星川 佳広 飯田 朝美 村松 正隆 内山 亜希子 中嶋 由晴
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.2, pp.217-228, 2006-04-01 (Released:2007-05-10)
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The aim of the study was to measure the cross-sectional area of the psoas major muscle (P-ACSA) in high school athletes and to produce a P-ACSA index independent of body size using an allometric modeling approach to examine the differences in gender and sport specialization. The subjects were 254 female (16.8±0.8 yrs) and 540 male (16.9±0.8 yrs) high-level high school athletes from 17 different sports. Fat-free mass (FFM) was measured by the Bod Pod system (LMI) and P-ACSA was determined by magnetic resonance imaging at the center of the L4-L5 transverse level. Since the power function model fit the data better than a simple linear model in the correlation between FFM and P-ACSA, and the power exponent parameter was almost equal to the theoretically anticipated 2/3 in both genders, the P-ACSA per FFM2/3 as well as the absolute P-ACSA was calculated. Both of the absolute P-ACSA and P-ACSA per FFM2/3 were significantly different according to gender and the sport specialization. While volleyball and badminton players and canoeists showed smaller P-ACSA, in accordance with the previous studies on senior sprinters, high school sprinters also showed predominant development of P-ACSA regardless of gender. These results suggested that regular involvement in sprinting activity could affect the size of the psoas major muscle in high school athletes.
山中 亮 松林 武生 佐伯 徹郎 榎本 靖士 山崎 一彦 杉田 正明
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.307-313, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-05-14)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between running performance and the cross–sectional area of the psoas major, peak oxygen uptake, and running economy in male junior long–distance runners. The subjects were 37 male junior athletes who achieved good records in interscholastic athletic competition during 5 years (2011–2015). Their seasonal best times in a 5,000 m race (5,000m–SB) were 14:04.11 ± 0:07.25 (13:53.64–14:16.15). In a multiple regression analysis, 5,000m–SB was statistical significantly correlated with the cross–sectional area of psoas major (16.0 ± 1.7 cm2) measured on magnetic resonance imaging and peak oxygen uptake (4.25 ± 0.36 l min-1 [76.9 ± 5.8 ml min-1 kg-1]) during a lactate curve test comprising five stages. However, 5,000m–SB was not related to oxygen uptake at the work–load which was less than the load at the lactate threshold estimated by using the lactate curve test results. These results suggest that a high volume of the psoas major, the largest hip–flexor muscle, and peak oxygen uptake are among the important factors for junior long–distance runner performance.
徳山 薫平 奥田 拓道
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.31, no.5, pp.344-345, 1982-10-01
倉田 博
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.3, pp.i-ii, 2007-06-01
豊岡 示朗 吉川 潔 足立 哲司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.419-430, 1995-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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朝の起床後におけるジョギングの問題点, その実施時間帯による代謝特性を明らかにすることを目的として, 男子長距離選手5名 (19~26歳) とジョガー (32~50歳) を対象に, 絶食, スナック, 夕方の3条件を設定して60分間のトレッドミルによるジョギングを課し, 血中基質と代謝反応を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.1) 絶食条件のジョギング前後の血液グルコースは, ジョガー群で100.8mg/dl: 93.0mg/dl, ランナー群で101.0mg/dl: 105.6mg/dlとなり, ジョガー群の低下が大きい傾向が見られた.しかしながら, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった.また, 夕食を摂らなかった被験者1名 (48歳) が, 走行後65mg/dlとなり, 低血糖レベルに近づいた.2) 同条件での遊離脂肪酸は, ジョガー群の安静で, 0.37mmol/l, 運動後, 0.57mmol/l, ランナー群の場合, 運動前0.25mmol/l, 運動後0.37mmol/lとなり, いづれも, 約50%の上昇がみられたものの, 安静値の2倍に達した被験者は1名であった.また, その最大値は, たかだか, 0.86mmol//lであった.3) 上述の結果から, 起床後の空腹状況において, 50~60%VO2maxで60分間のジョギングを実施した場合, 脱力感, 不快感や低血糖症状に陥る例は稀であり, 遊離脂肪酸が急上昇 (安静の3~4倍) することもほとんどないことが示唆された.しかしながら, 中高年ジョガーの場合, β-ヒドロキシ酪酸が, 運動前に比べ1.3~2.6倍も増加する例 (6名中5名) が見られた.4) 血中基質の動態からみた夕方ジョギングの特徴は, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) と比べ, 運動前のインスリンレベルが2.7倍高く, 運動中のアドレナリン分泌の亢進, 血液グルコース取り込みの増加, 脂肪分解能の抑制であった.一方, 朝の2条件の動態は, ほぼ同様となり, インスリン, アドレナリン, ノルアドレナリン, 血液グルコースの変動が小さく, グリセロールの増加, FFA代謝回転レベルの高いことが認められた.5) 60分間のジョギングによる全消費エネルギーは, スナック条件が他の条件より4~5%高く (P<0.01) 654.4kcal, 以下, 夕方条件・627.5kcal, 絶食条件・619.2kcalとなった.この差異の要因は, スナック摂取からくる酸素摂取量の増加に依る.6) 呼吸商 (RQ) から60分間のジョギングによる炭水化物と脂肪の酸化比率をみると, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) の場合, 約51~50%: 49~50%とほぼ同様になったのに比べ, 夕方条件の場合は, 67.4%: 32.6%となり, 朝のジョギングの方が約16~17%脂肪の酸化が多い (P<0.01) ことが認められた.7) 以上の結果から, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) によるジョギングは, 夕方実施する場合に比べて脂質代謝が高いと示唆された.
木内 敦詞 七五三木 聡 天貝 均 大野 敦也 勝田 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.77-85, 1997

本研究は, 閉経後骨粗鬆症の実験モデルとしてOVXラットを用い, OVX後の骨の変化を皮質骨と海綿骨の量的変化および組織学的特徴から検討し, これらが運動負荷によりいかなる影響を受けるかを調べたものである.実験にはWistar系雌性ラットを用い, 偽手術・コントロール群 (Sham-C群) , 偽手術・トレーニング群 (Sham-T群) , 卵巣摘出・コントロール群 (OVX-C群) , 卵巣摘出・トレーニング群 (OVX-T群) の計4群を設けた.卵巣摘出および偽手術は14週齢時に行い, トレーニングは17週齢より10週間のトレッドミル走とした.トレーニング期間終了時に, 脛骨を摘出後, 脱脂乾燥骨重量, 骨塩量を測定し, さらに海綿骨の組織形態計測を行った.<BR>得られた結果は以下のとおりである.<BR>1.脱脂乾燥骨重量および骨幹部骨塩量において, OVX-C群とSham-C群の有意な差異は認められなかった.しかし体重あたりの骨塩量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群に対し有意な低値を示した.また, 海綿骨の単位骨量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群よりも有意な低値を, LS/BSをはじめとする骨形成パラメータでは逆に有意な高値を示した.<BR>2.海綿骨単位骨量および体重あたりの骨塩量は, OVX-T群がOVX-C群に対し有意な高値を示した.骨形成パラメータでは両群に有意な差は認められなかった.<BR>3.上記のすべての測定パラメータで, Sham-C群とSham-T群の間に有意な差異は観察されなかった.<BR>以上の結果から, 運動は卵巣摘出による骨量の減少に対し抑制的に作用することが示された.また, これは骨形成の促進よりはむしろ骨吸収の抑制に起因する可能性が示唆された.
長谷川 博 中村 励 茶園 雄大 柳岡 拓磨 岩橋 眞南実
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.307-316, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-07-15)

Intermittent exercise performance in a hot environment is lower than in temperate conditions. Cooling strategies at rest are important; however, the appropriate cooling temperature is not clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature for cooling leg during half-time (HT) on intermittent exercise performance. Eleven men performed two pre-tests and three experimental trials of a 2 × 30 min intermittent exercise protocol in the heat (33°C; 50% relative humidity). During HT, three experimental conditions were set: no cooling (CON), cooling at the thigh using 12°C ice packs (COOL), and cooling at the thigh using 0°C ice packs (ICE) for 15 min. During the 2nd half, which consisted of 5 s maximal power pedaling every minute separated by 50 s of unloaded pedaling (80 rpm) and rest (5 s), the subjects repeated 2 × 15 sets of the intermittent exercise protocol. The peak power output under the COOL condition (694 ± 80 W) was significantly higher than that of the CON (653 ± 84 W). Thigh skin and deep temperatures showed a significant difference between each condition. In the COOL, thermal sensation was significantly lower, and thermal comfort was significantly higher. In a protocol that simulates intermittent athletic competitions such as soccer in a hot environment, using ice packs at 12°C to cool the thigh during HT lowered thigh skin and deep temperatures and improved heat perception and intermittent exercise performance. This cooling strategy is practical, suggesting that it would be effective for actual competitive situations.

1 0 0 0 OA 代謝

体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.6, pp.596-611, 2014 (Released:2014-12-05)
長谷川 伸 小野 高志
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.61, no.2, pp.227-235, 2012 (Released:2012-04-28)
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The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether the baseball pitchers have asymmetric characteristics of muscle thickness (MT) in upper extremities, trunk, and lower extremities because of repetitive pitching. The secondary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between MT and ball speed. Twenty-six college baseball pitchers participated in this study. Twenty-six sites were selected to quantify the asymmetric characteristics of MT. The MT was measured by a B-mode ultrasound. The ball speed, measured by a radar gun, was used to quantify the pitching performance. The MT of forearm, subscapula, and chest in dominant side (pitching side) were significantly greater than those in nondominant side, and the MT of abdomen, lateral abdomen, and anterior thigh in nondominant side were significantly greater than those in dominant side. On the other hand, the MT of forearm in both sides and the MT of lateral abdomen in dominant side were significantly and positively correlated with ball speed. These results suggest that asymmetric muscle thickness in upper extremity, trunk, and lower extremity in baseball pitchers resulted from repetitive pitching, and the MT of forearm and lateral abdomen are related to the ball speed.
田中 千晶 岡田 真平 高倉 実 橋本 圭司 目澤 秀俊 安藤 大輔 田中 茂穂 Okely Anthony D
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.327-333, 2020

<p>This study examined the relationship between meeting the World Health Organization's (WHO) 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and motor skills and cognitive function in preschool children. Participants were 4-year-old boys and girls in urban and rural areas (n=69). Physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X). Screen time and sleep duration were assessed via self-report by guardians. Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 10 to 13 h/night and nap of sleep, ≤1 h/day of sedentary screen time, and at least 180 min/day more than 1.5 METs. Motor skills were evaluated by the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3). Executive functions (shifting, visual-spatial working memory and inhibition) were evaluated by the Early Years Toolbox (Japanese translation). The prevalence of children meeting all three recommendations was 7.2% and 7.2% met none of the three recommendations. Children meeting physical activity recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting none of the recommendation (p=0.005). While, children not meeting the sleep recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting of the recommendation (p=0.042). In conclusion, meeting the physical activity or sleep recommendations were positively or negatively associated with the inhibition score. On the other hand, meeting none of the sedentary behaviour and the 3 recommendations was not associated with motor skills or cognitive function.</p>
矢野 琢也 岡田 昌義
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.5, pp.461-468, 2006-10-01 (Released:2007-05-15)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect on the physiological response of fluid ingestion before walking in a swimming pool. Nine healthy students were candidates for this study. First of all, they were divided into two groups water ingestion (W(+))(300Ml) before pool walking group and no water drinking (W(-)) beforehand. Body temperature was measured in the tympanic space and venodilation was measured in the fingers. Walking conditions were 3 km/h for 1,750 m in an indoor pool with a water temperature of 29.7±0.5°C, at a room temperature of 25.4±1.4°C and relative humidity of 79.4±4.3%. The pool was 25 m in length and 1.0 m deep. The following results were obtained: The values for tympanic temperature in the W(-) group were significantly higher than that of pre-walking (p<0.05). Vasodilation of the veins in the fingers significantly expanded in the group of W(+)(p<0.05). The values of systolic blood pressure(SBP) in the W(-) group decreased significantly in comparison partially (p<0.05).We could conclude that fluid ingestion before walking in a swimming pool has a good effect on tympanic temperature, venous dilation and systolic blood pressure.
上田 泰之 浦辺 幸夫 大林 弘宗 山口 織江
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.4, pp.485-490, 2008-08-01 (Released:2008-10-24)
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A number of studies have described typical scapular kinematics during arm elevation in adults. However, spinal structure and function differ between normal and elderly adults. To our knowledge, trunk kinematics during arm elevation in the elderly has never been clarified. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the kinematics patterns of the trunk during arm elevation between normal and elderly adults. Forty-one normal adults (14 male and 27 female, mean age 22.1±1.1 years) and twenty-eight elderly adults (8 male and 20 female, mean age 75.8±7.2 years) participated in this study. The kinematics data were collected using an analog digital measuring device to record the sagittal outline of the back by using the Spinal Mouse system (Idiag AG, Switzerland). Subjects were instructed to raise their arm in the scapular plane, and measurements were performed with the arm in the dependent position, at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 degrees of abduction, and maximum abduction. The normal adult group demonstrated a significant decrease in thoracic kyphosis at 150 degrees and maximum abduction, and an increase in pelvic tilt at the maximum abduction ; while the elderly group showed no significant differences. This study demonstrates that there are significant differences in thoracic and pelvic kinematics patterns between normal adults and elderly adults. From a clinical prospective, these results can be applied to improve shoulder movements in the elderly.