小池 勝也
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.10, pp.1699-1735, 2015

The aim of the present article is to examine the historical development of the Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine (present day Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture) during the Muromachi period, a subject that has not been given serious attention from the time of the compilation of the History of Metropolitan Kamakura: Temples and Shrines in 1967. This article focuses on the Buddhist abbots (betto 別当) and monks (guso 供僧) who served the Shrine during its period of Shinto-Buddhist syncretism, while keeping in mind the presence of Muromachi Bakufu appointed governors (kubo 公方) of Kamakura. The line of betto who managed the Shrine's Buddhist affairs during the period have been described in the sources as strictly disciplining the Shrine's monks, replacing those they accused of misconduct, in the process of continuously and freely exercising their powers of appointment and thus expanding their sphere of personal influence over the monks under their jurisdiction. On the other hand, we also see a rise in incidences of monks resisting the authority of their betto, to an extent that during the last years of the Muromachi Bakufu, betto were altogether prevented from replacing their subordinates. Concerning the case of Koken, who served as the Shrine's 20th betto between 1355 and 1410, issuing directives to his subordinate monks using the seal of the Kamakura Kubo in Oei 7 (1400), the research to date has interpreted this act as a surrender of betto authority to the governor ; however, a rereading of the related primary sources reveals that such a general conclusion can not be reached from one isolated incident. Although there is no record of Koken's successor Sonken replacing any of his monks, there is the incident in Oei 22 (1415) in which the prestigious mountain ascetic title of "In" was bestowed on the Shrine's monks, but excluded any one not belonging to the Shingon (Toji Temple) Faction of esoteric Buddhism, indicating a discriminatory attitude towards those monks not under the betto's personal influence. Then a struggle arose over the appointment of Sonken's successor, which reverberated into secular politics, leaving Son'un as betto by virtue of the mass replacement of the Shrine's monks. Son'un's term of office was marked by further worsening of relations between the Shrine's betto and his monks, which developed into a situation of such turbulence that the Kamakura Kubo showed signs of possible intervention in the Shrine's personnel affairs, and ended up replacing Son'un. Incidentally, Sonchu, the Kubo's replacement, was executed for collusion with Ashikaga Mochiuji in the Shogun's younger brother's "rebellion" of 1438-39. The process by which the Buddhist sector of Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine was transformed from an non-sectarian center of learning to a predominately Shingon Faction dominated institution, beginning in the mid-14th century, was by no means a peaceful one, as indicated by the rise of serious tension during that time between the Shrine's betto and the monks under their jurisdiction.
高柳 一成 小池 勝夫 佐藤 光利
Japan Society of Smooth Muscle Research
Journal of Smooth Muscle Research (ISSN:09168737)
vol.28, no.2, pp.35-54, 1992 (Released:2010-07-21)
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It is generally accepted that the agonists, full agonist and partial agonist, interact with the same receptors according to the classical receptor mechanisms. We tried to modify the drug receptor mechanisms in muscarinic cholinoceptors, α1-adrenoceptors and β-adrenoceptors. In the muscarinic cholinoceptor, there are two subtypes of M3-cholinoceptors, propylbenzilylcholine mustard (PrBCM)-sensitive receptors and PrBCM-resistant ones. The full agonists contract the longitudinal muscle through the interaction of two cholinoceptors, PrBCM-sensitive and-resistant ones, while the partial agonists produce the contrac-tion through only the activation of PrBCM-sensitive ones. Upon activation PrBCM-sensi-tive receptors may use cytosolic Ca2+ more effectively than PrBCM-resistant receptors. In the α1-adrenoceptor, the full agonist induces contraction through both ai A and α1B, subtypes and the partial agonist through only α1A, subtype. The adrenoceptors activated by full agonist may be partly different from that by partial agonist in the arteries. In both the common iliac artery and thoracic aorta treated with the irreversible antagonist, phenoxybenzamine the slopes of schild plots of the results obtained from an antagonism between full agonist (phenylephrine) and α1A-selective competitive antagonist (WB4101) equal to 1, suggesting that phenoxybenzamine preferably interacts with α1B, subtype. In the β-adrenoceptor, the pD2-values of the partial agonists obtained from the concentration-response curves are significantly different from their pA2-values against full agonist (isoprenaline). The Scatchard plot of the specific [3H] befunolol (the partial agonist) binding showed two affinity sites of the receptors in the absence of Gpp (NH) p but the low affinity site was reduced while the high affinity site was not affected in the presence of Gpp (NH) p.The β-adrenergic partial agonists are able to discriminate these two different binding sites of the β-adrenoceptors. Our results suggest that the receptors activated by full agonists are partly different from those by partial agonists in muscarinic cholinoceptors, α1-and β-adrenoceptors, and that the irreversible antagonist can discriminate between the sites interact with full agonists and those with partial agonists in muscarinic cholinoceptors and α1-adrenoceptors.
高野 和郎 坂田 暉英 福山 公基 太田 宏 前田 洋 李 雅弘 尾上 保夫 青木 隆一 高場 利博 岩堀 嘉和 松下 功 金子 和義 三富 静夫 唐沢 弘文 藤井 浩一 森本 和大 石井 淳一 上村 正吉 藤巻 悦夫 村田 恒雄 森 義明 菅谷 修一 西堀 実 薄井 武人 安藤 公信 清田 卓也 熊谷 日出丸 前田 正雄 鈴木 庸之 本多 儀一 門馬 満 藤本 昇 安藤 光彦 口石 将博 崔 相羽 高須 克弥 平井 啓 小池 勝 平塚 進 鈴木 武松 土持 喬 初鹿野 誠彦 津田 紘輔 諸岡 俊彦 藤井 陽三 清水 一功 八田 善夫 直江 史郎 坂木 洋 海老原 為博 太田 繁興 佐々木 彰 村山 義治 塚田 政明 清水 晃 山口 明志 江頭 亨 坂本 利正 渡辺 佐 加藤 水木 片桐 敬 吉田 文英 小島 昭輔 新谷 博一 鈴木 孝臣 金沢 英夫 落合 泰彦 堀坂 和敬 藤巻 忠夫 平木 誠一 橋本 敏夫 加藤 国之 石井 靖夫 菅 孝幸 赤坂 裕 今村 一男 甲斐 祥生 中西 欽也 太田 繁興 近藤 常郎 落合 元宏 松井 恒雄 依田 丞司 吉田 英機 丸山 邦夫 池内 隆夫 入江 邦夫 佐々木 彰 清水 晃 鈴木 周一 坂木 洋 塚田 政明 秋田 泰正 森 弘道 天野 長久 本多 平吉 山口 明志 坂本 利正 安達 浩行 草ケ谷 雅志 高野 和郎 中川 克宣 鶴岡 延熹 小野 充 阿万 修二 植原 哲 渋谷 徹 桑原 紘一郎 小黒 由里子 後藤 晋 島袋 良夫 安藤 彰彦 国枝 武幸 今西 耕一 小田切 光男 鄭 政男 佐川 文明 田代 浩二 大瀬戸 隆 菅沼 明人 町田 信夫 前田 尚武 小泉 和雄 鈴木 一 安藤 弘 山崎 健二 井出 宏嗣 福山 公基 木村 明夫 小林 祐一郎 狩野 充二 長嶺 安哉 木村 明夫
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.30, no.12, pp.820-825, 1970
小池 勝也
栃木県歴史文化研究会 ; 1992-
歴史と文化 (ISSN:09186123)
no.23, pp.48-62, 2014
佐藤 信 蓼沼 誠 大場 俊輝 高橋 康次郎 小池 勝徳
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本釀造協會雜誌 (ISSN:0369416X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.387-390, 1976-05-15 (Released:2011-11-04)

FPD付ガスクロマトグラフを用いて, 白米および醸造工程中の揮発性硫黄化合物の変化について検討し, 次の結果を得た。1.精米歩合75%白米から揮発性硫黄化合物としてメチルメルカプタン, ジメチルスルフィド, ジメチルジスルフィドが検出された。2.古米からはジメチルスルフィドはほとんど検出されなかった。3.白米蒸きょう時留液から硫化水素, メチルメルカプタン, ジメチルスルフィド, ジメチルジスルフィドが検出され, その最大量に達する時間に各白米間で差異がみられた。4.製麹工程における揮発性硫黄化合物の変化はごく微量であった。5.醪からは硫化水素が検出された。
小池 勝 石井 満
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.57, no.663, pp.166-174, 2009 (Released:2009-04-30)

In recent years Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) for disaster aerial video are developed vigorously. In order to improve aerodynamic performance of MAV wing performance in low Reynolds numbers (Re) need to be improved, but research on the theme are very rare. In category of Hand Launch Glider, a kind of model aircraft, glide performance are competed, as a result high performance airfoils in Re is around 20,000 are developed. Therefore for MAV's aerodynamic performance improvement airfoils of Hand Launch Gliders should be referred and aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils desired to be studied. So in this research, aerodynamic characteristics of the gliders are measured in wind tunnel. And also consistency between wind tunnel test and glide test in calm air is examined to confirm reliability of wind tunnel test. Comparison of different airfoils and flow visualization are also performed.