吉田 真平 藤田 真敬 大塚 康民 柳田 保雄 柏崎 利昌 田村 敦 別宮 愼也 森本 浩吉
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.58, no.3, pp.27-40, 2018 (Released:2018-11-27)

In Japan, “hay fever”, seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, has become more popular and has been called national affliction. Although there are less serious symptoms of hay fever, symptoms including sneezing, runny nose and itchy eye, sleep impairment, fatigue, impairment of learning and cognitive performance, have potential safety risks for flying or driving. The usage of some medications such as anti-histamines with less adverse effects on central nervous system, are approved for pilots under an appropriate regulation. However, the criteria of approval and conditions in the regulations differs from organizations in countries. In this article, we summarize current medications for “hay fever” including antihistamines, montelukast, subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy. We also compare aeromedical regulations for these medications between Japan and U.S.. The immunotherapy, minimizing allergic reaction for “hay fever”, may be one of the potential option for pilots.
溝端 裕亮 藤田 真敬 大類 伸浩 菊川 あずさ 小林 朝夫 高田 邦夫 立花 正一 岩本 鉄也 山口 大介 木村 幹彦 別宮 愼也
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.4, pp.79-93, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

Spatial disorientation (SD) is a false perception of position, motion or attitude by the pilots, and the largest risk factor for fatal accidents. Prevention of SD is difficult. Early realization and withdrawal from SD using instrument flight is the best way to prevent accidents. To prevent accidents due to SD, aircraft’s systems have been developed, and SD training have been conducted. Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) provides pilots with visual and auditory warning. Automated Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS) recovers flight attitude automatically when aircraft goes near into the ground. Spatial Orientation Retention Device (SORD) is multi-sensory warning system. Tactile Situation Awareness System (TSAS) gives vibration to the pilots to indicate pilot’s posture. Three Dimensional Landing Zone (3D-LZ) System projects view of landing zone to the cockpit even in bad weather. In this study, we collected information related to SD training among 21 military forces belong 17 countries. SD training usually includes lecture and experience learning. Pilots receive initial training and periodic training in 17/21 forces. Average frequency was 4 years (range: 6 months to 6 years). Japan Air Self-Defense Force has not conducted periodic SD training. The way of experience with SD is use of simulator similarly JASDF or in-flight demonstration. The simulator training is lower cost and safer than the in-flight training. To maintain and develop aircraft’s systems and SD training is continuously necessary.
金澤 富美子 菊川 あずさ 金丸 善樹 髙澤 千智 大類 伸浩 丸山 聡 柳田 保雄 小林 朝夫 柏崎 利昌 藤田 真敬
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-13, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

Pilot fatigue, which causes 21% incidents in US Civil Aviation, 25% lethal accidents in US Air Force's night tactical flight, and 12% lethal accident in US Navy, has been recognized as an insidious threat through out aviation. Despite our recognition of fatigue, no guideline was published until 2011, due to its difficulty in objective assessment. Recently, objective assessment for fatigue has been partly established and contributed to open guidelines. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published guidebook as "Plain language about shiftwork" in 1997. Aerospace Medical Association published position paper as "Fatigue countermeasures in aviation" in 2009. International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and International Federation of Air Line Pilots’Association (IFALPA) published "Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Implementation guide for operators" in 2011. Those guidelines says that aviation-related fatigue is caused by disorder of sleep and circadian rhythm. Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) or Motion logger watch (Actigraphy) are recommended for objective assessment of fatigue. Best counter measures for shift work and aviation related fatigue are adequate sleep. We review those guidelines and discuss applicability for safe flight in Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
藤田 真浩 長尾 貴正 石川 翔吾 竹林 洋一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第26回全国大会(2012)
pp.2L1R121, 2012 (Released:2018-07-30)

人間の思考を説明する際には、意識、感情、意図といった抽象的なスーツケースワードを用いることが多い。しかし、それらが何であるかを表現することは困難であり、学生にとってはなおさらである。そこで、筆者らはEmotion Machineの内容を図として可視化することによって、抽象的な言葉の理解と共有を図った。本発表では、筆者らが可視化させるまでのプロセスを紹介すると共に、その効果の検討を行う。
藤田 真太郎 澤田 賢治 新 誠一 細川 嵩
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.57, no.8, pp.367-377, 2021 (Released:2021-08-20)

Since the damage from cyber-attacks increases, there is an urgent need to research and develop security countermeasures for control systems. In the control system, the controller is an important device. This paper then considers a whitelisting system that models the normal operation sequence of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and detects deviations from the model as abnormal. We propose three methods to auto-generate the whitelisting system by LD (Ladder Diagram): Petri net model generation, constraint condition derivation, and LD conversion. The first method generates Petri net models form SFCs (Sequential Function Charts) that are compatible with LDs. The second method derives whitelist conditions from Petri net models to check whether PLC performs the correct operation sequence. The third method implements the whitelist conditions into LD. The auto-generated whitelisting system enables us to monitor the state transitions of the PLC programs. Further, this paper carries out an experimental validation of the methods using a testbed system.
藤田 真哉
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.47, no.1, pp.66-78, 2010-04-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

This paper explains why the U.S. economy experienced high growth from the 1990s to the early 2000s while the Japanese economy stagnated during this same period. To do so, we firstly construct a Kaldorian cumulative causation model which takes into account the interrelation between demand and labor productivity growth in a two-sector (investment goods and consumption goods sectors) framework. Secondly, we estimate the model parameters, using data for the U.S. during 1994-2004 and for Japan during 1991-2003 and substitute them into our model. Then, we compare both countries estimated demand regime functions, which describe the effect of productivity on demand, and productivity regime functions, showing the effect of demand on productivity in each sector. Our results are summarized as follows. The U.S. rapid GDP growth in the 1990s was characterized by the investment goods sector's high demand growth, which in turn was mainly driven by its high labor productivity growth. The U.S. established a new growth regime, which was caused not by wage indexation to productivity and mass consumption, as appeared during the so-called 'Fordism' period, but by decreasing the investment goods price and increasing investment demand in the consumption goods sector. Moreover, higher export and public expenditure growth for the consumer goods sector was the driving force behind this sector's high growth. As for the Japanese economy, although the investment goods sector also attained rapid productivity growth and could have raised its high demand growth during this period, it was unable to do so. The decreasing investment goods price didn't lead to its high demand growth as it did in the U.S. because the idle stock due to over-accumulation and bad loans caused by the burst of the bubble economy in the early 1990s gave disincentive for firms to invest. But, we should note that deregulating the labor market itself, which leads to an increase in the low-skilled irregular worker, could not produce higher performance without active labor market policies because it brings about low productivity in both the investment goods and the consumer goods sectors.
渡邊 純一郎 藤田 真理奈 矢野 和男 金坂 秀雄 長谷川 智之
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.54, no.4, pp.1470-1479, 2013-04-15

藤田 真文
法學研究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.86, no.7, pp.311-336, 2013-07

生田正輝先生追悼論文集論説1 言語行為の累積としての言説2 マス・メディアにおける言語行為
中谷 英章 入江 潤一郎 稲垣 絵美 藤田 真隆 三石 正憲 山口 慎太郎 岡野 栄之 今井 眞一郎 安井 正人 伊藤 裕
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会
日本臨床薬理学会学術総会抄録集 第42回日本臨床薬理学会学術総会 (ISSN:24365580)
pp.2-P-M-2, 2021 (Released:2021-12-17)

【目的】最近の動物実験においてニコチンアミドアデニンジヌクレオチド(NAD)の細胞レベルでの減少がインスリン抵抗性やアルツハイマー病に代表される老化関連疾患を引き起こすこと、NAD中間代謝産物であるニコチンアミドヌクレオチド(NMN)を投与することによりNAD量を増加させ、病態を改善することが報告されている。しかし、ヒトにおけるNMN投与の安全性については不明である。そこで我々は健康成人男性にNMNを経口投与し、その安全性を確認する臨床試験を行った。【方法】10名の健康成人男性に対し、100mg、250mg、500mg のNMNを1週間毎に段階的に経口投与し、投与前と投与後5時間までの血液データや尿データ、投与時の身体計測、心電図、胸部レントゲン、眼科検査を行った。【結果・考察】NMNの単回経口投与により血圧、心拍数、体温、血中酸素飽和度は変化しなかった。血液データでは、軽度の血清ビリルビンの上昇、血清クレアチニン、クロライド、血糖値の低下以外は変化を認めなかった。投与前後での眼科検査や睡眠の質スコアは変化を認めなかった。また、血中のNMNの最終代謝産物は濃度依存性に上昇し、体内でNMNの代謝がきちんと行われたことが確認された。【結論】健康成人男性においてNMNの単回経口投与は大きな副反応を認めず安全であった。
大類 伸浩 藤田 真敬 菊川 あずさ 蔵本 浩一郎 小林 朝夫 溝端 裕亮 立花 正一 高田 邦夫 山田 憲彦 別宮 愼也
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.3, pp.43-66, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

Gravity-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) is a major threat to fighter pilots and may result in fatal accidents. High +Gz (head-to-foot direction) acceleration force induces cerebral blood loss and results in gray-out, black out, and G-LOC. Countermeasures to avoid G-LOC include anti-G strain maneuver, anti-G suits, and pressure breathing for G, etc. They effectively decrease G-LOC incident, but have not eradicated it. Objective detection of G-LOC related symptoms is the prerequisite. In spite of many G-protective measures, G-LOC monitoring system has yet to be developed. Technologies for non-contact monitoring or motion capture have ventured into health care market. Real time physiological sensing for heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, etc, is used to medical, health care, physical fitness and sports area. Those advanced technologies might have potential for future G-LOC monitoring. This article reviews current status and future of countermeasures for G-LOC, and related technologies.
和 吾郎 藤田 真二 東 健作 平賀 洋之
陸水学雑誌 (ISSN:00215104)
vol.75, no.1, pp.13-26, 2013-07-10 (Released:2015-02-25)

藤田 真哉
vol.41, no.2, pp.80-87, 2004

The purpose of this paper is to explain how institutional adjustments in the labor market affect the macro-economic stability. We suppose that the institutional adjustments in the labor market consist of three factors: inelasticity of employment, money wage indexation to labor productivity, and money wage indexation to price level. In addition, we shall take into account also the relevance of reserve army effect to the macro-economic stability. In this paper, we adopt a Goodwin-type cycle model. This model, which has its origin in Goodwin (1967), has a characteristic feature in the respect that a business cycle is caused by factors in the labor market rather than those in the good market or in the money market. The model seems therefore to be appropriate for examining the relation between the macro-economic stability and adjustment patterns in the labor market. On the basis of this model, we construct the Goodwin-type model with alternative growth regimes: profit-led growth regime and wage-led growth regime. The former means that large profit share leads high growth, and the latter means that large wage share leads high growth. The difference between these two growth regimes has been analyzed by post-Keynesian economics. According to which growth regime we choose, the effects which institutional adjustments in the labor market have on the macro-economic stability are varied. Some of our results are as follows. First, under profit-led growth the macro-economic system with low elasticity of employment and with low money wage indexation to labor productivity is unstable, but not always so under wage-led growth. Second, either under profit-led growth or wage-led growth sufficiently large money wage indexation to price level destabilizes the macro-economic system. Third, controlling the reserve army effect makes the macro-economic system stable under wage-led growth, but unstable under profit-led growth.
藤田 真浩 長尾 貴正 石川 翔吾 竹林 洋一
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

人間の思考を説明する際には、意識、感情、意図といった抽象的なスーツケースワードを用いることが多い。しかし、それらが何であるかを表現することは困難であり、学生にとってはなおさらである。そこで、筆者らはEmotion Machineの内容を図として可視化することによって、抽象的な言葉の理解と共有を図った。本発表では、筆者らが可視化させるまでのプロセスを紹介すると共に、その効果の検討を行う。
藤田 真理子
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.53, no.1, pp.58-85, 1988-06-30

本論は、1979-80年に行った、米国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ近郊に住む65歳以上の白人高齢者で、特に、高齢者向けの活動に積極的に参加している人々を対象とした調査を元に、老後の適応について象徴人類学の立場から考察した。ギァーツが提唱するように人間を「意味付ける動物」と定義し、高齢者がどのように、意味と象徴の体系を使って、彼らのとりまく世界、老後の活動を解釈するかということを中心に分析した。高齢者の日常会話を分析すると、workとmiddle classが、彼らの行動を意味付けるキー・シンボルとして浮かび上がる。この2つのシンボルに反映されているのは、独立性、主体性、勤労精神、ボランティア精神といったようなアメリカ文化の中核とされているものである。この2つのシンボルは、密接に絡まり合って高齢者の老後の生活を意義あるものとしていくと同時に、ディレンマも形成していく。このことは、無償奉仕活動に従事することの意味に的確に表れている。無償奉仕活動は、高齢者社会で社会的ステータスを築くと共に、人生の成功者という評価をもたらす。しかし、このことは、高齢者の労力に対する金銭的報酬を犠牲にするものである。2つのシンボルは、また、高齢者と他の年齢層との関係、及び、高齢者間の関係も規定する。
渡邊 純一郎 藤田 真理奈 矢野 和男 金坂 秀雄 長谷川 智之
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.54, no.4, pp.1470-1479, 2013-04-15

組織の生産性をいかにして向上させるかということは,リーダやマネージャにとって大きな関心事である.しかしながら,生産性向上に向けたこれまでの施策は,マネージャの経験や勘など定性的な評価に基づくものが主であった.我々は,ウェアラブルセンサを用いて物理的な人間行動を長期的に計測し,身体的な動きの度合いである活発度や対面コミュニケーションと生産性との関係を定量的に評価した.アウトバウンド型コールセンタにおいて受注率に影響を与える要因を調べた結果,休憩中の職場の活発度と受注率が相関することが分かった.両者の因果関係を明らかにするために少人数のチームごとに休憩時間を合わせる施策を行った結果,休憩中の対面コミュニケーションに起因するチームの活発度が生産性に影響することが分かった.本研究の結果は,センサにより職場の活発度を定量的に計測しマネジメントすることにより,生産性を向上させられる可能性を示唆する.Improving team performance has been a great concern of leaders and managers. They try to understand the factors affecting performance and reorganize their team on the basis of their experience and intuition. Recent progress in wearable sensor technologies has opened up new ways of measuring our physical behaviors. Particularly attractive is the ability of such sensors to capture data quantifying body movement and face-to-face communication. In this study, we explored possible factors affecting performance in call centers by using a wearable sensor, a "sociometric badge." We found that the activity level, i.e., liveliness, while working does not correlate with team performance whereas that while resting does. We also found that improving face-to-face communication leads to increased activity levels and to better team performance. Our results demonstrate that team performance can be improved by managing workplace activity levels.