北村 淳一 金 銀眞 中島 淳 髙久 宏佑 諸澤 崇裕
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.1, pp.23-28, 2021-04-25 (Released:2021-05-09)

Habitat use of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was surveyed at Tanushimaru, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu Island, Japan, at winter season. The study site was composed as traditional agricultural ditches in parts of the paddy field with some parts of concrete artificial type of the canals. The spatial distribution of M. anguillicaudatus in the study area was examined in 36 square frames (1 m × 1 m) located spaced along agricultural pathway for approximately 20 m. Relationships between presence of M. anguillicaudatus and several environmental factors was analyzed using the generalized linear model (GLM). Result of the GLM analysis showed that probability of the presence of M. anguillicaudatus mainly explained by water depth and the probability increased with increasing water depth.
中島 淳 鬼倉 徳雄
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.56, no.2, pp.135-143, 2009 (Released:2014-03-05)

The natural growth and habitat selection of the green chub, Aphyocypris chinensis, an endangered species in Japan, was investigated in an agricultural waterway located in northern Kyushu Island, Japan. From April 2007 to March 2008, green chub were captured by hand net and 5 physical environmental variables measured (water temperature, water depth, water current velocity, connection to paddy field, and presence or absence of tunnel-like cover) at 10 survey sites every month. After obtaining an image of the captured fish with a digital camera, all individuals were released alive at their capture location. The standard lengths of 823 individuals were later determined from the images. Monthly changes in the standard length distribution showed that green chub had a life-span of 1 year, the spawning season occurring from mid-June to August. Multiple linear regression analysis applied to the 5 environmental variables separately in the irrigation (from June to September) and non-irrigation seasons (from October to May), showed water depth to be most significant in the former and absence of water movement in the latter. Fish occurrence patterns indicated that temporary waters were utilized as spawning sites and permanent waters for overwintering. Accordingly, continued ease of movement between temporary and permanent waters is essential for future conservation of the species.
冨澤 輝樹 木島 隆 二見 邦彦 高橋 清孝 岡本 信明
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.62, no.1, pp.51-57, 2015-04-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

A genetic analysis of wild-caught tetsugyo from Yutori-numa Pond, Miyagi Prefecture, a long-finned fish of uncertain origin designated as a National Natural Monument in Japan, demonstrated that some specimens were hybrids of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and crucian carp (genus Carassius). Phylogenetic analysis of sequences from part of the D-loop region of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of 87 Yutori-numa tetsugyo indicated that 66 belonged to the goldfish group and 21 to the Japanese crucian carp group, subsequent PCR-RFLP analysis of c-myc gene revealing three different restriction fragment digest profiles, 21 and 60 specimens possessing goldfish or Japanese crucian carp genes, respectively, and the remaining 6, both genes, indicating their hybrid origin.
久保 星 福岡 太一 太田 真人 遊磨 正秀
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-031, (Released:2021-12-30)

Food habits of young-of-the-year (YOY) smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were surveyed from late June to early August, 2019 in the lower Kizu River, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, prey importance being evaluated using the Index of Relative Importance (IRI). Stomach content analyses of 83 individuals revealed that unidentified fishes (%IRI: 36.6 %) and mayflies (Baetis spp.) (%IRI: 34.6 %) were important prey items, with YOY smallmouth bass as small as 10–20 mm in standard length preying on fishes. The onset of piscivory at an early life stage, likely resulting in higher predator growth rates and lower winter mortality, may have aided the establishment of M. dolomieu in the Kizu River.
谷 良夫 林 亮太朗 髙田 一翔 大路 紘裕 入江 祐樹 今村 拓未 早川 祐 向井 貴彦
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-002, (Released:2019-03-29)

Nuclear DNA (nDNA) markers were developed to distinguish between the closely related brackish water gobies Tridentiger brevispinis and T. obscurus. Although genetic differentiation of the two species has already been demonstrated by allozyme analysis in previous studies, the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes were similar and often shared by introgressive hybridization, obscuring the identification of the two species by mtDNA markers. In this study, one mtDNA gene [cytochrome b (cytb)] and four nuclear DNA gene regions [G protein-coupled receptor 85 (gpr85), ryanodine receptor 3 (ryr3), recombination activating protein 1 (rag1) and zic family member 1 (zic1)] were sequenced in 11 to 17 individuals, respectively, of T. brevispinis and T. obscurus, collected from the Mukogawa River, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The results for the mtDNA cytb region matched those of previous studies, the nucleotide sequences being very similar, with haplotypes shared among species. On the other hand, two (gpr85 and ryr3) of the four nDNA regions clearly differed between the two species, PCR-RFLP conducted on the former also showing specifically-different electrophoretic patterns. In order to confirm that nDNA PCR-RFLP could distinguish between the two species in other populations, additional samples of both from the Shonai River, Aichi Prefecture were subjected to and identified by the above method. In addition, eight individuals of putative F1 hybrid identified by allozyme analysis (three diagnostic loci) were also investigated. Although six of the eight putative hybrids included heterozygotes at both of the two nDNA PCR-RFLP loci, two individuals were characterized by a heterozygotic pattern at one locus, homozygotic at the other, both individuals possibly being F2 or backcross progeny, although initially misidentified as F1. The results indicated that nDNA markers may be helpful in distinguishing closely related Tridentiger species, which cannot be identified by mtDNA markers.
仲谷 一宏
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-42, 1993-05-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

1992年3月8日午後, 愛媛県松山市堀江沖2.3km, 水深22メートルの海底でヘルメット式潜水器具を用いてタイラギ貝漁をしていた潜水夫が行方不明になった.この潜水漁を支援していた船の船長によると, 作業中の潜水夫から突然「上げてくれ」という救助を求める声を聞き, 20分程度かけてやっと引き上げたが, ズタズタに裂けた潜水服とヘルメットだけを回収したという.潜水夫は行方不明で, その後の捜索にもかかわらず, 結局発見できなかった.この事故直後に海上保安部などにより潜水服の調査が行われ, その結果サメによる事故とされた.しかし, その後は詳しい調査が行われず, サメ以外の説も出されるようになったため, 佐賀県太良町の潜水士宅に保管されていた潜水服の再調査を実施した.その結果, 潜水服は胸部から脇腹にかけての胴部右半分と右足が切断され, 肩や腕などに多くの咬み傷のあることが改めて確認された.ヘルメットを固定する金属性の肩当て部分には強い力で穿孔されたと思われる穴や細かな平行な曲線からなる傷跡があり, 通信用ケーブルやゴム部の切断面にも細かな平行のすじ状の模様があった.肩当て部分のゴムの深い傷から長さ約5mm, 幅約2.5mmの歯の破片が発見され, これには2個の鋸歯が残されていた.また, 肩当てや潜水服に残された咬み跡を調査して顎の幅を検討したところ, 40cmはあったと推定された.これらの証拠から, この潜水夫を襲ったのは歯の縁辺部に鋸歯をもっかなり大形のサメであったことが明白となった.これらの歯の破片の特徴, 潜水服などに残された傷跡, 顎の大きさなどに加え, 水温 (当時の付近の水温は水深20mで1L6℃) や四国近海での当時のサメ類の出現状況などを総合的に検討した結果, この潜水夫を襲ったのは全長5m前後のホホジロザメであると結論された.日本では以前からサメによる被害が新聞などで時々報道されているが, これらの記録は散逸し, 被害の実態を捕らえることが出来ない.従って, 日本のサメによる被害を調査したが, 公認されているものも含め現時点で10数件の被害例を見い出した.しかし, これらの日本の事例においては, 襲ったサメの種類調査など後の科学的調査がほとんどなされていないため, 日本で被害を与えているサメについては種名すら分かっていないのが現状である.将来のサメによる事故を防ぐ意味からも, まだ埋もれているサメ被害例を発見し, 分析してみる必要があろう.なお, 本研究で集められたサメによる被害にっいては国際サメ被害目録 (International Shark Attack File, 事務局はフロリダ自然史博物館) に載せておいた.
篠原 現人 尼岡 邦夫
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.4, pp.487-490, 1994-02-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

北海道室蘭沖から得られ, 完模式標本以外に採集例のないヤセアイナメStellistius katsukii Jordan et Tanaka, 1927と同海域で普通に採集されるホッケPleurogrammus azonus Jordan et Metz, 1913との関係について主に外部形態に基づき調査した.両種の完模式標本と日本各地から得た23個体のホッケの標本を比較したところ, 両者に差異は認められなかった.従って, ヤセアイナメはホッケのシノニムであり, ヤセアイナメ1種のみを含むヤセアイナメ属Stellistiusもホッケ属Pleurogmmmusのシノニムである.また, 背鰭第1鰭条が長く, 後続のものとほとんど同じであるというヤセアイナメ属の特徴は模式標本の再調査では認あられず, Jordan and Tanaka (1927) の観察が誤りであったと判断された.
中島 淳 中村 朋史 洲澤 譲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.2, pp.153-160, 2011 (Released:2014-03-07)

Examination of the morphological and genetic features of spined loach (Cobitis sp.) collected from the Oyodo River system, southern Kyushu Island, Japan, indicated that they represented a new taxon. The specimens were clearly distinguished from other known Japanese Cobitis species by their mitochondrial DNA sequences. In addition, the shape of the adult male lamina circularis differed to those of the C. sp. ‘yamato’ complex and C. biwae.
井上 太之 鈴木 大 北野 忠 河野 裕美
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-024, (Released:2021-02-03)

Compared with the other anguillid eel species native to Japan (Anguilla japonica and A. marmorata), very little is currently known about the Japanese populations of A. bicolor pacifica. Three specimens of the latter (652.4–879.1 mm total length), collected in an irrigation channel on Iriomote Island, southern Japan, were examined, and the phylogenetic and morphological characters of the species discussed. The stomach contents of two specimens included a number of frog remains.
田和 篤史 田原 義太慶 日比野 友亮
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.17-050, (Released:2018-03-30)

Snake eels in the genus Myrichthys, characterized by molariform teeth, moderate to very elongate body, short snout, dorsal fin origin before gill openings, short pectoral fin, anterior nostrils tubular and elongate, posterior nostrils opening into mouth, and spotted and/or striped coloration, include 10 valid species and are commonly found along most tropical shores worldwide. Two species, Myrichthys colubrinus (Boddaert, 1781) [striped coloration] and Myrichthys maculosus (Cuvier, 1816) [spotted coloration], having been previously recorded from Japan, Myrichthys paleracio McCosker and Allen, 2012 is described here from two specimens found in the stomach contents of a sea snake Laticauda laticaudata (Linnaeus, 1758) from Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, being the first speciemen-supported record of the species from Japan and the northernmost record of distribution. Myrichthys paleracio most closely resembles M. colubrinus in having striped body coloration, but differs in having 183 total vertebrae (vs. 193–202) and more than 50 irregularly patterned brown stripes (vs. 25–35 arranged in a regular pattern). The absence of an ethmoid pore on the head in one specimen was considered to be a malformation. A new standard Japanese name “Madara-shima-umihebi” proposed for the species. An underwater photograph of a snake eel from Yakushima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, was identified as M. paleracio.
佐藤 拓哉 渡辺 勝敏
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.51, no.1, pp.51-59, 2004-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Population size and spawning site environment of the endangered southernmost population of Kirikuchi charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus were investigated in a tributary on the upper reaches of the Totsu River system, Nara Prefecture, central Japan, in 2001. The total number of fish≥100 mm in fork length (FL) in May was estimated to be 308±50 (SE). Water depth and gravel size at spawning sites were 15±13 cm (meant±SD) and 31±8 cm, respectively. Spawn-ing sites were found mainly at upstream sites, freely accessible to the fish. The number of fish≥130 mm in FL had dropped in the lower section of the tributary in July, most probably as a result of leisure fishing. Spawning redds were clearly fewer in the lower sections than further upstream. These results indicated that fishing pressure on the population had been heavy, resulting in a decreased level of reproduction population.
岡本 誠 宮本 圭
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-034, (Released:2022-02-08)

In an on-going faunal study of deep regions of the East China Sea, using a Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV), a single specimen (57.4 mm in standard length: SL) of Epigonus elongatus Parin and Abramov, 1986 was collected at 410 m depth off the west coast of Okinawa Island, Japan. The species has been previously reported only from the type locality in the Farquhar Islands, Western Indian Ocean, the present report being the first of the species from waters adjacent to Japan. The new standard Japanese name “Kogeme-yasemutsu” is proposed for the species, which belongs to the E. pandionis group, and is characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays VII-I, 10; pectoral-fin rays 18–20; gill rakers 22 or 23; vertebrae 10 + 15; pyloric caeca 7–9; pored lateral-line scales 48–50 + 2; pungent opercular spine absent; maxillary mustache-like process absent; lingual teeth absent; a pair of ribs on last abdominal vertebra absent; tubercle on inner symphysis of lower jaw absent; orbital diameter 12.1–13.6% SL; lowerjaw length 13.4–15.1% SL; and body depth 16.4–18.5% SL. An in-situ ROV photograph of E. elongatus from Okinawa Island is provided. The genus Epigonus is represented in Japanese waters by six species including E. elongatus; Epigonus atherinoides (Gilbert, 1905); Epigonus ctenolepis Mochizuki and Shirakihara, 1983; Epigonus denticulatus Dieuzeide, 1950; Epigonus fragilis (Jordan and Jordan, 1922); and Epigonus pectinifer Mayer, 1974.
松沼 瑞樹 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-016, (Released:2023-07-21)

Two species of lefteye flounder (Bothidae), Engyprosopon mozambiquense Hensley, 2003 and Engyprosopon parvipectorale Amaoka and Ho, 2018, are newly recorded from Japan based on five specimens (one male and four females) and a single male specimen, respectively, from Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands. The two species resemble each other in sharing the following combination of characters: extremely narrow interorbital space; large mouth (posterior margin of ocular side upper jaw extending beyond anterior margin of lower eye); inner margin of gill rakers with serrae; and a pair of dark blotches on caudal fin absent. However, the present male specimen of E. mozambiquense differed from male specimens of E. parvipectorale from Taiwan and Japan in having a greater interorbital width, 11.5 in head length (vs. 23.1–67.7 in male E. parvipectorale), a rostral spine on the ocular side of the snout (vs. absent), and three dark blotches on the ventral surface of the ocular side lower jaw (vs. uniformly black). The present female specimens of E. mozambiquense were characterized by having small teeth on both jaws (vs. anterior teeth on the upper jaw, and all teeth on the lower jaw large and canine-like in both male and female E. parvipectorale). The two species are also similar to the Japanese endemic congener, Engyprosopon kushimotoense Amaoka, Kaga and Misaki, 2008 (known only from the male holotype from Wakayama Prefecture), and Engyprosopon longipelvis Amaoka, 1969 (known from southern Japan) in having gill rakers with serrae and a narrow interorbital space. However, E. kushimotoense and E. longipelvis differ from the former in having 43 and 37–42 lateral-line scales, respectively (vs. 49–52 in E. parvipectorale and 46–52 in E. mozambiquense). The new standard Japanese names “Yorime-darumagarei” and “Kiba-yorime-darumagarei” are proposed here for E. mozambiquense and E. parvipectorale, respectively.
三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-036, (Released:2022-02-08)

The rarely collected ceratioid anglerfish family Caulophrynidae, including the genera Caulophryne Goode and Bean, 1896 and Robia Pietsch, 1979, is widely distributed from the surface to the bathypelagic zone in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Valid Caulophryne species, characterized by the absence of an expanded escal bulb, presence of only 2 pectoral radials, extremely long dorsal- and anal-fin rays, 8 caudal-fin rays, neuromasts of the acoustic-lateralis system located at the tips of elongate filaments, an illicial length less than 130% of standard length (SL), 14–22 dorsal-fin rays, and 12–19 anal-fin rays, include Caulophryne jordani Goode and Bean, 1896 and Caulophryne pelagica (Brauer, 1902) from all three oceans, Caulophryne polynema Regan, 1930 from the Atlantic and eastern Pacific, and Caulophryne bacescui Mihai-Bardan, 1982 from the eastern Pacific. A single female specimen of C. polynema, collected over a bottom depth of 658–663 m off Iwate Pref., Pacific coast of northern Japan, on 9 October 2020, was distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: illicium length 17.3% SL, with about 50 translucent filaments along its entirety; 19 dorsal- and 17 anal-fin rays. In addition, a parasitic male with degenerated dorsal, anal and pectoral fins, and eyes was found on the specimen. The specimen represents the first record of Caulophryne polynema from the western North Pacific, including Japanese waters, and northernmost record of the species in the Pacific Ocean. The new standard Japanese name “Fusafusa-hirenaga-chochin-anko” is proposed for the species.
下光 利明 柳本 卓 岡本 誠
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-039, (Released:2021-02-26)

A single yellowtail specimen (514.0 mm standard length), collected in the open ocean of the central North Pacific (31˚38.3'N, 163˚24.5'W), was identified as Seriola aureovittata Temminck and Schlegel, 1845, following morphological observations and genetic analysis. Commonly believed to be distributed in coastal areas off East Asia, the species may occupy a wide range of habitat in the western and central North Pacific (supported also by previous fisheries records). Seriola dorsalis (Gill, 1863), a very similar congener, is distributed in the eastern North Pacific, the two species being considered separated by the East Pacific Barrier.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.66, no.1, pp.53-62, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-04-25)

Hybrids of Rhinogobius biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven Rhinogobius specimens had R. biwaensis haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of Rhinogobius sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between R. biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in Rhinogobius fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid Rhinogobius specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid R. biwaensis (0–6) and Rhinogobius sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to R. biwaensis than Rhinogobius sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from R. biwaensis in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.
三澤 遼 木村 克也 水町 海斗 服部 努 成松 庸二 鈴木 勇人 森川 英祐 時岡 駿 永尾 次郎 柴田 泰宙 遠藤 広光 田城 文人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-023, (Released:2020-10-02)

New distributional records of forty-five fish species off the Pacific coast of Tohoku District, northern Japan are reported, based on specimens trawled by the R/V Wakataka-maru (Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency) during surveys in autumn of each year from 1995 to 2019. The records include northern distribution range extensions of 19 species, distribution gaps filled for 17 species, and northern and southern limits along the Pacific coast of Japan for eight and one species, respectively. Twenty-seven species were recorded off Tohoku District for the first time. In addition, taxonomic notes for each species, including some meristic and morphometric data from the collected specimens, are also provided.
三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-006, (Released:2023-07-10)

The ceratoid anglerfish genus Dolopichthys Garman, 1899, distributed in the bathypelagic zone of all three major oceans, is characterized by the following combination of characters: females with well-developed sphenotic spines; body relatively long and slender, not globular; pectoral-fin lobe short, shorter than the longest pectoral-fin rays; skin naked and entirely smooth; lower jaw with a well-developed symphysial spine; pterygiophore emerging on the snout from between the frontal bones; caudal peduncle depth less than 20% of standard length (SL); quadrate spine well developed; frontal bones long and straight; hyomandibula with a double head. The genus includes seven valid species, Dolopichthys allector Garman, 1899, Dolopichthys danae Regan, 1926, Dolopichthys longicornis Parr, 1927, Dolopichthys jubatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys pullatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys dinema Pietsch, 1972, and Dolopichthys karsteni Leipertz and Pietsch, 1987, with only D. longicornis being known from Japanese waters to date. A single female specimen (88.6 mm SL) of the rare species D. danae, was collected at a bottom depth of 902–917 m off Iwate Pref., Pacific coast of northern Japan, on 12 October 2022. The specimen was distinguished from other congeners by a longer illicium (length 70% SL), dorsal midline of the escal bulb with two darkly pigmented, distally bifurcating papillae, vomer without teeth, and lower jaw with ca. 150 teeth. Dolopichthys danae was previously known from six specimens only, all from the North Atlantic (south of 40˚N), the present specimen therefore representing the seventhknown specimen and first record of the species from the Indo-Pacific, including Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Enaga-mimizuku-rakuda-anko” is proposed for the species.
稲田 伊史 J.A.F. Garrick
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.25, no.4, pp.235-243, 1979-02-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

Rhinochimaera pacifica previously known only from Japan and Peru is reported and described from 23 New Zealand specimens taken on the Chatham Rise, Challenger Plateau and east of Stewart Island in depths of 750-1110 m. Comparison with R.atlantica, the other nominal species, shows that R.pacifica differs only in its higher number of denticulations on the upper caudal margin of males (34-69 in New Zealand and Japanese specimens, 25-30 in R.atlantica).