中島 淳 鬼倉 徳雄 松井 誠一 及川 信
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.53, no.2, pp.117-131, 2006-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Genuine freshwater fish faunas of 32 rivers in Fukuoka Prefecture, northern Kyushu, Japan, were surveyed between 1998 and 2005, in order to clarify their geographical distribution patterns. A total of 39 fish species/subspecies (10 families) were recorded in the field survey and from existing literature, a cluster analysis separating them into the Chikuzen-Chikugo and Chikuho-Buzen groups. The former was considered to include fauna influenced by mainland China and the Korean Peninsula, the latter being similar to the freshwater fish fauna of rivers flowing to the Seto Inland Sea. The freshwater fish species in Fukuoka were roughly divided into those that occurred in rivers regardless of river length and those that tended to be present in rivers exceeding a certain length. The genuine freshwater fish fauna in Fukuoka is considered to have evolved through geographical isolation and the restriction of river length.
岡本 誠 甲斐 嘉晃 三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 時岡 駿
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-014, (Released:2022-09-07)

A single specimen (130.0 mm standard length: SL) of Platyberyx mauli Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012, collected at 452–453 m depth off Shizugawa Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, is the first record of the species from the Pacific Ocean. Previously reported only from the eastern central Atlantic, P. mauli is characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 28 (28 in present specimen); anal-fin rays 17 (17); pectoral-fin rays 17 or 18 (18); total vertebrae number 33 or 34 (34); head length 30.4–33.9% SL (30.5% SL); body depth 45.6–52.2% SL (46.3% SL); prepectoral length 34.2–35.3% SL (34.2% SL); dorsal-fin base length 75.4–79.1% SL (76.1% SL); ventral caudal spur absent; procurrent rays cylindrical; gill rakers stout, rounded, with many small bristles, especially near tip and midway along each raker; jaw teeth in multiple rows anteriorly; posterior margin of upper jaw extending nearly to posterior margin of orbit; dorsal pharyngeal papillae multifid; conspicuous multifid papillae throughout inside of mouth cavity. The new standard Japanese name “Shamoji-yaegisu” is proposed for the species. Additionally, a single specimen (176.9 mm SL) of Platyberyx andriashevi (Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012), collected off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, represents the first record of the species from that region. A key to the six species of Caristiidae currently known from Japan is provided.
武藤 滉 日比野 友亮 星野 浩一 橋本 颯
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-011, (Released:2021-07-08)

Two specimens [FRLM 60553, 737.0 mm of total length (TL); SNFR 21750, 619.1 mm TL] of the moray eel Gymnothorax reevesii (Richardson, 1845) (new standard Japanese name “Mame-utsubo”) are reported from Shimane Prefecture (southwestern coast of Sea of Japan) and the East China Sea, respectively. Although the species has been reported as distributed in the South China Sea to Japan, in addition to Samoa and the Marquesas Islands, verification of the locality and identity of the two records from Japanese waters known to date are problematic. Accordingly, the specimens reported here are the first reliable, voucher supported records of G. reevecii from Japan, that from Shimane Prefecture being the northernmost record for the species.
井原 彩笑 石崎 大介 向井 貴彦
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-014, (Released:2020-07-03)

Biological invasions by non-indigenous populations are one of the most serious problems for the conservation of genetic resources in natural environments, due to the likelihood of such populations becoming established and negatively impacting the genetic integrity of indigenous populations through hybridization and introgression. In central Japan, freshwater fish populations have been isolated by the Ibuki-Suzuka mountains between the Ise Bay basin (Gifu, Mie and Aichi prefectures on the eastern side of the mountains) and Lake Biwa water system (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka and other prefectures on the western side), subsequently becoming genetically divergent. On the other hand, nonindigenous populations of freshwater fishes have been introduced to the rivers of the Ise Bay basin as a consequence of transplantation of commercially important Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) being accompanied by other species from Lake Biwa. Because some serious genetic disturbance of some species has already been reported from the former system, it is necessary to clarify the magnitude of such invasions and introduce measures for the conservation of native populations. This study focused on Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, one of the most common local fishes, which exhibits genetic differentiation between the Ise Bay basin and Lake Biwa system populations. Due to the superficial similarity between Japanese dace and Ayu, a bycatch of the former has been transported with Ayu from Lake Biwa to the other areas. To understand the magnitude of invasions from Lake Biwa, the PCR-RFLP method was used to discriminate between indigenous and non-indigenous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of Japanese dace in Gifu Prefecture rivers of the Ise Bay basin. Non-indigenous mtDNA haplotypes (Lake Biwa types) were found to be highly abundant in dam reservoirs, while less so in rivers, suggesting that Lake Biwa dace more easily adapt to the lacustrine environment of dam reservoirs than to river environments.
山本 天誠 萩原 富司 諸澤 崇裕 加納 光樹
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-022, (Released:2022-11-25)

The bitterling Acheilognathus macropterus, introduced from the continent of China to the Tone River system, including Lake Kasumigaura, is designated as an invasive alien species by the Invasive Alien Species Act of Japan, due to their potentially negative impacts on other threatened bitterling species through interspecific competition. Although ecological studies of immature and adult stages of A. macropterus have already been reported in both China and Japan, little is known about larval and juvenile stages in the wild. To ascertain habitat characteristics in early life stages of the species, spatial distribution of larval and juvenile A. macropterus and environmental variables were investigated at 131 sites in two river systems (Ono R. and Shintone R.) flowing into Lake Kasumigaura in June 2018. A total of 1,118 larval and juvenile specimens (5.8–18.4 mm in body length, BL) were collected using hand nets during the study period, ca. 93% of the total number being larvae. A generalized liner mixed model based on the data for larval density with a variety of environmental variables (i.e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, water depth, flow velocity, vegetation density, mud content ratio in the bottom sediment, distance from a freshwater pearl farm, and wave height) at each site revealed that greater vegetation density with higher dissolved oxygen and distance to pearl farms utilizing the unionid hybrid mussel Sinohyriopsis schlegeli × S. cumingii were the most significant determinants of larval density. The results indicated that appropriate management of river vegetation and pearl farm factors are necessary for the establishment of essential controls, so as to manage the reproduction and expansion of A. macropterus in the Ono and Shintone River systems.
鈴木 良威
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.5, no.1-2, pp.12-14, 1956-01-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

(1) この報告はカマツカ口唇の粒状突起を組織学的に研究したものである。(2) 粒状突起上にはその構造から考えて味感球が存在する。そしてこの味感球は突起の先端部附近に多く集つており, その他の部位には比較的少ないかまたはまつたくない。(3) 味感球の形態および構造は, マドヂョウやシマドヂョウのそれと大差はない。(4) この研究結果から, カマツカ口唇の粒状突起は摂餌行動に際して有効に役立つことが推察される。
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.3, pp.215-236, 1980-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Six species of the genus Bathygobius collected in Japan were compared with each other and with the type specimens of nominal species considered as synonyms of three species of the genus Bathygobius: B.petrophilus, B.scapulopunctatus, and B.fuscus listed by Koumans (1953).The genus Bathygobius has the following combination of characters: a protuberance below the anterior nostril bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 6 on the upper side and by a groove containing pit organ line 7 on the posterior side, a median longitudinal groove containing pit organ line 10, which runs from the anterior margin of the cheek and divides into two posteriorly, the trapeziform mental flap bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 13 on the lateral side and by a groove containing pit organ line 14 on the posterior side, and free branched rays on the upper part of the pectoral fin.Six species of the genus Bathygobius were found in Japan, i.e., B. fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.petrophilus, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps.The differences between B.fuscus and B.padangensis are the least among the six species.Clearcut differences between them are only in the number of free branched rays on the pectoral fin and in coloration, although there are some specific differences in the number of pectoral fin rays and the angle between the lower and posterior axes of the first pterygiophore of the first dorsal fin. The number of differences between B.padangensis and B. cocosensis and between B.fuscus and B.cocosensis are only slightly greater. Although more differences are found between B.cyclopterus and B. cotticeps than those among the three species mentioned above, both of them have many common characteristics, some of which are specialized and are only found in these two species.Based on the number of common and distinctive characteristics, the six species are divided into three types: B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis; B.petrophilus; B.cyclopterus and B.cotticeps.B.fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps are found in the tidal zone of rocky beaches, while B.petrophilus is collected near shore on substrates of sand or mixed mud and sand. B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis are collected north of 35°N, but specimens of B.padangensis and B.cocosensis collected in the northern area of their range are extremely small in number compared with those of B.fuscus.B.petrophilus is collected between 33° and 35°N in Japan, but as the type specimens of Gobius petrophilus and Gobius villosus were collected in Indonesia, it is conjectured that B.petrophilus inhabits southern Japan south of 33°N.The examination of the type specimens revealed that Gobius poecilichthys should be synonymized with B.fuscus which is different from Mapo fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder (1913).M. fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder is presumed to be synonymous with B.padangensis from the description of M.fuscus sensu Snyder (1912a) from Tanegashima, in which the difference between M.fuscus and Mapo poecilichthys was recorded, and from the specimens of M. fuscus sensu Snyder (1912b) from Naha.Bathygobius sp.reported by Arai and Ida (1975), Zama and Fujita (1977), Hayashi and Itoh (1978) was identified as B.cocosensis on the basis of comparison with three specimens of that species (RMNH 4533) collected and identified by Bleeker.
園山 貴之 畑 弘己
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-007, (Released:2022-06-24)

Torquigener albomaculosus has been found at depths of 10–30 m on the southern coast of Amami-Oshima Island, Kogoshima Prefecture, and at 100 m off Hamahika-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture. However, there have been no reports on the morphology and pigmentation of the larvae and juveniles. Eggs of To. albomaculosus were collected from the southern coast of Kakeroma-jima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, at a depth of 32 m, and development of eggs, larvae, and juveniles were observed in captivity. Comparisons were made with previous reports on the development of pufferfish species inhabiting Japan and adjacent seas. Eggs were 0.96 ± 0.02 mm (n = 20) in size, spherical in shape, colorless, transparent, demersal, and adhesive. Immediately after hatching, larvae were 2.43 ± 0.08 mm (n = 11) in total length and the number of myomeres was 8 + 11 = 19. Dendritic melanophores were present on the dorsal surfaces of the head and body, dorsal and ventral sides of the abdominal cavity, but were absent from the caudal region. The mouth and anus had already opened but the yolk still remained. The yolk was absorbed within 2 days of hatching. At 19 days after hatching, ossification of teeth began in the upper and lower jaws. Simple small spinules appeared on the gill covers and abdomen. They were pointed at the distal end and not divided. Black melanophores were distributed from the snout to the region between dorsal- and anal-fin bases, absent from the caudal region. The larvae became juveniles 36 days after hatching. At 61 days after hatching, the sides and dorsal surface of the body were silver, the ventral surface was yellow, and the area covered by small spinules extended posteriorly beyond the dorsal and anal fins. The larvae and juveniles of To. albomaculosus can be distinguished from those of other pufferfishes inhabiting the waters around Japan by the absence of black melanophores on the caudal region, the distribution and development process of small spinules, and body color.
宗原 弘幸 高野 和則 古屋 康則
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.37, no.4, pp.391-394, 1991-02-28 (Released:2010-06-28)

交尾型カジカ, イソバテングBlepsias cirrhosusの配偶子がいつ, どこで会合し受精開始するかを明らかにした.排卵した雌の卵巣腔から卵と卵巣腔液を取り出し, 一部の卵を海水または卵巣腔液に浸し, 24時間後にそれぞれの胚発生状態を観察した.その結果, 海水中の卵のほとんどは胚発生を開始していたが, 卵巣腔液中の卵は全く発生しなかった.しかし, これらの未変化の卵を海水に移すと, その多くが胚発生を開始した.また, 海水に浸す前の卵を光顕観察した結果, 多数の精子が卵門管内に侵入しているものの, 卵細胞質内への貫入は認められず.卵も第二減数分裂の中期にとどまっていることが確認された.以上の結果から, 本種では体内で両配偶子の会合は終えているが, 受精は産卵後海水中で開始することが明らかとなった.
渡辺 勝敏 森 誠一 名越 誠 田 祥麟 清水 義孝
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.39, no.2, pp.157-162, 1992-09-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

日本の伊勢湾周辺に局在するネコギギCoreobagrus ichikawaiは, 韓国に分布するウサギギギC. brevicorpusとの核型の相違が報告されているが, 過去にはその形態的類似性から, 独立した種としての有効性が疑われることがあった.櫛田川と田切川 (員弁川水系) 産のネコギギ32個体, および南江 (洛東江水系) 産のウサギギギ35個体について, 計数および計量的な合計18形質を比較した.その結果, 臀鰭軟条数, 鰓耙数, 体高比, 眼径比, および頭部と各鰭の大きさや形など, 多くの形質で有意な差異が認められた.さらに, 胸鰭棘前縁の鋸歯の形状や固定標本の色彩にも差異が認められた.また, 体長約50mmを越えた個体については, 両者を識別する際に相体成長をほとんど無視できることがわかった.一方, Jayaram (1966) が記載したC. okadaiは, C. ichikawaiのシノニムと判断された.
水町 海斗 中山 透 手良村 知功 遠藤 広光
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-027, (Released:2022-02-08)

The parazenid genus Cyttopsis Gill, 1862 includes two valid species, C. rosea (Lowe, 1843), known from the Atlantic and Indo-west Pacific Oceans, and C. cypho (Fowler, 1934) restricted to the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Around Japan, the former species is common, whereas the latter has not been recorded to date. However, two Cyttopsis specimens [51.6 and 71.8 mm standard length (SL)] collected from Tosa Bay and Enshu-nada, Japan in 2008 and 2019, respectively, have been identified as C. cypho. In addition to previous means of distinguishing between the two species, a faint dark lateral spot posteriorly on the body (absent in C. rosea) and fewer lateral-line scales (55–64) in C. cypho (vs 73–82), the following additional diagnostic characters were found: interspace between spines on 4th and 5th abdominal scutes very narrow (C. cypho) vs. wide (C. rosea); orbit diameter 13.6–16.6% vs. 14.7–19.1% of SL; interorbital width 5.8–6.6% vs. 5.8–8.0% of SL; snout length 21.1–27.4% vs. 17.8–23.3% of SL; and mandible length 22.6–25.6% vs. 22.1–26.9% of SL. The two specimens, representing the first Japanese records of C. cypho (for which the new standard Japanese name “Ittenkagomatodai” is proposed), extend the northern range of the species from off northern Mindanao Island, Philippines (type locality).
緒方 悠輝也 大衛 亮正 一井 雄太 村瀬 敦宣
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-011, (Released:2023-06-30)

Four collected gobiid specimens (55.3–87.6 mm in standard length) and a single photographed and released individual, from the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, southern Japan, were identified as the endemic Japanese species Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998, characterized by a simple infraorbital canal extending below the eye, and the oculoscapular canal between pore’s A' and L' lacking other pores, except for pore D. The species has been recorded to date from the Pacific coast of Honshu, northeastern Japan (between Fukushima and Shizuoka prefectures), the present specimens representing the southernmost known record of the species. A detailed description and color photograph of the Kyushu specimens is provided.
Kuei-Chiu Chen Hin-Kiu Mok
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.35, no.1, pp.90-97, 1988-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

クマノミとハマクマノミの水槽内での発音を記録し, 両種の違いを比較した.pop-chirp発音は優越個体のみにみられ, 咽頭歯をすりあわせることにより発生する.クマノミ類の発音する種類は, 発音しない種類に比べ, ceratobranchial plateと2nd to 4th pharyngobran-chialsに長い犬歯をもっている.クマノミの従属個体は, 体を間断なく動かしながら, 優越個体に対し, 別種の音 (shaking sound) を出す.この音は流体力学的なものであろう.
Jack T. Moyer Martha J. Zaiser
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.4, pp.466-468, 1982-02-27 (Released:2010-06-28)

1980年8月15日16時30分, 三宅島の水深12mの地点で全長約90cmの2尾のウツボGymnotborax kidakaが産卵しているのを観察した.両者は尾部をゆるくからませていたが, 突然腹部を押しつけ合ってから離れた.その瞬間精子による水の白濁が観察された.卵は直径約2mmの丸い浮性卵で, 親魚による卵の保護は観察されなかった.1980年7月29目19時30分には, 岸近くの水深2.5mの地点で, 全長約25cmのUropterygtus necturus4尾が群がって行動しているのを観察した.これは産卵直前の行動と思われた.
邉見 由美 渡辺 萌
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-022, (Released:2021-08-23)

Two specimens of Callogobius tanegashimae (20.4 and 56.8 mm in standard length), collected from a muddy bottom in Wakasa Bay (bordering Fukui and Kyoto Prefectures), represent the first records of the species from the Sea of Japan. One specimen was collected with an alpheid shrimp using a yabby pump, suggesting that the goby may utilize shrimp burrows. The specimens are described in detail and their identification confirmed by reference to sequence variations on the mitochondrial DNA COI region (595 base pairs).
松本 清二 岩田 勝哉
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.44, no.1, pp.35-41, 1997-05-26 (Released:2010-06-28)

Paternal egg guarding and mouthbrooding of larvae and juveniles were observed in the swamp-eel, Monopterus albus. In aquaria, the male guarded and cared for eggs in the bubble nest floating inside a plastic tube (5 cm in dia-meter, 50 cm in length). It was suggested that spawning and fertilization occurred outside the nest tube, and that the male carried the fertilized eggs (ca. 4 mm in diameter) in his mouth and inserted them into the bubble mass. Until the hatching of larvae (7-8 days after spawning), the male frequently added fresh bubbles into the bubble mass. As soon as the larvae (18-21 mm in TL) hatched and emerged from the bubble nest, the male sucked them into his mouth. Fifty juveniles (32-37 mm in TL) and two yolk-sac larvae (22 mm in TL) were released from the mouth of a male collected from a natural habitat. Those juveniles were retrieved by the male, some of them voluntarily returning to the male's mouth. The mouthbrooding male frequently performed pumping behavior (i.e., inflating and deflating the buccopharyngeal cavity), thereby acquiring to take fresh air. Eggs removed from the bubble nest successfully hatched only when directly exposed to aeration. In addition, only about 40% of the hatched larvae survived more than 10 days when they were kept in well-aerated water without the male parent. These suggest that both the bubble nest and mouthbrooding are indispensable for successful development and survival of eggs and larvae in this species, which inhabits swamps and paddy fields.
渡辺 勝敏 一柳 英隆 阿部 司 岩田 明久
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.61, no.2, pp.69-83, 2014-11-05 (Released:2016-12-25)

The population of the botiid Parabotia curtus in the Katsura River, Lake BiwaYodo River system, Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, the only one recorded in the Kinki region since the year 2000, was subjected to a population viability analysis (PVA) based on demographic data between 2006 and 2013 (8 years). Count-based and age-structured models with several conditions for density-dependence, carrying capacity, migration rate, and bias in population estimation (48 settings in total) were used for calculating the quasi-extinction probability within 50 years (extinction threshold <10 individuals), using computer simulations. The estimated population for the 8 year period fluctuated from 200 to 2,300 individuals (average ca. 935, with a coefficient of variation of 66%). PVA demonstrated a significant extinction risk for this population (23–82% extinction in 45 of 48 settings). Although further population monitoring is necessary for a more precise evaluation, we conclude that this population faces a real extinction risk. Sensitivity analysis suggested several requirements for effectively enhancing population viability, i.e., restraining large biotic and abiotic environmental perturbations to avoid extreme depression of the recruitment of young, enhancing winter survival, and promoting upstream migration into the spawning site.