市川 貴邦 近藤 敏之
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.15, no.2, pp.191-198, 2013-05-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

Nowadays sophisticated mobile devices have been gradually popularized, which enable us to carry and refer flood of personal data collections such as music tunes, bibliographic list, cashbook, weight log, etc. anytime, anywhere. In this paper, to further innovation in our lifestyle, we develop a smart phone application to build a personal clothing database that is expected to enhance our daily dressing, shopping behavior, and social communication. For the purpose we invent a hierarchical touch-screen menu interface for categorizing personal clothing data. Although there are vast number of clothing category names may be considered, we adopted minimum necessary set based on our questionnaire results. Moreover we introduce a novel shooting method to take clothing pictures, in which a target clothing is overlaid on a human silhouette frame in the shooting screen to keep size and alignment of the pictures homogeneous.
孟 曉順 吉田 直人 万 キン 米澤 朋子
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.22, no.3, pp.235-250, 2020-08-25 (Released:2020-08-25)

In this paper, we investigate a communication robot that can shows involuntary expressions appearing on its skin such as goose bumps and perspiration to explore the possibility of instinctive reactions of the robot. In communication with others, humans express not only feelings that can be recognized and expressed intentionally, but also instinctive emotions due to physiological reactions that appear reflective and involuntarily before intentional control. The human-robot communication based on the robot’s internal state may become realistic by the expressions of instinctive fear, tension, and relaxation. We verified the effectivenesses of the robot’s expressions of a) goose-bump-like emboss and b) perspiration-like water particles with the testbed robot.
寺村 信介 安藤 昌也 大塚 愛子 翁長 綾 桂木 紫帆 下郷 雅子
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.21, no.4, pp.335-348, 2019-11-25 (Released:2019-11-25)

The authors have been trying to introduce and penetrate UX design into RICOH Company by design support approach since February 2017. Through this activity, there have been many findings which would be so useful in many similar cases. For further investigation, we have interviewed 5 persons who received our support to analyze the problems frequently seen under some specific circumstances, as well as the causes and the solutions of the problems. We extracted 9 patterns and organized them by the Pattern Language method. We applied these patterns to the projects supported in 2018 and verified the usefulness of the patterns.
松田 成貴 當麻 俊介 松村 真宏
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.13, no.1, pp.99-108, 2011-02-25 (Released:2019-09-04)

Sound has a profound impact not only on acoustic sense but also cognitive processes such as mental imagery and associative memory. The concept of "soundscape" proposed by R. Mary Schaffer is to utilize the feature of sound as a stimulus for realizing the world around us. In this study, we employ a soundscape methodology to provide local residents living in Juso area the opportunity to raise people's consciousness. Experimental results show the availability of soundscape methodology on consciousness reformation.
藤野 秀則 浦山 大輝 北村 尊義 石井 裕剛 下田 宏
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.21, no.2, pp.169-186, 2019-05-25 (Released:2019-05-25)

For maintaining resilience of socio-technical systems, it is believed that knowledge sharing among practical ?eld staffs should be a crucial. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to propose a new method to enhance their knowledge sharing effectively. Especially, authors focused on their chats in a refresh room and developed a method to promote their job-related chats in a refresh room by using a large size touch panel display presenting a lot of job-related information. Authors conducted the experiments to examine the effect of developed method. As a result, the expected effect was observed approximately while some possible limitations related to characteristics of job and human relationship among target members were captured. In the conclusion, future works are discussed.
半田 隆志 見木 太郎 星野 元訓 廣瀬 秀行
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.13, no.2, pp.135-146, 2011-05-25 (Released:2019-09-04)

The work presented here is about measurement methods of a seated posture in the seating. In the ISO16840-1 standard, which took effect in 2006, measurement rules of a seated posture are defined. In response to this, quantitative measurement of a seated posture is become major in a clinical setting. However, the field of the seated posture measurement is still in the developing stage. The purpose of this paper is to review the general description, importance, history, progress and problems to be solved in the field of the seated posture measurement. It is also the purpose of this paper that reviewing our studies to develop and evaluate the seated posture measurement tools to apply the ISO16840-1 standard in a clinical setting, which are the Seated Posture Measurement Instrument, the Seated Posture Measurement Software and the Measurement System by using the Contact Three-dimensional Measurement Device. Moreover, we described future prospects of the seated posture measurement.
中川 佳弥子 塩見 昌裕 篠沢 一彦 松村 礼央 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.13, no.1, pp.31-40, 2011-02-25 (Released:2019-09-04)

The paper presents a persuasion effect of a robot's whispering behavior that consists of a whispering gesture and small voice. Whispering behavior naturally provides physical proximity and the context of confidential talks that increase intimacy with each other. We have conducted a between-subject experiment to investigate the persuasion effects of whispering gesture and small voice. In the experiment, a robot requested an annoying task, which is a writing as many multiplication table equations as possible. The result shows that whispering gesture significantly increased the number of equations and writing time, meanwhile, small voice had no effect for them. The reason might be that we used simply small voice (voiced speech) not but breathed speech. We believe that whispering behavior is useful for various services that require persuasion effects, such as advertisements, sales promotions, encouragement to study and so on.
勅使 宏武 寺田 和憲 伊藤 昭
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.17, no.4, pp.445-456, 2015-11-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

We are developing a method of emotion expression with blinking pattern. Our previous study confirmed that emotions expressed by blinking pattern are perceived correctly, and are able to elicit prosocial behavior from those who see the emotion expressions. In the present study, we investigated whether our artificial emotion expression reinforces perceived emotion when people listen to short stories from a robot. Experimental results showed that, for some stories, blinking colored eyes of a robot reinforce the subjective perception of the target emotion and weaken the other emotions.
栗原 龍之典 諸岡 遼 濵中 咲希 田中 久弥 馬原 孝彦 都河 明人 羽生 春夫
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.21, no.1, pp.21-30, 2019-02-25 (Released:2019-02-25)

We have studied the screening tool for dementia patients using a P300-based spelling-BCI to develop a new cognitive function evaluation method. We quantified a low attention with dementia using the average distance from the incorrect characters to the correct characters on the Japanese alphabet screen. We called the character distance to Spelling-Error Distance Value (SEDV). We conducted experiments for 24 elderly subjects, and performed regression analysis between SEDV and neuropsychological testing (MMSE, FAB, TMT and DST). As the results, there was a significant negative correlation between MMSE and SEDV (r = −0.41, p < 0.05), and there was a significant negative correlation between FAB and SEDV (r = −0.65, p < 0.001). Next, 24 subjects divided into five groups according to the MMSE scores. There was a difference of SEDV 2.58 characters between MMSE average of 10.5 point group and MMSE average score of 27.6 point group, 2.89 characters between the 10.5 point group and the 24.9 point group. Therefore, SEDV could be an index of the low attention with dementia in the limited MMSE average group. In addition, because of significant negative correlation between FAB and SEDV in less than 24 point of MMSE (r = −0.95, p < 0.05), SEDV could be an index of frontal lobe function deterioration limitedly.
岸 遼 筧 康明 苗村 健
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-8, 2012-02-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

This paper proposes a new type of display system by which images come out in an open space according to the motion of users or devices. This is an application of the specialized projector with a function of pixel-by-pixel visible light communication, which the authors have previously developed. This projector permits image data as invisible high-speed flickering signals into the open space. In the space filled with the invisible image data, by scanning a specialized device, we can make the image show up. Based on this concept, this paper introduces two implementations: "SteganoScan" and "SteganoScan Orbs." SteganoScan is a kind of persistence of vision display. When a performer waves an array of LED module with photo-detectors quickly in the projection light, viewers can perceive floating 2D images caused by the effect of retinal afterimage. SteganoScan Orbs consists of tens of balls which glow like moving pixels and form an image.
岩田 洋夫
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.14, no.1, pp.21-30, 2012-02-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

This paper discusses a new concept named"device art."The recent decades has shown significant advance in the interactive artwork created in Japan.Those artworks employ innovative interface devices. Device art has different characteristics from western art; bottom-up creation process, playfulness, and commercialization. Traditional Japanese culture, such as tea ceremony or flower arrangement, uses sophisticated devices, which are roots of device art. This paper describes characteristics of device art as well as its methodologies for creation of works.
中村 喜宏 松尾 学 岡 哲資 関 亜紀子
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.17, no.2, pp.233-244, 2015-05-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

There has been a significant progress in wearable computing technology. However, the existing character input methods for wearable computers have some defects and are not practical. This paper proposes and evaluates two character input methods for wearable computers using a distance sensor at the wrist and five mechanical switches at the fingertips. The results of our evaluation show that the proposed methods are sufficiently fast and easy to learn for practical use. This paper also discusses reasons for user errors and limitations of the methods.
金 相賢 盛川 浩志 三家 礼子 渡邊 克巳 河合 隆史
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.18, no.4, pp.329-338, 2016-11-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

We evaluated the effects of disparity conditions such as degree of crossed/uncrossed disparity on the preference occurring during the cognitive process of preference judgment by using psychological and physiological indices. First, we performed paired comparisons of 20 novel shapes without disparity in order to select eight stimuli with minimum bias during preference judgment. Second, we investigated the effects of parallax characteristics on the feeling of preference by using 24 stimuli created by adding three disparity conditions (0.3°, -0.3° and -1.1°) to the eight previously determined stimuli. Moreover, psychological indices were determined by paired comparisons of preference judgment and physiological indices were determined by measurements of eye movement, eye fixation time, and view count during the process of preference judgment. The paired comparisons showed that the participants preferred higher crossed disparity and higher parallax angles. The eye movement measurements showed that eye fixation time and view count increased during conditions of crossed disparity rather than uncrossed disparity, and this increase was directly proportional to the degree of parallax angle. We argue that the reasons for this may be related to the attraction of the crossed disparity and the familiarity and novelty that complements the addition of parallax.
白神 翔太 木下 雄一朗 郷 健太郎
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.20, no.1, pp.99-106, 2018-02-25 (Released:2018-02-25)

Vibration feedback is applied on most touch-screen-based mobile devices to notify users of their operations. However, the effect of vibration types on the operations is not yet discussed in detail. In this study, therefore, the authors applied various vibration patterns to the feedback during dragging operations and investigated their influence, especially for the usability and workload, on the operations. The participants in the study performed the task of dragging a target around a circle on a smartphone with the vibration device attached. The results revealed that applying specific vibration patterns during the operation affects users' dragging speed, workload and annoyance. Finally, the authors presented four design guidelines, which include that vibration types do not affect dragging operation speed in easy tasks and the vibration patterns with high vibration intensity increase users'’ workload and annoyance.
尹 浩 山本 景子 倉本 到 辻野 嘉宏
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.20, no.4, pp.413-416, 2018-11-25 (Released:2018-11-25)

With the development of internet technology, people can share knowledge through Q&A websites anytime and anywhere. However, two types of barriers between the questioners and respondents make knowledge sharing difficult: 1) lack of trust for other users, 2) an arrogant or negative attitude exhibited by the questioners. We conducted an experiment to evaluate the effect of the virtual agent for lowing these barriers with two characteristics: 1) similar profile to users, good appearance and affable personality for users, 2) positive attitude and reaction. The results indicate that the virtual agent can improve the users’ motivation to answer questions.
齊藤 寛人 福地 健太郎
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.20, no.3, pp.301-310, 2018-08-25 (Released:2018-08-25)

Previous studies of the recognition process of self-attribution conducted that it is mainly caused by congruence between visual and proprioceptive information, and congruence between visual information and prediction from motor commands. However, they did not declare which congruence acts the primary role in the process during the voluntary movements. We conducted a user study that distinguishes proprioceptive information and prediction from motor commands by displaying modified images of the subjects’ hands in various rotation angles, that introduced the conflict between visual and proprioceptive information. The hand motion of the subjects was restricted so that they could predict the visual motion of the images of their hands by the motor command even while the images were rotated. The result indicates that the prediction of the motion plays a primary role in the recognition process of self-attribution, and this predictability depends on the motion pattern and the appearance of the hand images.