1 0 0 0 OA 朝鮮全圖

柴田源三郎 編
vol.明治27年6月, 1894
北本 康則 鈴木 一之 二木 源 田熊 淑男 上田 仁 門間 弘道 石崎 允 高橋 寿 関野 宏 中道 五郎 薮下 安紀
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.15, no.3, pp.1234-1237, 1986

ウロキナーゼ固定化フェモラールカテーテル(UKFC)の臨床評価を行なった。UKFCはポリウレタン製で太さ8Fr, 長さ22cmのシングルルーメンとし側孔2個を有した。男11例, 女8例の19例に対し22回にわたり2~30日間UKFCを留置し, 1~13回の体外循環を施行した。非使用時はUK固定化内栓を充填し, 持続点滴は行わなかった。患者には短時間の歩行が許可された。体外循環時の血流量は充分であり, カテーテル留置が原因と考えられる発熱は2回のみであった。12回でカテーテル抜去時に側孔部から先端部にかけてフィブリン血栓を認めたが, 血栓は吸引により容易に除去された。カテーテルのUK残存活性は約1%であったが, かなりのフィブリン溶解能が温存されていた。UKFCの優れた抗血栓性は, この残存UK活性と内栓による血液流入阻止効果によるものと考えられた。
湯川 健 立川 敬子 宗像 源博 塩田 真 春日井 昇平
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.27, no.2, pp.175-180, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-07-25)

A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the information required by patients prior to providing informed consent for dental implant surgery. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,585 patients who visited the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital for oral implants between January 2012 and December 2012, of which 1,159 (73%) valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that preservation of an adjacent tooth was the reason that 32% of participants chose implant therapy. Over 70% of participants indicated that their main concerns regarding implant therapy were aftereffects of surgery, the number of years the implants would be in place, and treatment cost. Regarding knowledge about implant therapy, patients' most frequent reply was“ I do not know” when asked about postoperative pain, peri-implantitis, the importance of implant maintenance, and the relationship between general health and implant therapy. Fifty-nine percent of the patients recognized smoking as a risk factor for periodontal disease, of which 23% recognized smoking as a risk factor for implant therapy. Sixty-one percent of patients replied“ more than 20 years” when asked about the number of years that they believed the implants would be in place. This research identified the information required by patients in order to provide informed consent. Comprehensive information is required before informed consent is sought, as the majority of patients did not possess sufficient knowledge regarding implant therapy.
宮尾 嶽雄 両角 徹郎 両角 源美 毛利 孝之
哺乳動物学雑誌: The Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:05460670)
vol.4, no.1, pp.29-32, 1968

The authors collected small mammals on Sado Island which lies in the Japan Sea about 32 km off Niigata and is situated on the northern coast of Central Honshu, the main island of Japan. Collecting was carried out during August 2-5, 1966, using snap traps.<BR>At Marutsuburi (alt. 120 m), we took the specimens listed below. The vegetation of this area was a mixed forest consisting chiefly of <I>Cryptomeria</I> and <I>Quercus. Apodemus speciosus sadoensis</I>, _??_11, _??_4<BR>At Mt. Myoken (alt. 1, 000 m), we took the specimens listed below. The vegetation of this area was shrubs consisting chiefly of <I>Acer</I>.<BR><I>Apodemus speciosus sadoensis</I>, _??_11, _??_9<BR><I>Apodemus argenteus</I>, _??_6, _??_6<BR><I>Microtus montebelli brevicorpus</I>, _??_<BR>Frequency distribution tables of body weight of <I>Apodemus</I> are shown in Tables 1 and 3. Average tail length, hind foot length and testicle size of each species are shown in Table 2. No pregnant females were collected.<BR>We noted that the island form, <I>Apodemus speciosus sadoensis</I>, was larger in body sizes than the mainland form, <I>A. s. speciosus</I>.
出口 源吾
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.28, no.3, pp.133-144, 1955

In formor times, Kawakami-znura, a high elevated mountain village situated in the uppermost reaches of the Chikuma river, long existed as a typical isolated mountain village in the central part of Japan. But since the opening of the houmi line in 1935 and the establishment of Shinano-hawakami Station, a rapid transformation has taken place. The aim of this paper is to make clear this transformation.<br> 1. The population has increased rapidly. Its ten year increasing rate was 40.5%, from 1930 to 1940. approximately doubling that of the previous ten years. (Figure 2)<br> 2. The percentage of the farm population has decreased, while that of the population in sawing industry, commerce and salaried occupation has increased. We can understand that there has occurred a great change in occupational structure. (Table 1)<br> 3. Nursering of young larch-trees by utilizing the rice fields and growing of truck vegetables suited for cool high elevated regions have become the most important income sources in agriculture. The horse-breeding, the former chief income source, has lost its importance now.<br> 4. At the same time, the land in communal ownership, which was meadows, pastures and forests for fuel, has been divided among the inhabitants as their private land holdings. The utilization of these forests has been greatly promoted, and these pastures are being afforested. It is obvious that forestry is another principal imcome source there.<br> 5. Changes in the extent of trade area, decrease of matrimonies within the village community and the expansion of the sphere of inter-marriage make us acknowledge the enlargement of the community. (Table 5)<br> 6. At the frontier settlements, Kawahake and Azusayama, the settlers depended only on foresty as their chief work, because the coolness indicated by 20&deg;C of the mean temperature in August made them impossible to grow such crops as rice. But now, after they began to grow such truck vegetables as Chinese cabbages and ordinary cabbages and to rear seed silkworms, their income has increased a great deal. But, judging from their ability to pay tax, theirr newspaper reading, their owning of radios, postal matters and so on, the standard of living at those high elevated frontier settlements is lower than the center of the village near the railroad station.<br> 7. Thus, this mountain village, which has been forced to be satisfied with the low level of production caused by the cooler climate and isolated position, is endeavoring to find out the ways to overcome the backwardness in economy and culture, in order to promote the security of living, in response to the modern impoved communication means.
宮尾 嶽雄 両角 源美 両角 徹郎
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.75, no.4, pp.98-102, 1966-04-15

This paper deals with the seasonal variation of sex ratio, body weight, number of pregnant females and testicle size in the vole, Microtus montebelli. They were collected in the period from May, 1964 to September, 1965 in the montane zone (alt. 1,400-1,500m) on Mt. Yatsugatake in Honshu. The total number of specimens collected was 335. They are 33 Apodemus speciosus, 5 Apodemus argenteus, 272 Microtus montebelli, 22 Urotrichus talpodes and 3 Sorex shinto. Microtus montebelli was found exclusively in the grassy area of the montane zone. The number of female Microtus montebelli was larger than the males through months except for the months of May and October. Histograms of the body weight tend to indicate that voles grow rapidly in spring and reach maturity in months ranging from May to August. Breeding ceases in September, since the parent generation is rapidly dying off by October and completely so by November. The young generation comes into population from June and predominates in October, and extends through winter without coming into breeding condition. The life span of the vole may be more or less than 1.5 years. Pregnant females were obtained from May to November. The maximum monthly pregnancy rate occurred in June. The average number of embryos was 3.5. The monthly average testicle size increases and generally shows a maximum after winter. The testicle size was quickly reduced in September.
釘貫 ふじ 村田 源
植物分類,地理 (ISSN:00016799)
vol.38, pp.349-358, 1987-09-25 (Released:2017-09-25)

An attempt was made as to the epidermal system of both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of foliage in some species of Rhodoendron which has been scarcely investigated. Using our original method, an observation of wide scope can be made concerning the epidermal layers of leaves by the light microscope from the polar view. The epidermal cells of the adaxial surface are found to be amoeboid in shape in R. aureum, R. brachycarpum and R. makinoi, while those to be not amoeboid but polygon in shape in R. metternichii var. metternichii, R. metternichii var. hondoense, R. yakushimanum and R. degronianum. In R. brachycarpum, the epidermal system of the adaxial surface is observed to be 2-layers near midrib, but to become one layer at the margin of leaves. there is sporadically an aggregate of cells which are well stained by fuchsin. In R. aureum, the hair stalks which are multicellar are observed in the abaxial surface of leaves. In R. brachycarpum, the base of hairs is found to be 2 cells, while that in the other species examined to be 2-4 cells. Considering the unique mode of the distribution and the density in stomata and hairs, and the epidermal cells being elliptic polygon, R. yakushimanum is thought to be clearly distinguished from R. metternichii and R. degronianum.
長井 誠 源野 朗 村上 俊明 高井 光 上地 正英 明石 博臣
Japan Veterinary Medical Association
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.51, no.9, pp.487-490, 1998

牛ウイルス性下痢ウイルス (BVDV) 2の石川県における浸潤状況を, 成牛1, 625頭, 2歳未満牛217頭, 豚298頭, あん羊57頭, 山羊12頭および鹿19頭について血清学的に調査した. BVDV 2; KZ-91株に対する抗体は成牛の1.1%にのみ認められ, 1986年以降の保存血清 (約1歳牛) では, 1988年の70例中1例, 1998年の51例中2例, 1994年の27例中1例が陽性であった. 1990-1997年に分離されたBVDV 10株について, 5'非翻訳領域を標的としたRT-PCRにより制限酵素 (<I>Pst</I> I) 切断パターンを調べたところ, 1990年に分離された2株がBVDV 2に分類された