森 純一郎 松尾 豊 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.5, pp.337-345, 2005 (Released:2005-08-02)
4 13

With the currently growing interest in the Semantic Web, personal metadata to model a user and the relationship between users is coming to play an important role in the Web. This paper proposes a novel keyword extraction method to extract personal information from the Web. The proposed method uses the Web as a large corpus to obtain co-occurrence information of words. Using the co-occurrence information, our method extracts relevant keywords depending on the context of a person. Our evaluation shows better performance to other keyword extraction methods. We give a discussion about our method in terms of general keyword extraction for the Web.
田渕 一真 谷口 忠大 椹木 哲夫
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第20回全国大会(2006)
pp.212, 2006 (Released:2006-12-07)

松井 藤五郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.2, pp.330-334, 2011 (Released:2011-01-06)

This paper describes a reinforcement learning framework based on compound returns, which is called compound reinforcement learning. Compound reinforcement learning maximizes the compound return in returns-based MDPs. We also describe compound Q-learning algorithm. We present experimental results using an ilustrative example, 2-armed bandit.
池上 高志 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.6, pp.811-819, 2015-11-01 (Released:2017-09-07)

The Web is perhaps the most complex system that we know today. Its massive scale, complex dynamism, open richness, and social character mean that it may be more profitable to study it by using tools and concepts appropriate for understanding nervous systems, organisms, ecosystems and society, rather than approaches more traditionally employed to study engineering technology. Simultaneously, the scientists trying to understand this wide array of complex natural systems may have much to gain by considering the emerging study of the Web. In this paper, taking examples from our recent studies on the Web, we concretely discuss the relevance of the Web as a large model, as opposed to small models often used in physics or biology, for understanding living systems. An idea is forwarded of a default mode network that introduces autonomy, evolvability and homeostasis into the Web. For example, we argue for the existence of two modes of the states in Twitter; the excitation and baseline. The Web turns out to be an excitable media similar to a brain or certain kinds of chemical systems. R. Ashby's laws of requisite variety is also revisited to study its relevance in the light of controlling complex systems.
芦川 将之 川村 隆浩 大須賀 昭彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.3, pp.B-G81_1-13, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-05-01)

Current crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk provide an attractive solution Crowdsourcing platforms provide an attractive solution for processing numerous tasks at a low cost. However, insufficient quality control remains a major concern. Therefore, we developed a private crowdsourcing system that allows us to devise quality control methods. In the present study, we propose a grade-based training method for workers in order to avoid simple exclusion of low-quality workers and shrinkage of the crowdsourcing market in the near future. Our training method utilizes probabilistic networks to estimate correlations between tasks based on workers’ records for 18.5 million tasks and then allocates pre-learning tasks to the workers to raise the accuracy of target tasks according to the task correlations. In an experiment, the method automatically allocated 31 pre-learning task categories for 9 target task categories, and after the training of the pre-learning tasks, we confirmed that the accuracy of the target tasks was raised by 7.8 points on average. This result was comparatively higher than those of pre-learning tasks allocated using other methods, such as decision trees. We thus confirmed that the task correlations can be estimated using a large amount of worker records, and that these are useful for the grade-based training of low-quality workers.
西岡 伸 鳥居 拓馬 楠本 拓矢 松本 渉 和泉 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.5, pp.AG16-C_1-10, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

In recent financial market, high frequency traders (HFTs) and dark pools have been increasing their share. Financial analysts have speculated that they might decrease market transparency and malfunction price discovery, and their interaction would make the situation worse.To validate speculations, artificial market simulation is a tool of study by constructing virtual markets on computers. In this research, by constructing an artificial market simulation, we analyzed how the interaction between HFTs and a dark pool impacts on the market efficiency (in the sense of price discovery) of a (lit) stock market. In simulations, two types of trader agents enter the market. A market maker agent, a representative strategy of HFTs, submit orders to the lit market. We analyzed the market maker's interest rate spread, or simply the spread, as a key parameter for their strategy. Stylized trader agents submit orders to either the lit market or the dark pool with some probability given as a parameter.The simulation results suggest that on the condition that market makers have little impact to market pricing (having a large spread), moderate use of dark pools can promote market pricing. On the other hand, on the condition that market makers have big impact to market pricing, excessive use of dark pools can inhibit market pricing, while using dark pools do not have bad influence when the rate of use is not high. On the influence of market makers, our results suggest that the bigger the impact to market pricing (a small spread), the more it can promote market pricing.
林 勇吾
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.4, pp.E-G91_1-9, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-03)

The present study investigated the influence of reflections on self/others’ trust within group-based problem solving. The study assessed the role of trust dynamics on perspective-taking activities within conflictive groups, extending the experimental framework used by a previous study and including conversational agents for controlling participants’ interactions related to trust dynamics and perspective taking behavior. Results showed that (1) reflections of self/other trust in conflictive groups may influence trust towards other members, and (2) reflections of trust by members with conflicting perspectives may facilitate trust and perspective taking process. This suggests that the level of trust dynamics facilitates trust and can function to manifest perspective taking within cooperative groups. The results of the study provide new knowledge in collaborative problem solving studies that the development of trust has a progressive effect on perspective taking activities among conflictive members.
河野 慎 植田 一博
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.1, pp.WII-E_1-8, 2017-01-06 (Released:2017-01-20)

People collect and use information about real world from internet to help their daily activities. In particular, the number of users in microblog such as Twitter is so large that users can get a diversity of information. They can elicit not only the information which they need from microblog posts but also the location which is indicated by the contents posted in microblog. While previous approaches apply corpus-based or machine learning that require various prior knowledge such as natural language processing and feature engineering, our approach is able to estimate the location without those requirements with extension of long-short term memory (LSTM). In our experiment, we apply our approach to geo-tagged tweets posted in Twitter and show that this approach is effective in outperforming corpus-based and previous works that use support vector machine (SVM) with bag-of-words (BoW).
野間口 大 下村 芳樹 冨山 哲男
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.1, pp.11-24, 2005 (Released:2005-01-05)
4 5

In this paper, we report the development of a design knowledge management system, called DDMS (Design Documentation Management System). By composing design documents during design, DDMS encourages a designer to externalize his/her knowledge and facilitates sharing and reuse of such externalized design knowledge in later stages. DDMS works as a front end to KIEF (Knowledge Intensive Engineering Framework), which we have been developing over years. DDMS is capable of guiding designers with design process knowledge based on a model of synthesis, combined together with KIEF that can integrate multiple design object models, and maintain consistency among these models. DDMS automatically generates design documents after analyzing design log data based on the model of synthesis. We also illustrate an example of laser lithography design to demonstrate the features of DDMS.
新田 克己 柴崎 真人 安村 禎明 長谷川 隆三 藤田 博 越村 三幸 井上 克巳 白井 康之 小松 弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.17, no.1, pp.32-43, 2002 (Released:2002-04-04)

We present an overview of a legal negotiation support system, ANS (Argumentation based Negotiation support System). ANS consists of a user interface, three inference engines, a database of old cases, and two decision support modules. The ANS users negotiates or disputes with others via a computer network. The negotiation status is managed in the form of the negotiation diagram. The negotiation diagram is an extension of Toulmin’s argument diagram, and it contains all arguments insisted by participants. The negotiation protocols are defined as operations to the negotiation diagram. By exchanging counter arguments each other, the negotiation diagram grows up. Nonmonotonic reasoning using rule priorities are applied to the negotiation diagram.
新美 潤一郎 星野 崇宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.B-G63_1-9, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

Nowadays, along with the popularity of E-Commerce, the marketing strategy of retail stores has been more complicated with O2O or Omni-channel. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the important issue for the retail stores. It can be difficult to predict customers future behavior with the simple quantitive information such as purchase frequency since each customers are widely diversified. Although the company can obtain the variety of customers information from their online activity, the use of access history is still limited. In this paper, we defined “the variety of user access patterns” collected from their web browsing history and it shows the patterns they visit the website. Finally, we verified its effectiveness with developing a DNN model to predict customers future behavior.
伊藤 詩乃 田中 佑岳 狩野 芳伸 榊原 康文
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.F-AI30Ge_1-10, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

31 巻6 号AI30-G(2016 年)の論文において、本文引用箇所がすべて[?]として公開されているため、正しい情報を次ページより掲載します.
永井 秀幸 倉橋 節也
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.1, pp.D-G26_1-10, 2017-01-06 (Released:2017-01-13)

In this paper, we propose an agent-based urban model in which the relationship between a central urban area and a suburban area is expressed simply. Allocation and bustle of a public facility where people stop off in daily life are implemented in the model. We clarify that transportation selection and their residence selection of residents make an effect to change the urban structure and environment. We also discuss how a compact urban structure and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions are achieved with urban development policies and improvements on attractiveness of the facility for pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, we conduct an experiment of the exclusion of cars from the center of the city. The experimental results confirmed that the automobile control measure would be effective in decreasing the use of automobiles along with a compact urban structure.

2 0 0 0 OA 認知的満足化

高橋 達二 甲野 佑 浦上 大輔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.6, pp.AI30-M_1-11, 2016-11-01 (Released:2016-12-26)

As the scope of reinforcement learning broadens, the number of possible states and of executable actions, and hence the product of the two sets explode. Often, there are more feasible options than allowed trials, because of physical and computational constraints imposed on the agents. In such an occasion, optimization procedures that require first trying all the options once do not work. The situation is what the theory of bounded rationality was proposed to deal with. We formalize the central heuristics of bounded rationality theory named satisficing. Instead of the traditional formulation of satisficing at the policy level in terms of reinforcement learning, we introduce a value function that implements the asymmetric risk attitudes characteristic of human cognition. Operated under the simple greedy policy, the RS (reference satisficing) value function enables an efficient satisficing in K-armed bandit problems, and when the reference level for satisficing is set at an appropriate value, it leads to effective optimization. RS is also tested in a robotic motion learning task in which a robot learns to perform giant-swings (acrobot). While the standard algorithms fail because of the coarse-grained state space, RS shows a stable performance and autonomous exploration that goes without randomized exploration and its gradual annealing necessary for the standard methods.
松村 真宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第22回全国大会(2008)
pp.104, 2008 (Released:2009-07-31)

沼 晃介 田中 克明 赤石 美奈 堀 浩一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第22回全国大会(2008)
pp.49, 2008 (Released:2009-07-31)

川島 貴広 石川 勉
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.5, pp.326-336, 2005 (Released:2005-07-05)
3 5

We have developed a knowledge base of words as a tool to measure the semantic similarity between words. In this paper, we evaluate the knowledge base of words comparing with thesauruses, which are commonly used for measuring similarity. Thesauruses of NIHONGO-GOI-TAIKEI(NGT) and Japan Electronic Dictionary(EDR) are selected for the evaluation. For similarity calculation methods using thesauruses, we adopt a newly proposed method, in which each word is represented with vector using the structural feature of thesauruses and the degree of similarity between words is calculated by the inner product of their vectors, in addition to traditional methods based on the path length between categories or the depth of the subsumer. Evaluation is carried out through the two methods, that is, a traditional method based on human rating and the method we have already proposed, feasible for evaluating automatically without human judgment. Evaluation result shows that the knowledge base of word is superior to the both thesauruses(NGT outperforming EDR) as measurement tools, and the proposed calculation method outperforms the traditional ones. The result also shows that our evaluation method is a practical one, by investigating the correlation of both methods.
芦川 将之 川村 隆浩 大須賀 昭彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.6, pp.503-515, 2014-11-01 (Released:2014-09-25)

Open Crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk provide an attractive solution for process of high volume tasks with low costs. However problems of quality control is still of major interest. In this paper, we design a private crowdsourcing system, where we can devise methods for the quality control. For the quality control, we introduce four worker selection methods, each of which we call preprocessing filtering, real-time filtering, post processing filtering, and guess processing filtering. These methods include a novel approach, which utilizes a collaborative filtering technique in addition to a basic approach of initial training or gold standard data. For an use case, we have built a very large dictionary, which is necessary for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech. We show how the system yields high quality results for some difficult tasks of word extraction, part-of-speech tagging, and pronunciation prediction to build a large dictionary.
中嶋 宏 森島 泰則 山田 亮太 Scott Brave Heidy Maldonado Clifford Nass 川路 茂保
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.19, no.3, pp.184-196, 2004 (Released:2004-04-06)
4 15

In this information society of today, it is often argued that it is necessary to create a new way of human-machine interaction. In this paper, an agent with social response capabilities has been developed to achieve this goal. There are two kinds of information that is exchanged by two entities: objective and functional information (e.g., facts, requests, states of matters, etc.) and subjective information (e.g., feelings, sense of relationship, etc.). Traditional interactive systems have been designed to handle the former kind of information. In contrast, in this study social agents handling the latter type of information are presented. The current study focuses on sociality of the agent from the view point of Media Equation theory. This article discusses the definition, importance, and benefits of social intelligence as agent technology and argues that social intelligence has a potential to enhance the user's perception of the system, which in turn can lead to improvements of the system's performance. In order to implement social intelligence in the agent, a mind model has been developed to render affective expressions and personality of the agent. The mind model has been implemented in a human-machine collaborative learning system. One differentiating feature of the collaborative learning system is that it has an agent that performs as a co-learner with which the user interacts during the learning session. The mind model controls the social behaviors of the agent, thus making it possible for the user to have more social interactions with the agent. The experiment with the system suggested that a greater degree of learning was achieved when the students worked with the co-learner agent and that the co-learner agent with the mind model that expressed emotions resulted in a more positive attitude toward the system.
石黒 浩 神田 崇行
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第17回全国大会(2003)
pp.221, 2003 (Released:2004-02-03)
