーに尿酸生成抑制作用をもつ成分を有するのかを確かめるため,3種類の市販粉末コーヒーを熱湯で抽出し, その希釈液についてキサンチンオキシダーゼ(以下,XOD)活性の阻害率を調べた.次に,コーヒーに含まれてい るいくつかの成分について,どの成分が尿酸生成抑制に関与するのかを調べるため,カフェ酸,フルフリルアルコー ル,キナ酸,カフェインについてXOD活性の阻害率を調べた. その結果,次のことがわかった. 1 .コーヒー希釈液については,濃度依存性のあるXOD 活性の阻害が示された.また,コーヒーの種類によっ て,その阻害の程度に違いが見られた. 2 .200μmol/L 濃度の各成分のXOD 活性の阻害率は,カルノシン酸75.8%,カフェ酸72.3%,カフェイン20.2%で あった.フルフリルアルコール,キナ酸の阻害率は極めて低かった. 3 .カフェインにおけるXOD活性阻害には濃度依存性が示されなかった. 4 .カフェ酸のXOD活性阻害には濃度依存性が示された. 5 .コーヒーにおけるXOD活性阻害は,コーヒーに含まれているカフェ酸の関与が示唆された.
田尻 絵里 重黒木 彩乃 畑本 陽一 吉村 英一
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.71, no.5, pp.269-279, 2020 (Released:2020-05-29)

異なるエネルギーの清涼飲料水の摂取が朝食と1日の食事摂取量に及ぼす影響, および習慣的な身体活動と補償効果の関連を検討することを目的とし, 無作為クロスオーバー試験 (エネルギーのある甘味料入り清涼飲料水 ; sweetener群 (以下, S群) ; 225 kcal vs. エネルギーのない人工甘味料入り清涼飲料水 ; artificial sweetener群 (以下, AS群) ; 0 kcal) を実施した. 対象者は月経後2週間以内の女性16名 (平均21.6±0.5歳) とした. 飲料摂取前, 摂取後0, 20, 40, 60, 120, 150分に血糖測定と主観的食欲を評価し, 飲料摂取後60分に自由摂食の朝食を提供した. 150分以降は自由生活とし, その後1日のエネルギー摂取量を評価した. さらに, 対象者は実験日を除く任意の1週間加速度計付活動量計を装着し習慣的な1日の身体活動を評価した. AS群はS群と比較して朝食摂取前までの血糖値は有意に低かった (p<0.010) が, 朝食後の飲料摂取後120分では有意に高かった (p=0.004). 主観的食欲は飲料摂取後60分のときAS群が有意に高かった (p=0.034). 一方, 飲料のエネルギーを含む朝食及び1日の総エネルギー摂取量はAS群よりS群で有意に高く (p<0.010), エネルギー摂取量の補償効果は認められなかった. 習慣的な身体活動量と補償効果の間には有意な相関関係は認められなかった. 本研究より, 異なるエネルギーの清涼飲料水の摂取は血糖値と主観的食欲に影響するが, その後の食事摂取量には影響しないことが示唆された.
梅 林 柏原 士郎 吉村 英祐 横田 隆司 阪田 弘一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.491, pp.109-115, 1997-01-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

In this research, actual data of shopping behavior were collected through questionnaire survey at Seishin, Suma, Senboku and Sayama New Town to clarify the adaptability of the competing destinations model proposed to improve the Huf model which has been used for forecasting shopping behavior, and for analyzing characteristics of this model at ordinary built-up areas to compare the both areas. As a result, it is clarified that the adaptability of competing destinations model to shopping behavior is better than that of Huff model and that the grocery store in New Town are not so attractive as those in ordinary built-up areas for their scales.
前田 和彦 菅谷 啓之 新井 隆三 森石 丈二 望月 智之 吉村 英哉 松木 圭介 秋田 恵一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.209-211, 2007

It is generally believed that the supraspinatus tendon plays an important role in the shoulder function. However, precise anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon has not been well described. The purpose of this study was to investigate the anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon. 57 cadavers (103 shoulders) were used for this study. The clavicle and humerus were cut off at their proximal parts. After resection of the acromion, the coracohumeral ligament was carefully removed. In some specimens, the infraspinatus was completely removed from the humerus to observe the overlapping portion of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. The supraspinatus muscle and its origin were carefully investigated macroscopically. In 4 shoulders, muscle fibers were completely removed to examine the direction and insertion of the supraspinatus tendon in detail. The supraspinatus muscle fibers originated from the spine of the scapula and the supraspinatus fossa, and they were running toward and attached to the thickest tendinous portion, which was located at the anterior part of the supraspinatus muscle. This tendinous portion was strongly attached to the most anterior portion of the greater tuberosity adjacent to the bicipital groove or at the lesser tuberosity (21.3%). Another part of the supraspinatus, which was located posteriorly, was attached to the greater tuberosity adjacent to the articular cartilage as a thin membrane. The insertion of the supraspinatus tendon revealed to be the most anterior portion of the greater tuberosity and the lesser tuberosity. These results suggested that the supraspinatus tendon worked more efficiently as an abductor of the shoulder joint with the arm externally rotated than internal rotation.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 宗田 大 菅谷 啓之 前田 和彦 秋田 恵一 松木 圭介 中川 照彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.217-219, 2007

Previous studies reported a presumably unusual bony attachment of the pectoralis minor muscle. However, less attention has been given to the insertion of the continuation to the glenohumeral joint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of this abnormal insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle, and also to investigate the relation between this continuation and the capsule. 81 anatomic specimen shoulders from 41 cadavers were dissected. The insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon to the glenohumeral joint was carefully investigated. The pectoralis minor tendon ran beyond the coracoid process and extended to the superior portion of the glenohumeral joint in 28 out of 81 specimens (34.6%). The continuing insertion divided the coracoacrominal ligaments into two limbs. The continuation was more variable, and consisted of the whole tendon in 6, the middle part in 5, the lateral part in 15, and the medial part in 2 specimens. Furthermore, the pectoralis minor tendon inserted to the posterosuperior border of the glenoid in 6, to the greater tuberosity in 7, and both to the glenoid and the greater tuberosity in 15 specimens. The prevalence of the anomalous insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon revealed to be as high as 34.6% in the present study. This may suggest that the pectoralis minor tendon plays an important role in the stability of the glenohumeral joint.
阪田 弘一 柏原 士郎 吉村 英祐 横田 隆司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.541, pp.123-130, 2001-03-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
1 2

This paper aims to clarify the actual state and the spatial characteristics of street performances in Osaka. Some results show as follows. 1. Street performances can be classified under four main contents: play, creation, feat, and dance. 2. A flow of people, the closing time of shops, the brightness, and the distance between other performances have relation to the distribution .of street performances. 3. The shapes of those spaces can be classified into 4 groups: the linear street, the street composed of a variety of elements, the small-scale space on which people can pause, and the monotonous open space. And the spatial preference varies greatly depending on the type of performance.
吉村 英孝 Hidetaka Yoshimura
日本工業大学研究報告 = Report of researches, Nippon Institute of Technology (ISSN:21895449)
vol.47, no.3, pp.96-97, 2017-12

The main purpose of Locus Design Laboratory is to make clear the "thresholds" of space using architectural typology and public morphology. This report introduces that basement method of education through "Design, Make, Use Chair", "Restaurant Guidebook and Bamboo Practice in Miyashiro" and "In Situ Design Practice in Namiita".
阪田 弘一 柏原 士郎 吉村 英祐 横田 隆司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.474, pp.75-82, 1995-08-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

The Aim of this study is to develop a method of predicting the spatial distribution of leisure facilities in urban areas to realize their desirable location planning. In this study, sports facilities in Osaka City are selected for survey. The actual conditions of spatial distribution of various sports facilities are analyzed by employing the theory of quantification 2. A model is devised which predict the number of facilities. Finally the adaptability of the model is reviewed in the case of sports facilities in Osaka City.
吉村 英
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.27, no.1, pp.47-58, 1987

本研究は, 印象を方向づけた情報が, 後にその人物との関連性を否定されるという状況において, 最初の情報の望ましさと, 再判断時に利用できる情報の有無, 及び情報を積極的に解釈するという行為の有無が, 再判断にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて, 検討を行なった。<BR>本研究では次のようなパラダイムを用いた。(1) 先ず意味のはっきりしている情報 (positive又はnegative) とあいまいな情報から印象を形成する。(2) 次に, 意味のはっきりしている情報が, ターゲットと無関係であることが知らされる。(3) 最後に, あいまいな情報だけで, 再びターゲットに対する判断を行なう。<BR>実験Iでは, あいまいな情報だけにもとづいて判断する場合でも, 初めにpositiveな情報を与えられたグループの方が, negativeな情報を与えられたグループより, ターゲットをよりpositiveに判断するという結果が得られた。又, 再判断を行なう場合に, あいまいな情報を与えられず記憶にたよる条件では, 与えられる条件よりも, 印象が変化しにくいという結果も得られた。<BR>実験IIでは, 実験Iで得られた結果を更に詳しく検討するために, あいまいな情報に対する解釈を行なう条件と, 行なわない条件が比較された。初めにpositiveな情報を与えられたグループの方が, negativeな情報を与えられたグループより, ターゲットをよりpositiveに判断するという傾向が, 解釈を行なうことにより促進されるという結果が得られた。又, あいまいな情報を一旦ある方向で解釈すると, 後からそれ以外の解釈を行なうことが困難であるということを示す結果も得られた。
吉村 英敏 山本 弘明 佐伯 清太郎
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.21, no.10, pp.2231-2236, 1973-10-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
22 23

In order to understand the toxic nature of Kanechlor-400 (KC-400, a commercial preparation of polychlorinated biphenyls) and establish the treatment of the patients of this KC-400 intoxication (so-called Yusho), metabolic fate of 2, 4, 3', 4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB), a major component of KC-400, was investigated using rats. It was found that at least four metabolites having phenolic nature were excreted exclusively into the feces together with a large amount of unchanged 2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB. Among these, a major metabolite (M-A2), mp 155-156°, and a minor metabolite (M-A1), mp 92-98°, were isolated from the feces and characterized to be monohydroxylated TCB by ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectral analyses. After 2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB was orally administered at a single dose of 25 mg/body to the rat, a little less than one half of the dose was excreted as unchanged 2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB during 12 days, most of which were eliminated in the first day. The excretion of major metabolite reached maximum at the second day, and total M-A2 was accounted for about 10% of dose during 12 days. Both 2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB and its major metabolite were still excreted in a small but significant amount on 12th day.
吉村 英敏 小沢 直記 佐伯 清太郎
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.26, no.4, pp.1215-1221, 1978-04-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
53 65

The inductive effect of Kanechlor 400 (KC-400), the Japanese polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) preparation containing 48% chlorine, and several individual PCB isomers on the hepatic microsomal enzymes of rats was investigated. Pretreatment with KC-400 increased significantly the activity of microsomal aminopyrine (AM) demethylase, aniline (AN) hydroxylase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, and the content of cytochromes P-450 and b5 just like phenobarbital (PB)-pretreatment. However, it afforded the CO-difference spectrum revealing the peak at 448 nm same as pretreatment with 3-methylcholanthrene (MC). The inhibitory effect of SKF 525-A and 7, 8-benzoflavone on AM demethylation and AN hydroxylation, respectively, in KC-400-induced microsomes also resembled that in microsomes induced by PB plus MC. Further studies using individual PCBs indicated that these compounds were divided into two groups ; namely, 4, 4'-dichlorobiphenyl (DCB), 2, 5, 2', 5'-and 2, 4, 3', 4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) were categorized as PB-type, whereas the other group including 3, 4, 3', 4'-TCB, 3, 4, 5, 3', 4'-pentachlorobiphenyl (PenCB) and 3, 4, 5, 3', 4', 5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (HCB) was categorized as MC-type inducers. Decachlorobiphenyl, the completely chlorinated biphenyl derivative, was found to belong to PB-type. These conclusions were further supported by a spectral study with hexobarbital, which induced type I spectral changes with microsomes from control and 2, 4, 3', 4'-TCB-treated rats, and caused modified type II spectral change with microsomes from 3, 4, 5, 3', 4'-PenCB-treated rats. Considering these results with individual PCBs, it can be assumed that chlorination of both of the para-(4, 4') and two of the meta-positions (3, 3' or 5, 5') of biphenyl is a minimum requirement for the structure to induce cytochrome P-448.
迫 洋介 吉村 英徳 三原 豊 石橋 賢樹 浜本 英利 福井 優
vol.2010, pp.173-174, 2010

A fabrication method of a painless transdermal micro needle array is proposed to realize its inexpensive and mass production. In order to avoid a risk by breakage of the needle when the needle is penetrated into the epidermis, the array is made with biodegradable polymer, for example, PLA. The proposed method has the following processes, (1) a mold dies having many micro through-holes is heated over the melting point of PLA, (2) the heated mold comes into contact with surface of the PLA plate, (3) the melted PLA is poured into the through-holes, and (4) the formed PLA plate is cooled to less than the melting point and removed from the dies. It is difficult to fabricate the array device because of the ratio of needle height to the diameter is large. So, heating temperature, time of heating the plate, moving stroke of dies and demolding temperature were examined and then fabrication of high precision circular cylindrical shaped needle array became possible.
吉村 英徳 岡本 辰憲 濱本 英利 石橋 賢樹 小林 勝則 三原 豊
vol.2009, pp.109-110, 2009

A new fabrication method of a painless micro needle array for high reliable vaccine delivery system through a epidermis is proposed. This method has been developed to realize the inexpensive and mass production of the needle array. For safety against the break of the needle, the needle is made with biogradable polymer (PLA). The proposed method has the following processes, (1) Si tool in a shape of micro needle array is heated, (2) tops of the needles over the Si tool are touched onto the surface of the polymer plate to melt the contacting areas, and (3) the Si tool is detached from the plate to form the needles by elongating the melted polymer. In order to make the uniform needles over the plate, temperature, touching time, and withdrawing speed of the Si tool and tolerance of the polymer plate are examined. By the optimized working conditions, keen corn-type needles having the height of about 500μm can be formed enable to penetrate into the epidermis.
迫 洋介 吉村 英徳 三原 豊 石橋 賢樹 浜本 英利 福井 優
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2010, pp.173-174, 2010

A fabrication method of a painless transdermal micro needle array is proposed to realize its inexpensive and mass production. In order to avoid a risk by breakage of the needle when the needle is penetrated into the epidermis, the array is made with biodegradable polymer, for example, PLA. The proposed method has the following processes, (1) a mold dies having many micro through-holes is heated over the melting point of PLA, (2) the heated mold comes into contact with surface of the PLA plate, (3) the melted PLA is poured into the through-holes, and (4) the formed PLA plate is cooled to less than the melting point and removed from the dies. It is difficult to fabricate the array device because of the ratio of needle height to the diameter is large. So, heating temperature, time of heating the plate, moving stroke of dies and demolding temperature were examined and then fabrication of high precision circular cylindrical shaped needle array became possible.