永井 将史 武 正憲
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.533-536, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)
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This study examines the backgrounds and motivations of individuals participating in trail running races, focusing on empirical data from surveys of participants in two trail running races held in Shinetsu highland region in 2016 (n=730) , one long distance (110km) and the other middle and short distance (50km / 16km). The survey data showed that, as compared to participants in the short distance race, of the participants in the long distance race, a higher percentage were male, originated from various regions, earned a higher income, had more years of trail running experience and had participated in more competitions. With respect to the motivations for participation, the data showed six primary motivating factors: “Community and Competition management”, “Health”, “Challenge and Accomplishment”, “Ease of Access”, “Course Type” and “Socialising”. Analysis of the motivations of participants across the two different distances showed that a difficult "Course Type" and the feeling of "Challenge and Accomplishment" are the strongest motivations for long distance racers, while the most prominent motivating factors for short distance racers are "Health", "Ease of Access", "Socialising" and a "Course Type" of a suitable distance and level of difficulty.
愛甲 哲也 崎山 愛子 庄子 康
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.727-730, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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Green spaces in residential areas have various functions, such as for recreational activities, making the place beautiful and so on. In this research, we investigated the economic effect of green spaces on the land prices in the residential area of Sapporo City, through an environmental economics technique. Factors contributing to the formation of the posted land price for the residential area in Sapporo City were identified by the hedonic approach. Results showed that the size of the nearest park or the ratio of green space surrounding the land contributed to the formation of the land price in addition to the area, shape, zoning and the access conditions such as the distance to the closest station and school. Therefore, the building and conservation of green spaces seems to be one clear option for raising the asset value of the residential area.
小野 芳朗
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.417-420, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)

Osaka Castle Park and the tower were rebuilt in 1931 celebrated for the accession of Showa Emperor. The style of the castle tower was studied historical investigation through the building by Prime Minister, Hideyoshi Toyotomi to reconstruct the space of the end of 16 C. However, the building as the heritage and the modern equipment coexisted by the construction of a building of Headquarter on Military Army Division. In this paper, an authentic design concept was discussed by a primary designer of Osaka Castle Park, Hyo’ichi Shiihara who was an engineer of Ministry of the Palace and moved to the Osaka City Bureau in 1920 as a chief of Park section. It becomes clear the description of his design concept with Osaka Castle Park by the comparison between a document written in the year when he moved to Osaka City and the one written after the construction of the Park. His primary concept was the construction of the space of the Emperor in Osaka City like to Tokyo, Kyoto and Nagoya, for example, the Palace as the Imperial Villa and the historical museum of the Emperor’s family and ancestors. As an engineer of Osaka City, his concept on the Park would change to the one beside the standard shown by the City Planning Bureau of National Government.
粟野 隆
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.359-364, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)

This paper aimed to clarify the concrete situation of introduction and development of imitation tree, imitation stone, and imitation rock as modern landscape material in and around Osaka and Hanshinkan area. As the results of documents analysis and field survey, this paper led the following. There are: Imitation tree had introduced into this area around the end of Taisho era. About introducing imitation tree, landscape architect SHIIHARA Hyoichi, Landscape engineer HASHIMOTO Yaezo and KOBAYASHI Kanzan had played an important role. In the early Showa era, imitation tree, imitation stone, and imitation rock were being used widely in residential gardens and public parks in Osaka and Hanshinkan area. Imitation tree were used for garden furniture as arch, bench, bridge, and so on. Imitation stone were used for stone arrangement of waterfall and mound. Imitation rock were used for animal’s pasturage exhibition facilities they are monkey mountain and polar bear cage. These were designed and constructed by landscape architect and landscape engineer of the above three. Also, it was found that the modern plutocrat NITTA Chojiro introduced garden furniture made of imitation tree and rock arrangement consisted of imitation stone into his residential garden in Koshien area of Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture.
森本 豪 加藤 和弘
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.589-592, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)
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The value of urban parks is currently reconsidered and the guidelines are required to institute plans for greenery and open spaces of high quality as habitat. In this study, we aimed at illustrating the relationship between bird species richness and the conditions of urban parks such as coverage by woods or shrubs, connectivity by greenways, and surrounding land-use of woodlots or agricultural lands. During two consecutive wintering seasons, we studied the bird distributions within urban parks, some of which were connected to each other by greenways. The study sites were located in Yokohama city, near Tokyo. Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) divided bird species into two groups. To detect clearly the relationship between birds and urban park variables, we adopted the species richness of one of the group for multiple regression analysis. The result showed that the bird species richness significantly correlated with area covered by woods, ratio of coverage by shrub, and the arrangement of greenways that connected urban parks. It is suggested that we could improve the quality of habitats in urban area not only by increasing the area or the vegetation structure, but also by arranging greenways to connect the habitats.
西田 正憲
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.59, no.4, pp.298-309, 1996-03-29 (Released:2011-07-19)
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幕末から明治にかけておびただしい欧米人がわが国を訪れ, そして瀬戸内海を航行し, 瀬戸内海の風景を賞賛する。19世紀のシーボルト以後, 多くの欧米人が近代的な風景観でもって瀬戸内海の風景を賞賛し紀行文等にその記述を残している。明治後期, 日本人はこの欧米人の賞賛を引合いに出して瀬戸内海の風景を評価してきた。この19世紀の近代の欧米人が賞賛した瀬戸内海の風景とは何か, その風景の見方や捉え方つまり風景観の特質は何か, その風景観の変遷過程はどのようであったか, さらに日本人に与えた影響は何かについて, 欧米人の当時の紀行文等の文献から, 瀬戸内海の風景に関する記述を読み取り分析することにより, 考察を行うものである。
丸島 秀夫
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.60, no.1, pp.36-45, 1996-08-29 (Released:2011-07-19)
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“ONSAI”の語は, 今日, 世界の共通語となっているが, この語の歴史に関する実証的研究はほとんどなされていない。日本の盆栽の歴史的呼称は多様であるが, 漢語系と和語系に分けることができる。前者は中国の盆景の歴史的呼称と密接な関係がある。本稿は, 盆景と盆栽の呼称の歴史的変遷をたどり, 「盆栽」の語の意義の変遷及び宋代の盆景の呼称が鎌倉時代の盆栽の呼称に踏襲されていることを史料により実証するものである。
小林 秀輝 藤田 直子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.531-536, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)
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The stone roof is a rare architectural design found in Tsushima. Here, these stone roofs are used for the storehouse. While it has been reported that the number of stone roof storehouses are currently decreasing, not all have been investigated for about 10 years. We conducted a survey on the distribution of stone roof storehouses since 2014 and clarified the latest situation on their state of survival. Due to this distribution survey, the survival of 43 stone roofs was confirmed. Roof shapes in the form of 13 gable roofs and 30 entrance hall roofs were noted. In addition, by comparing the number of buildings with stone roof storehouses in each village for the last 10 years with data from past research, it was observed that the rate of decrease varied from village to village.
西田 正憲
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.785-790, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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In late years modern art to unfold in the depopulated area recruits many visitors. The article considers a characteristic of this modern art from the viewpoint of scenery theory, paying attention to this situation. It performs analysis about modern art and the representation of the meaning of the place from a field work and the verbal explanation of some directors and artists, through the analyses of the examples of the art festival of the earth of the Echigo Tsumari in Niigata prefecture and the Benesse art site of Naoshima of the Setouchi Naoshima island in Kagawa prefecture. As a result, the article considered the following characteristics of scenery theory. Modern art keeps a mountain remote place and climate in Seto alive and makes much of endemism. Modern art reminds of the former working of people and makes much of the memory of the place. Modern art intends scenery of consecutive space and time and questions modern civilization and contemporary civilization. Art works are supported by inhabitants and volunteers and express scenery of participation and collaboration.
今西 純一 今西 亜友美 杉田 そらん
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.419-424, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)

Aerial photographs, especially those taken before World War II, are valuable documents to know the historical changes in gardens and open spaces. In the academia of photogrammetry and geography, it is an accepted view that the existing aerial photographs of Kyoto City taken before the World War II were taken in 1928; this view is based on the work of Hattori. However, Kyoto Shimbun News (dated December 22, 1993) reported that Shimizu conducted an investigation and found that the photographs were taken in 1927. As the details of Shimizu’s investigation are unknown, both assertions need to be reexamined. First, we confirmed that the aerial photographs that were archived in three different locations were identical, and as such, the assertions of Hattori and Shimizu are conflicting. Then, we analyzed buildings, railways and roads as appearing in the photographs, and determined that the photographs were taken in 1927. Furthermore, we examined the condition of tree canopies and the shades of two buildings, and estimated the period when these aerial photographs were taken. As a result, we concluded that the aerial photographs were taken in 1927 and most likely between late August and early September.
斉藤 庸平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.60, no.2, pp.124-126, 1996-11-08 (Released:2011-07-19)
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手代木 純 高柳 和江 井口 義也 狩谷 達之 半田 真理子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.875-878, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)
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In order to verify the increased comfort level, which can be achieved by increasing the shade provided by greenery in urban areas, we conducted the following experiment in the summer of 2007. We created a shaded green area in Tokyo with trees planted in containers, and measured the physiological and psychological effects on people and the cooling effect on the environment. When we measured the relative temperature before and after the installation (the green shaded area and the paving blocks) and compared the results inside the green shaded area against an un-shaded area, we found that a reduction of 2~3degree C had been achieved. Furthermore, we carried out a physiological test of the effects on twenty subjects and by testing their saliva we found that there had been a notable decrease in the level of cortisol. In a mood-profiling test (Profile of Mood States) we found that the subjects' irritability and aggression scores were also significantly lower, when measured before and after, under the shaded green area. These results indicate that even with a small area of shaded greenery, a certain level of environmental cooling can be achieved and they also demonstrate that there is an improvement in the physiological and mental state of people living in urban environments, proving, therefore, with quantitative data that there is a possibility for green shaded areas to make city life more pleasant.
小林 昭裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.86, no.5, pp.425-430, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-05-12)

This study examines the historical significance of the Takaoka Old Castle Park in Toyama prefecture, Japan, from a sociocultural perspective by analyzing related historical materials. This study began by understanding the structure of an old castle town, the military and economic responses after the abandonment of Takaoka castle, and the managerial situation during the conservation and occupation of the ruined castle in the early modern period. Next, This study focused on the response to its disposal notice after the Meiji era, the sentiments from its disposition in 1872 to the petition for restoring and transforming it into the Takaoka Old Castle Park in 1874, and its contribution to Kajuro Hattori. The process leading to the park’s opening originated from the accumulated significance and meaning of the abandoned castle based on the residents’ attachment to it in response to the institutional changes (the abolition of old castles, the opening of modern parks) introduced by the Meiji government. The attachment was nurtured by the castle conservation policy of the feudal lords and its utilization and maintenance by the residents during the early modern era.
関西 剛康
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.84, no.5, pp.453-458, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-06-16)

The purpose of this study is to elucidate the view of gardens held by Ashikaga Takauji and his younger brother Tadayoshi, members of the Ashikaga shogun clan who played active roles in Kyoto Prefecture in the early Muromachi period. Takauji used his residential garden for mingling with Zen priests, but not for hosting poetry meetings, which was one of the Japanese dynastic customs. His younger brother Tadayoshi, however, started to hold such events as poetry meetings at the garden of his residence, known as Sanjobo-montei, offering a place to the aristocratic class called Kuge, the military nobility known as Buke, and Zen priests so that they could mingle with one another. This suggests that it is Ashikaga Tadayoshi who began the custom of using residential and other gardens for the Japanese dynastic culture. The Ashikaga brothers used the gardens of other places than their residences, such as Tenryu-ji Temple and Saiho-ji Temple, for communicating with various people, including the Emperor and Zen priests. The Ashikaga brothers organized events for the dynastic culture and Zen Buddhism at such gardens, making cross-cultural communication between the Kuge aristocratic class, the Buke military nobility, and Zen priests catch on with these three circles.
牧 大次郎 鈴木 誠 杉尾 伸太郎
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.339-342, 2006 (Released:2007-11-13)
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French landscape architect Henri Martinet (1867-1936) is well known as the landscape designer of Shinjuku Gyoen National Gardens (1906). But there are only few historical records on the planning and design of this garden or his profile in Japan. Through the research in France, we found Martinet was a successor of Edouard Andre (1840-1911) who was the leader of French landscape architects in the late 19th century. He is also well known as the author of the famous text book on French modern landscape design LART DES JARDINS. Martinet learned from Andre and had a design style of style composite that Andre advocated in his book. Based on this evidence and through the case study of analyzing park design of Parc de Beaumont (Pau, 1896) and Parc de la Rhonelle (Valenciennes, 1901), we concluded the style of Shinjuku Gyoen National Gardens should be called composite style. And it is necessary to add Shinjuku Gyoen National Gardens to the list of the most important works of Henri Martinet.
土肥 真人
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.29-32, 1994-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)

本論は江戸から東京への変動期にみられる都市オープンスペースの形態的変化を, 社会的な意味生成の場としてのオ-プンスペースという観点から検討することを目的とする。江戸の社会は, 制度的空間的に各町を構成単位としていたことから, オープンスペースは各構成単位の狭間の空間として自らを表していた。そこはまた大道芸人たちが宗教的色彩の濃い諸芸能を披露する舞台であり, 意味的には中世以来の〈定住一漂泊〉の関係がみられる。本論の考察の結果, 明治初期の東京で実施された各種芸能の禁止, 統制等の文化政策は, オープンスペ-スの形態的変化, 社会的諸制度の変化と密接に絡みつつ, 江戸の意味的世界観を変更することが明らかになった。
坂村 圭 江口 健斗 上野 裕介
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.86, no.5, pp.549-554, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-05-12)

Participation of city residents in irrigation water management is required for its sustainable maintenance in urban areas. In order to its promotion, this study aims to examine the irrigation water environment that raises the awareness of urban residents for its maintenance. In this study, a large-scale questionnaire survey has been conducted in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, to investigate the willingness to pay for the nine functions of the irrigation water and the preference for its environment. Then, it has been analyzed that the relationship between the preference for irrigation water environment and the awareness of its management based on binomial logistic regression analysis. As a result, it was found that what urban residents especially appreciate as a multi-functionally of irrigation water are "utilization as a snow dump", "prevention of flooding and fire", and "atmospheric adjustment function". It was also revealed that the improvement of "access to irrigation water" and "walking environment" contribute to the raise of the willingness to pay for the irrigation water management. These results suggest the possibility and the importance of strategic irrigation water development to raise management awareness of city residents.
七海 絵里香 大澤 啓志 勝野 武彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.443-446, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
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The leaves of Oshima cherry (Prunus Wilson var. speciosa Makino) are edible and used to wrap sakuramochi. Seventy percent of leaves of the Oshima cherry are produced in Matsuzaki town, Izu Peninsula. In this town, cherry trees are cultivated for harvesting their leaves. These trees are closely planted and pruned, enabling them to grow many tillers, which spread out and form the distinctive landscape in this area. In this study, we investigated the actual distribution, forming process of leaves in cherry tree fields, and change in the production process in Matsuzaki town. From the results, we assumed that the number of cherry trees planted corresponded to the amount of charcoal produced. However, the field cultivation method of cherry trees was devised only by the end of the 1960s, after the production of charcoal decreased due to an energy revolution, which resulted in a crisis in the cherry tree leaf production. It was considered that cherry tree fields were distributed throughout Matsuzaki town. However, our results show that these fields are unevenly distributed.
小野 良平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.85, no.3, pp.224-229, 2021-10-29 (Released:2022-02-05)
天白 牧夫 大澤 啓志 勝野 武彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.415-418, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)
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We elected an area where uniform paddy cultivation is done by the overall community, and divided roughly into five rice field types; I (Rice field and lotus field mixture area), II (Pond adjoining area), III (Rotation of crops area of rice, wheat and soybean), IV (Fabricated field / Mixture of the waterway of the ground and concrete) and V(Not-fabricated field / Mixture of the waterway of the ground and concrete) in Noubi plains. We conducted a line census investigation on a ridge in order to investigate the species composition of frogs according to the rice field type. The results of our survey, there were large numbers of frogs in the areas which have a moist cultivating environment (Type I , V). In contrast, in the well-drained rice fields (Type II , III and IV) where rice seedlings were transplanted in June, there were small numbers of frogs irrespective of the environmental structure. The number of frogs in Type I where different crops (rice and lotus) were cultivated in parallel was larger than that in Type V because the waterside has always existed there.