石塚 孝宏 三浦 久男 野平 博之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1990, no.10, pp.1171-1177, 1990-10-10 (Released:2011-05-30)

自発分極が大きく,電界応答性に優れた新規強誘電性液晶を合成することを目的として,光学活性1,1,1-トリフルオロ-2-オクタノール1を用いて,光学活性部位にトリフルオロメチル基をもつ液晶化合物を合成した。1とコア部分をエステル結合で連結した化合物は,Sc*相の温度範囲が狭く,自発分極も期待したほどには大きくなかった。一方,1とコア部分をエーテル結合で連結した化合物4'-alkoxy-4-biphenylyl 4-(1-trifluoromethylheptyloxymethyl)benzoate 6および 4-(5-alkoxy-2-pyri-midinyi)phenyl 4-(1-trifluoromethylheptyloxymethyl)benzoate 7は,いずれも広いSo*相をもち,自発分極も2000~3000μc/m2という大きな値をもつ優れた強誘電性液晶であることがわかった。また・これらはコア構造の違いにより応答時間の温度依存性にいちじるしい違いがみられた。さらに,これらをアキラルなホスト液晶に混合して評価した結果,6がキラルドーバントとしても優れていることがわかった。
石塚 達雄 佐々木 旭
防衛衛生 (ISSN:00065528)
vol.23, no.5, pp.p155-160, 1976-05
石塚 勝美 Katsumi Ishizuka
no.5, pp.11-30, 2007-03-31

この論文は、1978 年以来南レバノンに駐留してきた国連レバノン暫定軍(United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: UNIFIL)の設立初期の活動状況について論じている。UNIFILは、その活動の基準となった国連安全保障理事会決議425 に記された3つのマンデートを遂行することはできなかった。それは、国連PKOを行うために本来備わっているべき諸条件が満たされていなかったからである。イスラエルは、その後も4度にわたりUNIFILを無視した形で、PLOやヒズボラ等、南レバノン駐留の武装勢力に軍事侵攻を行っている。UNIFIL初期の活動状況の未熟さがそれ以降のイスラエルの横暴振りを許している結果になってしまっていると考えられる。UNIFILの事例をとっても、今後の国連PKO は、さらに強健なものになっていくべきであろう。
松本 亜希子 中川 光弘 小林 卓也 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.4, pp.255-279, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-02-22)

The Tokachidake volcano group, central Hokkaido, is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan; three magmatic eruptions occurred from the crater area on the northwestern flank of Tokachidake in the 20th century. The Sandan-yama, Kamihorokamettokuyama, and Sampōzan edifices are on the southern flank of the volcano, and the first two bound the west-facing Nukkakushi crater. Although fumarolic activity and hydrothermal alteration are ongoing at Nukkakushi crater, its eruptive history remains unknown. Therefore, we performed a geological investigation of the Nukkakushi crater area. Based on topographical features, we inferred the following eruptive history. Sampōzan and Kamihorokamettokuyama formed during ca. 70-60 ka, after which the northern flank of Sampōzan collapsed and a new edifice (Nukkakushi volcano) was built within the collapse scarp. Finally, the collapse of the western flank of Nukkakushi formed Nukkakushi crater—perhaps during the Holocene, according to previous work. We identified eight Holocene eruptive products generated from the Nukkakushi crater area, the most recent of which was generated from a crater on the western flank of Sandan-yama sometime since the early 18th century. We also recognized three debris avalanche/landslide deposits that were generated within the last 750 years. Comparing the eruptive products of the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake with those of the Nukkakushi crater area revealed that magmatic eruptions from the two craters alternated until 1.8 ka. Their distinct magmatic compositions suggest the simultaneous existence of two isolated magma systems beneath Tokachidake and Nukkakushi, at least until that time. Since 1.8 ka, magmatic eruptions at the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake and phreatic eruptions at the Nukkakushi crater area have occurred in parallel. Moreover, around Nukkakushi crater, small-scale collapses/landslides have occurred. Previous studies recognized hydrothermal changes at Nukkakushi crater area, originating from the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake around the last two magmatic eruptions; it is therefore presumed that the Nukkakushi crater area was hydrothermally altered, even during periods of little eruptive activity. Such continuous and pervasive hydrothermal alteration explains the frequent collapses of edifices. The parallel yet contrasting eruptive activities in these adjacent areas are important for forecasting future eruptive activities and mitigating volcanic hazards.
石塚 則子
同志社大学英語英文学研究 (ISSN:02861291)
no.79, pp.39-59, 2006-03

Set in the 1870s, Edith Wharton's posthumous and incomplete text of The Buccaneers deals with a marriage plot different from that of her previous novels. While The Age of Innocence (1920) records Newland Archer's conflict between social order and personal fulfillment through his attachment to two contrastive woman figures and justifies his adherence to the old New York code to pay homage to conservative social dynamism in the 1870s, The Buccaneers focuses on the social intruders who ambitiously challenge tradition-bound high society both in America and England. Beautiful but undisciplined American daughters of the nouveaux riches challenge the English aristocracy with their social ambitions for "happy" marriages after their failure in Old New York. Forming a strong bond to help one another in a totally different cultural milieu, they achieve brilliant social marriages, which eventually turn out a dreadful mistake. With many characters with varied cultural backgrounds on both sides of the Atlantic, the story develops ramifications under social milieus of hybridity. The middle of the novel marks a shift from a comic tone of cultural amalgamation to an individual conflict between social order and personal fulfillment. Married to one of the most distinguished dukes, Annabel Tintagel (né St. George) undergoes an identity crisis and cannot get along with her new identity as a duchess. Her inner turmoil results from being reduced to a subordinated gender role, but Wharton seems to add another factor to Annabel's unsettlement: transculturation. Guy Thwarte, with whom Nan develops an attachment through their shared kinship toward the soil and historical buildings, also finds his old traditional life at Honourslove disrupted after he comes back from his four-year life in Brazil: he can neither recover the lost self nor fit into a designated future role as an heir. Both of them, after being transplanted from one culture to the other, find their subjectivity in dangling, not being able to achieve any sense of rootedness. The inner turmoil of Guy and Nan seems to project Wharton's sense of dislocation in America and Europe after the World War I. Except the period when she was settled in the Mount at Lenox, Massachusetts, Wharton spent most of her life on travels or switching residences by the seasons. After the sale of the Mount in 1912, she took up her residence in France. Unlike modernist expatriates, she did not remain rootless. Through her transcultural experiences, Wharton had to create a new pattern of connections in exile, constructing an ambivalent point of view on modernist Europe and America. Such view of hers seems diasporic without any Jewish historical context: she is away from "home" in a spatial and temporal sense but adheres to some attachment to "home" in moralistic, emotional terms. Her "home" is Europe and America in the 1870s, in which the core of her self was nurtured. Though physically located away from the heritage of her "home," she still associates herself with it by memory. With her decline in health and deaths of her close friends and relatives in the 1930s, she seems to be in desperate need to get back to her "home" by writing The Buccaneers yet foregrounds the characters who find their subjectivity in dangling transcultural contexts. Guy and Nan seeks some relief from identity crisis in their attachment to the soil. However, Wharton does not allow them to settle in rural England in search of a place for their union but drives them out of England to South Africa without any immediate prospect of returning to their "home." Though Wharton was not able to complete the text, her projected conclusion in which Nan and Guy elope and presumably find a union of true minds and conceptions far away from England might reflect some social changes that had taken place in the course of Wharton's lifetime. While some feminist critics regard this optimistic ending of the promising union as unique in Wharton's marriage plots, the ending seems to project her sense of dislocation in her last years: she never recovers any solid sense of "home" but faces the need to remold her subjectivity in different transcultural contexts.
ソロビヨワ イェレナ 石塚 英弘
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.18, no.1, pp.22-46, 2008-02-19

我々は,XML/RDF (Resource Description Framework 技術をアレルギーに関する知識領域への適用を試みた.その領域には複雑なデータ構造と、データ要素・リソース間の意味関係が存在する.本論文の目的は次の3要素で構成される.(i)アレルギー疾患の要因に関する知識領域を最適に表現するために,概念の群およびそれら概念間の関係を記述するオントロジーを設計・開発すること;(ii)アレルギー疾患に関係する情報資源の主題索引に本オントロジーを適用すること;(iii)構築したオントロジーと索引を用いて情報資源からデータを検索することの3つである.メタデータの構造化,表現そして蓄積はセマンティクウェブ技術であるRDF とSimple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS)を用いて実行した.一方,Web リソース自体の構造はXML フォーマットを用いて記述した.セマンティクWeb 技術とXML によって表現された情報を検索するために,我々はWeb アプリケーションのプロトタイプを開発した.また,RDF と他のセマンティクWeb 技術がこのライフサイエンス分野に蓄積された情報の探索,ブラウジング,検索に新しい可能性を提供することも示した.
石塚 治
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.1, pp.91-100, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-03-20)

How subduction begins and its consequences for global tectonics remain one of the essential outstanding problems of plate tectonics. Two different endmember mechanisms for subduction initiation have been hypothesized: spontaneous, and induced (or forced). Numerical models suggest that subduction initiation is induced by externally forced compression along a preexisting discontinuity in an oceanic plate such as a fracture zone or transform faults. However, it has been pointed out that spontaneous subduction must have occurred at some points in Earth's history to initiate plate tectonics, and recent numerical models demonstrated that lateral thermal/compositional buoyancy contrast along plate discontinuity or within lithosphere can cause spontaneous subduction initiation. Recent geological and geophysical surveys in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore-arc have revealed igneous processes in the initial stages of subduction. The oldest magmatism after subduction initiation generated MORB-like fore-arc basalts, which was associated with seafloor spreading caused by onset of sinking of slab into mantle. Then boninitic magmatism followed by tholeiitic to calc-alkaline arc lavas collectively makes up the extrusive sequence of the fore-arc crust. This magmatic evolution from initial basaltic magmatism to establishment of normal arc magmatism took several million years. Fore-arc stratigraphy observed in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc shares some of the key geologic and petrologic characteristics with many supra-subduction zone ophiolite, which implies that fore-arc crustal section produced in the initial stage of oceanic island arc formation could correspond to in-situ section of supra-subduction zone ophiolite prior to obduction. Recent ocean drilling projects targeting initial stage of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc inception revealed that subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc took place spontaneously. The drilling results also revealed that the whole arc was established on the ocean crust produced associated with subduction initiation.
稲坂 晃義 八馬 智 石塚 明夫
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
デザイン学研究 (ISSN:09108173)
vol.67, no.1, pp.1_39-1_48, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-08-10)

デザインの導入基礎教育を対象に,指導者が求める到達目標を明示した「振り返りシート」を用いて,学習者の自己評価により理解・習熟度を自身で把握し,指導者の評価との関係性を明らかにする.またその結果を用いて授業プログラムおよび指導方法等を検討するための示唆を得ることを目的とする.受講者の各課題に対するの理解・習熟度の自己評価,ならびに授業運営側の各課題の設定レベルの適性度の把握と今後の授業進行の調整や課題導出を目的としてICE モデルルーブリックを応用した「振り返り」シートを作成し導入した.因子分析とクラスター分析によって,学習者と指導者の各評価間の差異を明らかにした.学習者本人が自身の理解度を把握することに留まらず,指導者の指導内容の評価にも利用することができる.また多年度にわたりその結果の推移を見ると,各年度の学習者の傾向の違いがあるが,学習者の自己評価と指導者の評価の間の差異が年度を経るごとに小さくなる傾向があり,指導内容の変更や改善が一定の学習効果の向上に寄与することが分かった.
岸 洋一 平野 美和 井上 滋彦 石塚 英司 濱嵜 公久 鈴木 基文 藤田 喜一郎 山田 徹
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.51, no.9, pp.403-409, 1997

99例の前立腺肥大症に対し, 経尿道的前立腺高温度療法(プロスタトロン)を施行した. 自覚症状としてのI-PSSの変化では治療前には20.1±7.0であったが, 4週後には10.8±6.7と著明に減少し, さらに6ヵ月まで徐々に減少し, 1年後にやや上昇しているが, いずれも有意な変化であった(p<0.0001). 満足度も同様の傾向であった. 他覚所見の推移では最大尿流率の変化が8.9±4.9ml/secから4週~6ヵ月後まで3~4mlの増加がみられ, 1年後にも9.7±3.1ml/secであった(p<0.018). 平均尿流率をみると, 治療前に4.3±2.5ml/secであるが, 8週後には5.8±2.6ml/secまで上昇し, 1年後には4.6±1.6ml/secとやや低下したが, 有意の変化は保たれた. また残尿量も1年後にも有意の減少を示した. 自他覚的所見の改善は少なくとも1年にわたって持続するので, 本療法は前立腺肥大症の治療の有力な選択肢の一つとなりうる.
後藤 孝文 奥村 大 田村 宏樹 淡野 公一 田中 寿 外山 貴子 石塚 興彦
vol.2008, pp.28, 2008

早川 巌 松本 竹男 仲地 理 安江 透 石塚 等 増原 英一
歯科材料・器械 (ISSN:02865858)
vol.6, no.1, pp.59-63, 1987-01-25

不適合義歯の裏装法には, 常温重合レジンを用いる直接法と加熱重合レジンによる間接法とがある.前者は, 簡便で適合性もよいが, モノマーの刺激や重合時の発熱が患者に不快感を与え, さらに物性的にも問題がある.一方, 後者は, 裏装材の物性は優れているが裏装操作が煩雑で, かつ重合時の加熱によって義歯床に変形が生じるため適合性にも問題がある."エポレックス・リベース"は, これら従来の裏装材に付随した問題点を解決する目的で開発された光重合型直接裏装材である.すでに本材料の理工学的性質, 生物学的安全性などについては検討され, 裏装材として十分実用性があることが判明しているので, ここでは, 硬いが幾分脆いという本材料を義歯床レジンに張り合せた場合に, どの程度の補強効果があるかを検索した.また, 裏装後の適合性についても加熱重合レジンおよび常温重合レジンを使用した場合と比較検討した.その結果, 適合性については, 本材料は加熱重合レジンよりはるかに良好で, 常温重合レジンに相当するものであった.補強効果については, 両者を積層することにより塑性変形量が増大して靱性が著しく向上し, 本材料を用いた裏装義歯は, 従来の床用材料のもつ脆性を克服し, 義歯自体の耐久性をも高められる可能性があることが示唆された.
石塚 禎幸 李 鎔根 大月 敏雄 小泉 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.317-322, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)

石塚 直樹
農業環境技術研究所報告 = Bulletin of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (ISSN:09119450)
no.34, pp.81-100, 2015-03

丸山 加名 近藤 悠希 山門 慎一郎 加治屋 忠一 山本 健 古川 綾 石塚 洋一 岩元 正義 山本 美智子 入江 徹美
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.2, pp.99-108, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-09-25)

Objectives: It is important for patients to make correct use of drug information (DI) to promote the proper use of medicines. Many patients use the Internet to find DI, but awareness about the websites of public institutions that provide DI is low. This study aimed to identify the actual use of the Internet for DI and associated problems to inform development of a comprehensive DI website for patients.Method: Patients with diabetes were set as a model case for patients who take medicines and need DI. A questionnaire survey was conducted among patients with diabetes who visited community pharmacies in Kagoshima City from March 2019 to October 2019. The survey covered Internet use, DI needs, methods of sourcing DI, and problems obtaining DI via the Internet.Results: There were 349 valid respondents (median age 64 years), of which 52.1% used the Internet at least once a week. Around half of the Internet users searched for DI on the Internet. More than half of these respondents chose a DI acquisition site because it “appeared at the top of search results” and was “easy to understand.” However, around half of these respondents felt that “there is too much information on the internet and I don’t know what is correct.”Conclusion: This study suggests that older patients with a long history of diabetes use the Internet to obtain DI. However, patients face various problems accessing DI via the Internet. It may be necessary to construct a comprehensive website that is easy to use and enhance public health literacy to support the proper use of medicines by patients.