永田 明弘 藤巻 悦夫 阪本 桂造 栗山 節郎 竹政 敏彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.2, pp.133-137, 1990-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

If the traumas treated at Ishiuchi Clinic of Showa University during the past 31 years from 1957 to 1988 are classified by topical site and type, the traumas in the knee and ankle joints are seen in many cases, occupying totally 53% of the total traumas. Compared with these, the traumas in the hip joint are relatively rare, and particularly, the cases of traumatic dislocation of the hip joint are extremely rare articular traumas. The subject cases were 6 males and 5 females.The traumatic mechanisms have been elucidated, and concurrently, super selective angiography was performed on the medial circumflex arteries in 8 cases to determine angiographically the time when loading began.There are many cases whose posterior dislocations were presumably caused by a mechanism that, while the tibia is fixed by skiing boots in a position including forward in angles slightly wider than 90°, flexion and rotary strengths applied to the hip joint are much strong at the skier's position with extended knee joint because the safety binding does not come loose at the fall of the body forward.The superior retinacular arteries are said to be very important remification of the medial circumflex femoral artery which supplies 2/3-3/4 of blood stream to the outside of the loaded epiphysial region. What are presumed as the causes for the ineffective and defective angiograms are (1) compression by hematoma, (2) extended SRA and (3) rupture of SRA. The time of loading to begin was found as 2 months in the case with favorable angiograms of SRA and 4 months in the cases with ineffective or defective angiogram.
芳田 哲也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.89-97, 1992-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

A study was couducted to determine the changes in urinary 3-methylhistidine (3-ME), urea-nitrogen (Urea-N) and creatinine (CR) in the initial period of weight training. The urinary excretion of 3-ME, Urea-N and CR over a 24-h period in nine human subjects was determined before and during (at one-day intervals) a weight training period of 11 days. Two periods of weight training at different work intensities were performed; experiment A (Exp. A) : three sets of 8 repetitions at 60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) ; experiment B (Exp. B) : one set of 48 repetitions at 30% of MVC. Subjects in both Exp. A and Exp. B performed five kinds of weight lifting exercise (hyper extension, sit-up, bench press, leg curl, leg extension) every day during the weight training period.The main results obtained were as follows;1) Urine volume and urinary CR showed no clear changes in either Exp. A or Exp. B.2) In Exp. A, urinary 3-ME increased significantly, and Urea-N tended to decrease during the weight training period. On the other hand in Exp. B, urinary Urea-N tended to increase, but the fluctuation of urinary 3-ME showed no clear tendency during the weight training period.3) After the weight training period, girth of the chest, upper arm and thigh tended to be increased after Exp. A in comparison with those before the weight training period.These results suggest that whole-body protein catabolism in the initial period of weight training is dependent on the aim and type of weight training.
門馬 怜子 熊谷 仁 王子田 萌 家光 素行 前田 清司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.6, pp.391-397, 2017-12-01 (Released:2017-11-28)

The symptoms of anemia, decreases in the levels of circulating red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (Ht) lead to decrease endurance performance, and the risk of anemia increases in female endurance athletes. Although Hb is composed of a large amount of amino acids, the relationships between circulating levels of amino acids and RBC, Hb and Ht in female endurance athletes have not been clarified yet. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between circulating levels of amino acids and RBC, Hb and Ht in female endurance athletes. Twenty-four female endurance athletes (19.8 ± 0.2 years) participated in this study. We measured circulating levels of RBC, Hb and Ht from blood. Also, we measured circulating levels of amino acids from plasma by use of comprehensive analysis. The levels of circulating RBC, Hb and Ht in all subjects were within the normal range. We found that circulating taurine levels were significantly correlated with RBC (r = 0.48, p < 0.05), Hb (r = 0.44, p < 0.05) and Ht (r = 0.42, p < 0.05) in female endurance athletes. In the present study, we demonstrated that circulating taurine levels were significantly associated with RBC, Hb and Ht in female endurance athletes. These results suggest that circulating taurine levels may be a predictor of anemia and treatment strategy for anemia.
設楽 佳世 緑川 泰史 太田 めぐみ 矢内 利政 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫 川上 泰雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.4, pp.453-462, 2011 (Released:2011-08-30)

In this study, we examined applicability of existing equations to predicting the body surface area (BSA) of children, and newly developed prediction equations for the BSA of children. BSA of 87 children of both genders (7∼12 yr) was determined by the three-dimensional photonic image scanning (3DPS), which was used as reference. BSA predicted using existing equations yielded overestimation or underestimation and/or a systematic error with respect to the reference. BSA prediction equations for boys and girls were developed using height and body mass as independent variables for the validation group and cross-validated for another group. The standard errors of estimation of the prediction equations were 105 cm2 (0.9 %) for boys and 158 cm2(1.4 %) for girls. In the cross-validation group, there was no significant difference between the predicted and measured values without systematic errors. These findings indicate that existing equations cannot accurately predict BSA of children, and that the newly developed prediction equations are capable of predicting BSA of children with adequate accuracy.
設楽 佳世 高井 洋平 太田 めぐみ 若原 卓 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫 川上 泰雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.4, pp.463-474, 2009-08-01 (Released:2009-09-15)
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This study was conducted to examine the reliability of three-dimensional photonic image scanning (3DPS) for measuring body surface area (BSA), and formulate equations for predicting BSA based on 3DPS. The surface area (SA) of a cylinder with known SA and BSA of 7 males were repeatedly measured by 3DPS. BSA was determined by 3DPS for 122 subjects (25–76 yrs). BSA prediction equations for both genders were developed for the validation group (16 males and 45 females) using body height and mass as independent variables, and were cross-validated for the cross-validation group (16 males and 45 females). The standard error of measurement was 2.2cm2 (0.16%). The coefficients of variation (CV) for repeated measurements of SA were less than 0.2%. The BSA of subjects did not differ significantly on any given day nor between days, with a CV of less than 1%. The coefficient of determination and standard error of estimation of the prediction equations were 0.98 and 183cm2 (1.1%), respectively, for males and 0.98 and 204cm2 (1.3%), respectively, for females. There was no significant difference between the predicted and measured values. In the cross-validation group, there was no significant difference between the predicted and measured values without systematic errors. These findings indicate that 3DPS is reliable for measuring BSA, and the formulated equations are valid and applicable to individuals within a wide age-range.
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.6, pp.963-969, 2010 (Released:2011-01-12)

外山 寛 田中 弘之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.141-149, 1985-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

塩分摂取量の多寡が運動時の生体に及ぼす影響について検討する目的で健常な成人男子5名を対象に, 高塩分食および低塩分食をそれぞれ6日間摂取させた後, 65%VO2max.の強度で30分間の持久的運動を負荷した.さらに, 同一被検者1名に対して低塩分食を4週間摂取させ, 1週間ごとに70%VO2max.の強度で60分間の持久的運動を負荷し, 以下のような知見を得た.1.高塩分食摂取下では運動中の心拍および最大血圧の応答が低く, また, 血清BUN値の低下が認められた.2.低塩分食摂取下では運動負荷によって血清CK-MB活性値の血清CK活性値に対する比率が上昇し, クレアチニン・クリアランス値は低値を示し, その回復も遅れた.また, 血糖値の低下と血清BUN, 尿酸, トリグリセライドの各値の上昇を認めた.3.尿中へのNa排泄量は塩分摂取量の変化に伴い増減した.K排泄量は高塩分食摂取下では普通食摂取下と差異を認めなかったが, 低塩分食摂取下では増加した.これらの結果から, 塩分摂取量の急激な変化はそれ自体で生体にとってストレスとなり得る可能性を有し, このような状況下での運動実施には慎重な配慮が必要であると思われた.
西保 岳 池上 晴夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.167-175, 1985-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of muscle pump of pedaling exercise on blood circulation. Lower body pressurization device was used to provide negative pressure and positive pressure on the lower body of subjects in recumbent position. This device is also equipped with bicycle ergometer in it. Five healthy male college students volunteered for subjects.Whole experiment for each subject was divided into pre-control stage (0 mmHg), LBPP (lower body positive pressure) stage (+40mmHg), LBNP (lower body negative pressure) stage (-40 mmHg) and post-control stage (0 mrHg) . 50 (watt) exercise and 100 (watt) exercise preceded by resting period were loaded during each stage and following parameters were determined: ECG, phonocardiogram, carotic pulse wave, VO2, cardiac output, and blood pressure. Pre-ejection period index (PEPi), Left ventricular ejection time index (LVETi), PEP/LVET and stroke volume (SV) were calculated from the recorded data.Results suggested following conclusions:1) In rest condition, LBNP caused marked increase in HR, PEPi, and PEP/LVET and remarkable decrease in Q, SV, and LVETi. These findings indicate that LBNP affects venous return and exaggerates venous pooling in lower body.2) It was shown that muscle pump of pedaling exercise counteracts the effects of LBNP and the findings mentioned above were largely abolished by pedaling exercise of 100 (watt) .3) LBPP caused no apparent change in the studied parameters except blood pressure. Blood pressure increased by LBPP probably because of rising in total peripheral resistance.
齋藤 寬
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.3, 2015 (Released:2015-01-25)
新開 省二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.5, pp.345-349, 2019-10-01 (Released:2019-10-01)

Japan is the only country that has implemented a nation-wide measure for functional disability leading to long-term care needs in old ages. Thus, there are no previous national trials that we can refer to. Whether its disability prevention measure succeeds or not will depend on our own efforts toward the future. In this paper, I will overview a 10-year experience with the disability prevention program launched in 2006, and then will point out the relevant issues in realizing the prevention of functional disability in old ages for exercise and sports scientists.
丹羽 健市 中井 誠一 朝山 正巳 平田 耕造 花輪 啓一 井川 正治 平下 政美 管原 正志 伊藤 静夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.151-158, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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運動時の暑熱障害事故予防のための基礎資料を得るために, 男子大学生を対象に運動場の環境条件 (WBGT) の実態と, それに伴う発汗量や飲水量及び体温との関係ならびに運動時の水分補給の有無が体温調節反応に及ぼす効果について検討した.得られた主な結果は, 次の通りである.1.4月から9月までの期間, 同一時刻に練習を行った際のWBGTは4月以降上昇し, 8月に最高値に達した後下降した.2.自由飲水時の体重減少量は4.8~5.7g/kg・hr-1の範囲にあり, 各月間に有意な差異は認められなかった.3.発汗量および水分補給量はWBGTの上昇に伴って増大し, 両者の問に高い相関関係が認められた.しかし, 自由飲水時の口内温の変化量はWBGTの上昇にもかかわらず0.52±0.08℃であり, WBGTの増加に伴う変動は認められなかった.4.運動時の口内温の上昇は水分補給の有無によって異なり, 水分補給の場合で0.62±0.30℃, 非補給では1.09±0.54℃上昇し, 両者の間に有意な差異が認められた (p<0.001) .5.水分補給の場合の発汗量は10.455±2.272g/kg・hr-1, 一方非補給のそれは8.279±1.271g/kg・hr-1であり, 両者の間に有意な差異が認められた (p<0.01) .