西村 誠 石原 勝 伊藤 正俊 細野 久美子 関東 裕美
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.27, no.4, pp.844-849, 1985

6年間に5例のベルロック皮膚炎を経験した。原因製品はいずれもフランス製で香水1, オーデコロン2, オードトワレ2例であった。経過を観察しえた3例の場合, 色素斑は約半年後には消退した。製品の光毒反応を患者あるいは毛ルモットで立証した。製品中の光毒物質を高速液体クロマトグラフィーで定量した。
藤井 博英 山本 春江 大関 信子 角濱 春美 坂江 千寿子 阿保 美樹子 出貝 裕子 板野 優子 佐藤 寧子 樋口 日出子 瓦吹 綾子 田崎 博一 中村 恵子
青森県立保健大学紀要 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.4, no.1, pp.79-87, 2003-03

In Aomori (JAPAN), there are shaman called "ITAKO" or "KAMISAMA", and they do prediction, fortune telling and medical care with their spiritual or religious power. This paper is intended as an investigation of the culture of shaman and mental health in Aomori. The participants in this survey were 670 people from the southern ares of Aomori prefecture who were outpatients because of chronic illness. We conducted this survey using a questionnaire form and a structured interview that mainly consists their experience of consulting to shaman. The following results were obtained: 232 (34.6%) informants had experience of consulting a shaman. Compared with gender, females had a greater tendency to consult. They consulted to shaman about "personal illness" and "family illness", and they had a need for healing. Their impressions after consulting a shaman were mainly "a feeling of healing", and "a felling of calm" (each from approximately 30% of 232 informants). It was found from the result that some people use both hospital care and shaman, and they feel healing and calm from the shaman while complying with their doctor. From this result we may say that shaman supplement or coexist with doctors for people having a chronic in this area.