相原 貴拓 西田 亮介 河村 晃宏 川村 貞夫
vol.2014, pp."1P2-Q02(1)"-"1P2-Q02(2)", 2014-05-24

The calibration-free visual feedback control method had been proposed in 2012 and the experimental validation of the proposed method was demonstrated by using a 3-DOF robot arm. Furthermore, the control method applicable to 6-DOF robot arms was proposed in 2013. This paper experimentally investigated the validation of the proposed method for 6-DOF robot arms. Through experimental results using a 6-DOF robot and a stereo camera set, the usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated.
三宅 正二郎 秋山 幸弘 宮崎 俊行 榎本 祐嗣
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.63, no.614, pp.3586-3591, 1997-10-25

The tribological properties of silicon with and without water boundary lubrication with silicon, silicon carbide and a diamond tip were studied and the following results were obtained. (1) The friction coefficient between silicon and silicon or silicon carbide tips is as high as μ=0.2〜1.0, with and without lubrication. Surface damage occurred due to the adhesion between similar materials. (2) When a diamond is used as the opposite tip, the friction coefficient is as low as μ=0.09〜0.16 without lubrication. With water boundary lubrication, the friction coefficient is as low as μ=0.07. Damage is not observed on surfaces either with or without water boundary lubrication. (3) To determine the reason why sliding with the diamond tip did not result in damage, stress analysis was carried out using the boundary element method for each combination of materials. The maximum Mises stress was observed inside the silicon and diamond bulk when silicon and diamond were tested. However, the maximum Mises stress for the silicon with silicon and silicon carbide with silicon combination was observed.
鈴木 健二郎 林 哲郎 SCHUERGER Matthew J. 西原 淳夫 林 政克
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.55, no.516, pp.2457-2464, 1989-08-25

The interruption of a fin surface causes renewed boundary layers starting from the leading edge of each interrupted fin. This results in boundary layer thinner in the average over entire length of fin surfaces compared to the uninterrupted case. Therefore, a higher degree of interruption is normally expected to lead to a higher degree of heat transfer. However, to realize this expectation actually, care must be taken of the geometrical allocation of each fin in an array so as to avoid other undesirable effects relating to the fin geometry. Numerical computation of flow and thermal fields have been made for two-dimensional models of two types of parallel louver fins and an offset fin. Heat transfer characteristics of parallel louver fins are discussed in comparison with those of an offset fin based upon the results obtained from the performed numerical computation. It is demonstrated that a cartain type of parallel louver fin has a higher heat transfer performance than that obtained with an offset fin.
堤 一郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.746, pp.2396-2402, 2008-10-25

The first domestically-built mine type electric locomotive is said to be the locomotive used at the Ashio Copper Mine in Tochigi Prefecture, Kanto District. Wheel arrangement of this electric locomotive was 0-4-0, and built in 1893 by Ashio Copper Mine Works. Mechanical and electric engineer relation to this locomotive building was Mr. Kumazo Miyahara who graduated at Telegram Vocational Training School of Ministry of Communications. In addition to this locomotive, other two examples of mine type electric locomotive building are introduced. In the final section of this paper, significance of domestic building of mine type electric locomotive examples are discussed from the perspective of history of technology and mechanical engineering heritage.
小野寺 英輝
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.746, pp.2371-2378, 2008-10-25

In Japan, western technology was rapidly introduced from the last stage of the Edo era. However, a lot of examples of technology transfer failure were included in the process. This paper deals with the cause of failure of the Kamaishi national iron mill. Lack of the domestic pig iron demand and insufficient marketing research, the Kamaishi iron mill generated large amount of deficit and was the greatest failure at that period. Analyzing several remained documents, it was understood that Japanese engineers throw large raw ore into the furnace under operation, to make it blockade. It was the simplest way to avoid further financial loss, and to conseal serious carelessness of preliminary survey. Blockage of the furnace was not the main factor of the iron mill business discontinuance, however, it had significant meaning. It was useful to minimize the initial risk of the following private enterprise, which succeeded the iron mill management. And it had big influence in iron manufacture which had grown up to the Japanese key industry in modern ages.
田中 健輔 福富 純一郎 重光 亨 清水 大喜
年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
vol.2013, pp."J055022-1"-"J055022-5", 2013-09-08

Small-sized axial fan is used as air cooler for electric equipments. But there is strong demand for higher power of fan according to the increase of quantity of heat from electric devices. Therefore, higher rotational speed design is necessary, however it causes the deterioration of efficiency and increases the noise. Contra-rotating axial fan is smaller than conventional axial fan under the same rotational speed, and is effective for lower rotational speed design under the same diameter. Then, contra-rotating rotors were proposed for the improvement of the performance of small-sized axial fans and the advantages of it on the point of view of the performance were confirmed. In the present paper, the performance curves and internal flow of the contra-rotating small-sized axial fan with 100mm diameter obtained by the experimental and numerical analysis results are shown and the pressure distribution and attack angle of rear rotor at the design flow rate are clarified. Furthermore, the influence of the blade row distance on the performance and internal flow condition is clarified and higher performance design of the contra-rotating small-sized axial fan are discussed.
藤本 修平 熊谷 一郎
流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480251)
vol.2014, pp."1029-1"-"1029-2", 2014-10-25

Aimed at improving the quality and the efficiency of the coating, we have investigated the motion of liquid particles in an actual airless spray by using a high speed video camera. In this study two-dimensional velocity vectors of the particle were quantitatively obtained by the mean shift algorithm and the particle tracking method. We show the statistical analysis for the particle size, the direction, and the velocity of the liquid particles in the actual spray, and discuss their roles on the quality and the efficiency of the paint coating.
福島E. 文彦 北村 則行 広瀬 茂男
vol.2000, 2000

本研究では「ハイパー・テザー」という新しい汎用的な連結手段を用いた「テザー遠隔駆動作業機」を提案している。本稿では, 芝刈り, ガーデニング, 農業作業, 地雷や各種埋設物の探索などへ応用できる作業機の機械設計や実験を紹介し, テザー遠隔駆動作業機の有効性を示す。
岡田 空海地 里中 直樹 藤原 徳一 上村 匡敬 須賀 一彦 柴田 政明
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480286)
vol.2012, no.22, pp."3406-1"-"3406-8", 2012-09-26

Recently various measures are made towards realization of low carbon society. Water-power generation is one leading policy. However, development of the small-scale water-power generation to power consumption, such as a plain part, is not fully progressing. Therefore, this research aims to develop the micro water-power generation equipment which used the new type of turbine. For developing new type of turbine called the tornado type, its prototype model experiment and numerical simulation are performed and the various parameters of the turbine are determined and the manufacturing checks are performed. Then, we conducted the profile data of turbine generated by the 3D-CAD, production of the prototype model by using RP equipment, and the check experiments of operation by the produced the prototype model. Moreover, cutting of the actual turbine by using 5-axis processing machine with the tool path data generated by the 3D-CAM was also performed. As a result, we confirmed that the rapid prototyping model is possible to rotate in the water flow. In addition, in the actual cutting experiment of the turbine, we confirmed that it is possible to manufacture of the turbine by 5-axis processing machine.
大月 智史 神永 拓 中村 仁彦
vol.2014, pp."1P1-I06(1)"-"1P1-I06(3)", 2014-05-24

Force sensitivity is indispensable feature for a robot actuator. To enhance force sensitivity, backdrivability of an actuator is vital. We have been proposing intrinsically backdrivable electro-hydrostatic actuators(EHA) and their effectiveness in force sensing. However, in order to enhance the backdrivability, we sacrificed power efficiency of the actuator. To restrain power loss, we introduced a hydraulic cylinder in an EHA as an output. In this paper, we present design detail of linear EHA that is going to be used for the force sensitive ankle joint mechanism. Furthermore, we evaluated static characteristics of developed linear EHA.
伊豆倉 さやか 細野 繁 下村 芳樹
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480286)
vol.2015, no.25, pp."2210-1"-"2210-10", 2015-09-23

Systems integrators have developed IT service systems with computational hardware, software application and human resources. This integration has traditionally been conducted one-by-one for each client, and acquired tacit knowledge such as target domains, business rules, and constraints has not been shared effectively across several projects. To have sharable and reusable knowledge through development processes, this paper presents an asset-based IT service development framework which consists of preliminarily asset development, asset management, and asset reuse. The asset includes formalized deliverables of IT service development such as architectural diagrams and structured tacit knowledge required for designing and integrating the system, and enables evaluation of service quality under design constraints in early design phase. The evaluation results indicate reusability of assets from other projects. The framework stipulates these activities about developing and reusing assets, and aligns them into a new development process. Therefore, the framework can reduce the cost of development, improve the quality of the developed IT service system, and enhance the collaboration between developers.
小木曽 望 上馬場 雄太 岡田 侑樹 坂本 啓
年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
vol.2011, pp."J191013-1"-"J191013-5", 2011-09-11

Design of a very precise space structural system requires an accurate estimation of uncertainties on structural and environmental parameters. For the purpose, high accurate estimations of uncertainties of the structural parameters and the effect of the paremeter uncertainties on the structural response uncertainty are required. Then, the robust design optimization based on the accurate estaimation is required. This study focuses on the former part, a high accurate estimation of the uncertainties. The applicability of a bootstrap method known as a nonparametric technique is investigated to estimate the confidence intervals of the uncertain parameters related to vibration responses of simple structures. The target structure is a cantileverd bow-shaped structure composed of beam and tether that is a breadboard model of a lightweight space reflector. The confidence intervals identified from several numbers of vibration tests is compared by the nonlinear finite-element analysis.
長谷 陽夫 芋生 明俊
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.742, pp.1617-1624, 2008-06-25

There are no prediction methods of bearing fatigue life when ball bearing is used under the condition of contact ellipse being over shoulder. To enable this prediction there are two difficulties. The first is contact problem shifts from non-conforming contact problem to conforming contact problem because of large load. The second is there is no practical method for bearing life estimation under the condition like as edge load occurring, though there exist many decision methods about optimal crowning when edge load occurs. For each problem, authors have proposed each solution. Combining those methods, we propose the bearing life ratio estimation method under the condition of contact ellipse being over shoulder. To verify this method, we compare the calculation result with bearing life test result for 50 samples that have different 3 inner ring outer diameters. The both result agree well, therefore the validation of this method was achieved. Ahead of that, we propose improved solution to the first difficulty, and verify the contact pressure and shear stress by comparing FEA result with improved solution when contact ellipse being over shoulder. This solution has been used to estimate above-mentioned bearing life.
生駒 和也 佐々木 崇 下島 隆 岩清水 幸夫
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.67, no.661, pp.2756-2762, 2001-09-25

In order to clarify vibration characteristics of the horn and capillary system of an ultrasonic wire-bonder, measurements of resonance frequency and mode were carried out with the capillary-tip lightly pressed on simulated work pieces. The results were compared with those in the case of the capillary-tip free, obtained by the previous study, and differences caused by the contact of the capillary-tip with simulated work pieces were made clear. Present and previous results were also considered by theoretical analysis of natural vibration based on a model treating the horn and capillary as beams with tapered portions, and assuming that they were connected at one point.
大場 恭子 吉澤 厚文 北村 正晴
年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
vol.2015, pp."G1700106-1"-"G1700106-5", 2015-09-13

The Fukushima nuclear plant accident has been examined aiming at clarifying the factors influencing responding which is one of the four cornerstones of resilience engineering. Among the causal factors of responding, such as attitude, skill, health and environment, particular attention has been paid on the role of attitude. In addition, the case of Tokai Dai-ni nuclear plant, which was the success case despite tsunami attack, and the case of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant have been examined focusing on preparatory actions taken prior to the tsunami attack. Through the camparative exainations, attitudes of several kinds have been identified as key factors contributing to enhance organizational resilience. Moreover, the importance of safety-II concept proposed in conjunction with the methodology of resilience engineering has been clearly exemplified. As a whole, it can be concluded that the methodology of resilience engineering and the concept of safety-II are quite effective when utilized with the structured model.