福田 新一
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.25, no.3, pp.326-343, 1973-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
安田 順惠
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.1, pp.68-83, 2005-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The author checked the full routes traveled by monk Xuanzang 玄奘 between Ch'ang-an 長安 and India during the period from the end of the Sui 隋 dynasty to the early Tang 唐 dynasty.Three routes from Lanzhou 蘭州 to Ch'ang-an, on the way return, are noted with special remarks as a highlight of this study on the monk's seventeen years journey to India. Although no final conclusion was made from my study, I indicate, however, one of them as a target to be seriously considered.I found descriptions of the geographical location of the ancient town of Xiaoguan Xincheng 蕭関新城 in two old books, XIN TANG SHU『新唐書』and YUAN HE JUN XIA ZHI『元和郡縣志』by which three routes could possibly be verified.These routes are important Tang dynasty traffic routes from Ch'ang-an to Lanzhou via Guyuan 固原 that follow the Qingshui River 清水河 northward along the eastern side of the Liuban Mountain Range 六盤山脈. As for the location of Xiaoguan Xincheng fortified town, historians like Prof. Yan Gengwang 嚴耕望 in his book, TANG DAI JIAO TONG TU KAO『唐代交通圖考』(RESEARCH ON TRANSPORTATION ROUTES OF THE TANG DYNASTY) specify the location to be at Liwangpu 李旺堡 at the northern part of Guyuan District in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Province 寧夏回族自治区.Although he also used the aforementioned old book that state that Xiaoguan Xincheng is on the east side of the river, he declared Liwangpu to be the site of ancient Xiaoguan Xincheng despite the fact that, in actuality, Liwangpu is located on the western bank. Therefore, the author checked Corona Satellite Photographs in detail and found three other sites, located Guanqiaopu 関橋堡, both north (Honggucheng 紅古城) and south (Caochenggucheng 草城古城) of Gao'ai Township 高崖郷.The relic site located some 20 kilometers north of Liwangpu in the area north Geo'ai is of a remarkable large scale with walledcity. And these are, as written in the two old books, on the eastern bank of the river, proving the information to be true. Having succeeded in reading the Corona Satellite Photographs, the author took an field investigation to the area in February 2004. When, by good luck, the area north of Gao'ai was being excavated for highway construction since December 2003.At the site known as Honggucheng, they found ruins from three periods from the Han 漢 dynasty, the Tang and the Sung 宋. Based on the above mentioned, the author finally considered that this Honggucheng site is the Xiaoguan Xincheng fortified town of Tang, and dismissed Liwangpu.Fragments dating from the Tang dynasty found in various ruins in the area, told the author that the area had been a very important place for traffic in Tang times. Information produced from research of Corona Satellite Photographs and on the field investigation of the site, pushed this study forward and shall be carried on by similar attempts in the future.
阿部 和夫
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.13, no.4, pp.283-296,362, 1961-08-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

In this research and investigation, by using labour force as indication, the author analysed the located factors of sericultural industry in Iwate Prefecture, situated in north-eastern Japan.1) Research of the region has been classified into three areal groups: (A) Northern dry-field farming area, where extensive agriculture is carried on, and spring cocoon crops are the main production. (B) Southern dry-field farming area, where intensive agriculture is carried on and spring cocoon crops are the main production. (C) Paddy-field farming area of Kitakami Basin, where the ratio of sericulturists is rather low and summer-autumn cocoon crops occupy more than half of the whole year cocoon production.2) The common characteristic in the each area of sericultural industry, classified into three group types, showed that most of the inhabitants in these areas can still get a decent livelihood from their own silkworm raising income, though cash income has fairly decreased compared with prewar days.3) On the position of management: there are a few dominant differences in these three areas, in respect to the basis and structure of productions.As the inhabitants keep on with the management, acting self-sufficiently, in the northern dry-field farming areas, there is no relation of competition that comes into existence between the sericultural industry and the cropped rotation of cereals (the order cropped cereals) and seasonal distribution of labour forces.The sericultural management, in the southern dry-field farming area, Iwate Prefecture, has been formed parallel with the commercial crops, ensuring a direct profit to the inhabitants and the rice-culture as a countermeasure in preparation for industrial fluctuation. A downward movement of the postwar boom, however, brought a change in the position of sericultural management. By the connection between arable land and labour force; on the other hand, the introduction of new efficient management is not easy. So, traditional silkworm raising is compelled to be carried on between the former, and a newly risen management methods, for the sake of increasing the cash income in the family budget.The sericultural management, in the paddy-field farming area, Kitakami Basin, is kept by the surplus labour of rice-culture. Because introduction of a new management method is difficult, in this area, with the exception of the normal rice-culture. This is a far cry from the pattern of dry-field farming areas.
久島 桃代
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.67, no.2, pp.107-125, 2015 (Released:2018-01-30)

This paper aims to review the discussion of physical and intellectual ‘disability’ within the discipline of geography in English-speaking countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. This paper specifically focuses on how disability has been viewed by geographers in the UK. By doing so, I explore how these countries’ geographers have been active in examining socially- and spatially-produced causes of disability.Since the 1990s, with the upsurge of the ‘cultural turn’ and interest in the human body in cultural and social geography, geographers have become aware that the body is socially constructed and politicized. Consequently, medical geographers and social and cultural geographers have attempted to replace the medical model of disability with a social model which emphasizes social theory. Some have posited that how the body was disabled was contextual in time and space. For them, disability was understood not as a natural phenomenon, but as the result of or product of social and spatial construction. By problematizing the body through conceptualizing it in this way, geographers began to challenge the dichotomous dis/ability thinking.Furthermore, since the 2000s, physical and mental problems which had been overlooked among social science researchers have gained attention in both disability studies and geography. For example, by paying attention to a great variety of disabling processes, other body-related topics such as weight increase or aging have been researched. Also, disabilities which pose a challenge for research, such as intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, have been researched with effective methods. The second characteristic of the disability research in this period both in disability studies and geography is that the materiality of the body and embodied acts of disabled people have come to the attention of researchers. As a result, in disability studies the fluidity and instability of a disabled identity have been demonstrated. In geography, with the rise of the ‘material turn’ in social and cultural geography, geographers have begun to examine the material body as well as its representation, meaning, and symbolism. In this paper the empirical studies which focus on women with chronic illnesses, ‘fat’ women, and those with autistic spectrum and anxiety disorders who communicate online, are examined.
森川 洋
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.68, no.1, pp.22-43, 2016 (Released:2018-01-31)

小田 匡保
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.36, no.4, pp.347-361, 1984-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 1

In Japan there have been many utsushi-reijô (imitative pilgrimage courses) patterned after Shikoku-hachijûhakkasho-reijô (Shikoku's 88 pilgrimage sites) and they are called shin-shikoku (‘new shikoku’pilgrimage courses) or mini-shikoku (miniature shikoku pilgrimage courses). These shin-shikoku can be regarded as pilgrim courses in which the Honshikoku (Shikoku pilgrimage course) model spread to various parts of the country and were transformed under local conditions. Meanwhile shin-shikoku have been transformed historically since their establishment. In this paper the author focuses on the former regional transformation.The area of the case study is Shôdoshima-hachijûhakkasho-reijô (Shodoshima's 88 pilgrimage sites) on Shodoshima Island in Kagawa Prefecture. The procedure is first to compare Shima-shikoku (the Shodoshima course) with Hon-shikoku at the time of its establishment and find out what was imitated; next to determine how points differing from Hon-shikoku originated in Shima-shikoku. Results are as follows:1. Similarities between Shima-shikoku and Hon-shikoku are that fudasho (each pilgrim place) were placed at the periphery of the island so that pilgrims could go around it, and the direction of numbering from 1 to 88 was clockwise.2. Fudasho in Shima-shikoku included all the Shingon-shû (Shingon sect of Buddhism) temples in Shodoshima Island and all the highest-status shrines which later became gôsha (district shrines). The rests were selected from priests' meeting halls, oku-no-in (inner temples), wayside small temples, small temples at cemeteries, historic small temples, small temples at strange site features, and so on.3. Fudasho in Shima-shikoku were placed in every village in Shodoshima. The number 1 is supposed to have been assigned to the nearest fudasho to Koyasan-Temple.Historical transformations include allocations of fudasho, changes of fudasho-numbers, rise and fall of bangai-fudasho (extra pilgrimage places) and so forth. Even during these transformations Shima-shikoku have tended to copy Hon-shikoku in that the former have adopted the sekisho (spritual barrier to sinners) found in the latter at an earler time.
塚田 秀雄
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.23, no.3, pp.231-269, 1971

At the Sarobetsu field, the most northern part of Hokkaido, development had been disturbed and delayed by some natural and economical factors: too short and insufficient time for crop growth owing to the cold temperature, distribution of the acid peat deposits which are hard to drain off, and vast sheet of water caused by flood and other disasters at the thawing season are the former factors; its geographical location of being too far isolated from the market is the latter one. The existing farm production at its environs was also extremely dull. At the end of the World War II, in acting on the Urgent Development Project, the total number of farmers, who had settled only in the comparatively rich areas, had amounted to 433 houses. Yet it decreased to 176 houses in 1968, In this interim, about 3, 000ha of field were cleared to be arable and at present each farmer's cultivable land counts 17.4ha. It had been changing from the self-sustaining agriculture type, which was held until 1960 in putting stress on cultivation of oats and potato, into the mono-dairy farming management in the form of multi-cows raising at the meadow.Originally, it was aimed to start as the dairy farming type management, As it is easily observed from the circumstance that the development investment had just ultimately set out in full scale since 1961, the unfavourable condition, which was brought about by the scanty reclaimant administration and its retarded promotion, made each dairy farmers, with insufficient capital, have to find themselves difficult to enlarge their management under the heavy charge of the accumulated, unproductive debt. After the completion of the short-cut of the Sarobetsu river in 1969, the arable area expanded in size, and the land was considerably improved, yet the total farmers number still now does not cease from decreasing, owing to the fact that the faicilitating measures of disengagement from the agriculture had been putting in motion as well as to the essential shortage of the enlargement fund. Before 1965, farmers' desentations, for the most part of them, took place at the casual disaster as a sort of turning-point on the impedimental hot bed brewed by the accumulated debts. Nowadays, it is considered as the outcome of the farmers class differentiation which has been recently extremely accelerated; and at the same time it reflects the promotion of the new measures for encouragement of the reclaimant areas.As for the remaining farmers, the authority's misguidance in the past distorted their rationalization of agricultural management; for instance, the underestimation of target figure of the breeding cows had inevitably invited the inadequate distribution of arable field. Furthermore, it indicates a conspicuous turn for the worst management accounts such as the enormous debt which came out from the too hurried accomodation to the multi-cows breeding system and the sudden swelling up of the fodder cost.The Agricultural Cooperative Society had greatly contributed to the expansive trend of the farm management in fostering common use of heavy agricultural machines and implements. Nevertheless, on the other hand it has fallen down to a mere profitable corporation, alienating from the farmers, upon a pretext as "sound management" of the cooperative itself, in following suit after such a lucrative line of policy: preferential treatment for the upper-class, discarding of the lower-class. Its attitude denotes the inseparable adhesion to the dairy and fodder capitalism.In summing up, after the end of the World War II the reclaimant farmers could at last manage to fix the mono-dairy farming management against the harsh natural condition, yet the trend of the reclaimant policy as well as the dairy farming measures had been consistently affecting as the primary factor the way they should be in this area.
宮澤 仁
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.58, no.3, pp.235-252, 2006 (Released:2018-01-06)

The rapid aging of the Japanese population is giving rise to concerns that it will cause the national economy to decline due to a rise in the social security burden, a view that could be expressed as “social security is a burden on economic growth.” On the other hand, the emergence of a giant “silver” market and the growth of the service industry in response to the large rise in the number of elderly persons are to be expected. In particular, it is hoped that new jobs will be created through the growth of labor―intensive social services, thereby alleviating unemployment. In this manner, the relationship between the burdening and the beneficial effects of social security has become a major issue in the rapidly aging Japanese society. This study aims to elucidate the relationship between social security and regional economies and examines the effect of social security on local revitalization by taking up the case of regional planning for health and welfare promotion in Nishiaizu Machi, Fukushima Prefecture, in the form of a program called “Regional Planning for Total Care.” This regional planning program was launched in the mid―1980s to stem the rise in medical expenses, with a particular focus on health promotion activities. While health promotion can go a long way toward reducing the need for nursing care, the emergence of significant numbers of elderly persons requiring nursing care is inevitable, and thus the socialization of nursing care is also being implemented as part of regional planning. The results of this study are summarized below.The regional planning program has produced considerable results in terms of improving social infrastructure, promoting job creation, and spurring consumption. The jobs created in organizations associated with this regional planning program represent 5.8% of total employment in Nishiaizu Machi, with social welfare corporations accounting for a significant share of newly―created jobs through their employment of large numbers of professional workers. These organizations and their employees have also created consumer demand in the local economy amounting to as much as 500 million Yen, which is equivalent to 9.4% of annual retail sales in Nishiaizu Machi. In addition to such economic effects, the regional planning program has contributed to the development of diversified human resources by winning the cooperation of academic experts and central government bureaucrats, by promoting the hiring of experienced health and social care workers by the government and affiliated organizations, and by fostering the development of many semi―experts among residents through training programs. Educational campaigns for health promotion are carried out for residents through the use of such specialized manpower. These activities are effective in terms of promoting more healthy eating habits, preventing diseases, and increasing the average life expectancy of residents, and, as a result, are helping stem the rise in medical expenses. These positive achievements in terms of health promotion have been highly commended by various Ministries and academic societies, and have been publicized throughout Japan through academic journals and magazines. Local residents also have a high regard for these health promotion activities and their appreciation has helped forge Nishiaizu Machi’s identity as “the town of health promotion.”These economic effects and the associated development of human resources have contributed to revitalizing the regional economy and community of Nishiaizu Machi, an underpopulated municipality situated in a peripheral area.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
成瀬 厚
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.49, no.1, pp.1-19, 1997
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How can we recognize this world with finite extent as a globe? This question is the starting point of this study. This question leads us to another one: how do we represent the world? In this paper, I examined some cultural texts which seem to contribute to our view of the world. The texts which I chose here are exhibitions or collections which consist of several hundred photographs taken all around the world, specifically, from The Family of Man held at The Museum of Modern Art, New York in 1955, through photos with a similar theme, to Takeyoshi Tanuma's works produced with the theme'children in the world'. In order to analyze such geographical representations, I adopted the method of literary criticism. Especially, I paid attention to the 'order'of each text.The feature of texts which I analyze in this paper is that while each photograph recorded the local context in which it was taken, these works themselves represented the global world. The globalist intent of these photographs was to promote cosmopolitanism, universalism, or humanitarianism, but it is sentimental and not persuasive. For example, photographs taken in the USA were 45% of all photographs carried in The Family of Man, and photographs of the Third World were distributed into specific sub-themes: labor, death, and war. The insistence of universality was asserted under the biological commonality of Man. Man is born, works, gets together, takes pleasure, feels sad, consists of male and female, belongs to a family, eats, talks, plays, suffers, and dies. Such a life path became a commonality among photographs of people around the world. On the other hand, in one text produced in 1994 by Tanuma' who has created many works in a Japanese context, photographs were arranged in order by region. I found a significant structure in the arrangement of this text. Compassion of Japanese on Third World people, identification with two continents, Africa and South America, as others for Japanese, and uninterchangeablity between advanced countries and Third World were found in the structure of this text.From this analysis, I gained the insight that the World Order is a projection of'a world'which is a logical unity consisting of whole objects and events in'the world' which is a concrete geographical space with finite extent. We can locate each event in a world informed by journalistic media about our world order as an idea which was formed by a world representation including the photographic texts selected here.
小方 登
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.2, pp.19-38, 2000
1 2

This paper examines the city planning system of the ancient Bo-hai State using recently declassified intelligence satellite (CORONA satellite) photos acquired in the 1960s by the United States. Based on reconstructions made in my recent report, I have tried to make clear some principles shared by those in city planning. It is also intended to prove the usefulness of satellite images in historico-geographical and archaeological applications.The Bo-hai State was a kingdom which existed from 698 AD to 926 AD in the northeastern part of today's China. It was formed by the Tungusic people in association with refugees from Koguryo, which had fallen in 668. It actively imported Chinese culture and political system and boasted a high standard of civilization. While bringing tribute to Tang China, it dispatched envoys to Japan many times across the sea. Since records On Bo-hai itself have been lost, we can only obtain a glimpse of its prosperity through Chinese histories and records in Japan concerning envoys as well as archaeological evidence. Xin-Tang-shu, a history of Tang China compiled in 1060, praised Bo-hai as "a thriving country eastward across the sea" which has "five capitals".The five capitals of Bo-hai referred to in Xin-Tang-shu included Shang-jing Long-quan-fu (Northern Capital), Zhong-jing Xian-de-fu (Central Capital), Dong-jing Long-yuan-fu (Eastern Capital), Nan-jing Nan-hai-fu (Southern Capital) and Xi-jing Ya-lu-fu (Western Capital). Dong- jing was also referred to as the gateway to Japan. Among these capitals, Shang-jing (Ning-an, Heilongjiang Province), Zhong-jing (Helong, Jilin Province) and Dong-jing (Hunchun, Jilin Province) were researched and identified by Japanese archaeologists in the 1930s and in the early 1940s. From the reports of these researches, it is known that Shang-jing is the most important ruin having a triply nested structure consisting of rectangular innermost, inner and outer city and grid-pattern streets. This method of planning was borrowed from China's capital Chang-an and shared by the capitals of Korea and Japan of that period. As for Zhong-jing and Dong-jing, the remains of rectangular inner cities were evident, but the existence of the outer city and grid-pattern streets has been questioned.Based on my recent report, remains of the plans of Shang-jing, Zhong-jing and Dong-jing were reviewed using satellite photos. Shang-jing was said to be the king's capital of Bo-hai for the longest time. From the satellite photo over Shang-jing, the remains of the rectangular city walls and grid-pattern streets are very clear, reconfirming that it is the most important among the ruins of the Bo-hai State. It is evident that the main street from the palace gate to the main city gate is of considerable width. Among the lateral streets, the street adjacent to the southern side of the Palace site (innermost city) seems to be wider than the others. It demonstrates typical city planning shared by the East Asian ancient states. Fig. 2 shows my reconstruction of Shang-jing using satellite photos.Zhong-jing was said to be the king's capital for a short period circa 750. The existence of an outer city wall and grid-pattern streets around the already-known inner city was examined using satellite photos over Zhong-jing. Patterns of fields and snow marks show the remains of the main street and the lateral street along the southern side of the inner city. Patterns of the canals also suggest traces of the outer city wall. From these traces, the reconstruction of the whole city is presented (Fig. 4).Dong-jing was said to be the gateway to Japan and the king's capital for a short period circa 790.
中川 祐希
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.69, no.3, pp.373-394, 2017 (Released:2017-10-20)

横川 末吉
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.9, no.1, pp.29-35,83, 1957-04-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

In studying the history of the construction of rice-fields in the Kochi Plains, I divided it into the following four periods; the Primitive Age, the Remote Age, the Medieval Feudal Age and the Modern Feudal Age. Especially I took up the construction of the irrigation ditches as the fundamental condition for the cultivation of rice-fields. Furthermore, laying stress on the relation to the administrative power which made the construction of the irrigation ditches possible, I summed up the features of each period as follows-the Primitive and the Medieval as the constructive period of the irrigation ditches on a small scale by separated power, and, the Remote and the Modern as the constructive period of the irrigation ditches on a large scale by concentrated power.
神田 孝治
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.56, no.1, pp.59-76, 2004-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

In this paper, I explore various aspects of the geographical concept of homeland and the case of some homeland movements in Wakayama city in the early days of the Showa era.Generally, homeland is considered to be an important geographical concept because it is deeply related to forming individual and national identities. More precisely, I regard a homeland not only as the center of one's identity, but also as the other place upon which one's ideals or desires are projected. That is, one can realize a homeland in another place. To consider this ambivalent geographical concept, I focus attention on individual and social relationships, imaginary and material factors, and some geographical points of view: moving, positionalities, spatial scales, and so on.In 1931, Iba Takeshi, who advocated promoting the Homeland Art Movement, founded a magazine, "The Nanki Art", in Wakayama city. Nanki, another name for Kishu, is the old name for the geographical region covering Wakayama city and the areas to its south. He said that his lovely homeland of Nanki was suffering severely low cultural activity, despite the fact that Nanki had flourished culturally during the old Edo period. This was because most cultural activities had become excessively concentrated in Tokyo in modern Japan. Influenced by discussions of Romain Rolland's "The People's Theatre", Iba dreamed of his homeland of Nanki becoming a center of culture that could produce better works and a happier life than Tokyo. Thus, he published an enlightening magazine to stimulate a renaissance in his homeland, including many high cultural works created by famous writers and painters. Ironically, he had been a Tokyo dweller, and Nanki had not been his birthplace. When moving to Wakayama city from Tokyo, however, he felt that Nanki was his homeland. Thus, the homeland of Nanki for Iba was not his birthplace but an other place. Therefore, this homeland concept had the ambivalent nature, that was to say, he regarded it as a culturally inferior place, yet idealized it as a region that had the potential for new creations.After this magazine was discontinued in 1934, some of its contributors and local intellectuals organized a cultural group called "The 10th Day Club". This group hoped to boost Wakayama city's cultural life and improve its comfort level. The group's key person was Kitamura Susumu, who had contributed some writings to "The Nanki Art" and, in 1933, had returned from Tokyo to his birthplace of Wakayama city because he had felt a fondness for his homeland. He also felt that there was a possibility of leading a humanistic life, as opposed to the mechanical lifestyle of Tokyo. However, on his return, he criticized Wakayama as a confused and dirty city. He wanted to emphasize the city's attractions for tourists and boost the City Beautiful Movement. At first, the concept of homeland for him had been almost the same as Iba's, but, because his practices had a closer relationship to a real homeland, he gradually noticed his homeland's negative aspects. Furthermore, he criticized Wakayama people because he felt that they were too egotistical and needed to possess a public spirit from his city dweller's point of view.To compensate for his disillusionment, he gradually focused on his homeland's great history, and paid attention to the discussions of the Homeland Education Movement, which was concerned with nourishing the public spirit, the love for one's homeland, and the national soul. Because of these changes, The 10th Day Club's activities eventually ceased. The Research Institute of Kishu Culture was established in Wakayama city in 1936, and was joined by several intellectuals involved with participants of the Homeland Art Movement and many local teachers.
千田 稔
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.22, no.1, pp.26-64, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
渡辺 久雄
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.5, no.3, pp.159-174,233, 1953

I can dare to say that the conception of historical geography as a subject of human geography is not established yet. The most important reason, I think, is how the historical factor would be conquered. So at the temporal steps the mistake of thought is inevitable. This report is one of the sort.In this report the object of study is the Inano-sho, Manor of Todaiji Temple, (Hyôgo Prefecture) as the earlier manor which has been already studied by the many materials. The convenience of field survey and investigated materials are the reason why I took this area up. But nobody has investigated Inano-sho from the geographical standpoint. At least the localization and location of Inano-sho has not been explained yet, so I am intending to have the main subject of the report to clearify these facts.I take the old map of Inano-shc, the fundamental material of geographical study, the manuscript made in one or two centuries after entry to Todaiji Manor. Therefore I use its manuscriptive items as the material of reappearance of landscape. I take the earlier manor as the progressed type of developed field to study the character of developed field, especially the relation to Miyake.The classification of land taken as the object of developed field was the waste land. So at first I made the reappearance of the Muko Plain in middle age micro-geographically by the geological condition, underground materials and the today's natural landscape. I suppose the antecedent Inano-sho was the Miyake in this area.I would go on to the localisation of Miyake from its character, and limit the location of Sho gradually by the old road. At last I found the key point to study the relation of manor and the compartment of Jori in the old map. So I made the reappearance of Jori of the southern part of Kawabegun and I could the location of Inano-sho on the transportation route.In short this report is engaged in finding the location of a manor with the reappearance of natural and cultural landscape by the old map and old manuscripts.
中村 周作
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.45, no.2, pp.192-205, 1993-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
天野 太郎
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.2, pp.128-147, 1996

The main purpose of this paper is to make clear the plan of Ishiyama-Honganji's Jinaimachi and restore it on a map.Jinaimachi are temple compound towns from the late 15th to early 17th century in Japan. They have a characteristic form and most of them have walls or moats, and were primarily to facilitate defence against feudal lords (especially, Oda Nobunaga) and some old Buddhist factions.The spatial and social structure of this Jinaimachi has been studied for about 50 years principally by historians, and some effective proposals were preshnted by Yamane Tokutaro (1954), Ito Tsuyoshi (1987), and Niki Hiroshi (1994). Above all Ito's plan is considered most effective. But I think these have some serious problems in both position, and the plan itself. Therefore this paper attaches importance to both position and plan geographically.First, the restoration research of this plan is based upon the"Tenbun Diary"(written from 1536 to 1554 by Saint Shonyo, the tenth chief abbot of the Honganji-Temple), and "Shishinki"(also diary by Jitsuju, the chief of Junkoji-Temple, in the network of the Honganji-Temple). Preceding research used these diaries also, and this paper rechecks their details geographically. As a result, the precise arrangements of temple and six quarters (inside the Ishiyama) can be recognized.Second, in the point of position, this paper is based upon the name of sections and the old configuration around Osaka castle. Consequently it is clear that the positions shown in preceding reseoches are not correct, and have to be modified to the South.Third, this paper looks at the results of archaeological excavation. It attempts to make clear the spatial structure of this Jinaimachi.From these three viewpoints, I suggest the plan in Fig. 8. It shows that the position of the centre of it, "Honganji-Temple", exists at"Terayama", the name of the section. It is a more suitable place for configuration than one in the preceding research. And I suggest that the port"Jinainoura"was separated from the town, and connected to it by a road. This structure looks like the precedent of Deguchi Jinaimachi, in Osaka Prefecture.This paper deals with only one Jinaimachi, but the Ishiyama Honganji's Jinaimachi is the most significant in the history of Jinaimachi's, and can point out the existence of the succession of plans from among Yamashina, Ishiyama.I am convinced that such a study of plan contanins some important elements in studying spatial and social structure of Jinaimachi, and about medieval towns and villages in Japan.
後藤 拓也
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.2, pp.150-171, 1998-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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In recent years, the producers of agricultural processing products in Japan havebeen forced to reorganize their contract farming areas under the influence of trade liberalization and the overproduction of agricultural products. This paper attempts to make clear the changes in the vertical integration of agricultural production under these impacts, taking the case of contract farming of processing tomato, from a viewpoint of economic geography.Affected by the trade liberalization of agricultural products during the 1960s, the import of tomato raw materials (tomato-paste and tomato-puree) was liberalized in 1972. After that, in addition to the increase of inexpensive foreign raw materials, the excess of raw materials in stock became notable in the latter 1970s, with the declining demand for tomato products. Such a situation forced tomato processing makers (especially Kagome &Co., Ltd. and Japan Del Monte & Co., Ltd.) to undertake drastic reorganization of their domestic producing areas.Because tomato processing makers were obliged to reduce the cost of raw materials with the increasing inflow of foreign raw materials and the overproduction of domestic raw materials, they purchased inexpensive raw materials from abroad and drastically reduced their dependency on expensive domestic raw materials. At the same time, they reorganized their producing areas in three aspects, that is, the reorganization of (1) processing tomato collecting zones, (2) processing plants, (3) contract price. The spatial consequences of these actions were, (1): processing makers withdrew from the prefectures with low productivity and the prefectures distant from the intensified processing plant, (2): processing makers concentrated processing tomatoes to the main tomato juice manufacturing plants, (3): processing makers introduceds a discriminative strategy in contract price based on the transporting cost to processing plant. In short, processing makers carried out the reorganization high-handedly, attaching great importance to cost reduction. However, at the prefectural level, the Prefecture Affiliated Organs of Agri-Coop-Ass'ns played an important role in the control of organizing contract farming areas.Against such behavior by processing makers, contract farmers responded to the situation by abandoning processing tomato cultivation. However, there are considerable regional differences in the decrease of tomato producing areas. A quantitative analysis of 41 processing tomato producing areas in Nagano prefecture revealed that processing tomato cultivation tended to be maintained relatively in areas with unstable agricultural producing conditions, and given up in areas with stable agricultural producing conditions. This is attributed to the characteristics of contract farming:“price stability”, “low profit” and“lack of speculation”. The result is ironic for processing makers, since they always desire stable production of the raw materials.After all, it is shown that the reduction of domestic production by processing makers resulted in production under more unstable farming conditions. In fact, the ageing of contract farmers is very serious and has led to the abandonment of cultivation after the last reduction of producing (carried out in 1988). As a result, domestic raw materials have been short in supply since 1990. Taking this existing situation into consideration, it seems contract farming areas of processing tomato will not be retained over an extended period of time.
横山 昭市
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.17, no.6, pp.609-629, 1965-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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This report is part of the author's doctorial thesis ‘Study on the Industrialization of Hong Kong and the Analysis of its Factors (1965)’.The full-fledged industrialization of Hong Kong as seen in the last ten years clearly shows a switch from the traditional dependence of the colony upon entrepôt trade to revolutional self-supporting industrial activities. This remarkable change has brought about a new main source of income, and at the same time, Hong Konghas become more dependent upon foreign trade than ever before. For the colony produces little raw material and its inside market is small. Accordingly, all the industries have assumed the form of processing trade and foreign trade has become the most fundamental condition for the industrialization of the colony. For instance, the exports are estimated at 80 per cant of Hong Kong's total industrial output. No other country in the world exports so high proportion of its output. And in 1961, of all the textile goods exported from developing countries, 14 per cent were from Hong Kong. Also, the exports of miscellaneous goods from Hong Kong represented 34 per cent of the total exports from those countries.From these trends of recent years, Hong Kong is viewed as a country that typifies the combined development of commerce (trade) and industry, and also, a rapid increase in the export of manufactured goods shows Hong Kong's strong international competitive power.The reason for taking up plastic industry here is that this is a new type of industry, and it has grown rapidly, establishing itself as one of the most important industries. Above all plastic flowers (made of polyethylene) have become wellknown as ‘Hong Kong flowers’, which have given a blow to the Japanese manufacturers of artificial flowers.The author is going to analyze and explain in detail the development, location, actual condition of management, structure of trade and competitive power of plastic flowers in comparison with that of Japanese artificial flowers.The results are as follows;1) Most of the industries in Hong Kong are conducted on the basis of intensive productive labor. Plastic industry is no exception. The exports of plastic goods have remarkably increased in a short period and plastic industry has come to play a major role (Fig. I and Table 4). The outputs of items of this industry are varied. It shows diversified develoments of the industry. But since 1960, the plastic flower has become the most important item of all and it has occupied half of the total production of plastic industry.2) The pioneering firm was established in 1947, but the actual production of plastic flower began in 1957. This was motivated by the introduction of the Hong Kong labor to the industry by an American merchant of keen insight. Of course, there was a concentration of the Chinese capital upon the new industry, too. The factories are mainly located in the urban areas in Hong Kong and Kowloon, but partly, they have advanced to the new industrial areas, such as Tsuen Wan, Kwun Tong and Sai Wan (Fig. 2). Such location is conditioned by the scale of firms-almost all the firms are home industrial (cottage type)-and it is based on the fact that capital, though small, can be easily procured and cheap supply of labor is available at any time. The number of workers in most of the registered factories is less than 100 (Table 3). The number of workers in smaller factories is not included in the official figures. The number of outworkers is not included there, either. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to improve quality and stabilize market, and, what is worse, such a state has worsened, so that plastic industry is now a typical industry in Hong Kong that has both a strong point and a weak point.3) The exports of plastic goods have remarkably increased since 1959.