岩山 海渡
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.5, pp.351-356, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-09-25)

This review aimed to verify the effect of exercise and meal timing on energy metabolism. Many people are exercising and playing sports in their own spare time. Although guidelines for daily exercise for healthy life suggest indications of intensity and frequency, there is no instruction about when exercise should be performed. However, there are some diurnal variations in energy metabolism responses to exercise and food intake. In addition, exercise performed before meals and vice versa are different stimuli to whole body energy metabolism, respectively. Further research is required to optimize that translating the results in laboratory to real life, because with growing diversity in lifestyle.
上野 薫 前濱 良太 国正 陽子 牧野 晃宗 佐野 加奈絵 貴嶋 孝太 Komi Paavo V 石川 昌紀
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.6, pp.383-391, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-11-21)

The purpose of the present study was to examine characteristics of muscle anatomical cross-sectional area (CSA) for different regions from proximal to distal parts of each muscle of the hamstring muscles in high-level sprinters, and to examine the relationship with those and the sprint performance. The CSA of the semitendinosus (ST), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris long head (BFL) and biceps femoris short head (BFS) at the four different region of hamstring muscles for twenty sprinters (SPRINT) and twenty healthy male control subjects (CTRL) were measured by using B-mode ultrasonography. The measured regions were divided into four parts from proximal to distal parts (PRO1, PRO2, DIS2, DIS1). The results clearly showed that absolute CSA values in distal parts for all muscles together with PRO2 in ST were greater in SPRINT than in CTRL. When relative CSA values to the entire hamstrings muscles in each region were compared, only relative CSA at PRO1 in ST was greater in SPRINT than in CTRL, conversely, that at proximal regions in BFL and distal regions in BFS were smaller in SPRINT. In the relationships with sprint performance, the CSAs at PRO1 and PRO2 in ST and at PRO1 in SM were only related negatively. These results suggest that distal parts of hamstring muscles for SPRINT may be characteristics for sprint runners. However, the movements related to the specific hypertrophy (PRO1 and PRO2 in ST, PRO1in SM) may play important roles of the improvement of their sprint performance.

1 0 0 0 OA 運動と免疫

河野 一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.2, pp.139-146, 1992-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1
安 栽漢 桜井 伸二 金 興烈
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.167-178, 2007-02-01 (Released:2007-05-15)
1 2

The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activity of the lower limb during treadmill running under five different gradient conditions (level, left and right inclines, downward and upward). All inclines were of 14% grade and tilted toward the left, the right, downward and upward directions of the runner. Twelve young healthy males ran at 2.8 m/s. Electromyographic activities of the following seven muscles-gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius, and solues-were measured using bipolar surface electrodes during treadmill running under five different conditions. Results showed that left and right inclined surfaces had only little influence on muscular activity. However, for all of the muscles measured, the activity of the lower-positioned leg was greater than that of the higher-positioned leg. During the upward incline trial, all the muscles showed greater activity than for the other trials. The downward slope tended to give the anterior muscles greater activity, and the posterior muscles less activity, compared to level running.
大貫 義人 荒木 善行 丹羽 健市
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.37, no.6, 1988-12-01

第19回全日本大学駅伝に出場した山形大学の中・長距離選手を被験者にした本研究では, V^^・O_2max及びATと競技成績との関係について, 各走記録間に高い相関を示し, しかも, V^^・O_2maxよりもATの方かより高い相関を示すことが明らかとなった。また, 選手の現在の競技成績を予測する上でも重要な指標として評価できるといえる。
樫村 修生 酒井 秋男
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.1, pp.145-154, 2006-02-01 (Released:2007-04-04)
1 1

This study reviewed the influence of hypoxic training on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) sensitivity in the isolated perfused lungs preparation of rats. In addition, the study examined the kind of mechanism involved. Therefore, we inhibited nitric oxide (NO) release of endothelial cells, using on NO synthase inhibitor, and reviewed the impact on HPV.As a result, the following became clear. 1)Hypoxic training inhibited HPV. 2) HPV was increased by the administration of NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA, in particular, conspicuously inhibited HPV in the hypoxic training group was increased. 3) The negative correlation between the onset of blood lactate accumulation and HPV was significant.From the above, it can be concluded that hypoxic training inhibited HPV and NO release for a pulmonary vascular endothelial cell. In addition, we understood that HPV was decreased by hypoxic training as the ability for endurance exercise was increased.
松井 知之 森原 徹 東 善一 瀬尾 和弥 平本 真知子 木田 圭重 高島 誠 堀井 基行 久保 俊一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.3, pp.223-226, 2013-06-01 (Released:2013-06-21)
2 5

The pitching motion requires neck, trunk and hip rotations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between pitching injuries and dominant versus non-dominant differences of the ranges of these motions. The subjects were 66 high school baseball pitchers who received medical checkup during baseball classes in Kyoto prefecture. During medical checkup, physical therapists measured the ranges of neck/trunk rotations, and internal rotation of the bilateral hips. Then orthopaedic doctors did special tests such as shoulder internal impingement test, subacromial impingement test, elbow valgus stress test and elbow hyper extension test. Fourteen pitchers (21.2%) who were positive in one or more special tests were judged to require second screening (injured group). In normal group, average neck/trunk rotations toward the non-dominant side were significantly wider than rotations toward the dominant side. Average hip internal rotation was significantly wider on the non-dominant side than on the dominant side. In injured group, a larger number of pitchers had wider neck and trunk rotation ranges toward the dominant side than toward the non-dominant side, and had wide hip internal rotation range on the dominant side compared to the non-dominant side. Comparing the ranges of the neck/trunk rotations and hip internal rotation between dominant and non-dominant sides might be useful for the prediction of pitching injuries of the shoulder and the elbow.
松井 知之 森原 徹 平本 真知子 東 善一 瀬尾 和弥 宮崎 哲哉 来田 宣幸 山田 陽介 木田 圭重 池田 巧 堀井 基行 久保 俊一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.5, pp.463-468, 2014-10-01 (Released:2014-10-02)
1 1

Pitching motion is made up by three-dimensional whole body movement. Pelvic and trunk rotation movement is important for the prevention of throwing injuries. Throwing is not a simple rotation movement. Evaluation should reflect muscle strength, coordination, and pitching motion characteristics. We have devised throwing rotational assessment (TRA) similar to throwing as the new evaluation of total rotation angle required for throwing. The purpose of this study was to introduce the new method and to examine the characteristics of players with throwing disorders. The subjects were 76 high school baseball pitchers who participated in the medical check. Pain-induced tests were elbow hyperextension test and intra-articular shoulder impingement test. Pitchers who felt pain in either test were classified as disorder group. TRA evaluation was performed as follows. In the positions similar to the foot contact phase, rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk were measured. In the position similar to follow through phase, the distance between the middle finger and the second toe was measured. All tests were performed in the throwing and opposite direction. Twenty five pitchers were classified as disorder group. All TRA tests in healthy group were significantly higher in the throwing direction than in the opposite direction, but there was no significant difference in the disorder group. Disorder group had significantly lower average rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk in the throwing direction and rotation angle of trunk in the opposite direction than the healthy group. Restrictions on TRA reflecting the complex whole body rotation movement may be related to the throwing disorder. This evaluation is a simple method. It would be useful early detection of throwing disorder and systematic evaluation in medical check, as well as self-check in the sports field.
内田 智也 松本 晋太朗 小松 稔 野田 優希 石田 美弥 佃 美智留 中山 良太 武田 雄大 平川 理映子 武藤 貢平 大久保 吏司 古川 裕之 藤田 健司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.2, pp.237-242, 2016-04-01 (Released:2016-03-18)

Recently, the problem of the high incidence of throwing injuries in young people has been gaining attention. Identifying high-risk players before the onset of the throwing injury is important for prevention. One of the most widely used screening tests for sports-related injuries is the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), which assesses the quality of movement; however, its correlation with throwing injuries has not been established. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the FMS score and throwing injuries. The FMS was used during the medical check for two hundred and thirty junior high school baseball players. We allotted those who had experienced throwing injuries multiple times to the injury group and those who had never experienced throwing injury to the control group. We then calculated the FMS cutoff value using the receiver operating characteristic curve. In addition, we investigated differences in the incidence of throwing injury between above and below the cutoff value using chi-square test. The FMS cutoff score was 17. Players who scored ≤17 had a significantly higher incidence of throwing injuries than those who scored ≥18. Conclusion: We believe that FMS score is correlated to throwing injuries. In addition, the results suggest that throwing injuries might be prevented in junior high school baseball players who scored ≤17 on the FMS if they undergo training in the correct movement patterns.
図子 浩二 西薗 秀嗣 平田 文夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.5, pp.593-600, 1998-10-01
4 2

A study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of torque production with special reference to eccentric and concentric muscle contraction and the structural and functional properties at the lower limb joints in the human kinetic chain. Ten male college athletes were tested with a isokinetic dynamometer (biodex) for eccentric and concentric torques during extension and flexion at the hip and knee, and plantar flexion and dorsiflexion at the ankle (angular velocity ; 30, 60, 120 deg/s) . The peak eccentric and concentric torques were higher in the order hip, knee and ankle joints, as the size of each muscle acting on its joint increased. However, the rate of peak concentric to eccentric torque (CON/ECC, %) was higher at the ankle joint than at the hip and knee joints. They tended to increase in the order of angular velocity ; 30, 60, 120 deg/s. These results suggest that the ankle joint is charactered by higher eccentric torque production. This characteristic is probably due to the fact that (1) the ankle joint is located at the end of the human kinetic chain and plays a role in transmitting the power to the ground effectively, (2) the muscle tendon complex acting at the ankle joint must have increased stiffness and tolerate great stretch loads to store and reuse the amount of elastic energy, (3) the hip and knee joints located at the center are the main sources of power supply. On the other hand, no significant correlations were observed among the torques at the hip, knee and ankle. These results suggest that torque production is independent at each of the lower limb joints, and is based on the structural and functional properties of each joint. These findings seem to be useful to clarifying the methods of strength and power training that can be adapted to the characteristics of torque production and the structural and functional properties of the hip, knee and ankle joints.

1 0 0 0 OA 免疫

体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.6, pp.887-889, 2009-12-01 (Released:2010-01-18)
清水 宗茂 藤田 浩太郎 市川 淳 森松 文毅 向井 直樹
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.5, pp.559-566, 2004-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

本研究では, 関節部への負担が高い走運動愛好者を対象として, コラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液の継続摂取が関節マーカーに及ぼす影響を検討した.その結果, 30日間のコラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液摂取により, 血清KSおよび血清MMP-3が摂取15, 30日目において有意に低下することが認められた.本研究の結果は, コラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液の継続摂取が, 関節軟骨の損傷および炎症を予防し, 関節部のコンディショニングに対して有効であることを示唆するものである.