狩野 賢司
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類學雜誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.42, no.2, pp.173-180, 1995-08-15

クロソラスズメダイの雌が配偶者を選択するタイミングと雄の求愛ディスプレイの頻度変化を沖縄のサンゴ礁で調査した.本種は雌雄ともに縄張りを持ち, それらが集まってコロニーを形成する.雌は早朝に雄の縄張りで産卵し, 雄が孵化まで卵の保護を行う.雌が産卵する朝だけでなくその前日の早朝と夕刻にも, 多くの雄がその雌の縄張りを訪れ, 頻繁に求愛ディスプレイを行った.雌は産卵当日の朝に雄からディスプレイを受ける前に産卵を始めることが多く, これらの雌は産卵前日により多くのディスプレイを行った雄と産卵していた.これらの結果から, 本種の雌は主に産卵前日の求愛ディスプレイ頻度によって配偶者となる雄を選択していることが示唆された.一方, 産卵前日にあまり求愛を受けなかった雌は, 産卵開始時刻を遅らせて雄からディスプレイを受ける傾向があり, これに対応して, 雄は産卵前日ばかりでなく産卵が行なわれる朝にも頻繁に求愛していると考えられた.
佐藤 行人 西田 睦
魚類學雜誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.56, no.2, pp.89-109, 2009-11 (Released:2011-03-28)
董 仕 谷口 順彦 石田 力三
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.46, no.2, pp.83-90, 1999-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, collected from Torentsu river, Ibaraki, Japan, were found to comprise two types based on the morphological and genetic traits. Complete substitution of alleles of the two types at the AAT-2* and GPI-1* loci were found, as well as significant differences in allele frequencies at eight other loci. The genetic distance between the two types was 0.4. The belly color was yellowish in type I and grayish in type II, and the average number of precurrent rays was 21.4 (range: 16-25) and 10.5 (range: 7-13), respectively.The results suggested that the two types should be regarded as a distinct biological species.
猿渡 敏郎 望月 賢二
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.32, no.3, pp.299-304, 1985-11-28 (Released:2010-06-28)

目本近海から得られた2個体の標本を基に新種ミノアンコウLophiodes fimbuatusを記載した.本種は体の背面と腹面両方から分枝した細長い皮弁が出ていること, illiciumに色素胞が点在していること, escaが痕跡的であること, 第三遊離背鰭鰭条に対をなす皮弁が複数存在していることから, 同属の他種から容易に区別することが出来る.
石崎 大介 谷口 義則 淀 太我
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.59, no.1, pp.49-54, 2012-04-25 (Released:2014-05-16)

Brown trout Salmo trutta, a well-known game fish, has had considerable adverse effects worldwide on native aquatic organisms in waters to which it has been introduced. Although the establishment of brown trout and its impact on native biota have been frequently reported in Japan, such reports have been primarily limited to Hokkaido. In 2008 and 2009, 11 juvenile and 6 adult brown trout, including a mature female, were captured in the Odori Stream, Jinzu River system, central Japan, a mating pair of brown trout swimming near a redd also being observed in 2009. It is now considered that the species has become established, following an accidental introduction from a local hatchery in 2004 during a severe flood indicating that future possible introductions of this species must remain a concern, even in central Japan.
福所 邦彦 藤田 矢郎
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.19, no.1, pp.32-33, 1972-06-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

In the waters of Tsushima Island, young of dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor (Riippell) which were gathered underneath the lurelamp were captured by squid fishing boats on 25 th July, 1970.Since then, the young were caught by surface trolling and set net, and the capture continued to early January 1971.Their size increased as season went on: 24.0-27.5 cm in fork length and 200-300g in body weight in early August;36.0-39.5cm in fork length and 640-910g in body weight in late November;41.0-45.0cm in fork length and 1115-1170g in body weight in the middle of January.But they have not been caught since January of: 1971.This species had been unknown among the fishermen working around Tsushima Island. This region is outside of their distribution area previously informed by some authors. Therefore, it is highly probable that the occurrence of this species is recorded in the first time here.
白井 滋 後藤 友明 廣瀬 太郎
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.54, no.1, pp.47-58, 2007-05-25 (Released:2011-06-08)

In February to March, 2004, 17 specimens of sail-fin sandfish, Arctoscopus japonicus, were collected off the Iwate area, Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan, during research on fishery resources by Iwate Fisheries Technology Center. Using all the specimens, a sequencing analysis of the mitochondrial control region was performed, and we found that they have a genetic composition closely approximating to the western Japan population distributed north of Oki Islands, the Sea of Japan. These specimens were estimated to be three years old, belonging the 2001 year-class. This year-class from the Akita coast area became a very large resource, and this may have led to the expansion of their distribution. The occurrence of sandfish off the Iwate area in 2004, should be an event through the enlargement of distribution area of the 2001 year-class that hatched along the Akita coast area.
原田 慈雄 木下 泉 大美 博昭 田中 克
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.46, no.2, pp.91-99, 1999-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

To clarify the early life history of Cottus kazika (Cottidae), we examined the distribution, migration, growth and food habit of larvae and juveniles collected by various methods from the Yura estuary and neighboring waters in western Wakasa Bay from November 1993 to May 1994, and from January to June 1995. Collections using an aqualamp in the rocky shore yielded mostly yolk-saclarvae, which tended to occur synchronously with the spring tide. This tendency was supported also by the back calculation of the hatching date estimated from otolith microstructural increments. Most of the larvae and juveniles were collected in the 5 m depth areas (mean salinity about 34 ppt) with a beam trawl (from 3.5 to 30m depth). We collected no C. kazika larvae and juveniles by oblique tows of alarva net in coastal areas of 10 to 50m depth. In wading areas of the surf zone, many larvae and juveniles were collected, particularly at the lowest salinity (mean about 26 ppt) station nearest to a river mouth. Mean size of larvae and juveniles were greater in the surf zone than in the 5 m depth areas. Food habits changed with growth, and differed between habitats. Pelagic larvae fed on copepods in 5m depth areas. Settled larvae and juveniles chiefly fed on mysids in 5 m depth areas, and gammarids in the wading areas of the surf zone. Thereafter, juveniles fed on tanaidaceans and trichopteran larvae in the estuary.
加畑 雅章
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.3, pp.349-352, 1981-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Shapes of the swim bladders were studied for clarifying differences in three species of the genus Tribolodon, T.hakonensis (Günther), T.taczanowskii (Steindachner) and T.ezoe Okada et Ikeda, taken from several localities in Hokkaido. The feature of the tip of the posterior chamber of the swim bladder, with two types, is useful to distinguish between T.ezoe (round or grainy tip) on the one hand and T. hakonensis and T.taczanowskii (tapering or sharp tip) on the other hand. The length of the posterior chamber of the swim bladder was also different among the three species, i.e., it is longest in T.hakonensis, shortest in T.ezoe, and intermediate in T.taczanowskii.
中尾 博行 川端 健人 藤田 建太郎 中井 克樹 沢田 裕一
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.53, no.2, pp.167-173, 2006-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Predation of eggs and larvae of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), by snails (Semisulcospira spp.and Sinotaia quadrata histrica) were examined during the bluegill reproductive period (July and August) in 2003 and 2005. At a littoral study site in the northern basin of Lake Biwa, population densities of snails were significantly higher in bluegill nests than in their surroundings, indicating deliberate aggregation of the former. Laboratory experiments to assess the degree of predation on bluegill eggs and larvae by snails showed a significant decrease in egg and larval numbers when established in aquaria together with Semisulcospira spp., and Sinotaia quadrata histrica, respectively. During experimentation, predatory behavior by snails was also directly observed, indicating that snails aggregating in bluegill nests probably predate eggs and larvae despite parental care of the latter.
駒田 格知
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.4, pp.437-444, 1982-02-27 (Released:2011-07-04)

In order to establish a basis for distinguishing normal and abnormal structures, this paper reports on the growth of vertebral centra in the cyprinid fish, Zacco platypus Temminck et Schlegel.Specimens, 10.0-110.0 mm in standard length (SL), were collected from the Yahagi River, Aichi Prefecture, in August, 1978.Juvenile fish were collected from the Ibi River, Gifu Prefecture in October 1978 and in April 1979.Length and diameter of centra of the 263 specimens were measured for different growth stages, seasons and sexes.Ossification of vertebrae begins in the postlarval stage, at about 8.0 mm SL.In fish smaller than 16.0 mm SL, all centra are almost equal in length.At 24.0-26.0 mm SL, lengths of centra located at the anterior part of the caudal region are longer than those in the other regions.As the fish grow, growth rate becomes greater in the middle part of the column than the other regions.The diameters of centra in fish of 10.0-16.0 mm SL show no difference associated with the portion of centra through the vertebral column.In fish larger than 24.0 mm SL the diameter of centra located at the anterior part of the column and around the transitional area between the abdominal and caudal region is larger than those in the other regions.In the adult stage, there are no sexual differences in the length and the diameter of centra.The proportions of vertebral column length to standard length in specimens of 10.0-16.0 mm SL are significantly smaller than those in specimens above 24.0 mm SL.And, there are significant differences on the ratios of total length of centra to column length between the three size-groups, 10.0-11.0 mm SL, 15.0-26.0 mm SL and above 60.0 mm SL (t-test, P<0.001).The lengths of centra in juvenile fish (15.0-16.0 mm SL, 19.0-20.0 mm SL) collected in April are larger than those in October and August, but the diameters of centra in the former are smaller than those in the latter two months.There is no difference in the length and the diameter of centra between juvenile fish in August and those in October.The ratios of spinal column length to standard length of juvenile fish in April are significantly larger than those in August and in October (t-test, P<0.001).
加藤 文男
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.4, pp.191-197, 1975-03-15 (Released:2011-02-23)

It was concluded that the salmonid fish found in Ise Bay, the Inland Sea, Tokai district, Kinki district, and Shikoku district (Figs.1-2, Table 1) is the sea-run form of“Amago”, Oncorhynchus rhodurus Jordan and McGregor which is widely distributed in the freshwater of southwestern Japan.It was shown that the sea-run form is morphologically different from the salmonid fish“Biwamasu”in Biwa Lake which has been considered to be conspecific with O.rhodurus.
馬渕 浩司 瀬能 宏 武島 弘彦 中井 克樹 西田 睦
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010-04-26

琵琶湖に生息するコイの中には、ユーラシア大陸のコイとはミトコンドリア(mt)DNAの塩基配列で明瞭に異なる個体が存在することが、2005年に明らかにされた。これらの個体が保有するmtDNAは、当初は琵琶湖固有のハプロタイプと考えられたが、その後の研究で、近縁あるいは同じハプロタイプが国内の他の水域からも発見され、現在では、日本在来のハプロタイプ(在来型ハプロタイプ)の一つであると考えられている。在来型ハプロタイプの存在は、「日本のコイはすべて中国から移殖したものである」としたJordan and Fowlerへの強力な反証であり、古琵琶湖層からの咽頭歯化石の発見や、縄文遺跡からの咽頭歯の出土と併せて、日本には有史以前から在来のコイが分布し、現在もそれに由来するコイが生息することの明白な証拠となっている。本研究では、琵琶湖内における在来系統の分布状況を知る第一歩として、湖内の各所から採集された750個体以上のコイについてmtDNAの型判別を行い、各生息場所における在来型、導入型ハプロタイプの出現頻度を調べた。また、2004年に猛威をふるったKHVの在来系統への影響を評価するため、蔓延時に湖岸で斃死していた100個体を超えるコイのmtDNA型判別も行い、上の結果と比較した。
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.14, no.1-3, pp.17-25_2, 1966-08-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

The life history of Hucho perryi (BREVOORT) was studied in the Faren River in northwestern Nemuro, Hokkaido, from late April to early June, 1960. H. perryi is a salmonid fish, which has flattened head, wide gape with stout teeth, many dark dots on the body and larger scales than those of other salmonid fishes (Pl. 4, A). This fish is distributed in the streams and lakes of Hokkaido, southern Kurile Islands and Sahalin.From April to May after thawing of ice in the river, this fish is observed in deep pools with rocks or many sunken timbers (Fig. 2), and in June when the water temperature rises about 10°C the fish is found also in the shallow and swift waters as well as deep pools. The stomach contents of 22 specimens, 2.9 to 56.0cm in total length, were examined. The larvae of aquatic insects, especially Plecoptera and Tricoptera, were eaten by the fry from 2.9 to 3.2cm. These diets were occurred commonly in the stomach of juveniles from 14 to 18 cm, and loarch, Barbatura toni oreas (JORDAN and FOWLER), were occasionally found together with the insect larvae. The fish larger than 30cm did not eat the insect larvae but took mainly the loarch. Although chum salmon fry, Oncorhynchus keta (WALBAUM), were found as the same time in the river where the examined fish were captured, they were not eaten by this piscivorous fish.The spawning season of this fish seems to extend from mid-March after breaking of ice to late April in Nemuro district. The knowledge about maturation was a little. The author obtained three mature males larger than 55cm, and also observed one mature female measuring 93 cm from the Shibetsu River. A spawning redd was found in the tributary pouring into the Furen River at Mimakka (Fig. 3), and 1, 358 eyed eggs in all were taken from this redd on May 22. These eggs were salmon pink in color and measured 5.8 to 6.4mm in diameter. They were brought into the laboratory of Nemuro Branch of Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery, and began to hatch on May 28. The alevins were reared until the yolk sac were completely absorbed.The newly hatched alevins preserving in 70% alcohol were measured 15.1 to 16.6mm in total length (Pl. 4, D). About 40 days after hatching, the alevins attained to 24.0 to 25.6mm. Two-thirds of the yolk sac were consumed and parr marks began to appear vaguely on the body side (Pl. 5, A). It took 52 days for the alevins to absorb completely the yolk sac at the water temperature of 6.0°to 11.3°C. The fry just after consumed the yolk were measured 28.1 to 28.5mm (Pl. 5, B), and they grew up about 38mm by August (Pl. 5, C).
大島 正満
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.5, no.1-2, pp.1-11, 1956-01-30 (Released:2011-02-23)

Kuma River of the Kumamoto Prefecture is famous in producing “ayu, ” Plecoglossus altivelis, of good quality, due to the suitable environmental conditions. Quite recently, however, utilization of the stream for the sake of generation of electricity necessitated to erect the darn of 34 meter high at the down stream in order to construct water reservoir. The Prefectural Government started the works last year and the dam. which is not provided any fish ways has been completed on 10 th of December, 1954, shutting up completely the passway of the anadromous fishes especially.Consequently, complains of fishermen and inhabitants of the upper streams opposing to the policy of the Government paying no attention for fish culture, especially to keep good name of Kuma River in “ayu” fishing, became furious. In order to solve this hard problems, viz, electricity nor fishing industry, authorities of the Government promissed to liberate large number of “ayu” fry in the upper streams per year, to meet the both ends.This attempts has been fulfilled for the first time in the spring ot the present year since, fries of sea-run form caught at the estuary of Kuma River and other parts in Kiushu as well as dwarf land-locked form of the Lake Biwa and Ikeda being libertated in the main and branch streams of Kuma River.In the present paper are shown morphological differences between sea-run form of “ayu, ” grown at the both sides of the dam; effect of suitable baits upon development of land-locked dwarf form of “ayu” originated in the Lake Ikeda ; distinction between sea-run form and land-locked form of “ayu” after fattening, from the stand-point of scale figurations, etc.
加藤 文男
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.20, no.2, pp.107-112, 1973-09-10 (Released:2011-07-04)

Morphology of three forms of Oncorhynchus rhodurus Jordan and McGregor were studied.In comparison with the fluviatile form and the lacustrine form in Lake Biwa, characters of the sea-run form resemble those of the fluviatile form, and differ from those of the lacustrine form in Lake Biwa in number of pyloric caeca, transverse scales, ventral fin rays, and in crimson spots on lateral body (Figs.4-6, Table2).The sea-run form shows the following characters: the body color is silvery;the tip of the dorsal fin is dipped with jet black;crimson spots are scattered on the lateral side (Fig.2).Its smolt shows following characters;the body color is silvery;parr marks have disappeared;scales are easily taken off;the tip of the dorsal fin is dipped with jet black;the posterior margin of the caudal fin is edged with jet black;crimson spots are scattered on the lateral side (Fig.2).
加藤 文男
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.20, no.4, pp.225-234, 1973-12-31 (Released:2011-07-04)

1.降海型アマゴの変態は, 河川で生活1年目の秋頃から起こり, 雌に多く現われる.2.満1年に達したスモルト (体長11~19cm) は, 冬季伊勢湾に降海し, 湾内の水温が低い期間 (冬~春) に, 主として魚類を食して生活し, 急速に成長する.3.生活2年目 (1+) の5月頃, 体長27cm (モード) に達して河川を湖上し, 上流で9~10月頃産卵する.4.降海型アマゴの鱗相は, 冬帯の形成を10月下旬にすでに終了している.降海後は鱗の周縁に特に幅広い隆起線を多数形成する.5.伊勢湾へ降海するマス (降海型) は, 上流域に生息するアマゴ (河川型) と同一の個体群に属すると考えられる.