小茂鳥 和生
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.23, no.133, pp.617-623, 1957-09-25
3 1

Some theoretical researches on the labyrinth packing which have been reported are usually on the ideal case. But in actuality these theories cannot be applied especially to the straight through type, because the effects of "carry over" are ignored. So J. Jerie introduced a simple theory on the labyrinth packing, in which the problem of "carry over" was taken into account However, there was a serious mistake in it, so it was corrected in this paper, theoretically introducing the more reasonable relations among the leakage, pitch of the throttling fins, clearance and the number of throttling fins. The results of this theory were compared with our experimental results and it was ascertained that they were in good agreement with the experiment. Moreover, by developing this theory, our experimental results, in which the leakage loss took the smallest value when the pockets were shallow rectangu1ar grooves, could be explained.
菅原 菅雄 吉川 進三 新居 健司
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.23, no.125, pp.63-68, 1957-01-25

This research is a part of the investigation on the pneumatic spreader stoker, which conveys the slacks with air (or steam) through the conveying pipe to the nozzle, and spreads them on a fire grate. In this paper, we theoretically analised the accelerating state in a horizontal pipe and the flying distance on a fire grate of a particle, on the following assumptions. 1. The frictional force acting on a particle in a horizontal pipe, increases exponentially with time. 2. The jet stream does not diffuse, and the width of jet stream remains constant. as nozzleexit. 3. A particle is horizontally injected at nozzle-exit. Next, we studied them experimentally for several kinds of particles, and compared the theoretical results with experimental ones.
小俣 正輝 武田 行生 ツォイ ユン ホー
機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13483919)
vol.2010, no.10, pp.181-182, 2010-04-18

This paper presents the peg-in-hole task by a position-orientation decoupled parallel manipulator. This manipulator can achieve fast and accurate positioning and fine orientation adjustment of the platform. In order to enable the peg-in-hole task by this manipulator without force sensor on the platform for reduction of cost and moving mass, impedance control system with estimation of external force on the platform by measuring motor torque has been constructed. Controller design taking into account the allowable limit of position error and contact force has been presented. Experimental result of peg-in-hole task illustrates that the proposed impedance control system was properly designed.
横堀 武夫 皆川 七郎 渥美 光 小野寺 真作 大内田 久 大路 清嗣 岡村 弘之 大塚 昭夫 川崎 正 木村 宏 国尾 武 鈴木 正彦 田中 吉之助 田中 栄 高瀬 恭二 高橋 賢司 玉手 統 宮本 博 村木 潤次郎
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.74, no.630, pp.830-831, 1971-07

材料の強さと破壊の問題は, きわめて複雑であって, 従来, 固体物理学, 確率統計論, や金および金属組織学, 弾塑性力学などの連続体力学, 材料試験などの異なる立場から, それぞれ独立に研究が進められていた. これら各分野の研究の相互の関連を究明し, 情報を交換し, 知識の交流をはかること, 特に微視的立場と巨視的研究との結びつきを重視し, 問題の解明に資することを目的として, 境界領域としての材料強度研究会が, 昭和42年7月に, 主査以下19名の委員をもって発足し, 昭和44年6月に予定の2年の会期を経過したが, さらに1年の会期延長を認められて, 昭和45年6月末に満3年の会期を終了して解散した.
Yang Zhifei Chen Yali Luo Hu Peng Zhenxun Wang Zen
Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE
vol.2015, no.23, pp."ICONE23-1266-1"-"ICONE23-1266-4", 2015-05-17

The development of smart support system is to meet the urgent needs and strengthen requirements for the training and application for Full-Scope Severe Accident Management Guidelines (FSSAMG) among utilities, nuclear regulators and research and development (R&D) institute. One of the lessons learned after Fukushima accident is that the existing Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) used in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are not sufficient to cope with site wide catastrophic event. Therefore, the development of a full scope SAMGs that update and extend the guidelines to include comprehensive plant conditions and portable equipment is necessary. The smart support system is to alleviate the effort and challenges that encountered in FSSAMG validation, application and training. Besides, it provides intuitive insights to severe accident progression and guidelines execution, and thus to support the decision-making and mitigate the accident consequences.
木村 仁 遠藤 真美 小関 道彦 伊能 教夫
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.740, pp.806-813, 2008-04-25

A phenomenon that passengers are getting sleepy is often found in running cars or trains. If a mechanism can reproduce this phenomenon, it is feasible to put insomnia patients or infants to sleep without any harmful effects. This will bring extreme benefit for insomnia patients or parents of babies. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the sleep-inducing factors of running cars or trains, and the final goal is to develop a machine which reproduces the environment to put people to sleep. For the first step of this study, we investigated the relationship between sleepiness and vibrations on several trains. The sleepability of each train is discussed by the ratio of sleeping passengers. According to the vibration analyses, the results suggest that comfortable vibration for sleep has mainly low-frequency (〜2 Hz) vibration with particular fluctuation. In addition, it is also guessed that low level jerks contribute the sleepability.
池田 敦 山口 正博 高崎 勝明 長井 直之 中島 満則
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.67, no.657, pp.1241-1246, 2001-05-25

It's commonly known that a frictional force between two sliding surfaces can be reduced to excite the ultrasonic vibration on the one side of a solid body surface. The low-friction effect due to the application of ultrasonic vibration remains valid for the friction between paper and metal as well as between metals. To make a frictional decrease mechanism clear, we observed the behavior of a solid body on the vibrated surface. In the case of a frictional force is zero, the levitation distance is as the same as theoretical distance. If the amplitude of vibration is decreased, the distance between the solid body and the vibrated surface will be also decrease, and frictional force will be raised.
Tinoco Hernan Ahlinder Stefan Hedberg Peter
Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE
vol.2007, no.15, pp."ICONE1510051-1"-"ICONE1510051-12", 2007-04-22

A power uprate of Forsmark's Unit 3 from 109 % to 125 % will be implemented during the 2010 refuelling outage. This uprate implies an increase in gamma heating of the core shroud which could lead to temperatures higher than the design thickness-mean temperature, 300℃, according to ASME regulations. To estimate the temperature distribution in the core shroud, a CFD model of the core bypass has been developed using the commercial code CFX 5. The model consists of the core bypass, from the lower core support plate up to the core grid, and the upper plenum, limited from above by the core shroud cover including the steam separator inlets. The bypass flow enters the computational domain at the level of the core support plate. The two-phase core flow enters the computational domain at the level of the core grid where it entrains and merges with the bypass flow. Both flows have been estimated through the POLCA code. The conjugate heat transfer at the core shroud inner wall comprises the gamma heating from the core, considered as volume distributed heat sources, and subcooled boiling of the bypass flow. The effect of subcooled boiling has been taken care of by using the model by Kurul and Podowski. Using a conservative gamma heat source distribution, leads to local temperatures slightly higher than the design temperature, with a maximum thickness-mean temperature that exceeds the temperature limit by approximately 4℃. If a higher temperature limit is accepted, the ASME regulations are not fulfilled, but the consequence is a minor change in the design stress intensity value Sm according to ASME. Using a somewhat realistic gamma heat source distribution, the results show that the maximum thickness-mean temperature is well below the design temperature.
上田 紘司 山田 浩也 石田 悠朗 広瀬 茂男
vol.2013, pp."2A2-K03(1)"-"2A2-K03(3)", 2013-05-22

For robot arms, wrist mechanisms are important elements for handling ability. We have proposed a heavy-duty wrist mechanism with a large motion range named, "2-DOF Spherical Parallel (2DSP) mechanism." The 2DSP mechanism is driven by a 2-DOF spherical parallel mechanism and supported by a universal joint located at its center. In this paper, we propose a method to maximize workspace in avoidance of singularities or too small output torque. The test model was developed, and the feasibility of the proposed method was verified.
佐藤 宏紀 増渕 迪恵 岩倉 成志
vol.2009, no.16, pp.749-752, 2009-12-02

Recently, the designed railway vehicles are expanding in Japan. Odakyu Electric Railway Company has 6 kinds of vehicles "Romancecar"; each of them has different design. Showing the effect of quality designed vehicles for passengers contributes to vehicle development. This study aims to develop the Train-Choice-Model what is able to estimates the effect. This model built by utility function that has some variables of design. The 930 sample data were collected by qxiestionnaire for passengers. As a result of analysis, it became clear that the quality designed car increase Train-Choice-Probability.
吉田 桂奈 藤内 裕史 有馬 正和
vol.2014, pp."1A1-G06(1)"-"1A1-G06(4)", 2014-05-24

The purpose of this research is to develop a coral monitoring system for the use of underwater vehicles. Reef coral is very sensitive about changes of ocean environment, such as unusual climate changes or increase of crown-of-thorns starfish resulting from the global warming. Coral can thus be an index of ocean environment. It is widely known that some kinds of corals have an inherent characteristic of fluorescence due to 'coral fluorescent protein (CFP).' The authors are developing an ocean-going solar-powered underwater glider, named 'Tonai60'. The operational depth of the Tonai60 glider is 60m, for ocean environmental monitoring in twilight ocean zone. The glider is equipped with a coral monitoring system at the forefront of its fuselage. This system consists of a network camera and 3-axis digital compass. Coral can be detected from an image binarised with a certain threshold. This paper deals with a coral monitoring system using ultraviolet LEDs and image analyses.
天摩 勝洋 前澤 成一郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.46, no.410, pp.1191-1198, 1980-10-25

水谷 総太郎
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.85, no.766, pp.1021-1025, 1982-09-05
永瀬 和彦 中村 英男 小林 秀之
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.56, no.523, pp.797-802, 1990-03-25

The authors constructed "slipping adhesion test bogie" designed upon a new idea of measuring the coefficient of adhesion continually while running, and have observed the state of adhesion on main lines since 1985. Recently, they placed a car equipped with this bogie on a steep line where wheel-spin and skidding of rolling stock had been frequently the cause of troubles. As the result of runs of the car under various weather conditions such as fine, fog, snow, sleet and frost, influence of the weather condition upon the adhesion between rails and wheels has been made clear and evaluated quantitatively.