田中 光 山根 嵩史 中條 和光
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.159-173, 2019-03-31

A scale for assessing report writing strategies based on audience awareness was developed and validated. In a pilot study, we collected strategies and techniques used for improving the understanding of reports through free descriptions of participants (N = 29). Then, we conducted a questionnaire survey with undergraduate participants (N = 156) using the strategies identified in the pilot study. Exploratory factor analysis of their responses indicated seven factors: "Checking the logical structure and context", "Checking expressions and grammatical errors", "Checking by others", "Checking the format", "Simplifying sentences", "Writing attractive sentences for readers", and "Proofreading". To assess the validity of the scale, we examined if the scale identified differences in use of strategies between participants. Participants were classified into high and low score groups based on their characteristics such as the frequency of writing reports and self-efficacy of report writing. Results indicated that Checking the logical structure and context and Writing sentences attractive for readers were significantly higher in the high compared to the low group. Also, participants were classified into high and low score groups based on their experience in report writing such as the frequency of feedback from teachers and peer reviews by students. Results indicated that Checking by others and Checking the format in the high group were significantly higher than in the low group. These findings suggest that the scale is effective for identifying the usage of report writing strategies based on audience awareness.
廣瀬 春香 服巻 豊 尾形 明子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.175-188, 2019-03-31

University students experience many difficult problems that can lead to mental illness. However, many students can solve these problems by making efforts to confront them. Previous research has showed that social support, generalized self-efficacy, future time perspective, task motivation, and difficulty of the problem are related to solving difficult problems; moreover, some of these factors are connected to each other. In this research, the primary aim was to identify the process of making an effort to confront problems, for which I have developed a hypothetical model. Additionally, students grow up in the four years of their university life. The second aim was to identify the difference between grades in the hypothesized process model. The questionnaire was completed by 399 students (96 freshmen, 95 sophomores, 89 juniors, 69 seniors, and 50 graduates). Covariance structure analysis was performed for the entire sample. The result supported the hypothetical model of making efforts, but some new connections were found. In other words, all psychological factors were complexly connected to each other. Then, I performed covariance structure analysis for my hypothetical model for each grade and compared the models. The results of this comparison showed that the strength of correlation of all factors were different across the grades. Although the factor of future time perspective had no effect on the model for the 1st grade, the effect increased with subsequent grades. Additionally, the effect of the factor of generalized self-efficacy increased with each grade.
重松 潤 尾形 明子 伊藤 義徳
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.135-148, 2019-03-31

The purposes of the present article are to explain an outline about cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and "total conviction". The effectiveness of CBT has been demonstrated by studies conducted in a number of countries. As a predecessor of CBT, cognitive therapy proposed the importance of examining cognitive factors such as "automatic thought" and "schemas". CBT supposes that efficient treatment is accomplished by restructuring these constructs. However, there is confusion regarding the understanding of cognitive modification and the difficulty of accurately capturing cognitive modification in a clinical situation. Negative effects, such as worsening of the therapeutic relationship and the occurrence of anxiety and depression, have been reported in some cases where a cognitive approach was used with a patient. The current study suggests that some therapists use a perspective of "total conviction" to solve these problems. A previous study revealed that "total conviction" is a cognitive factor that can enable this behavior. However, previous studies of "total conviction" involve several limitations. Finally, we discuss the potential future directions of research on "total conviction". We suggest that further study of "total conviction" may enable replication of the treatment process of CBT.
松本 美涼 藤原 裕弥 尾形 明子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.149-158, 2019-03-31

The current study sought to investigate the relationship between the focus of attention and state anxiety during a public speaking situation involving social anxiety . In a preliminary investigation, undergraduate students responded to a questionnaire based on the Two-dimensional Social Phobic Tendency and Narcissistic Personality Scale-Short version (TENS-S). A previous study using the TENS-S suggested that social anxiety could be divided into two subtypes (high anthropophobic tendency and high narcissistic personality, or high anthropophobic tendency and low narcissistic personality). The high anthropophobic tendency and high narcissistic personality group (HH group) was predicted to exhibit increased anxiety with self-focused attention and other-focused attention. The high anthropophobic tendency and low narcissistic personality group (HL group) was predicted to exhibit increased anxiety with other-focused attention. After screening, 30 undergraduate students were divided into one of three groups based on their questionnaire scores; HH group (n = 8), HL group (n = 9), and low social anxiety group (n = 12). Participants were asked to undertake a speech task to increase state anxiety. Following the speech task, participants rated the direction of changes in attention and the level of state anxiety. The results indicated that self-focused attention and other-focused attention were facilitated in public speaking situations.
福留 広大 森永 康子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.107-126, 2019-03-31

橋本 淳也 渡邊 洋一 宮谷 真人 中尾 敬
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.127-134, 2019-03-31

Previous studies have reported that positive autobiographical memories are involuntarily retrieved on a daily basis and often accompany mood changes. Previous studies have used subjective report methods to measure the impact of involuntary retrieval on mood. However, subjective report methods are known to be easily distorted by social desirability and demand characteristics. To avoid this problem, we applied the measurement of implicit mood and examined the impact of involuntary positive memory on mood. Sixty-four participants participated in the experiment and 48 participants were included in the analyses. Participants carried out an easy task in which the retrieval cue was presented, to induce an involuntary positive memory. Participants were also asked to rate the mood of nonsense words in order to measure implicit mood before and after the task. The results demonstrated that the involuntary positive memory retrieval increased positive mood in participants who exhibited lower positive implicit mood before the involuntary memory retrieval. We experimentally demonstrated that involuntarily retrieved positive memories can improve implicit mood.
上野山 莉加 岡本 祐子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.67-90, 2019-03-31

The current study examined the relationships between borderline personality traits, mother-and-child image and internal objects in adolescence. Questionnaires were distributed to 253 university students. In total, data from 227 participants were analyzed after excluding incomplete responses. The results revealed that, even among those who established stable mother-child relationships in early childhood and for whom "good subjects" were internalized, there was only a positive correlation with "concerns about disgust" or "connection desire". In addition, there was a positive correlation between "bad subjects" as "relationship breaks" and "non-permanent objects" as "concerns about aversion," "isolation", and "connection desire". These findings suggest that some young people desire to be hated and have connections with others. However, when characteristics such as breaking a relationship or feeling a vague sense of isolation are added, interpersonal relationships were found to be unstable, representing more borderline personality traits. In addition, we conducted interviews with 12 university students and examined how mother-child relationships in early childhood and internal objects influenced current borderline personality traits. The results revealed that, even for young participants with a stable mother-to-child relationship, youth-related characteristics and previous interpersonal relationships could affect borderline personality traits.
三木 あかね 中島 健一郎
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.91-105, 2019-03-31

神原 広平 吉良 悠吾 尾形 明子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.45-53, 2019-03-31

Preventative interventions for depression in high school students are often targeted to cognitive-behavioral factors, such as maladaptive cogitation, inadequate social skills, or rumination. Although previous research has revealed that cognitive-behavioral factors are important for reducing depression, there is little evidence regarding the factors that most effectively predict increased depression in high school students. Therefore, we sought to identify the most predictable long-term cognitive-behavioral factors in depression by comparing these three factors. We conducted a 1-year two-wave longitudinal questionnaire survey with 51 high school students. The results revealed that only rumination predicted depression after 1 year, but the predictive effect was relatively small. Moreover, maladaptive cognition and social skills, which are usually targeted by prevention intervention, did not account for increased depression. The current findings suggest that it would be valuable for future studies to further clarify which factors affect depression among high school students.
福井 亜由美 岡本 祐子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.1-20, 2019-03-31

The experience of transferring from one culture to another during childhood can represent a crisis of identity for some individuals. "Third Culture Kids" are children who grew up outside their parents' culture during their developmental years, leading them to develop a third cultural perspective. Previous studies have reported that the experience of transferring to different culture is often accompanied by identity-related difficulties. Ethnic identity is an aspect of collective identity that plays a particularly important role among members of cultural minority groups. Stable ethnic identity can help members of cultural minorities form identities and maintain stable mental health. Family relationships also play an important role in identity. The current study had two main aims: (1) examining the relationships between ethnic identity, identity scale scores, general health questionnaire scores, and background factors, and (2) examining family relationships among people in Japan who experienced a cross-cultural transition during school age. The results revealed two important characteristics for adaptation and the development of identity: experiencing cross-cultural transition during early school age (6-12 years old) affect ethnic identity development as Japanese, and stable environment, including family relationships, and having a concept of ethnic identity from early childhood.
福井 亜由美 岡本 祐子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.21-44, 2019-03-31

The experience of transferring from one culture to another during childhood can represent a crisis of identity for some individuals. "Third Culture Kids" are children who grew up outside their parents' culture during their developmental years, leading them to develop a third cultural perspective. Previous studies have reported that the experience of transferring to different culture is often accompanied by identity-related difficulties. Ethnic identity is an aspect of collective identity that plays a particularly important role among members of cultural minority groups. Stable ethnic identity can help members of cultural minorities form identities and maintain stable mental health. Family relationships also play an important role in identity. The main aim of the current study is to discuss the developmental process of ethnic identity among people in Japan who experienced a cross-cultural transition during school age. The results revealed two important characteristics for adaptation and the development of identity: a stable environment, including family relationships, and having a concept of ethnic identity from early childhood. The current findings suggested that cross-cultural experience may affect the order of developmental stages. Since cross-cultural experience involves a difference between the self and others, children in ethnic minorities may differentiate themselves from other children before adolescence while living in a host culture, and may identify with other third culture kids after returning to their home culture.
新見 直子 川口 朋子 江村 理奈 越中 康治 目久田 純一 前田 健一
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.7, pp.125-138, 2007

本研究では、中学生、高校生、大学生を対象に自己愛傾向(評価過敏性、誇大性、身体賞賛、自己確信)と自尊感情(Rosenberg, Cheek & Buss, SE-Iの各自尊感情尺度で測定される自尊感情)を測定し、青年期の自己愛傾向と自尊感情の関連性について発達的に検討した。本研究の主な目的は、4つの自己愛傾向尺度得点と3つの自尊感情尺度得点が、中学、高校、大学の各学校段階においてどのような因子構造をもつのかについて二次因子分析をとおして検討することであった。自己愛傾向と自尊感情の7つの尺度得点について学校段階別に二次因子分析を行った結果、いずれの学校段階においても自己を受容する尺度得点から構成される因子と他者評価を気にする尺度得点から構成される因子の2因子が抽出された。
牧 亮太 海田 梨香子 湯澤 正通
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.10, pp.71-80, 2010

本研究では, 内閣府(2010)のひきこもり実態調査で用いられた質問項目を使用し, 一般大学生を, ひきこもりに対して肯定的態度を示す者(ひきこもり親和性高群)とそうでない者(ひきこもり親和性低群)に分け, ひきこもり親和性高群における心理的特徴(友人関係, 不快情動回避傾向, 早期完了特徴)について検討した。その結果, ひきこもり親和性高群には, 友人関係における自己閉鎖的な傾向が見られること, 男性に限っては友人に対して積極的な関与を回避する傾向にあることが示された。また, 不快情動の回避傾向, および早期完了特徴にはひきこもり親和性の高低による違いは見られなかった。これらの結果より, ひきこもり親和性の高い大学生が, 必ずしもひきこもりに陥りやすいというわけではなく, むしろ友人関係に困難を抱えながらも, 不快な情動と向き合いつつ, 社会に適応している可能性が示された。深刻なひきこもり状態を回避iする要因を探るうえで, ひきこもりに肯定的な態度を示す人たちに注目することの重要性が示唆された。
國田 祥子 山田 恭子 森田 愛子 中條 和光
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.8, pp.21-32, 2008

成人の文章理解では, 黙読が有利であることが知られている。これに対し, 高橋(2007)は, タッピングを行いながらガーデンパス文の意味理解を行う課題において, 黙読は二重課題が無い場合よりも成績が低下するのに対し, 音読では成績が維持されることを見いだし, 音読が個々の単語に強制的に注意を配分する読み方であることが成績を維持させた原因であると考察している。本研究では, この音読の注意配分機能を成人の文章理解において検討した。音読と黙読の2群でタッピングの有無の条件を設け, 理解と記憶のテストを行った。その結果, 理解テストでは正答率に読み方の差は無く, 読み時間は黙読群の方が短かった。記憶テストの正答率は黙読群の方が高く, 読み時間は黙読群の方が長かった。両テストでタッピングの主効果と交互作用は有意にならなかった。本研究では, 成人の文章理解における黙読優位という一般的な結果が再現された。読み時間から, 黙読群は, 理解と記憶という読みの目的に応じて柔軟に読み方を変えていたことが示唆された。しかし, 理解テストや二重課題としたタッピングの難度が低すぎたとも考えられ, 音読の注意配分機能については更に検討が必要である。
中尾 敬 光元 麻世 片山 香 宮谷 真人
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.7, pp.11-18, 2007

本研究では、職業選択時に記録される競合関連陰性電位(conflict related negativity, CRN)様成分が実際に競合を反映しているのかどうかを検討した。職業選択課題(例: どちらの職に就きますか? 「ダンサー、化学者」)、競合あり課題(例:有意味語はどちらですか? 「大学教授、大営教援」)、競合なし課題(例: 有意味語はどちらですか? 「たこ焼き屋、*****」)時の脳波を記録し、 CRN様成分を比較した。その結果、全ての条件においてCRN様成分が認められ、職業選択課題時の振幅が競合なし課題時の振幅よりも大きかった。また、CRN様成分の電源推定を行ったところ、職業選択課題時と競合あり課題時のCRN様成分の電源は共に補足運動野であった。このことから、職業選択時のCRN様成分は補足運動野における競合の解消過程を反映している可能性が示唆された。今後の研究で必要な条件設定について考察した。
岡本 祐子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.10, pp.121-145, 2010

深瀬 裕子 荒井 佐和子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.12, pp.85-91, 2012

中村 多見
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.1, pp.129-137, 2002-03-28

岡本 祐子 古賀 真紀子
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.4, pp.159-172, 2004

The purposes of the present studies were to reconsider the concepts of ""readiness for parenthood"" and to investigate the related factors for its development in adolescence. For development of readiness for parenthood, it was important to present a good model of parents to children. And those parents'roles must be covered all of the following roles: nursing of children, making up family-tie, house keeping, and taking care of old parents. In Study I, the questionnaire consisted of 60 items was made out for measuring the readiness for parenthood covered these four parents' roles above. In Study Ⅱ, the questionnaire was destributed to 271 undergraduate and graduate students aged 18- 26. The main results showed that the positive images of mother and father, experiences of helping house keeping, and coming in contact with children and aged persons had positive effect for development of readiness for parenthood.
江崎 修司 深田 博己
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.2, pp.201-220, 2002
