川上 泰彦 橋野 晶寛
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.235-255, 2006-05-31 (Released:2011-08-04)

The recent tendency toward diversification of the educational policy among local governments makes research about the policymaking process important. In particular, Special Zones for Structural Reform (Kozo Kaikaku Tokku) stimulate municipal governments through deregulation. This paper analyzes the factors that lead to differences in educational policy output via Special Zones for Structural Reform.The authors focus on two respects that have not been sufficiently analyzed in prior studies on the educational policymaking process. The first is the relationship among actors. All prior research has reduced the unit of analysis to individual actors, but it has not reached conclusions on the puzzle of “who is the most influential.” The authors of the current study strategically avoid this problem by looking not at the behavior and attributes of individual actors, but at the relationships among actors such as school principals, mayors and local assemblies. The second is the institutional context. Municipal organizations (governments and educational boards) are nested in the institutions of prefectures, and this study explicitly assumes that the differences between the exogenous institutions of educational administration set up by prefectural governments lead to the diversification of the municipal policymaking process and policy output.The study examines the above two factors quantitatively. Bayesian methodsare used to analyze the population data of municipalities. The dependent variables are the introduction of new educational policies via the admission of Special Zones, and proposals for new educational policies. The following results are obtained by fitting the Bayesian hierarchical heteroskedastic binary probit model.As the size of the network among principals grows, communication among them becomes diluted, so it becomes more difficult to suggest and adopt new educational policies.The relationship between the mayor and members of the local assembly has a major impact at the stage where new educational policies are suggested. The larger the distance between the preferences of the mayor and the assembly members is, the smaller the likelihood that new educational policies will be suggested. In other words, the educational board-the agent of political actorshas autonomy when educational policy does not change at the mercy of political actors, and greater distance between the mayor and assembly members brings about a loss in the consistency of agenda setting by political actors.The institutional factors-rules governing personnel changes and the allocation of educational administration staff-are influential in proposals for new educational policies. Major personnel changes amplify the effect of the network size among principals, and end up diluting the density of communication and preserving the status quo in municipalities.
山田 浩
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.177-194, 2000-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this article is to clarify differences in status among secondary school principals by examining their educational background.This article focuses on secondary school principals in 1937, using data from Taishu Shinshiroku (Popular Social Register), Shokuinroku (The List of Public Servants) and other similar sources. The purposes for studying the principals were as follows: to examine all types of educational backgrounds throughout the country; to compare the types of secondary schools to which the principals belonged and the rate of their promotion to the position of principals; and to collect data on the educational backgrounds of principals and analyze these statistically.The results of the article may be summarized as follows. Firstly, it clarified the distribution of each type of educational background. The largest proportion of principals were graduates of higher normal schools (koto shihan gakko). In particular, the proportion from normal schools (shihan gakko) exceeded 80%. The lowest proportion was for those who had not experienced any higher education at all. People with such backgrounds had extremely limited chances of promotion to the position of principal, especially in public schools.Secondly, differences in salary as influenced by educational background were examined. The salaries of graduates of imperial universities (teikoku daigaku) was the highest. Their salaries were superior to those of the graduates of higher normal schools who made up the largest share of secondary school principals. Even middle-aged principals who had graduated from imperial universities had higher salaries than older principals who had graduated from higher normal schools.Based on these findings, three topics are discussed. The first is the reason for which the percentages of graduates from higher normal.Schools among secondary school teachers increased from the Taisho (1912-1916) to Showa (1916-) era. The second is the influence of hierarchies within secondary school teaching. The last is the status of those who had not experienced higher education.
vol.54, 1994-06-10

This paper considers three concerns: (1) examination of the interaction between intellectual educational practices and other ideal and cultural aspects of schools; (2) examination of the effects of intellectual curricula on Jukentaisei (entrance examination system) in Japanese society ; and (3) verification of the theoretical proposition that the Japanese educational system is autonomous with regard to its intellectual curricula. Based on these considerations, this paper investigates quantitative and qualitative changes of mathematics curricula for elementary and secondary schools prescribed in courses of studies. The findings are that: 1) the mathematical items apparently have reduced in number, but 2) the examination of the appearance, disappearance, and the allocation in school years of each item reveals that the mathematical curriculum has a tendency to stabilize at advanced levels, and 3) the examination of contents of items also reveals that while practical items disappear, numerical and algebraic items are introduced in earlier school years, and that the curriculum has a tendency to keep advanced levels. These tendencies indicate the 'Institutionalization of Curriculum'. The word 'Institution' means social patterns reproduced routinely with some features such as values that are taken for granted, standardized actions, and relative fixity. This implies that: (1) although the introduction of 'Yutori (latitude)' and 'Kosei (individuality)' into schools is advocated in Japan, the intellectual curriculum follows its own process of 'Institutionalization'. This increases conflicts and gaps between the intellectual educational practices and schools' apparent ideals and objectives; (2) because of 'Institutionalization', curriculum contents as the object of competition are more and more taken for granted and children are required to expend more effort to master them. Consequently more and more people are subject to Jukentaisei and the closed competitive order permeates Japanese society. (3) The 'Institutionalization of Curriculum' is a typical example of the autonomy of the educational system. This implies that the educational system tends to close itself off without reflecting its accountability to wider society. It will be one of the main themes for sociology of education to recognize the theory of this tendency and to consider its consequences.
岩村 美智恵
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.58, pp.5-28, 1996-05

The main purposes of this paper are to measure the economic benefits of higher education and to clarify the scheme of differentiation in the higher educational system. In the economics of education we have used the private rate of return to measure the economic benefits which a person gets from education. But most previous research has an error in the empirical method. The error uses in not combining the private rate of return and the actual student placements in employment for each university. I try to remedy this error. Firstly I investigate differences in employment opportunity according to industry and enterprise size relating to 33 faculties of 10 universities (Table 2). Secondly I calculate the private rate of return for each of them (Table 3). Finally, I combine both results (Table 4). I think the private rate of return calculated by this method supersedes previous research. Furthermore from the standpoint of economics. I try to explain the demand trend of higher education on the basis of the research findings. As a result it is proved that the aspiration to graduate from a higher prestige university is reasonable economically.
田中 雅文
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.95-110, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
1 1

Previous research findings show that voluntary activities carried out by NPOs (nonprofit organizations) enhance learning and self-development among volunteers. Meantime, it has become difficult for post-adolescents to form a selfidentity. Can NPOs reduce this difficulty?This report discusses the above-mentioned issue, by adopting the concepts of reflexivity and public space. First, it discusses how the human relationships nurtured in voluntary activities can provide the self as a “reflexive project” with opportunities to form an identity. Second, it proposes a concept of public space produced by NPOs and examines the possibility of a reflexive transformation of the self and society promoted by voluntary activities within the public space. Finally, it discusses the significance of that kind of space for the formation of identity in post-adolescence, by combining two concepts, namely, public space and learning.The following findings are obtained. Voluntary activities nurtured within the public space produced by NPOs promote the reflexive transformation of the self and society based on concrete human relationships, experience and outcome of activities, and therefore liberates the participants from the formation of an identity dependent on abstract information. Such public spaces are filled with various kinds of learning, and therefore are nothing less than “learning spaces.” The learning emerging there can be called “reflexive learning.” At present in Japan, it is important for post-adolescents to understand that social transformation and self-development are part of one united body. Through that process they can recognize their own position and power in actual society and gain an identity as a member of society. Meanwhile, it may lead us to evade a “risk society.” Therefore, “reflexive learning” has the potential to achieve simultaneously the formation of identity in post-adolescence and the liberation of our society from risk.
林川 友貴
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.97, pp.5-24, 2015

<p> 本稿の目的は,学級と部活動という二つの所属集団に着目して,中学生の学校適応のメカニズムを明らかにすることである。学校ランクという「学校間」の差異に関する変数の学校適応に対する説明力が高校段階と比べて大きく減退する中学校段階においては,「学校内」の複数の文脈の影響をより精密に捉えうる分析枠組みが求められる。そこで本稿では,「学校内」の下位集団である学級と部活動の影響に照準を合わせ,中学生の学校適応メカニズムを検討した。<BR> 分析に際しては,複数の文脈の影響を同時的に分析できるcross-classified multilevel モデルを用いて,中学二年生を対象とした調査データを分析し,中学生の学校適応に対して学級と部活動という二つの所属集団が与える影響を推定した。<BR> 主な知見は次の三点である。(1)生徒間の交流が分断され,疎外性の高い学級に所属する生徒ほど学校適応は低くなる。(2)所属する部の全体的な積極性や,運動部での先輩-後輩関係の良好さは学校適応と正の関連をもつ。(3)疎外性の高い学級に所属する生徒ほど,部活動での先輩- 後輩関係が学校適応に与える影響は大きい。<BR> これらの結果は,同年齢集団である学級と異年齢集団である部活動の双方の影響を考慮した分析が,中学校段階の学校適応の説明において必要であることを示唆するものである。</p>
池本 美香
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.27-45, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

本稿では,諸外国において,幼児教育・保育政策に関して,特に経済的な観点から,近年どのようなことが議論され,具体的にどのような施策が講じられているのかを紹介し,日本の幼児教育・保育政策の今後のあり方について考える。諸外国では幼児教育・保育政策が,女子差別撤廃条約や児童の権利条約など,女性や子どもの人権に関する国際的な議論を受けて見直されていることに加え,少子高齢化に伴う労働力不足に対して,女性労働力の活用が求められていること,社会保障費用の負担増に対して,子どもの貧困や教育格差が問題視されていること,就学後の教育の効率性を決めるのは就学前の教育にあるという研究成果が注目されていることなどから,経済成長戦略の一環としても注目を集めている。 具体的な改革として,幼児教育・保育政策を救貧的な福祉制度体系から,人的投資を意識した教育制度体系に位置づける国が増えているほか,保育の質を高めることにも力を入れる傾向にある。公的投資の効果を意識した様々な工夫も見られ,保護者が自ら共同運営する施設や祖父母が保育する方式を積極的に活用したり,家庭や地域に対する働きかけを重視したり,保護者の労働時間短縮を進める動きなどが見られる。日本で目下検討されている幼保一体化を含む「子ども・子育て新システム」についても,人道的観点に加え,経済成長戦略の一環としての検討を加えることが期待される。
香川 めい 劉 語霏
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.99, pp.5-25, 2016-11-30 (Released:2018-03-26)

生徒減少期の高校教育機会の確保には,量的不足への対応が求められた拡大期とは異なる位相の問題が孕まれている。この局面では準義務教育機関となった高校に求められる質的に多様なニーズを満たしつつも規模を縮小させることが必要となるからである。本研究は,同じく生徒数の減少に直面しつつある日本,台湾を事例として取り上げ,高校教育機会を維持し続けること,そこで浮かび上がってくる課題について公私関係を軸に検討する。 日台ともに公立高校の供給不足を私立高校が補完して高校拡大が達成されたため,私立高校はセミ・パブリックな性質を持つようになった。加えて,日本では都道府県に公私協議会を設置して入学定員の按分が行われてきた。それは量的変動のショックを負担し合うことで教育機会の安定的な供給に寄与した。しかし,生徒数が減少し続ける中,定員の按分方式では私立高校の経営が維持できなくなる事態が生じつつある。一方,台湾では2014年の「十二年国民基本教育」実施に伴い,義務教育が実質的に高校まで延長された。この政策は教育機会の平準化や質の均質化を目指すものであるが,少子化の進行,地域間格差などの現実に即したものではない。特に地方で私立職業高校の存続を難しくし,政策の意図とは裏腹に教育機会の平等が担保されない事態が生まれつつある。両社会とも縮小局面で,私立高校の役割をふまえ機会の平等をどう保障していくかが問われている。
梅崎 修
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.71-90, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

安東 由則
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.60, pp.99-116, 1997-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
1 1
嶋内 佐絵
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.303-324, 2014

薮田 直子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.197-218, 2013

本稿は,公立中学校とNPOでのフィールド調査から,外国にルーツを持つ生徒のアイデンティティに関わる教育実践の現状を描くことを目的とする。<br> 調査地では,近年ベトナムルーツの生徒が「通名」を使用する事例が散見される。そこで具体的に「本名を呼び名のる実践」を挙げ,教師や支援者が生徒の「通名」にどう向き合うかを描く。分析から2つの「転換」が明らかになった。<br> まず,従来の実践が象徴としてきた「通名から本名へ」という物語の揺らぎである。在日コリアン生徒を対象とした実践では,本名を表明することが重視されていた。しかしダブルの生徒にとって,また歴史的経緯を別とするベトナムルーツの生徒にとっての表明すべき「本名」とは何か。ここから実践目標に転換が生まれていると位置付けた。<br> 次に浮かび上がる2つ目の転換は,名乗りという主体的な行動に介入することへの配慮である。本人や保護者の決定に介入しない実践スタイルは,「特定の名乗り:民族名」を過度に期待することで生まれる「教条的」な関わりを避けたいという実践手法の転換であった。<br> 以上の分析から,オールドカマー,ニューカマー両者を対象に据えた新たな実践の形が明らかになった。また公立学校と同校区内のNPOを事例とすることによって,実践の中心的役割を担ってきた2つの場を比較検討することができた。こうした教育実践の現状を記すことは,「在日外国人教育」の発展に有益な視点を提供すると考える。
佐久間 亜紀
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.97-112, 2010-06-30

内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.129-148, 2005-05-30

The aim of this study is, through a secondary analysis of the number of child abuse reports filed with children's welfare centers, to examine activities to prevent child abuse in Japan. The number of cases of child abuse, filed in 47 prefectures and 12 ordinance-designed major cities, can be analyzed by focusing on the regional differences among them. Adopting the perspective of social constructionism, this study regards the number of child abuse reports as a rate of discovery rather than incidence, and analyzes the differences between urban areas and rural ones through some variables. The main findings can be summarized as follows. (1) Especially since the latter half of the 1990s, urban areas have been carrying out activities to prevent child abuse (in this study, termed "child abuse discovery activities"), and all areas have been converging on an average discovery rate. (2) In urban areas, new types of child abuse (sexual abuse, emotional/psychological maltreatment, and neglect) were discovered a few years later than physical maltreatment. In 2001, the first whole year when child abuse prevention law was put into force, all types of maltreatment were discovered relatively higher in urban areas. (3) Neighbors, acquaintances/friends and medical facilities have been discovering child maltreatment in urban areas significantly and particularly in 2001 most urban public organizations have higher rate significantly. In Japan, child abuse is often discussed in the context of contemporary and urban ways of life, such as "the weakening of local bonds and blood relationships," "increase in nuclear families" and "psychological troubles arising in the course of growth and development." However, as stated above, since the latter half of 1990s, urban areas have been the forerunners of child abuse prevention activities in Japan. Therefore, the way of life in urban areas cannot be identified as a causal factor of child abuse. Rather, the great interest that urban people, medical facilities and public organizations have in child abuse is behind the incidence of "abuse" in urban areas.
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the "emotional labor" of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory. The differences between Hochschild's argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point. In Hochschild's argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupils' emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacher's instruction is based on working on pupils' feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupil's feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms. Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor. However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.
星野 周弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.30, pp.61-72,en179, 1975

1.Two phncipal approaches to the problem of definitions are usually recognized as the legal and the behavioral or sociological. There seems to be extensive agreement that delinquency consists of behaviors recognized as undesirable or behaviors formally prohibited by law. However, a number of questions always arise as to this seemingly simple way of defining term. One of such questions is concerned with the problem of what is involved in the idea of delinquency. Is it a single act or must there be a series of related acts, a pattern ofbehavior in order to establish the fact of delinquency? There are also questions about whois a delinquent and when one becomes a delinquent. Whether causal analysis of delinquency is possible depends on how these basic questions are answered.<BR>2. Three fundamental perspectives on delinquency dominate the current scene. They are strain or motivational theories, control or bond theories and cultural deviance theories. Although most current theories of delinquency contain at least two and occasionally all three of these perspectives, reconciliation of assumptions is very difficult. Each investigator should begin framing hisperspective in order to analyze causes of delinquency.<BR>3. There are three principal requirements that an empirical investigator must meet in order to be able to say that A causes B:<BR>1) A and B are statistically associated.<BR>2) A is causally prior to B.<BR>3) Theassociation between A and B does not disappear when the effects of other variables causally prior to both A and B are removed.<BR>4. There have been many arguments among proponentsof "general theory" or "multiple factor" approaches. Multiple factor adherents should state more explicitly the reasons for their choice of particular itemsfor analysis and the general theorists should examine and make more extensive use of data.The causes of delinquency must be discussed more in probabilistic terms than in deterministic models.
森 一平
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.153-172, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

本稿の目的は,授業会話における順番交替組織の一側面を明らかにすることである。小学校の授業会話においては,教師から児童たちへと発言の順番が移行するさい,主に一斉発話と挙手によってこれが成し遂げられる。しかし両者は,ともに同じく教師の質問によって児童たちに要求される。では,授業会話の参与者たちはいかにしてこの2種類の要求を区別し,またいかにしてそれに応えているのだろうか。本稿はこの問いを解くことを通して,上記の目的を果たそうとするものである。 分析の結果明らかになったのは次のことである。第1に教師は,基本的にはsK+質問と sK+/K-質問という2種類の質問を使い分けることによって,一斉発話と挙手の要求をそれぞれ区別していた。第2に児童たちは,事前の発言をきちんと聞いていたことを示しうるような適切なタイミングで挙手を開始していた。第3に,教師の要求に対して児童たちが誤った,あるいは分散した反応を示してしまった場合には,これを事後的に適切な反応へと方向づける付加的な技法が用いられていた。 一斉発話と挙手は授業会話において,その限られた発言の機会を児童たちへとなるべく公平に行き渡るよう分配するための,あるいは授業全体をより効果的なしかたで組織するための,有益な道具として用いることができる。本稿の知見は,この2つの道具を区別し使い分けるための,基礎的な技法を明らかにしたものである。