木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2005

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical education [PE] homework on the amount of daily physical activity and the health-related fitness of university freshmen. Two hundred and eighty four Japanese university freshmen were allocated to either homework group (<i>N</i>=133) or control group (<i>N</i>=151). The tasks for homework group were daily life (out of class) self-monitoring of physical activity to promote daily physical activity, as well as fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The tasks for control group were health-related fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997), which consists of three subscales, was used to evaluate physical activity patterns of the participants. The three subscales were 1) Exercise/Sports: measures exercise/sports-related physical activities with more than moderate intensity, 2) Time Management: measures the ability of time management in being occupied and having little time for exercise/sports participation, and 3) Daily Activity: measures relatively light physical activities in daily life. Health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength/endurance, flexibility, and body fat) was also measured. As the result of ANOVA, PE homework in daily life was found to increase; 1) the amount of physical activity widely with light to moderate intensity, 2) some healthrelated fitness related to practical homework. These results suggest that PE homework can contribute to promoting daily physical activity required for fitness program emphasized today.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎 橋本 公雄
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.6, no.1, pp.3-11, 2009-03-15

荒井 弘和 岡 浩一朗 竹中 晃二
行動医学研究 (ISSN:13416790)
vol.14, no.1, pp.30-35, 2009 (Released:2014-07-03)

現在、運動心理学において、精神神経免疫学に関する測定指標に注目が集まっている。そこで、本研究の目的は、一過性の有酸素運動が唾液中コルチゾール分泌に与える影響を予備的に検討することとした。本研究では、10名の対象者(平均年齢24.50±2.68歳;男性5名/女性5名)が招集され、(1) 自転車エルゴメータを用いた中等度の強度による20分間のサイクリングを行う条件と、(2) 20分間の読書を行うコントロール条件という、2つのカウンタ・バランスされた実験条件を行った。全ての対象者は、インフォームド・コンセントシートに署名した。唾液中のコルチゾール濃度は、各実験条件の前後に測定され、唾液中のコルチゾール濃度は、放射免疫測定法(radioimmunoassay: RIA)によって分析された。本研究は、2(条件:運動/コントロール)×2(時間:前/後)の対象者内要因計画である。繰り返しのある分散分析は、条件の主効果、時間の主効果、および交互作用を示さなかった。結論として、本研究では、一過性の有酸素運動はコルチゾール濃度を変化させない可能性が示された。
荒井 弘和 所 昭宏 平井 啓 野長 さおり 小林 博美 井上 亜由美 上砂 陽子 田中 孝浩
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.50, no.7, pp.667-673, 2010-07-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

荒井 弘和 竹中 晃二 岡 浩一朗
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-10, 2003-06-25 (Released:2015-01-07)
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The purpose of this study was to develop the Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA), a measure of psychological states to the stimulus properties of acute exercise. The WASEDA consists of 12 items that capture 3 distinct affects: Negative affect, Positive engagement and Tranquility showed by factor analysis. The subscales have good internal consistency, content and factorial validity. The second purpose of present study was to examine psychological responses in acute exercise using WASEDA. According to employing WASEDA, it was suggested that participants reported desirable affects after moderate-intensity stationary cycling. Also, the subject's exercise of self-paced walking improved their psychological states. Moreover, discriminant validity for the WASEDA subscales was demonstrated by examining psychological responses shown in acute exercise. Finally, several directions for shown WASEDA were proposed.
荒井 弘和

本研究では、大学生競技者のスポーツ・ライフ・バランスに対する貢献を目指して、以下の3つの目的を設定する。競技の満足度と生活の満足度との関連を検討する (研究Ⅰ)。競技の満足度・生活の満足度と関連する要因を検討する (研究Ⅱ)。スポーツ・ライフ・バランス支援プログラムの効果を検討する (研究Ⅲ)。本研究によって、「アスリートライフスタイル」の重要性が明らかとなったこと、メンタリングが競技者の満足度に関連するということ、本研究で開発されたプログラムは、スポーツ・ライフ・バランスを促進させる可能性があることが明らかとなった。
荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 木内 敦詞 浦井 良太郎
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.45, no.11, pp.865-871, 2005-11-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

本研究の目的は, 男子大学生を対象として, 身体活動・運動と不安・抑うつとの関係を検討することであった.大学1年生の男子1,159名を対象に, HADS日本語版, 身体活動評価表, および運動行動の変容段階尺度を使用して, 横断的調査を行った.その結果, 運動・スポーツや日常活動性は, 不安とは関連していなかったが, 抑うつとの間に有意な負の相関関係が確認された.また, 運動行動の変容段階が無関心期の者と, それ以外の変容段階の者との間において, 抑うつ得点に有意な差が認められた.しかし, 抑うつに関する結果は, 1,000名を超すサンプル数に影響されている可能性があり, 抑うつに関する結果の解釈には注意が必要である.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.5, pp.677-688, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)

It has been clarified that self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977) predicts behavior and plays an important role in improving performance. However, there have been no reports of any practical trials for improving sports performance through the development of self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to propose concrete application of the concept of self-efficacy to sports coaching, using base-running behavior in baseball as a theme. In Study 1, we examined the reliability (internal consistency and stability) of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Base-Running (SES-BR). In Study 2, we examined whether the intervention of the SES-BR could improve the self-efficacy and the performance of base-running as well as psychological competitive abilities such as “decisiveness,” “predictive ability,” and “judgment.” In Study 1, three coaches from a college baseball team extracted 31 types of base-running behavior that are considered critical in baseball games. In order to examine the reliability of the scale, the self-efficacy scores of the fielders in the team (N =24) were measured twice: once on the first day of the season, and again, one week later. The results indicated Cronbach's a =.94 and a test-retest correlation coefficient r =.81 ( p <.001) for the SES-BR, thus verifying the scale's reliability. In Study 2, the college baseball players received cards on which the SES-BR was printed and were instructed to verify the 31 base-running behavioral items every five days. The results revealed a significant increase in the self-efficacy score during the intervention period ( p <.05). Moreover, the base-run errors—an index for base-running performance—decreased due to the intervention of the SES-BR: 8.30/game before the intervention, 6.77/game (-18%) in the first season, and 4.32/game in the second season (-48%). Furthermore, “decisiveness” and the comprehensive evaluation of psychological competitive ability, as evaluated by DIPCA (Tokunaga, 2001), showed significant improvement during the second intervention season ( p <.05 for both). Therefore, the intervention of the SES-BR, which was developed in this study and confirmed to be highly reliable, was suggested as a possible measure for improving self-efficacy and performance in base-running as well as “decisiveness” and overall psychological competitive ability.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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College students have low levels of physical activity (PA); however, PA enhancement is suggested to serve as a gateway to the improvement of other forms of health behavior. Graduate Ready for Activity Daily (GRAD) by Sallis et al. (1999) is a PA enhancement course for college students immediately before graduation. The program contains the behavior change skills needed to adopt and maintain regular PA. Moreover, there is also a need to consider PA intervention for freshmen, from the same viewpoint as GRAD. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a behavioral science-based physical education program with homework would have positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen. The project was named “First-Year Physical Education” (FYPE).College freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan participated in this study (N=993; intervention group, N=497; non-intervention group, N=496). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities in the program): (1) guidance, (2) health-related physical fitness test, (3)–(6) sports activity, (7) lecture on PA and health, (8)–(12) sports activity, (13) health-related physical fitness test, and (14) summary of the program. The PA enhancement programs were meant only for the intervention group. The programs consisted of education on behavioral change skills (decisional-balance analysis, changing self-talk, relapse prevention, social support, shaping, and so on), and out-of-class practical assignments such as active homework (self-monitoring and goal setting with regard to PA). The duration of the weekly program was 3.5 months. We measured psychological variables (self-efficacy and decisional balance [pros–cons] for exercise), behavioral variables (PA level according to the intensity and frequency of categorized PA), and physiological variables (health-related physical fitness, i.e., cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and percentage body fat). These variables were measured both before and after the class term; the intervention and the non-intervention groups were subsequently compared.Two-way ANOVA and post hoc test revealed a significant intervention effect for psychological variables such as self-efficacy and the pros of exercise. With regard to the behavioral variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for both the PA levels of “exercise and sports” and “daily activity” and the frequency of the categorized PA (daily PA, health-related exercise such as aerobic exercise, stretching, and muscular exercise). In the health-related physical fitness test with regard to physiological variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for muscular endurance. These results suggest that this behavioral science-based physical education class with homework has comprehensive positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.329-341, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a physical education program based on behavioral science, which includes homework (project First-Year Physical Education: FYPE) on the health level and lifestyle of first-year college students. The study participants comprised 1,090 male college freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan (intervention group, N=515; non-intervention group, N=575). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities of the program). 1: guidance, 2–4: sports activity, 5: lecture (health science), 6–8: sports activity, 9: lecture (health science), 10–12: sports activity, and 13: summary of the class. Health behavior promotion programs were intended only for the intervention group. The programs comprised (1) education on behavioral change skills (self-monitoring, goal setting, self-reinforcement, and so on), and (2) out-of-class practical assignments such as physical education homework. We evaluated the health level and life habits of the students by using the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Life Habit (DIHAL; Tokunaga, 2003) and evaluated their physical activity level using the Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997). As a result, significant intervention effects were observed with regard to the DIHAL scales for “Eating,” “Resting,” and the “Sum of lifestyle,” and with regard to the subscales of “Level of physical health,” “Eating regularly,” “Relaxing,” “Sleeping regularly,” and the “Fulfillment level of sleep.” The PAAS revealed a significant intervention effect with regard to “Daily activity,” which indicates the relatively light physical activities in daily life; however, this was not observed with regard to the DIHAL scale of “Exercise.” These results clearly indicate that physical education programs based on behavioral science and including homework can improve the overall lifestyle (namely, physical activity, eating, and resting) of first-year college students.
荒井 弘和
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.23, no.2, pp.2_165-2_175, 2013

The present studies focused on collective efficacy (CE) among Japanese athletes. The purpose of study I was to compare psychological performance CE between individual and team sports, or whether or not athletes had a rival on their team. The aims of study II were to collect, organize, and consolidate enhancement strategies for psychological performance CE. In study I, data were analyzed from 251 athletes who responded to an Internet-based cross-sectional survey. Based on t-testing, no significant difference in psychological performance CE was observed between individual and team sports; however, based on ANCOVA, significant differences were observed regarding whether or not there was a rival on the team. In study II, fifty participants were recruited to participate and a bottom-up approach was adopted by categorizing the types of CE enhancement strategies collected from the participants. The strategies to enhance psychological performance CE were collected through open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviewing. The strategies reported by the participants were categorized via arrangement and adjustment by four workers using the KJ method. The data were classified into 10 to 18 strategies for each psychological performance CE item. This study may provide valuable information for enhancing psychological performance CE among athletes.
荒井 弘和
