坂田 浩之 川上 正浩 小城 英子
大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要 (ISSN:13471287)
vol.8, pp.91-98, 2009-01-31

本研究は,不思議現象に対する態度を研究する上での基礎作業として,現代の日本人女子大学生が実際に不思議だと感じていることを探索し,彼らにとっての"不思議"の潜在的な構造を明らかにすることを目的としたものである。20答法を応用した調査法を用いて記述データを収集し,それをテキストマイニング手法を用いて分析し,そこにどのようなキーワードが見出され,多く用いられているのか,またそれらのキーワードはどのようなクラスターを構成するのかについて検討を行った。その結果,"人間の不思議","自分の不思議","能力・可能性の不思議","好みの不思議","性の不思議","思考の不思議","差異の不思議","生理的欲求の強力さの不思議","心・感情の不思議","生・世界・文化の不思議","美・魅力に関連した事柄の不思議","身近な事柄の不思議",という12 のクラスターが抽出され,一般的傾向として,現代の日本人女子大学生が,実際には,身近で,普遍的で,自然なことに対して不思議という感覚を覚えることが明らかにされた。
井上 真理子 川上 正浩
心理学の諸領域 (ISSN:2186764X)
pp.2023-05, (Released:2023-11-10)

This study examined how university students’ self-control and attitude toward delay relate to their smartphone usage time. The study focuses on both subjective and objective smartphone usage time. Participants were 74 university students who use iPhones. First, we conducted a correlation analysis by measuring subjective and objective usage time for online use such as SNS, online video viewing, and games. Next, participants’ personal characteristics, such as self-control and attitude toward delay, were measured using a 6-item method and a 5-item method, respectively. Consequently, the study found a positive correlation between subjective and objective usage time for "SNS" and "games" during 24 hours. However, no correlation was found between "videos and the Internet" or "total time ". Additionally, a positive correlation was found with external control and a negative correlation with reformative self-control scores in subjective time spent on "video and Internet". Conversely, the score of reformative self-control negatively correlated with subjective time for "video and Internet", but no correlation was found with objective time for "video and internet." The findings suggest that self-control and smartphone use differ regarding subjective and objective measures, including the purpose of use.
高橋 昌二 小原 利紀 吉川 美穂 川上 正人 中島 一彦
日本理学療法士協会(現 一般社団法人日本理学療法学会連合)
理学療法学Supplement Vol.33 Suppl. No.2 (第41回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.E1131, 2006 (Released:2006-04-29)

本郷 祥子 野本 剛史 川上 正能 花井 一也 稲土 博右 寺地 敏郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.56, no.2, pp.107-110, 2010-02

A 39-year-old man visited our clinic with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a papillary tumor at the urinarybladder dome. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography(CT) demonstrated a tumor extending from the umbilicus to the bladder dome. Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TUR-Bt) was performed and histopathological findings revealed adenocarcinoma. Chest CT and examination of the upper gastrointestinal did not reveal anyabnormal findings. The tumor was diagnosed as stage IIIA urachal carcinoma, and en bloc segmental resection was performed. About 10 months later, chest CT demonstrated multiple lung metastases. After two courses of combination chemotherapywith methotrexate (MTX), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubicin (epiADM), and cisplatin (CDDP), the multiple lung metastases completelydisappeared. The patient has survived 23 months to date with no evidence of disease and is receiving adjuvant chemotherapywith tegafur uracil.
本郷 祥子 野本 剛史 川上 正能 花井 一也 稲土 博右 寺地 敏郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.56, no.2, pp.107-110, 2010-02

A 39-year-old man visited our clinic with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a papillary tumor at the urinarybladder dome. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography(CT) demonstrated a tumor extending from the umbilicus to the bladder dome. Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TUR-Bt) was performed and histopathological findings revealed adenocarcinoma. Chest CT and examination of the upper gastrointestinal did not reveal anyabnormal findings. The tumor was diagnosed as stage IIIA urachal carcinoma, and en bloc segmental resection was performed. About 10 months later, chest CT demonstrated multiple lung metastases. After two courses of combination chemotherapywith methotrexate (MTX), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubicin (epiADM), and cisplatin (CDDP), the multiple lung metastases completelydisappeared. The patient has survived 23 months to date with no evidence of disease and is receiving adjuvant chemotherapywith tegafur uracil.
川上 正浩 カワカミ マサヒロ Masahiro KAWAKAMI
vol.4, pp.3-14, 2014-01-31

川上 正博 永田 和宏 山村 稔 坂田 直起 宮下 芳雄 後藤 和弘
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.63, no.13, pp.2162-2171, 1977

Local temperature and voltage in the molten flux and metal pool beneath the electrode of ESR porcesses were measured directly by a bare hot junction of W-WRe thermocouple.<BR>The temperature in the flux during remelting was almost uniform at 1750&plusmn;30&deg;C. No temperature gradient was found at the metal pool-flux interface. The temperature in the metal pool decreased smoothly downward in the pool with a platea at 1500&deg;C which was the liquidus temperature of the steel used.<BR>The iso-voltage line was densely distributed at the electrode-flux interface and broadened toward the metal pool-flux interface. Most of the &ldquo;Joule heat&rdquo; in the flux was generated very close to the electrode. However, Faradaic heat generation at the electrode-flux interface was hardly found.<BR>It is suggested from the experimental results that refining processes, not only slag-metal reaction but also inclusion removal take place mainly at the metal pool-flux interface. Because the temperature in the flux was uniform even with the localized heat generation, a violent convection should exist in the flux.<BR>One of the driving forces for the convertion, the pinch effect of the current, was calculated. The selection of the proper voltage and current in order to have a good shape of the metal pool was suggested on an I-V diagram.
川上 正也
日本細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:00214930)
vol.54, no.3, pp.603-616, 1999-08-30

体液性感染防御因子としては,微生物の表層構成物質を分解する酵素やそれを穿孔する殺菌性オリゴペプチドなどが知られていた。しかし体液性因子の中では抗体が最強であるという認識があった。抗体それ自身の防御力は限られているが,それは補体活性化をすることによって貪食促進や殺菌などの力を発揮して,からだ全体の防衛機能を動員する。1980年代に私たちは強力に補体を活性化して殺菌するレクチンRa-reactive factor (RaRF)を見出だし,補体を活性化するレクチンの存在が,抗体に並ぶ防御因子としてクローズアップされるようになった。私たちはこの因子が新しい補体活性化経路(レクチン経路)を活性化することを見出だし,その蛋白構造を明らかにし,遺伝子のマッピングなどを行った。現在では世界各国で研究が進められ,RaRFの構成蛋白のひとつをコードする遺伝子MBLが異常になると易感染症をはじめ種々の疾患を引き起こすことが明らかになって,感染防御におけるRaRFの重要性が注目されるにいたった。ここでは,私たちの研究成果に加えて,これらの最近の知見を紹介する。
藤本 昌紀 堀内 克啓 内田 裕也 杉浦 勉 山本 一彦 川上 正良 杉村 正仁
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Implantology (ISSN:09146695)
vol.14, no.4, pp.54-62, 2001-12-31

An alveolar bone graft, followed by the insertion of threaded titanium endosseous (Brnemark System) implants, was performed in two patients with cleft lip and palate.<br/> One patient, with bilateral cleft lip and palate, underwent an iliac bone graft after orthodontic treatment. An oronasal fistula was simultaneously closed by bilateral labial flaps and a tongue flap. Brnemark System implants were placed for treatment of congenital missing lateral incisors, 17 months after the grafting. The other patient, with unilateral cleft lip and alveolus, underwent a chin bone graft. Although necrotic bone resulting from exposure of the palatal side of the grafted bone was removed, most of the grafted bone survived. Six months later, occlusal reconstruction using Brnemark System implants was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful in both cases. Moreover, these patients were satisfied with both esthetic and functional results, which improved the patient's QOL.<br/> These results indicate that endosseous implants combined with bone grafting are more reliable than conventional procedures for occlusal reconstruction in patients with alveolar cleft.<br/>
川上 正浩 小城 英子 坂田 浩之 Masahiro KAWAKAMI Eiko KOSHIRO Hiroyuki SAKATA
vol.7, pp.57-65, 2008-01-31

川上・小城・坂田 (2007a) は,現代大学生における科学に対するイメージを自由記述によっ て収集し,テキストマイニング手法を用いて分析した。その結果,現代大学生の科学イメージは,実 験をしたり,宇宙について調べたり,勉学したりするものであり,そこに有用性を感じる一方でロマ ンをも感じていること,また先進性や力動性といった進歩するイメージを抱いていることが示された。 本研究では,川上他 (2007a) の自由記述データをもとに,科学続・自然観を測定する尺度を構成す ることを目的とする。大学生 316 名を対象とした質問紙調査の結果から,現代大学生の科学観・自然 観を構成する因子として,癒す自然,未来を築く科学,脅威を与える科学,保護を求める自然,人智 を超えた自然,脅威を与える自然の 6 つの因子が抽出された。癒す自然、得点については性差が認めら れ,男性よりも女性で得点が高いことが示された。Kawakami,Koshiro, & Sakata (2007a) collected university students' view of science with a free description questionnaire and analyzed them with Text Mining Technique. As a result,it was shown that university students' view of science was to conduct experi­ ments,to examine space, and to study, to be both romanticism and utility,and to had advancing image as progressive and dynamism. The purpose of this study was to con­ struct a scale for university students' view of science and nature,based on the free descri­ ption data of Kawakami et al. (2007a).Three hundred and sixteen university students were participated in a questionnaire survey. The responses were analyzed by factor analysis,and as a result six factors were extracted: "healing nature","future-promising science","threatening science","nature beyond human control","nature to be conserved",and "threatening nature". The results also showed the sexual difference on the score of "healing nature",that is, the scores were higher in woman than in men