山田 桐子 宮崎 均
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.626, pp.819-826, 2008-04-30 (Released:2008-08-20)
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Trend of regional characteristics was revealed by classification based on landform, natural water system resource and formative process of hot spring area. Classification of “ravine” and “hilly land” experienced small-scale development by mostly hot spring cure, medical treatment and health-seeking and leave old streetscape. Classification of “valley-between mountains-flat”, “hilly land-flat” and “flat” experienced major-scale development by mostly merriment and pleasures. Therefore scale of present hot spring area is determined by landform, natural water system resource and formative process of hot spring area.
村尾 修 山崎 文雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.515, pp.187-194, 1999
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A number of building damage surveys were carried out for different purposes after the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake. The damage surveys by local governments intended their use for property tax reduction while the survey by AIJ & CPIJ group aimed to get technical records. Quick inspections by many engineers were also conducted to mitigate secondary damage. This paper compares items of 11 surveys. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the methods of building damage evaluation and to discuss its difference in order to propose a new damage survey sheet based on the actual construction cost.
青木 宏文 大野 隆造 山口 孝夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.563, pp.85-92, 2003

In Part 1, a simulation system was developed to examine human spatial orientation in a virtual weightless state. By conducting experiments in several routes of connected modules, we found some relevant variables for spatial cognition errors. Part 2 clarifies the causes of spatial cognition errors by the similar experiments using more complicated routes. The results showed the errors were able to be explained by two causes. One cause was that subjects did not recognize the rotation of the frame of reference, especially more often when they turned in pitch direction rather than in yaw. The other cause was that subjects were incorrect in the place, the direction, and the sequence of turns.
大野 隆造 青木 宏文 山口 孝夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.558, pp.71-77, 2002
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In a virtual weightless environment, pointing and modeling tasks were conducted to examine subjects'orientational skills. Subjects who wore a head-mounted display in a reclining chair moved from one end to the other end in several routes that were made by three or four modules that were connected by cubical modules, and pointed to the start point and made the experienced route by a scale model. Analyses of the results show the ability of spatial orientation varies with such variables as the number of bends, the number of embedding planes and the number of planes with respect to the body posture. Subjects who miss the tasks have a tendency not to take the change of the direction of their body axes into account.
辻川 ひとみ 北浦 かほる
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.506, pp.69-74, 1998

This study is to investigate how was the city of Edo with remodeled five compositional elements K.Lynch proposed. I used Edo-zu-byobu and Edo-meisyo-zu-byobu. And this is to investigate factors that form image of the city and support legibility of the districts for the people. As the result, 1) How to image of the city varies according to the social level and life style. 2) There is difference of district's forms between two Edo-zu-byobu. One was characterized by "water", another was characterized by "street". 3) Street furniture would be one of factors on legibility of the district.
吉田 伸治 村上 周三 持田 灯 大岡 龍三 富永 禎秀 金 相進
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.529, pp.77-84, 2000
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Outdoor thermal environment in summer become worse due to a change of land cover and an increase of artificial heat release according to the urban development. In this paper, the authors have developed a new method for predicting the human comfort in outdoor thermal space with the aid of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Furthermore, the effect of greening on outdoor wind and thermal environment was analyzed. Spatial distribution of SET (Standard Effective Temperature) was calculated in order to assess the pedestrian level comfort using the data given from the CFD predictions. Two cases of predictions were carried out. In easel, green area ratio of ground surface was assumed 10%, while the green area ratio of ground surface was changed to 100% in case2. By comparing the SET* distributions in both cases, effects of greening were thus clarified.
原 衣代果 石川 恒夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.651, pp.1247-1254, 2010-05-30 (Released:2010-07-26)

This study focuses on documents from August 1958 that came before the first basic design plan for Twenty Six Martyrs Memorial by Kenji IMAI. Three starting points for the creation of the architectural project became clear. 1. Firstly, the memorial monument and memorial site were planned to be devided and the main construction site was to be on the east side of the existing road. For this purpose for the monument and memorial site being separated is that the purchasers were different. 2. The original design for the memorial monument was that of The catholic society for the fine arts, and IMAI designed his stone plinth monument holding these designs in high esteem while improving them further. 3. Lastly, even at the first stages of the project, IMAI had already thought of circling the space reciting the prayer of the rosary while imagining the twenty six martyrs on the road of suffering. This was the architectural theme.
今浪 絵里 大宮司 勝弘 岩岡 竜夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.627, pp.1131-1137, 2008-05-30

The purpose of this study is to clarify the theory of house design by Mamoru Yamada, especially through the design of "Tsurumi residence" in 1931. Before designing this house, Yamada had been in Europe to participate in the international congress of CIAM and to visit several housing projects in 1929-1930, which was reported as an article "Minimum size of living house" in 1931. And after designing Tsurumi residence, he wrote about the past, present and future of Japanese houses in his another article "House of tomorrow" which was published in 1943. In this study, through the consideration of the relationship between the design of Tsurumi residence and contents of these two articles written by him, his theory of house design and his methods to make house comfortable were extracted.
朴 重信 金 泰永 布野 修司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.595, pp.95-100, 2005
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This paper aims to clarify spatial formation and transformation of Japanese migrant fishing village of Guryongpo. Form of Guryongpo residential area is shaped by the form of coastal line. The basic road system is composed of Hon-machi dori (Main street) parallel to the coastal line and three perpendicular roads. According to these road patterns, plot of the lands in the block are formed into distinctive trapezoidal shape. Taking notice of direction of entrance and exit in Japanese style houses, They can be classified into Continuous room type, Engawa type (one side horizontal aisle), Dori-niwa type (one side vertical aisle), Inner corridor type and, Mixed type but the typical model are Engawa type and Inner corridor type. For the case of planning order, Dori-niwa type takes the form by Continuous room type plus Dori-niwa and corridor. Inner corridor type takes the form by Dori-niwa type plus Continuous room type, while Engawa type takes the form by Engawa type plus Inner corridor type. Transformation of house can be classified into two types, unification and separation of building. Unification of building can be seen in the houses directly facing the street. This kind of transformation can be seen in the combination of Dori-niwa type and Continuous room type, which the outcome is Inner corridor type. Separation of building can be seen in the house with front garden. In this type of transformation, "L" shaped roof of the house was separated into two parts, which then, each part of separated roof was altered to "L" shape again by extension. Front garden was also transformed to space for working or passageway known as "Madang".
高 偉俊 杉山 寛克 尾島 俊雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.469, pp.53-64, 1995
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1. 概要 多くの都市における高密度な土地利用は路上の歩行者にとって不快な環境を作り出している。沿道に建てられた高い建物は冬には日射を遮断し、逆に夏の広い街路では、必要以上に日射を取得している。加えて、都市ではコンクリートやアスファルトヘの土地被覆の変化や人工排熱の増加により気温が高くなる。これらの都市の熱環境を改善するために様々な手法が用いられているが、街路樹を導入することが最も一般的に試みられている。特に冬の日射取得を妨げずに夏の日射遮蔽をもたらす街路樹の影響を街路の形態との関係を踏まえて把握することは歩行者の快適性を向上させるために重要である。そこで異なる季節において街路の形態と街路樹の有無による影響評価を行った結果、街路の形態が夏冬ともに大きな影響を及ぼしている一方で、街路樹は夏の熱環境緩和に効果的であることを示した。2. 実測方法 本研究では、街路の形態と街路樹が歩道上の熱環境にもたらす影響を夏と冬、24時間に渡って実測調査を行った。実測地点は図1に示す東京都新宿区の早稲田大学大久保キャンパス周辺の4地点。地点Aは南北街路で街路樹が約10m間隔にある。地点B、C、Eは東西街路上に位置し、地点Bは街路樹のない狭い街路、地点Cは緑化道路で両側の歩道沿いと道路中央に街路樹の樹冠が連続している。地点Dは道路の両側に街路樹の樹冠が連続している。実測地点Aは西側歩道、地点B、C、Dは北側歩道上に位置し、路面の素材はアスファルトであった。実測は1993年8月23日〜24日、1994年2月23日〜24日、各地点は共通して地上1.2mの高さにおいて移動計測によって気温、湿度、風速、歩道の表面温度、壁面温度をアスマン乾湿度計、熱線式風速計、赤外線放射温度計を用いて測定した。所要時間は24時間を通じて各々20〜25分であった。3. 実測結果 3-1. 冬の実測結果 図3に気温の日変化を示す。東西方向の広い街路にある地点Dが日中最も高く最高気温は12.5℃であった。一方で、狭い街路にある地点Bが一番低く、最高気温は10.5℃であった。しかしながら夜間は地点Bが地点Aを除いて高くなる傾向を示した。これは地点Bの天空率が低いことから夜間の放射冷却が抑えられているためと考えられる。また地点Cと地点Dの最高気温の差は天空率に起因している。図4では東西街路に位置する地点B、C、Dについて日射量を計算した。これより地点Dの日射量が最も多く、地点Bが最も少ない。つまり地点Bが他の地点と比べて気温が低くなるのは、取得する日射量が少ないからである。またほぼ同じ幅員の街路方位の異なる地点Aと地点Dを比較すると最高気温では地点Dの方が高いにもかかわらず、平均気温でみると地点Aの方が高い。これは日中を通じて南北街路の方が東西街路より日射を多く受けていることが日平均気温の上昇につながっていると思われる。図5は歩道の表面温度を示す。最高温度は地点Dで24℃、最低温度は地点Bで-1.5℃であった。日中は地点間の温度差が大きいが、夜間にはその差は縮小した。日中の最高温度は地点Cと地点Dでは13時付近でみられたが、地点Bとは1時間の時差があった。また地点Aでは直達日射を午前中にのみ受けていたために最高温度は12時付近でみられた。図6と図7には東西街路の壁面温度を示す。表面温度差は日中において顕著にみられ、直達日射をほとんど受けない南壁では温度差は小さく、天空率の最も高い地点Dが夜間において壁面温度が最も低くなった。しかしながら、北壁については地点BはH/W1.33で狭い街路であることから日射が遮断され最も低い壁面温度を示した。図8は湿度の日変化を示す。湿度は午後低くなり、夜間に上昇する傾向がみられたが、地点間の差は認められなかった。図9は風速の日変化を示す。地点Dのような広い街路では風速か弱くなるような傾向がみられた。一方では地点Bのような狭い街路では風速が強くなる傾向がみられた。3-2. 夏の実測結果 気温の日変化を図11に示す。夏には地点Bが日中を通じて気温が高く、地点Aと同様の変化を示す。これに対し、地点C、Dは平均気温で0.6-0.7℃、最高気温で1.7-2.0℃低くなり、街路樹の日射遮蔽により、気温を緩和する効果が認められる。図12は歩道上の表面温度の日変化を示す。街路樹によって覆われている地点Cは他の地点と比較して最高で約15℃低い。また、平均でみると街路樹がある地点の表面温度の方が街路樹のない地点と比較して約5℃低くなる。湿度の日変化を図13に示す。街路樹のある地点C、Dは街路樹のない地点Bと比較して僅かながら湿度が高くなる傾向がみられた。図14には風速の日変化を示す。冬と同様に地点Bは他の地点と比較して風速が最も強くなる傾向にあった。4. 考察 図15は気温と歩道の表面温度の関係を示す。夏と冬の結果は、街路空間の気温が歩道の表面温度と高い相関関係にある。気温と街路の形態との関係については冬のデータを用いて、地点Bと地点C、Dの間で検討した。その結果、図16に示すように日中は地点C、Dが地点Bに比べて気温が高くなるが、夜間にはむしろ地点C、Dが地点Bに比べて気温が低くなった。これは広い街路は日中では日射を多く取得するが、逆に夜間には狭い街路に比べて放射冷却しやすいことを示している。図17は街路樹の気温に対する影響を示す。地点C、Dは地点Bに比べて最高で1.7から2.0℃低く、街路樹は日射を遮蔽することにより、日中の熱環境を緩和する効果が明らかである。一方で夜間には地点Cは地点Bとほぼ同じもしくは僅かながら気温が高くなる。これは地点Cが低い天空率にも表れているように街路樹によって覆われ、夜間の放射冷却が抑えられていると考えられる。また地点Dは街路樹があるにもかかわらず、地点Bに比べて天空率が高いために気温が低く推移したとみられる。5. 結論 本研究は街路樹と歩道上の熱環境との関係を夏と冬の実測調査により次のような成果を得た。(1)街路形態の影響について冬の結果を解析すると街路の幅員が広いほど取得する日射量が多くなり、日中の気温が高くなる。(2)夜間の気温は主に天空率によって影響され、狭い街路ほど広い街路に比べて気温が僅かながら高くなる。(3)夏の結果からは街路樹により最高で気温が約2℃緩和されることがわかった。つまり、街路樹の量によって気温は低下し、街路樹か歩道の熱環境の緩和に非常に効果的であることが確かめられた。(4)気温は歩道の表面温度と高い相関関係にあり、歩道の表面温度が低くなると、気温も低くなる傾向にあった。一方で街路樹は歩道の表面温度に対して大きな影響を及ぼしている。つまり街路樹の緩和効果は主に歩道の表面温度の低下によって表れ、結果として気温の低下につながっているといえる。
伊香賀 俊治 村上 周三 加藤 信介 白石 靖幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.535, pp.53-58, 2000
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Building sector has a heavy role to create sustainable society, because CO_2 emissions associated with construction and operation of buildings are estimated to be 1/3 of the whole CO_2 emissions in Japan. These CO_2 emissions were estimated from 1970 through 2050 and the following results were obtained. (1) CO_2 emission between 2008 and 2012 will increase by 15% than 1990 level. (2) CO_2 emission can be reduced by 6% between 2008 and 2012, and reduced by 40% in 2050, if the 30% energy saving, long life and environment-conscious materials are adopted to new buildings.
野口 昌夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.466, pp.163-172, 1994
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In this thesis, the block with medieval city wall in the north part of the historical district of Peccioli, small medieval city in Tuscany, is analyzed through the historical documents " cadastre(1834)" in order to clarify the immovable property system of the block in the early 19th century. The destination and surface of the properties are examined at first, and then the relationship between family, make-up and the properties is analyzed to define the property system and also the boundary of properties is defined by the analysis of cadastral map and present surveyed drawing of the block.
青木 祐介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.548, pp.251-256, 2001
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In the early Meiji (before the Shinto system revised in 1871) ,the new government had no clear vision for the building and repairs of shrines. When the new hierarchy of shrines had been established, the government had to make guidelines regarding building and repairing expenditure for the shrines directly controlled by the government. Meanwhile, Izumo-Shrine requested from the government again and again, funds not for repairs but for the whole reconstruction. Thus based on the financial state of the government, the area restrictions of shrines was suggested in 1872 by the Ministry of Finance.
西山 徳明 三村 浩史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.474, pp.133-141, 1995
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This paper proposes the concept of "Landscape Management Planning" in a non-linear and spread villagescape area, which aims to not only realize a conservation of traditional structures but also assimilate impacts of local community's development. The contents of this paper are as follows. 1. Proposal of the analysis framework of landscape structure. 2. Representation of a landscape image which local people and government had been aim for. 3. Analysis on preferences of dwellers for the simulated future landscape images.
樋口 貴彦 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.624, pp.303-310, 2008-02-28 (Released:2008-10-31)

This paper is an analysis of the structural transition of wooden storehouses in the area around Mt. Yatsugatake. A few types of the structural characteristics can be seen in the same village, and in the same area. In previous studies, it was found that these types of the structural transition were caused by the development of lumbering techniques and changes in the way pine wood was used in the area. First we researched the distribution of wooden storehouses in this area and their details and found out that there were five types of structural characteristics among them. Second, we analyzed each type according to the characteristics of their walls: their lumbering techniques and the length of wood pieces and concluded that the structural types were decided on by a method to build a long wall according to lumbering techniques, We also found that there were some differences in the way of fixing pillars between eastern areas and western ones around Mt. Yatsugatake.
近藤 靖史 長澤 康弘 張本 和芳 守屋 賢志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.557, pp.65-72, 2002
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is one of the most useful techniques to predict the air distribution in air-conditioned and ventilated rooms. The supply airflow such as free jet, wall jet and combined flow of these jets has a great influence on the air distribution in rooms. Most of supply air diffusers have complex geometry, however, the shape of diffuser is usually oversimplified in CFD with coarse grids system. The results of such simulation may give incorrect prediction due to the poor modeling of diffusers. Even if the complex geometry of air diffuser can be described in detail, huge computer capacity and very long calculation time were required. In this paper, several modeling methods to simplify the boundary condition around air diffusers, such as BOX Method (P.V. Nielsen; 1976,1992) and P.V. Method (Prescribed Velocity Method, P.V. Nielsen et al.; 1980), are compared. These modelings require the distribution of air velocity, turbulence properties, temperature and concentrations around the diffuser beforehand. These data as the boundary condition for CFD with coarse grids can be obtained from the experimental measurement or the unstructured CFD simulation with fine meshes. In this paper, the full scale experiment was carried out at isothermal condition, and the airflow data around complex air diffuser installed at ceiling was obtained. With the basis of the flow data around the diffuser by the measurement, BOX Method and P.V. Method were applied to the air diffuser. The results of coarse grids CFD showed the good agreement not only around diffusers but in other part of rooms with the measurement.
土本 俊和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.495, pp.239-246, 1997
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This paper traces some of the linkages between incendiarism and imposition via the example of Kyoto in the latter half of the sixteenth century. When Nobunaga moved into Kyoto in 1568, he began to ensure the feudal landowners their landholding. But he destroyod some area of Kyoto on fire in 1573. This incendiarism changed Kamigyo into the land with no productivity. Then he exempted them from the taxation and permitted town dwellers to rebuild their houses after the fire. The paper concludes that the incendiarism and the exemption made Kamigyo into the area without feudal landholding except by Nobunaga.
柳田 良造
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.673, pp.553-562, 2012

The Modern age of Japan that started from the Meiji Restoration has important meaning in the history of development of wilderness reclamation and the formation of farm villages. This study clarifies the spatial characteristics, the formation, and the transition of the development of farm villages based on document investigation and field surveys through comparative analysis of a typical case that developed in the Modern Age in Hokkaido, Tohoku and the North Kanto region. It was an especially big discovery to be able to confirm the method of development of the farm villages in the Modern Age in Hokkaido, Tohoku and the North Kanto region that had been thought to be have developed previously through a different route and that there are a lot of simultaneities and common planning principles.
柳田 良造
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.673, pp.553-562, 2012

The Modern age of Japan that started from the Meiji Restoration has important meaning in the history of development of wilderness reclamation and the formation of farm villages. This study clarifies the spatial characteristics, the formation, and the transition of the development of farm villages based on document investigation and field surveys through comparative analysis of a typical case that developed in the Modern Age in Hokkaido, Tohoku and the North Kanto region. It was an especially big discovery to be able to confirm the method of development of the farm villages in the Modern Age in Hokkaido, Tohoku and the North Kanto region that had been thought to be have developed previously through a different route and that there are a lot of simultaneities and common planning principles.