尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.

1 0 0 0 OA 運動と発汗

小川 徳雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.289-300, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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田中 純也 渋谷 顕一 大柿 哲朗
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.54, no.2, pp.133-142, 2005 (Released:2006-12-01)

Exercise intensity has been identified as a major determinant of the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). However, no studies have compared the prolonged EPOC after supramaximal intermittent exercise and supramaximal continuous exercise. Six young healthy male [age=26±3 (mean±SD) yr ; stature=175.4±5.7 cm ; body weight=66.8±6.7 kg ; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)=44.1±8.5 ml/kg/min] xercised on separate days on a cycle ergometer at two equated total energy expenditures (intermittent exercise : 7×30-second intervals at 150%VO2max with intervening 15-seconds rest periods ; continuous exercise : 5 min at 105%VO2max) and then sat quietly in an armchair for 3h. A control trial without any exercise was also performed in a counterbalanced research design. The VO2, carbon dioxide output (VCO2), pulmonary ventilation (VE), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR) and blood lactate concentration (LA) were measured before exercise, during exercise and during the 3-h recovery period. The mean VO2 after intermittent trial at 150%VO2max were higher than these of the control trial and the continuous trials at 105%VO2max for 3-h recovery periods (p<0.05). The 3-h EPOC value for intermittent exercise trial (10.5±2.4L) was significantly greater than that of continuous exercise trial (4.8±2.7L) (p<0.05). The mean RER values for intermittent exercise trial were significantly lower than those of the control trial during 60-180 min post-exercise (p<0.05). We examined the effect of supramaximal exercise intensity on the magnitude of 3-h EPOC after 12-fasting. In the present study, 3-h EPOC was significantly greater for supramaximal intermittent exercise compared with the supramaximal continuous exercise when the amounts of work output performed are same. Therefore, our results indicate that exercise intensity may be a primary factor of 3-h EPOC even in a supramaximal exercise and that one of mechanisms for the 3-h EPOC would be related to the promoted lipid metabolism.
安藤 貴史
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.5, pp.327-344, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-09-25)

Energy balance in human body undergoes constant change, leading to a change in the weight and body composition throughout life. Energy balance at a particular time point is influenced by the psychological, physiological, sociological, and environmental factors of that moment. In addition, the regulation of homeostasis continuously monitors and maintains the energy balance; however, it complicates the identification of factors influencing the energy balance. For understanding these factors, creating a model with comprehensive factors and testing it among a substantial number of individuals for dynamic changes in the energy balance may be warranted. However, till date, to the best of our knowledge, no studies report on comprehensive modeling, including homeostasis and the other factors. Thus, at this moment, summarizing previous studies for further research is required. Accordingly, this review summarizes 1) the basic factor of energy expenditure and intake; 2) interactive relationship between energy expenditure and intake; and 3) energy expenditure and intake during dynamic changes in the body weight caused by events such as overfeeding, underfeeding, growth and aging, and pregnancy.
曽根 涼子 山崎 文夫 藤井 宣晴 鍋倉 賢治 池上 晴夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.5, pp.465-474, 1993-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

激運動後における迷走神経活動の回復過程を呼吸性心周期変動の大きさの変化から検討することおよび呼吸性心周期変動の位相の変化を明らかにし1その変化の発生機構について検討することを目的として, 健康な男子大学生6名を被検者としてトレッドミルによるexhaustive走を行なわせ, 心周期および血圧の呼吸性変動の大きさおよび位相の変化を運動後5時間にわたって追跡調査した.呼吸周期および一回換気量は, それぞれ全測定を通して6秒および21に規制した.1) 呼吸性心周期変動の大きさはexhaustive走によって著しく減少するが, 運動後約2時間で前値に復した.呼吸運動を基準とした呼吸性心周期変動の位相は運動によって有意に遅れた.そして運動後2時間は急速に, それ以後は徐々に回復する傾向を示した.2) 呼吸性SBPの大きさおよび位相には運動後に顕著な変化は認められなかった.以上の結果から, 激運動によって抑制された迷走神経活動は運動終了から約2時間で回復すると考えられる.また, 運動後には呼吸性心周期変動の位相は明らかに遅れた.これは迷走神経の活動度の低下を反映している可能性がある.
村上 晴香 膳法 浩史 宮本(三上) 恵里 菊池 直樹 福 典之
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.277-286, 2016

Physical fitness including muscle strength and endurance capacity varies substantially among individuals. Physical activity level and exercise behavior also vary among individuals. Many family studies and studies on twins have reported that genetic factors are responsible for heterogeneity in fitness-related traits. However, there is much dispersion in heritability, as previously reported. A systematic review was performed to determine the extent of heritability in physical fitness. A literature search was conducted through PubMed using the following keywords: (heredity or heritability) and ("muscle strength" or "muscle contraction" or endurance or athlete* or fitness or exercise) and (twin* or family). Finally, 43 articles that included 137 phenotypes met the criteria. Only one article focused on the heritability of athletic status. With respect to muscle strength, 23 articles and 54 phenotypes were collected, and showed a range of heritability of 0%-98% (mean: 55±22%). This heterogeneity was partly explained by the ages of subjects. With respect to endurance capacity, 13 articles and 28 phenotypes showed heritability of 0%-93% (mean: 54±25%). The considerable degree of variability in heritability of fitness-related traits may depend on age, sex, race, and environmental factors. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the interaction between genetic factor and factors other than genetic factor. On the other hand, with respect to exercise behavior or physical activity level which is important for improving the physical fitness or health status, the heritability of 0%-85% has also been reported. That is, the genetic factor plays a role in not only physiological phenotypes but also behavioral phenotypes. Understanding of these genetic factors and their mechanisms will lead to improvement in physical fitness or encouragement of physical activity/exercise behavior.
鈴木 克彦 佐藤 英樹 遠藤 哲 長谷川 裕子 望月 充邦 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 戸塚 学 佐藤 光毅
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.4, pp.451-460, 1996-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
2 1

スポーツ選手を対象として, 最大運動負荷に伴う白血球分画と好中球活性酸素産生能の変動を検討したところ, 以下の知見が得られた.1.運動直後に総白血球数が一過性に2倍程度上昇したが, これはリンパ球, 好中球および単球の数的増加によるものであった.好中球数は運動終了1時間後でも上昇した状態にあったが, 核左方移動は認められず, かつ分葉核好中球数の変動と相関が強かったため, 壁在プール由来の好中球動員であったと考えられる.2.リンパ球のなかでLGL (NK細胞) は運動直後に6倍も上昇しており, 終了1時間後には半減した.このようなリンパ球の数的・構成的変動が各リンパ球の機能を測定する上で誤差要因とならないように注意する必要がある.3.ルミノール依存性化学発光法を用いて単離好中球の活性酸素産生能を検討したところ, 刺激物質として貪食粒子のOZを用いた場合のみならず可溶性のPMAを用いた場合にも運動負荷に伴い有意に上昇し, かつ両者の変動には正相関が認められたことから, 単一機序で発光が増強したものと推察される.ルミノール依存性化学発光の反応機構から, 好中球の刺激に伴う脱顆粒能亢進によってMPOを介して強力な活性酸素種 (HOCl) が効率的に産生されやすくなることが示唆された.短時間の運動であっても極端に強度が高い場合には, 毒性の高い活性酸素種を生成しやすい好中球が血中に増加し, リンパ球の機能抑制や筋の炎症等の組織傷害作用を発現する可能性があり, 今後その体内動態をめぐっては, さらに踏み込んだ検討が必要である.
石田 良恵 角田 直也 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.2, pp.91-97, 1985-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
4 3

超音波皮脂厚計 (USC) を用いて, 体肢における皮下脂肪厚を測定し, 多用途超音波診断装置による組織断面撮影法 (SSD-120) による値と比較することにより, USCによる皮下脂肪厚測定の妥当性を検討し, 次のような結果を得た.1.USCとSSD-120による各体肢における皮下脂肪厚問の相関係数は,前腕: r=0.808, 上腕: r=0.780下腿: r=0.833, 大腿: r=0.843を示し, 全ての部位で0.1%水準の有意な相関関係が認められた.2.皮下脂肪値が, SSD-120で6mm以下の状態では, USCの値はSSD-120に比較して, やや高く, 一方6mmになるとやや低くなる傾向が認められた.3.前腕, 上腕, 下腿及び大腿の各皮下脂肪厚について両測定値間の差の絶対値をみると0.6~2.0mmであったが, しかし両測定値においては統計的に有意差はなかった.以上のことから, 体肢の皮下脂肪厚 (皮膚を含む) 測定方法として超音波皮脂厚計 (Canon CH300-FT) は充分使用できるものと考えられる.本論文の一部は, 第69回日本体力医学会関東地方会 (1983) において発表したものである.

1 0 0 0 今を生きる

狩野 亮
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.5, 2017
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.3, pp.243, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-05-18)

理由:体力科学 第59巻 第3号 291-302(2010)掲載論文における身体組成データ収集の過程で,資格を持たない者がX線骨密度測定装置を操作したことを理由とした著者からの掲載論文撤回の希望を受け,本誌より撤回する. 一般社団法人日本体力医学会 編集委員長 田中 喜代次
菊池 邦雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.16, no.2, pp.38-44, 1967-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of this study is to inquire histologically when red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers are differenciated and how they develope, considering from sex difference.Wistar-strain rats of the same venter were used in this experiment. The animals of both sexes were killed at the interval of five days, from birth to 25 days. Two groups of male and female rats of 70 days old after birth were used as control groups.M. tibialis ant. was removed and then fixed in 10% formalin for approximately two weeks. As staining, alchohol solution of Sudan black B was used.The results are as follows :1) Sex difference in rats' body weight was started to appear about 15 days after birth.2) Differentiation of red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers in M. tibialis ant. was recognized about 15 days after birth in male and female rats.3) The entire area of cross section of M. tibialis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body as a whole. No apparent tendency on sex difference was found till 25 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the entire area of cross section in male has about 1.5 times the size of female.4) No increase of number in M. tibialis ant. was recognized during the development of rats' body as a whole and no sex difference in number of muscle fibers.5) The area of cross section per fiber and the average diameter of fibers are increasing during the growth of rats' body. No sex difference of those in red and white muscle fibers was found till 25 days after birth but, on 70 days after birth, it became clear. The rate of hypertrophy of white muscle fibers is greater than that of red muscle fibers.6) Ratio of the entire area of muscle fibers to the intercelluler space in M. tibi-alis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body.7) No difference of area of cross section per fiber in peripheral and innermost regions was found till about 15 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the red muscle fibers in peripheral have 1.4 times the size of those in innermost, and the white muscle fibers 1.3 times.
水野 康 国井 実 清田 隆毅 小野 茂之 駒田 陽子 白川 修一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.5, pp.527-536, 2004-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
8 6

The present study performed a cross-sectional survey to investigate sleep habits and sleep health in Japanese women aged 40 to 69 years with and without a habit of exercise. A standardized questionnaire evaluating sleep was administered to two subject groups. One was the “exercise group” who habitually performed aerobic exercise at mild to moderate intensity with a frequency of ≥2 times/week and duration of ≥30 minutes/one session (n=207) . The other was the age-matched “non-exercise group” who had no exercise habit (n=567) . Two-way ANOVA was employed for com paring the two subject groups and examining the effects of exercise on aging. Regarding sleep habits, as bed time significantly advanced with advancing age, sleep habits (bed time, waking time and sleep duration) were significantly more regular in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. Concerning independent sleep health risk factors consisting of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep apnea, parasomnia, and waking-up, the factor score for sleep maintenance significantly deteriorated with advancing age; and was significantly better in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. These results suggest that an exercise habit may improve sleep health in middle-aged and older Japanese women among which a higher prevalence of sleep problems has been reported.