平 博司 福島 伸一 大澤 幸生 伊庭 斉志 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.17, pp.268-275, 2002-11-01
2 1

Information on the World Wide Web(WWW) is increasing day by day because of its open characteristics. It becomes difficult for users to find useful information in this huge WWW information space. Even if a user can fortunately find useful pages, it is difficult for him/her to acquire all the aspects or a structured knowledge view regarding his/her query.       In this paper, we describe a system called “AreaView2001”, which presents an overall structured view of the queried area together with a set of useful Web pages explaining the area and its subareas. The style of the presentation is similar to book style, consisiting of chapters and sections. When extracting important keywords of the area from collected Web pages, the system employs the method of KeyGraph which can extract keywords of the main topics and underlying basis knowledge of a text document.       AreaView2001 is particularly useful for those users that want to know unfamiliar areas, such as academic areas, since the area knowledge available in the WWW will be presented as a collection of useful Web pages sorted out according to the overall structure of the area. Although the area knowledge to be presented by the system is not so well structured as book chapters because of the full-automatic structuring, it can provide a variety of vivid knowledge not available in books. Some experimental evaluations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the sysytem.
下栗 大右 石塚 悟
一般社団法人 日本燃焼学会
日本燃焼学会誌 (ISSN:13471864)
vol.59, no.187, pp.41-48, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

The radial / tangential modes of acoustically resonant oscillatory combustion have been observed in the large scale tubular flame burners. The triggering and amplification mechanisms of those modes of oscillations can be understood in detail with tubular flame burners because (1) those modes of oscillations have been found to be occurred in tubular flame burners at relatively low thermal input conditions with high reproducibility, and thus, the experiments can be repeatedly conducted under the well-controlled conditions, and (2) the modes of oscillations are easily identified because the natural frequencies of the tubular flame burners are easily obtained due to its simple geometry, and furthermore (3) the heat release position can be easily identified because the tubular flame is the thin laminar flame front. At present, it was found that (n, m) = (0, 1) mode of oscillation which has non-axisymmetric sound pressure profile is the dominant mode of oscillation, where n and m is the radial and tangential mode number, respectively. As results of flow field measurements, the Presessing Vortex Core motion was observed in the burned gas region of the tubular flame burner, which can cause the non-axisymmetric sound pressure structure in the tubular flame burner.
齋藤 元也 石塚 直樹 坂本 利弘
一般社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.37, no.3, pp.193-203, 2017-07-21 (Released:2018-01-31)

With the advent of new remote-sensing platforms and sensors such as drones, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), high-frequency observation satellites, etc., remote sensing technology is now being used to elucidate or resolve many agriculture-related issues from global food security to precision farming. This article looks back on the trajectory of the remote sensing studies on agriculture in Japan and reviews the results of studies published mainly by researchers at agricultural research institutes in four time periods since the late 1970 s, which we refer to as the “dawn and infancy period”, “development period”, “establishment period”, and “present”.
石塚 浩
経営論集 = Journal of Public and Private Management (ISSN:21892490)
vol.1, pp.1-15, 2015-03-01

ネットワークの視点から、CFT のもたらす効果と副作用、副作用を減じる方法について考察し、収集したデータをもとに分析した。CFT では橋渡し型ネットワークが活用されているといえるが、同様のネットワークは、人事異動においても形成されている。CFT および人事異動が盛んな企業ほど業績が高いが、その理由は橋渡し型ネットワークの形成によるものと考えられる。CFT と人事異動は、個人の仕事満足にプラスの影響を与えているが、関係づくりの負担などの副作用もあると考えられる。組織レベルでビジョンを共有し相互信頼を実現すれば、このような副作用を抑えることができる。ビジョン共有と相互信頼の実現は、トップと直属上司のリーダーシップのあり方、そして両者のリーダーシップの整合性に依存している。 Many organizations use cross-functional teams (CFTs) to realize creative management that causes innovation. The effects of CFTs primarily depend on associating members who belong to different artments of an organization. New information, unique ideas, and different views are gathered and considered to solve problems.We think that these bridging network effects can be found by conducting frequent changes in personnel. This paper considers the negative effects of CFTs on job satisfaction.Despite several researches having advocated the positive effects of CFTs, they may create stress among participants and cause the participants to become increasingly busy. They may become exhausted with the new relationships created by CFTs. We gathered data on CFTs, changes in personnel, and job satisfaction. In addition, we conducted statistical analyses on these data. The result reveals that common vision and mutual trust in firms contribute toward job satisfaction. Common vision andmutual trust that are created through proper leaderships compensate for the negative effects of CFTs.
乃生 将也 佐藤 敬子 下川 房男 石塚 裕己
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.19, no.3, pp.301-307, 2020 (Released:2020-08-31)

Tools are indispensable for our daily life. For example, we use knives to process foods or other materials such as resin or wood. Tactile texture sensation which arises when we touch objects directly has been investigated by many groups. However, the sensation caused by the use of tools has not well been explored. In this study, we focused on kitchen knife which we often use for cooking, and evaluated sensation caused by the use of the kitchen knife. In the experiment, we asked 20 participants to cut 12 foods and rate the sensation of each item. Furthermore, we measured force and acceleration to analyze the relationship between sensation and these physical quantities. The result showed that sensation via cutting process can consist of three sensory factors, “ease of cutting”, “density”, and “elasticity”, and these sensory factors relate to the physical quantities.
乃生 将也 佐藤 敬子 下川 房男 石塚 裕己
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
pp.TJSKE-D-20-00012, (Released:2020-08-07)

Tools are indispensable for our daily life. For example, we use knives to process foods or other materials such as resin or wood. Tactile texture sensation which arises when we touch objects directly has been investigated by many groups. However, the sensation caused by the use of tools has not well been explored. In this study, we focused on kitchen knife which we often use for cooking, and evaluated sensation caused by the use of the kitchen knife. In the experiment, we asked 20 participants to cut 12 foods and rate the sensation of each item. Furthermore, we measured force and acceleration to analyze the relationship between sensation and these physical quantities. The result showed that sensation via cutting process can consist of three sensory factors, “ease of cutting”, “density”, and “elasticity”, and these sensory factors relate to the physical quantities.
安田 勝彦 石塚 修悟 石原 義恕 林 正春 西川 仁 磯 毅彦
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.55, no.2, pp.169-175, 2009-06-30 (Released:2014-11-11)

関節リウマチ (RA) は, 関節周囲の滑膜を病変の主座とする原因不明の炎症性疾患である. この滑膜での炎症が進行すると, 軟骨, 骨の破壊が進行し, やがて, 日常生活動作 (ADL) や生活の質 (QOL) が低下してくることが問題になってくる. 近年, 関節破壊が, RA発症後2年以内に引き起こされることがわかり, 発症早期の適切な時期 (window of opportunity) に, 適切な治療を開始すれば, 関節破壊は防げることがわかってきた. したがって, 現在のRA患者の治療は, 関節の軟骨や骨の破壊がおよぶ前に, 抗リウマチ薬を中心とした薬物療法をできるだけ早期から開始し, それと同時に早期からリハビリテーション (リハ) を併用することによりADL/QOLの低下を防ぐことが重要である. RAの薬物治療は, 大きな進歩をとげ, 特に生物学的製剤の開発によって, RAの疾患活動性のいちじるしい改善, 特に骨の破壊の進行が抑えられることが可能となってきた. しかし, その一方で, 感染症をはじめ, 重大な有害事象が問題になっており, 早期のRAや難治性のRAへの投与の時期や適応もまだ多くの問題点をかかえている. よって, 薬物療法だけでは, なかなかRA患者のADL/QOLを維持することは困難である. また, アメリカリウマチ学会 (ACR) における2002年RA治療ガイドラインの中にも, 薬物療法以外に, 理学療法 (physical therapy ; PT), 作業療法 (occupational therapy ; OT), 患者教育が含まれている. 以上のことから, RAの治療において, 薬物療法と並行して, 早期からリハを開始することが, RAの滑膜炎から引き起こされる関節疼痛, 関節変形, 筋力低下等を改善し, 予防する上で, 大変重要なことと思われる.