田辺 健 雨宮 智浩 遠藤 博史 井野 秀一
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.25, no.4, pp.291-301, 2020-12-25 (Released:2020-12-25)

When presented with asymmetric vibrations, humans typically experience an illusory force that is similar to the sensation of being pulled toward a particular direction. The pulling illusion has been used in new display elements for a pedestrian navigation system and a VR content because the asymmetric vibrations can be implemented in a small non-grounded device. This paper reviews the findings of the pulling illusion with covering a wide range of topics, including the basic concept, physiological mechanism, optimal parameters for the illusion, the control method of force vectors, the evaluation method of the illusion, and applications. As a result of the review, the research trend of the pulling illusion was confirmed, and the vital points which were stimulation method and parameters of asymmetric vibration to design a haptic interface using the illusion were clarified.
雨宮 智浩 青山 一真 伊藤 研一郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.86-95, 2021 (Released:2021-04-01)

Due to COVID-19, university lectures in Japan faced a change of face-toface lecture to a live online lecture. However, students at home need extra efforts to stay engaged to online lectures. This paper aims to increase engaged participants by changing the instructorߣs face shown over the lecture slide. First, students selected an in-favor and out-of-favor instructor photo which was both used to animate facial expressions in real-time using an open source deepfake software “Avatarify”. Students posted comments during the lecture and answered a simple quiz at the end. No significant difference was found for the quiz result, although the number of posting comments increased for the favorable photo. Therefore, we speculate that facial appearance influences the engagement of student participation in a live online lecture.
廣瀬 通孝 鳴海 拓志 北川 智利 広田 光一 雨宮 智浩 谷川 智洋 青山 一真

雨宮 智浩
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.36, no.1, pp.135-141, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-12-07)

Touch, the sensation processed by the somatosensory system, is closely related to the body state. Due to the spatiotemporal characteristics of the somatosensory receptors and the structural constraints of the body, we have sometimes experienced with sensory illusions in touch as well as vision. In this paper, I introduce several techniques to generate illusory sensations which can be exploited to develop information displays. I review the previous findings of our experiments of the changes in the haptic perception or body image using the techniques.
高椋 慎也 雨宮 智浩 伊藤 翔 五味 裕章
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.18, no.2, pp.87-94, 2016-05-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

Haptic feedback in current consumer game machines is limited to symmetric vibrations and impulses except for few types of controllers dedicated to certain types of games. Force display technology based on asymmetric vibration is of particular interest in enriching the feedback due to its capability of producing illusory sensations of directional forces by portable miniature vibrators. Here, we introduce a novel fishing game based on this technology. When participants approached virtual fishes displayed on a touchscreen with a contactor hung from a pinched vibrator, asymmetric vibrations were applied to the fingertips to give a sensation that the fish nibbled and pulled the string. Subjective reports collected at exhibitions confirmed that the vibration successfully induced pulling force sensations with minimum numbness. Experimental results further suggested that perceived strength of pulling force, roughness of vibration, reality as pulls of fishes, and impression of fish size can be modulated by systematically controlling the gain and frequency of the vibration, and that variations in the latter two are explained by the former two factors. Our study sheds light on the possibility of representing kinetic interactions with live creatures by portable miniature vibrators, and suggests its application to games with such interactions.
雨宮 智浩 安藤 英由樹 前田 太郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.11, no.1, pp.47-57, 2006

This paper describes the design of a novel force perception method for non-grounding force displays and the development of a handheld force display based on the method. The force perception method is attributed to the nonlinear characteristics of human tactual perception; humans feel rapid acceleration more strongly than slow acceleration. The method uses periodic prismatic motion to create asymmetric acceleration leading to a virtual force vector. A prototype of the handheld force display that generates one-directional force using a relatively simple mechanism was built, and its performance was tested in terms of both physical and perceptual characteristics. We verify the feasibility of the proposed method through experiments that determine the display's motor's rotational frequency that maximizes the perception of the virtual force vector. In addition, we examine the effect of the frequency of acceleration change and the amplitude of force on implicit, functional judgment of the perception of the virtual force vector.
雨宮 智浩 池井 寧 広田 光一 北崎 充晃
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.4, pp.627-633, 2016 (Released:2017-02-01)

The representation of the peripersonal space is remapped by body action such as integrating tactile stimuli from the body's surface with multisensory stimuli presented within a limited distance from the body. Previous study showed that boundaries of the peipersonal space extend while walking with listening to a looming sound, but it is unclear whether the boundaries change when a sensation of walking is induced with no physical body motion. Here, we examine the change using a technique to induce a sensation of pseudo-walking by presenting vibrotactile stimuli of recorded footsteps sound at the feet soles. Experiments were performed to compare the reaction times to detect a vibrotactile stimulus on the chest with listening to a looming sound toward the body, taken as a proxy of the peripersonal space boundary. Experimental evaluations showed that the peripersonal space seems to expand when a sensation of pseudo-walking was clearly induced.
谷崎 充 松本 啓吾 鳴海 拓志 葛岡 英明 雨宮 智浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.26, no.3, pp.208-218, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-09-30)

Previous research has shown that human walking speed is influenced by visual stimuli in the environment. For example, the speed of optical flow in one’s peripheral vision negatively correlates with his/her walking speed. However, the effect of seeing the other walkers in the peripheral on his/her walking speed is unclear. In this study, we investigate how seeing avatars walking alongside a person affects his/her walking speed. In our experiments, participants wore a head-mounted display and saw three types of virtual avatars walking alongside him/her: whole-body silhouettes of walking persons, point-light biological motions, and spatially scrambled point-light motions. Results show that the walking whole-body silhouettes and the point-light biological motion significantly increased the participants’ walking speed, and a significant interaction between their global translational speed and local motion speed was found to change the participants’ walking speed. These results indicate that we can apply a similar technique to control multiple persons’ walking speed in the real environment.
雨宮 智浩 青山 一真 池井 寧 廣瀬 通孝

現在の遠隔ビデオ会議システムでは身体運動の伝達に課題があることが明らかになってきた.本研究の目的は,中枢から筋への運動指令なしで,感覚間相互作用により身体に関する潜在的知識(身体図式)を更新させ,実際の身体運動で生じる感覚情報とのゲイン調整を適切に行うことによって擬似的な身体移動体験を創出する手法の確立と適用限界の検証である.多様な身体移動体験を多様な利用者に対して安定して提供するため,(A)自然な擬似移動体験を成立させる多感覚統合のために必要な感覚情報のゲイン調整手法, (B)身体錯覚による身体移動体験の拡張条件, (C)多様な身体移動体験の創出手法の有用性と適用限界を明らかにする.
海野 みのり ヤェム ヴィボル 雨宮 智浩 北崎 充晃 池井 寧
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.29-32, 2022 (Released:2022-03-31)

The objective of the present study is the creation of sensation under turning walking using a vestibular display (a motion seat). We added a yaw-rotation mechanism to our three degrees of freedom (3-DOF) motion seat, with which we investigated the contribution of yaw rotation for the turning walking sensation. After an equivalent stimulus of the seat’s yaw rotation to a real left-turn walking was determined, the virtual turning walking sensation was rated by the user study. The result suggested that yaw rotation stimulation improved the sensation of turning walking by 1.6 to 2.2 times to the 3-DOF seat; the motion generated about 34.2% sensation of the actual walking.
雨宮 智浩
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.59, no.3, pp.324-329, 2016

<p>The possibility of implementing 'we-mode' among users in cyber spaces, which is proposed by Kitazaki, is discussed by reviewing the studies on body ownership and the sense of agency, both of which are strongly involved in self-body perception and recognition. The movement of a body in cyber space should strongly correlate with that in the physical space, but not necessary be rendered as realistic. Furthermore, the interaction and relationship between the spaces from the point of view of both a sense of realistic self-body in a cyber space and behavior changes after an experience in a cyber space are discussed to consider the possibility of creating 'we-mode' bridging of the physical and cyber spaces.</p>
雨宮 智浩 北崎 充晃 池井 寧
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.4, pp.371-376, 2019 (Released:2019-12-31)

This paper examined the influence of passive whole-body motions such as heave or yaw motions by a motorized chair on inducing a sensation of walking for seated participants in virtual environments while viewing a VR scene through an HMD. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the influence of passive whole-body motions on perception as if the participant were walking. Experimental results show that the perception of pseudo-walking was greatly affected by heave motions rather than yaw motions, but just with a limited range of amplitude of heave motions. Our results suggest that the passive whole-body motions in the gravitational axis allow a clear perception of pseudo-walking. In addition, we found a strong correlation between the scores of a walking sensation and a motion sickness.
安藤 英由樹 雨宮 智浩 前田 太郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.191-199, 2005-06-30 (Released:2017-02-01)

The Wearable Scanning Laser Projector (WSLP) is a novel head-mounted display for augmented reality (AR). WSLP specializes the movement of a narrow display area to a wide real environmental area. AR systems commonly uses optical see-through head-mounted displays (HMD). With such HMDs, because the images are projected at a specific focal length, it is difficult to observe both the object and the corresponding images at the same time when they exist at different depths. In the WSLP, the center of the mirrors scanning the laser beam can be aligned conjugate to the center of the wearer's eye. As a result, the light spot of the beam is always observed at any depth. With the WSLP, information can be shared with nearby friends and colleagues who are not wearing similar devices.
雨宮 智浩 広田 光一 池井 寧 田村 秀行
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.2, pp.121-130, 2013

We conducted a user study to clarify whether a tactile flow created by a matrix of vibrators in a seat pan simultaneously presented with an optical flow in peripheral vision enhances the perceived forward velocity of self-motion. A brief tactile motion stimulus consisted of four successive rows of vibration, and the inter-stimulus onset between the tactile rows was varied to change the velocity of the tactile motion. The experimental results show that the forward velocity of self-motion is significantly overestimated for rapid tactile flows and underestimated for slow, compared with only optical flow or non-motion vibrotactile stimulation conditions. Furthermore, we examined a perceptual change in the forward velocity by the tactile flow on the seat pan applied in a car-racing computer game.
雨宮 智浩 広田 光一 廣瀬 通孝
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.46, no.7, pp.1701-1710, 2005-07-15

本稿では,ウェアラブルコンピューティングのための新しい文字情報入力インタフェースとして開発した筒型の点字入力インタフェースOBOEについて述べる.開発した筒型のデバイスは持ち歩くことが容易で,両手で操作する様子が縦笛に類似しており,立ったままの姿勢で入力が可能である.また,明確なクリック感をユーザにフィードバックするメカニカル式のキースイッチを用いるため,ユーザは入力動作を直観的に確認することができる.本インタフェースの評価として,点字未習得者の学習効果の実験,および習熟者モデルと見なせる指点字通訳者の入力速度,誤入力率の計測実験をそれぞれ行った.これらの評価実験の結果から,習熟後には高速な入力が可能であることが判明した.さらに,アンケートの結果も合わせて,従来の点字タイプライタとの比較,最適なキー配列,把持の姿勢について議論する.This paper describes the development of a wearable interface for textual input on the basis of Braille input method. The device, named OBOE, is operated by both hands, which is good for portability and can be used while standing. The users get their input operations confirmed clearly by feeling the click since the buttons of the proposed device are the same mechanical switches as used in keyboards for desktop computers. The results of an experiment of learning effect revealed that the users who had no experience of Braille input could type Japanese phrases at 35.4 Braille codes per minute, and who had experience at 112.4 Braille codes per minute. Thus novices can master the proposed device and experts can input text very fast by using OBOE. Based on the results of questionnaire by the subjects, we discussed the comparison with a Braille typewriter, the optimum layout of keys for OBOE, and the posture of holding.
安藤 英由樹 渡邊 淳司 雨宮 智浩 前田 太郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.10, no.4, pp.505-512, 2005

In recently proposed saccade-based information displays, the observer cannot see an afterimage without moving the eyes appropriately and therefore often cannot see the afterimage correctly. We propose a new display system based on a concise saccade detection technique and the perceptual features of eye movement. In addition, with a system consisting of a wearable sensor (saccade detector) and a ubiquitous display (saccade-based display), we propose an application where many viewers can be accommodated simultaneously (Several viewers can view an image simultaneously (timesharing) with one saccade-based display.) and independently (Several viewers can view different images with one saccade-based display.). In experiments, we compared character-recognition rates to confirm that the detection of the saccade improves the visibility of the saccade-based display. The results indicate that the recognition rate is clearly improved.