林 幹治 鶴田 浩一郎 国分 征 小口 高 渡辺 富也 HORITA R. E.
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.64, pp.72-81, 1979-02

港屋 浩一 小野 高幸 佐藤 夏雄 巻田 和男 芳野 赳夫
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.38, no.2, pp.113-147, 1994-07

オーロラの位置, 形および動きに関する南北共役性の解析を行うためにオーロラ画像処理システムの開発を行った。本システムは以下の3点で重要な特徴をもっている。1)本システムにより, 大量の画像データを高速かつ効率的に解析できる。2)磁気座標展開図およびオーロラダイナミック表示図により, オーロラの位置, 形および動きに関する南北比較が容易である。3)昭和基地とあすか基地の画像を合成することにより広範囲のオーロラ像を確認することができる。本システムを用いた実データ解析として, 1991年9月9日∿10日, 昭和基地, あすか基地, Husafellの3点同時に観測されたSITオーロラTVカメラデータに適用してみた。
小西 啓之 遠藤 辰雄
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.41, no.1, pp.103-129, 1997-03

南極昭和基地で行ったレーダーやマイクロ波放射計を使った1989年の総合的な「雲と降水」の観測を基に, 昭和基地付近の降水量及び降水をもたらす雲について解析し, 降水量, 降水をもたらす低気圧に伴う雲の構造, 降水の季節変化の特徴について調べた。1) レーダーの連続観測から, 1989年の昭和基地の年降水量は204mmと推定した。夏を除く季節に降水があり, 秋, 冬, 春に降水量の大きな差は現れなかった。2) 昭和基地付近の降水に大きく寄与する雲は, 南極沿岸部で最盛期を迎える温帯低気圧に伴う渦状の雲であることがわかった。この渦状の雲の外側は, 南極沿岸を西向きに周回する低温かつ水蒸気の少ない気団の上に低緯度側からの暖気が入り, 温暖前線状の層状の構造を持つことが分かった。また, その内側は良く発達した渦に一回りした寒気が入り込み, 寒冷前線性の対流性の雲を形成していた。3) 雲や低気圧の季節変化から, 秋は数多く沿岸に近づく低気圧によって降水がもたらされるのに対し, 春は数少ない低気圧から降水がもたらされていることがわかった。低気圧に伴う雲は春, 秋に多く, また, 沿岸部で発達する雲水量の多い背の高い雲は秋に多いことから, 南極沿岸に降水の寄与が大きい季節は秋であると考えられる。降雪の頻度が多い秋に比べ降雪の頻度が少ない春の降雪の有無がその年の降雪量の特徴を決めていると推定された。
松原 廣司
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.50, no.3, pp.263-286, 2006-11

本編は第46次南極地域観測隊夏隊行動の概要報告である.観測隊は総勢62名で構成され,このうち越冬隊は37名,夏隊は25名であった.他に夏隊に3名が同行者として参加した.2004年11月14日,観測船「しらせ」は晴海を出港し,観測隊は11月28日,航空機でオーストラリアに入り,翌日「しらせ」に乗船した.「しらせ」では海洋観測を実施しつつ,12月14日には氷縁に到着し,21日には昭和基地に接岸した.夏期間は,昭和基地への物資輸送,同基地での車庫,10 kW風力発電機建設,燃料移送管工事,昭和基地クリーンアップ4カ年計画の初年度作業などの基地作業を行った.輸送量は空輸,氷不輸送,パイプ輸送を含めて,980.8 tであった.昭和基地では,生物,海洋物理・化学定常合同の氷不観測,係留気球を用いたエアロゾル観測などが行われ,西の浦において浮体付GPSを設置し潮汐観測を行った.第46次隊では観測隊用小型ヘリコプター(川崎式BK117-B1)を持ち込み,プリンスオラフ海岸,リュツォ・ホルム湾の沿岸域における海洋物理・化学,測地,地質・古地磁気,地球物理,湖沼(生物・地学)の調査に活用した.「しらせ」は往復航路不で海洋観測を行うとともに,復路においては新南岩で湖沼調査を実施し,ケーシー湾・アムンゼン湾の露岩域などで地質・古地磁気調査を実施した後,シドニーに到着し,観測隊は航空機により3月28日,全員成田に到着した. 一方,第二期南極氷床深層掘削計画のもとノボラザレフスカヤ基地から航空機によりドームふじ基地に到着した掘削チームは,ドームふじ基地において深層掘削2年目を実施した.
木崎 甲子郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.73, pp.246-264, 1981-09

第21次南極地域観測隊の夏期行動の概要を述べる。砕氷艦「ふじ」は約500トンの物資とヘリコプター3機, セスナ・ピラタスポーターの2機を積んで, 1979年11月21日東京港を出帆した。観測隊長木崎以下43名, うち川口越冬隊長以下越冬隊33名である。加うるに, ノルエー極地研究所の太田昌秀博士が交換科学者として参加した。1979年12月12日フリマントル出港, 昭和基地西北西21マイルの氷縁に達したのは12月31日であった。それからヘリコプター輸送が開始され, 翌年2月9日に終了した。その間建設が行われ, とくに夏期隊員宿舎と60klタンクが完成した。2月1日第21次越冬隊が成立した。艦上の定常観測はおおむね例年通りであったが, 氷海や海氷中の微細藻類の研究も行われた。また, やまと山脈やプリンスオラフ海岸の地学調査や測地作業も実施した。また, みずほ基地への人員交替や物資の輸送も行った。1月28日「ふじ」乗組員が事故で重傷を負ったため, 緊急に反転北上することになり, 2月9日ケープタウンに向かって出発した。その途中, マラジョージナヤ基地に立寄り, アメリカ海軍が空輸してくれた酸素ボンベを受領し, ケープタウンには2月21日入港した。患者を下し, ポートルイス, シンガポールを経て1980年4月19日東京港に帰着した。
鈴木 義男
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.13, pp.1103-1119, 1961-10

Introduction Since m/s "SOYA" had reached the ice edge on Dec. 27, 1959 at 65°15'S, 48°35'E, the officers on watch carried out continuous visual ice observations, under the supervision of the navigating officer, until the ship left the ice off Riiser-Larsen Peninsula on Feb. 21, 1960. The items of observation were nearly identical with those of the previous three expeditions. As the ship was not bound with drift ice, several surveying cruises were performed between 33°E and 50°E and eleven oceanographic stations were set up in the region. Miscellaneous observations other than general, for instance, observations on the drift of ice field and icebergs, were also made on occasion. 1. Some comments on ice terminology and recording form Several terms were supplemented to the WMO ice terminology mainly from Russian source. Terms were rearranged and compiled in "A glossary of ice terminology to be used in JARE". An example of supplemented terms is secondary slush, which is a combined conception of melting sludge in Baltic ice code and ledyanaya podushka in Russian terminology. Observed items were nearly identical with those required by the U. S. Hydrographic Office's reporting form. Obtained results were compiled in ice charts. Notations used in charts were also similar to those of the U. S. Hydrographic Office. However, the following changes were made both in observed items and in chart notations in order to describe encountered ice conditions more adequately: a) The size of predominant floes was recorded by nearest meters as the index of mechanical decaying. The item "puddling" seems to be insufficient to describe the dacaying state of Antarctic drift ice which decays mechanically before puddles have developed on it. Another index of mechanical decaying such as whether floes have angular or smooth outlines should have been recorded. b) Inter-ice melting sludge was excluded from the first group in the item "concentration by size" and its existence was indicated by a prefix Sl. Though it is difficult to distinguish between ice cakes and melting sludge from the air, the ship observer must distinguish them because the latter behaves quite differently from the former during the compression or the dispersion of an ice field. Melting sludge, if exists, usually covers inter-ice area completely. The compression (or dispersion) of the ice field, not causing hummocking (or formation of open water), only changes the thickness of sludge. The latter, which has important effects on the navigability, should have been recorded at least qualitatively. 2. General ice observations 2a) Note on observation practice. Separate measurements of snowdepth and ice thickness were difficult because the boundary was not clear to identify whether it is porous ice or firnized snow. For convenience' sake, the upper layer easily separable by turning over floes was regarded as snow. In this sense, most floes were covered by snow 0.3-0.5m thick. Estimation of the age of floes was also difficult. The age of little hummocked floes was estimated by their thickness, as usually done. But, this method seemed inadequate for summer ice, for level ice less than 1m thick often had two planktonrich brown thin layers. 2b) Ice conditions along ice edges and 2c) Those in ice field. Main results are shown in Figs. 1-10. Along edges, ice cakes were predominant and inter-ice area was usually covered by melting sludge. If the edge was under the dispersing effect of wind, there appeared along it a narrow region of a small ice concentration composed only of brashes (no melting sludge). Newly developed ice fields composed of small pancake ice were only seen after the middle of February. On Jan. 21 giant clusters of floebergs were seen at 45°30'E on the edge. Vast and big floes encountered in the region south of 67°20'S during the first penetration of the ship into ice area were probably fragments of the shore ice. The heights of reliefs on them were more than 3m, but the fraction of hummocked area was rather small (2/10-3/10). 2d) The shore ice off the western part of the Prince Olav Coast and the lead off the edge of the shose ice. Although the width of the lead on 40°E meridian had narrowed from several kilometers on Jan. 3 to several hundred meters on Jan. 15 and finally the lead disappeared on Feb. 4, the position of the edge did not change during the observation period (Jan. 3-Feb. 10). The constant position of the edge must have some relations with the bottom relief (the sea suddenly deepens northward from about 300m to 1000m at several kilometers north of the edge). Along the edge there was a hummocked narrow zone (2-3km wide). South of the zone there was another a little wider zone (less than 20km wide) where sasturgi running NEN-WSW were developed. Farther south the surface was flat. Puddles were developed little even in the beginning of February. 3. Miscellaneous observations 3a) Icebergs. The first iceberg was seen at 53°09'S, 32°17'E on Dec. 23, 1959 and the last at 54°00'S, 25°10'E on Feb. 26, 1960. The largest iceberg which was observed off Cape Ann was supposed to be identical with the vast iceberg observed by Russian ice breaker "LENA" at 65°40'S, 88°14'E on Feb.16, 1957. 3b) Drift of icebergs. Only the drifts in the lead were analyzed showing the existence of a current of about 0.3knot there (Table 1). 3c) Drift of ice field. From Jan. 22 to Jan. 27 the ship drifted in an ice field composed of 50% cakes and 50% melting brashes and sludge (Fig. 6). The relative speed of the ship to the cakes (and also to sludge) was surprisingly low (only several meters per hour). This shows that the resistance of the melting sludge against the movement of the ship was very strong. The drift of the ship was analyzed as the drift of the ice field (Table 2). 3d) Dispersion of ice edge by the wind. A return survey of the edge between 42°E and 33°E was made on Dec. 29 and 30. The edge was dispersing northward under the effect of W-SW wind. A rough analysis gave the wind coefficient of about 0.08 for the drift of scattered brashes. 4. Summer ice diminution in observed area On Dec. 7. Japanese whaling fleets observed ice edge at about 62°S. As it was at about 65°S-66°S on Dec. 27-29, the retiring speed along the meridian amounted to about 20km/day. This rapid retiring was undoubtedly due to the intense melting of the ice field dispersing under the effect of prevailing westerly there. South of 66°S, the diminution process in the region A was considered to differ from that in the region B (Fig. 11). Ice conditions in the region A indicated that the ice field there had not experienced any intense movement. There the ice field was probably under the dispersing effect of weak westerly and the diminution of ice was chiefly due to melting. In the region B, on the other hand, the ice field were continuously moving west-south-westward. There the diminution of ice was partly attributed to the decrease in the amount of ice supply from Enderby Land. By the beginning of February, the ice field off the Prince Olav Coast had retired within 70km from the coast. Off Cape Ann no drift ice existed in the middle of February. 5. The meaning of oceanographic observations to the analysis of the ice diminution process Summer ice diminution is determined by two factors: the melting of ice and the movement of ice. The latter is caused primarily by wind. Now, the most characteristic feature of wind regime in the Antarctic coastal region is the existence of easterly near coast and of westerly off the sea. The ice field is dispersed by westerly and then melts rapidly. Therefore, early in summer (at the end of December or at the beginning of January) the ice edge is probably at about the boundary between easterly and westerly. Wind regime reflects on sea regime and the said boundary appears in the sea as the so-called Antarctic Divergence. Thus, to know the position of the Antarctic Divergence becomes important for ice diminution considerations. Our eleven stations were not adequately located for the determination of the position of the Antarctic Divergence. But, from the obtained temperature distribution, the concave of the Antarctic Divergence on 38°E meridian was deduced (The author considers that the Divergence will be nearly pallarel to 1℃ isotherm in Fig. 14.). Concerning the melting, it is difficult to estimate the amount of melted ice from heat balance considerations. But, assuming that no advection occurs in the sea, it may be estimated from considerations of the dilution of the surface water. The obtained oceanographic data were analyzed from this point of view (Table 3, where D, S_1 and S_2 mean the thickness of the surface water, the salinity in winter and the mean salinity in summer, respectively). Reasonable values were obtained for stations 1, 2, 3 and 4, showing that advection corrections for these stations were negligible. This again indicates that in the region A the ice field had not experienced intense moving. Acknowledgements As mentioned in the introduction, the ice observations were carried out by the members of the Navigation Section of the "SOYA". The author expresses his sincere thanks to Mr. TETSUO SHIMOMATSU, the then navigating officer, and other members of the Navigation Section. Mr. KOSEI YOSHIDA, the then fourth officer, compiled the excellent ice charts, on which Figs. 1-10 of the text are based. The contents of §§ 2 and 3 are also mainly due to him. Oceanographic data used in §5 were kindly offered before publication by Mr. SHIGERU FUKASE of the Nagasaki Marine Meteorological Observatory, chief oceanographer of the expedition. Asst. Prof. KOU KUSUNOKI and Mr. NOBUO ONO of the Institute, both the former members of JARE, gave many usufull suggestions. The author expresses his hearty thanks to all of them.
村山 雅美
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.27, pp.2153-2175, 1966-12

(1) The basic plan of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was the reopening of the Syowa Station, the establishment of a permanent station and preparations for inland survey. The routine observations of the wintering team were to engage in the study of aurora, airglow, geomagnetism, ionosphere, natural earthquake observation and tidology at the station while high level scientific researches were to be made on auroral intensity, auroral spectrum, auroral radio noise emission, geomagnetic pulsation, ionospheric absorption, biology and thermal process in the upper atmosphere. Emphasis in the researches of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was to be placed on the study of upper atmospheric physics and biology in line with the International Quiet Sun Year (I Q S Y) and the International Biological Program (I B P), respectively The basic policy for inland survey was to be based on magnetic meridian which passes through the Syowa Station, and on geosciences, also glaciology and magnetism to be conducted between appropriate points on the magnetic meridian and the South Pole, were to be taken up as important subjects. Preparatory operations were to be made by the 7th wintering team with the target set on a South Pole traverse trip by the 10th expedition While testing the large sized snow car specially developed for such traverse, the wintering team was to conduct inland terrestrial magnetism and meteorological observations and also construct fuel depots for the team to accomplish the traverse. On the other hand, aboard the icebreaker FUJI, observations were conducted on upper stmosphere physics, oceanography, geochemistry and biology. (2) The icebreaker FUJI, which left Tokyo on November 20, 1965, entered the sea of ice floes off the Soviet Station Mirny on December 19 after touching at Fremantle, Australia. After proceeding westward, the FUJI arrived at the edge of close pack ice at a point 65°S, 45°E Compared with the conventional course via Gape Town, the time required to navigate the distance between Tokyo and the sea near Syowa Station was reduced by approximately two weeks Furthermore, because the condition of the ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay is greatly influenced by the ice condition in the area between Enderby Land and the Prince Olav Coast, the FUJI during her voyage was able to carry out effective survey on the condition of the ice in this area. The Prince Olav Coast, west of Enderby Land, is well known for its numerous icebergs which were found in a long row about 30 miles off that coast along a line of the top margin of the continental shelf It was also presumed that an open sea existed along the Prince Olav Coast northwest of the row of icebergs The open sea was spotted by a Sikorsky 61A helicopter which is capable of long distance reconnaissance flight The FUJI entered this open sea and, after cruising in a southwesterly direction, arrived at the edge of fast ice some 40 milts NNE off the Syowa Station on East Ongul Island However, this was one wintei fast ice which had been formed since April of the preceding year Because this ice was considered too soft to hold a large sized snow car and also because it would take the FUJI a long time to break through, it was decided ro carry out an transportation (3) The buildings, antenna and vehicles at the Syowa Station which had been closed since February 1962, seemed in good condition outwardly, but the summer of the preceding year, which had changed the many wintered fast ice of Lutzow-Holm Bay into new fast ice, also had played havoc with the base and the buildings which were caught in frozen waters In particular the powei hut and mess hut weie damaged When closing the base in 1962, I had left two 20 KVA diesel electric generators which I believe would take only about 48 hours to restore the operational condition, but the fact was that it took nearly a week to clean the ice off the generators, dry and reassemble them The 12,000 horse power FUJI, unlike its predecessor the SOYA, was able to advance up to five miles from the Prince Olav Coast by developing only about 25% of her full power However, the reason why the FUJI was able to approach so close to the coast was partly attributable to the favorable ice condition Air transportation of provisions and equipments began from the end of December and was completed at the beginning of Februay under a polar high atmospheric piessuie and under the same weather condition as at the Syowa Station During this period, the operational rate of the two helicopters reached a high 50% out of days feasible to fly Various huts to accoinodate the equipments were constiucted, including the power hut assembled from metal pannels which housed two 45 KVA diesel electric geneiatois, a pie-heating hut housing a circulation flush toilet and a pre-hcatmg tank, radio and tiansmittei huts The buildings weie connected by passageway made of corrugated iron pipe with a diameter of two meters Thus, the Syowa Station was completely revitalized About 80 kilohters diesel oil is consumed in one year at the base for the diesel electric geneiators, excluding the fuel in diums to be used for inland survey tups This time the transportation of diesel oil for geneiators was earned in bulk from the FUJI to the base, i e , in two 1-kilohter tanks installed in the helicopter and delivered to six newlv constructed 10-kiloliter rubber pillow tanks and one 20-kilohter aluminum tank A rhombic antenna was constiucted on an island off East Ongul Island, with directional beams toward Tokyo and the mother station, Mawson. The establishment of telegraph and telephone services with Tokyo using a 1 KW transmitter was completed on January 27. On the other side, the FUJI started her voyage southward by breaking through the blue ice on the western side of Ongul Island. The ship advanced further in the Ongul Straits and finally succeeded in berthing at East Ongul Island More than 400 tons of cargo had been air-lifted from the FUJI to the base, but the FUJI berthed near the base in search of ice strong enough to hold the snow car to be sent ashore. The snow car was the KD 60, which was developed specially for traverse trip between the base and the South Pole It has the following specifications and capacities, resistant to cold up to 60 degrees below zero centigrade, operatable up to a height of 4,000 meters above sea level, durable 6,000 kilometers trip, equipped with seismic sounding instrument, gravity meter, 50 W SSB transmitter, gyrocompass and straight steering navigation system It is also equipped with berthes and a kitchen for a crew of four and is capable of pulling a load of seven to nine tons at speed range of 10km per hour to 15 km on even snow Facilities and instruments for observations in upper atmosphere physics such as multicolor photometer, all-sky camera, spectrograph, aurora radar, riometer, continuous measurement of VLF emission, magnetic recorder and hiss recorder were completed To increase the meteorograph system, the automatic Rawin system was successfully installed, inaddition to a hydrogen gas generator and a tide gauge. On February 1, I nominated eighteen members of the wintering team led by Dr. A. MUTO. (4) The FUJI sailed eastward along the Prince Olav Coast, reached some 25 miles northwest of Molodezhnaya Station (67°50'S, 45°50'E), and berthed here where the Soviet relief ship OB lied already alongside. The fast ice on the Prince Olav Coast, 10 to 20 miles wide during the past month and the northern line of the ice floes at about 40 to 50 miles from the coast, had turned to an area of loose ice with an ice concentration of 3 to 5 The FUJI stopped some 15 miles north-northwest off the Molodezhnaya on the edge of fast ice and paid a visit to the station by helicopters on the night of February 3. We were welcomed by Dr. N. N OUCHINNIKOV, the leader of Molodezhnaya, who personally guided us throughout the station, our nearest neighbor. Next day, we visited OB, which was moored to the continental ice, and were welcomed by Captain KUPRI and Dr. MAKSUTOV, the leader of the 11th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. In return, Captain KUPRI, Dr. MAKSUTOV and Dr OUCHINNIKOV paid a visit to the FUJI where a mutual-welcome party was held by the members of the Japanese and Soviet Antarctic expeditions The FUJI started her westward cruise on February 6 and arrived at a point 45 miles north of the Syowa Station A helicopter was flown to Syowa to bring back five summer personnel who had been left there, and we baid farewell to the eighteen members of the wintering team The FUJI continued her survey cruise from Princess Ragnhild Coast through ice floes some 20/60 miles wide from the ice front in a west-southwest direction On February 9, the FUJI pushed southward through the loose ice floe filled with an ice concentration of 2 to 3 and discovered oil drums on the shelf ice indicating the place where the MAGA DAN, a relief ship chartered by the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, had berthed seveial days before We cast anchor at Glacier Bay and on the night of Februaiy 10, we were visited by Mr AUTENBOER, leader of the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, and his men from Roi Baudoum Station The following night, four Japanese members, including myself, paid a visit to Roi Baudoum with Mr AUTENBOER on his snocat, and were given the opportunity of touring the station The Belgo-Netherland party gave us very cordial reception and hospitality during our stay at Roi Baudouin Early in the morning of February 12, the FUJI continued her westwaid voyage along the Princess Astrid Coast and on the night of the 13th, she took northward ciuise for home via Cape Town
村山 治太
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.31, no.1, pp.67-76, 1987-03

第26次日本南極地域観測隊越冬隊(1985年)は環境科学モニタリング観測計画の一環として, 昭和基地周辺にて大型動物モニタリングを行った。アデリーペンギン, ウェッデルアザラシ, コウテイペンギン, ナンキョクオオトウゾクカモメ, その他の海鳥を対象とした目視観察を実施した。オングル島周辺の海氷は1985年3月に割れはじめ, 4月9日にすべて流出した。オングル海狭が再び完全に結氷したのは5月であり, 雪上車の氷上走行が可能となったのは6月であった。アデリーペンギンは4月27日に視認したのを最後に冬期間は観察されなかった。9月29日にアデリーペンギンのものと思われる足跡を認めた後, 10月21日に再びその姿を確認した。11月16日に産卵, 12月23日に雛を確認した。7つのルッカリーでの最大個体数は合計2143羽であった。ウェッデルアザラシも4月-9月はほとんど見られなかった。9月末から1頭から数頭の群をしばしば見かけ, 10月10日には出産直後の子を見た。大きな群は3月25日にとっつき岬の近くで, それぞれ約100頭の3群を見た。10月下旬にはルンパの近くで30頭以上の雌が集団で出産していた。最多数は親34頭, 子26頭であった。コウテイペンギンは3月末から4月初めにとっつき岬までのルートで, 数羽から10羽の群を10以上(計数10羽)視認した。基地周辺では10月23日に10羽を確認しただけだった。ナンキョクオオトオゾクカモメは5月中旬に姿を消し, 10月20日以降基地で毎日見られた。最大出現個体数は23羽であった。この他ユキドリ, ナンキョクフルマカモメ, マダラフルマカモメ, イワツバメを視認した。
根来 健一郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.872-873, 1961-01

本研究に使用した材料は,第1次越冬隊の中野征紀・北村泰一両氏が採集せられたものを,第2次調査隊員吉井良三氏を経て貰い受けたものである.東オングル島....11種類の硅藻が発見されたが,硅藻群落の優占種は南極の陸水に固有なNavicula muticopsisであり,亜優占種は世界に広く分布するHantzschia amphioxysである.Navicula perpusillaがこれ等に次いで多い.又別の南極陸水固有種であるNavicula austroshetlandicaも出現するが,この種はここでは余り多くない.以上の陸水産種に混って,海産のCocconeis pinnata, Diploneis stigmosa,及びCoscinodiscus polyradiatusの3種が見出されるが,これ等は比較的に少い.ラングホブデ山地....16種類の硅藻が発見されたが,これ等の中でCocconeis pinnata,Cocconeis costata var. pacifica,Coscinodiscus polyriatus,及びNavicula cryptocevhalaが比較的に多い.硅藻群落は殆んど海産種で構成され,淡水産又は汽水産の種はここでは割合に少い.ユートレ島....9種の硅藻が見出されたが,硅藻群落の優占種乃至亜優占種はCoscinodiscus polyradiatusとCocconeis pinnataである.ここでも海産種と淡水産種又は汽水産種とが混合している.南極大陸の海岸地帯にある陸水の硅藻フロラが多くの海産種を含んでいることは,既にG.W.CARLSON (1913)によって指摘され,彼はこの事実を招来する原因は多分強風であろうと推論したが,このCARLSON氏の説は正しいと思われる
内藤 靖彦
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.43, no.3, pp.406-423, 1999-11

第25次南極地域観測隊は越冬隊36名, 夏隊11名の構成のもと, 1983年11月14日東京港を出発した。25次隊には観測隊員以外に, 本部委員1名, 外国交換科学者1名(アメリカ), 報道関係者5名(新聞取材2名, テレビ取材3名), 造船関係者5名の計12名が同行した。「しらせ」就航により輸送量の増大や早期の接岸が期待され, 新発電棟設備の工事など多くの夏作業が計画された。12月14日には氷縁に到着したが, 18日には昭和基地北42.7マイル地点で厚さ10mに及ぶハンモックアイス帯に遭遇し, 輸送の遅れが懸念された。幸いハンモックアイス帯を無事突破, 1月5日には6年ぶりに接岸に成功し774トンの物資輸送を行った。昭和基地方面における新発電棟関連の工事などすべての活動を1月末までに終了し, 「しらせ」は2月1日反転北上, セールロンダーネ山地地学調査のためブライド湾に向った。2月3日よりL0,30マイル拠点への輸送, 雪上車組立, 小屋設置の諸作業を行った後, 地学旅行隊は12日から23日の期間で調査を実施した。地学調査と並行し「しらせ」はブライド湾, グンネルスバンク域において海洋観測を実施した。乗員に患者が発生したため予定を変更し, 2月23日反転北上し, ケープタウンに向かった。2月3日ケープタウン入港, 患者は無事下船, 2月5日ポートルイスに向け出港した。以後ポートルイス, シンガポール経由し予定通り4月19日東京港に戻り, 25次隊の行動を終了した。
依田 恒之
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.48, no.3, pp.191-203, 2004-11-30

森脇 喜一 白石 和行 岩田 修二 小嶋 智 鈴木 平三 寺井 啓 山田 清一 佐野 雅史
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.86, pp.36-107, 1985-09

第26次南極地域観測隊のセールロンダーネ山地地学調査は, 山地西部地域において実施された。調査は新観測拠点建設作業後の1月6日から2月13日までの39日間, 広域を調査するため8名の隊員が2班に分かれて実施した。2班はそれぞれ地質, 地形, 測地の調査・観測ができるよう構成され, ほぼ所期の目的を達成した。夏隊の行動期間のほとんどすべてを費やして, 昭和基地から独立して行った, このような行動形態は, 日本南極地域観測隊としては初めての例であるので, 計画作成から実施経過までを装備, 食料などの設営面を含めて詳しく報告する。調査結果については現在, 整理・研究中であり, 今後個別に発表されるので, ここでは概要を述べるにとどめる。この地域の夏季の気象・雪氷状況は, 今後もセールロンダーネ地域で展開される調査行動の指針となると思われるので詳しく報告する。
小達 恒夫 石沢 賢二
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.54, no.1, pp.108-129, 2010-03-30

工藤 栄 田邊 優貴子 内田 雅己 掘 克博
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.54, no.3, pp.226-235, 2010-11-30

南極湖沼中に設置し,湖底の植物群落の1年にわたる映像記録を捉える目的で水中ビデオシステムの開発を行った. システムはビデオカメラ,制御部,レンズ汚濁防止ワイパー(水中モーター),照明用LEDとリチウム電池から構成されたものである. 市販のハイビジョン方式のビデオを採用し,レンズ汚濁防止ワイパーの動作を簡潔化して,以前試作したビデオシステムよりも消費電力を増やすことなく記録感度を向上させることができた. この機材を第51次日本南極地域観測隊夏行動期間中に,宗谷海岸のスカルブスネス「長池(仮称)」湖底に潜水作業により設置し,一年間の湖底のインターバル撮影を開始した.
半貫 敏夫 三橋 博巳 佐藤 稔雄
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.84, pp.120-130, 1985-03

南極氷床上に建設された観測用建物は, ほとんどの場合耐雪構造体の中に配置され, これら全体が雪面下にある。他方, みずほ基地では掘削した雪洞の中に建物を配置する方式を採っていて, ここでは雪面下の建物を雪圧から保護するための本格的な耐雪構造体はなく, 部分的に雪洞の形を保つための支保工が施されているにすぎない。小規模な基地ではこのみずほ方式が魅力的である。本論文では, この雪洞型の基地をつくる場合の難点である雪洞建設について一つの省力化試案を提出した。それは雪面下で雪洞を掘削するかわりに, 貯雪柵の組み合わせや簡易耐雪構造体を用いて雪面上に建てた建物周辺を覆い, このまわりに雪を積もらせて雪洞にしようというものである。この雪洞建設方法の実現の可能性を確かめるために, 軽量で取り扱いが簡単な網を素材にした貯雪柵の防風, 貯雪性能に関する予備的な風洞模型実験を行った。その結果, 網の防風, 貯雪性能はその充実率φによって大きく影響されるが, 適切な網を選択すれば貯雪柵として十分に役立てられるという感触を得た。現在さらに実験精度を吟味した風洞模型実験を継続している。
工藤 栄 田邊 優貴子 井上 武史 伊村 智 神田 啓史
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.53, no.1, pp.114-122, 2009-03-30

斉藤 満 関 剛 細谷 昌之
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.36, no.3, pp.410-440, 1992-11

この報告は, 南極氷床ドーム深層掘削計画に使用するため, 新たに開発した大型雪上車の基本性能及び総合性能の試験結果について述べたものである。試験した結果, この雪上車は, 設定した性能及びシステムデザインのねらいをおおむね満足しているが, 構造の一部に不具合部分があることも認められた。試験は, 再現性を有し類似車両と性能の比較ができるコンクリート舗装路及び南極の積雪の硬さを模擬して造った転圧雪路で行った。
竹内 貞男 喜納 淳 細谷 昌之 吉田 治郎 石沢 賢二
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.36, no.3, pp.p363-375, 1992-11

日本南極地域観測隊は, これまで4種類の雪上車を使って調査活動を続けてきた。それらの雪上車は用途別に内陸氷床上用と沿岸・海氷上調査用の2つに分類できる。内陸用の雪上車はこれまでSM50S型中型雪上車を使用してきたが, 「南極氷床ドーム深層掘削計画」も提言されるなど, 調査区域が年々内陸奥地に広がり, より低温性能のよい大型雪上車の開発が要望されていた。そのため, 国立極地研究所設営専門委員会に雪上車設計作業委員会を設置して, 現有のSM50Sの技術的課題を分析し, この結果を基に新型雪上車の開発を実施した。この雪上車は国内での試験走行の後, 1991年に南極に搬入され, 1992年の冬期には南極氷床で走行し, ほぼ予想された性能を発揮した。
喜納 淳 細谷 昌之 竹内 貞男 金内 賢
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.32, no.2, pp.218-237, 1988-07

昭和基地ならびに沿岸地域で使用する小型雪上車を国立極地研究所設営専門委員会小型雪上車設計作業委員会が開発した。この雪上車は, 主として氷上で行動することから, 軽量化を図ることを開発の条件の一つとした。このため, 動力伝達システムには全油圧駆動方式を採用した。この方式は, 日本の南極観測では始めてのことであるので, 低温下での始動試験, 始動に用いるバッテリーの持続試験を行った。全油圧駆動方式に伴う車両の操縦上の問題について試験を行い, 必要な改善策を講じた。また, 車両のピッチングを減少するために, 懸架装置についての試験も行い, 必要な改善を行った。完成した新小型雪上車は第28次観測隊により昭和基地に搬入され使用されている。