宇田 暢秀 久能 和夫 小野 幸生 青木 隆平

谷 正和 田上 健一

平成29年度は、前年度までに作成した暫定的な鉄骨の編年の妥当性を検証するため、建設年代が分かっている建築の部材を分析した。分析対象は、バングラデシュ・ナラヤンガンジ県のパナムナガール地区の建造物群である。パナムナガールは綿布の輸出を扱う裕福な商人がおよそ1870年から1930年代にかけて多くの邸宅を建設してきた地区であり、49棟が残存する。ここに残る建築物を対象として、平成29年9月に鉄骨部材の形状的特徴と建築物の建築年代を調査した。調査の結果、10棟の建物で鉄骨が用いられていた。その鉄骨の刻印から確認できた製鉄会社は、GLENGARNOCK IRON & STEEL、FRODINGHAM IRON & STEEL、CARGO FLEET IRON Co、DORMAN, LONG & Co Ld、TATA STEEL IRON & STEEL Co Ld の5件であり、これらの会社に関する文献と照合することで年代特定を行い、鉄骨の製造時期が明らかとなった。そして1887年から発刊されたDORMAN LONG社とイギリスの工業規格であるBritish Standard のカタログを用いて、実測した鉄骨断面の寸法とカタログに掲載された鉄骨の型番を照合することで、製造年代の範囲を特定することができた。一方、実建築物に残された銘板からわかる建設年と、鉄骨の製造年代特定の結果が一致しない建物があり、建物の改修時に鉄骨が導入された可能性が示唆された。このことから、鉄骨の状態や建物の図面・文書から、建設の際に構造部材として用いられたと判断できた鉄骨を、建物の年代特定の手がかりとして建物の編年方法の確立を進めていく必要があるという課題も明らかとなった。また、ケーススタディとして、イギリスから一定量の鉄骨が輸入されたと考えられる旧英領インド東部の港湾都市チッタゴン(バングラデシュ)を対象として、英領期バナキュラー建築物の分布を把握した。
坂上 務
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.13, no.1, pp.367-372, 1951-11

The field experiment were carried out for studying the influence of the windbreak. The windbreak, made by Japan cypresses each about 2 meters high, was built at the central part of the reclained field near the agricultural department of Kyusyu University. The length was 20 meters and its width was about 1 meter. Twenty ane mometers were equipped on the wooden poles in the vicinity of windbreak and the velocities and fluctuations of wind at these points were directly read. The fea ture of wind was traced by smoke as is shown in the photograph. The results observed are concluded as follows: 1) The instantaneous maximum and minimum velocity of wind and its gustiness are quite modified by the existence of windbreak, and there are weak flows of several air masses produced behind the raw. 2) Several weak, large vortexes are appeared leeward of windbreak, and one discontinuous surface is formed between these vortexes and the principal flow of wind, under the surface there is a weak breeze with an opposite direction.模型防風林前後の風速分布は-5Hから20H迄かなり広い範囲迄効き, 之は風速のみならず風の乱れについても云える. それから注意すべきはUMAX/Uが2.3倍にもなり防風林被護地域は瞬間的にはかなり大きな風速も予想されるから防風林効果の論議には平均風速のみでは不十分であると云える. 発煙筒を使用しても以上のことはほぼ確められ, この場合の防風林前後の複雑な気流及びどの辺りに渦流が出来易いかの見込がつけられた.
浅利 宙
人間科学共生社会学 (ISSN:13462717)
vol.3, pp.81-100, 2003-02-14

道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.3, pp.371-380, 1958-03

Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) is a blind, red gobioid fish synonymous with Trypauchen wakae Jordan et Snyder (Fig. 1). The burrowing-habit of this gobioid fish was not recognized with certainty in this research at the natural habitat. The spawning-season seems to extend from June to August in the innermost part of Ariake Sound and in Inland Sea. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit yet is known. The ripe ovary contains two groups of eggs, the ripe egg-group, 0.51~0.65 mm in diameter, and the unripe ones, less than 0.17mm. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs was enumerated as 1,477~2,413 in three individuals (Table 1). The ripe testes are whity band-like in shape lacking adjunctive organ (Seminal vesicle : Weisel, G. F. 1949). The larvae, less than 8 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 8~15 mm, were collected together with other fish larvae and small shrimps from July to October with set-nets put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound. These postlarvae are elongate and laterally compressed in shape, provided with normally developed eyes, 35 (10+25) myotomes, large air-bladder, fan-like pectoral fins, lacking chromatophore (Fig. 2). They are translucent when alive, but become opaque and white after preserved. These postlarvae gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. After the swimming life has passed they enter into the bottom life at the size of 20 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. Only soft mud was detected from the alimentary duct of the adult fish collected from Ariake Sound. From the examination of size frequency of the specimens collected from Ariake Sound, this gobioid fish seems to grow over 85 mm in total length in a year, and some individuals become mature. A few individuals seem to live over three years. Taenioides cirratus (Blyth) is a blind eel-like gobioid fish synonymous with Taenioides lacepedei (Schlegel) (Fig. 3). The number of the ripe ovarian eggs of a mature female, 187 mm in total length, is enumerated as 20,126 (Right ovary 10,168+Left ovary 9,958). The ripe testes are whity and band-like in shape with small leaves of the adjunctive organ. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit is yet known. The spawningseason seems to extend from June to September in the innermost part of Ariake Sound. based upon the examination of the ovarian eggs and the collection of larval fish. The larvae, less than 9 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 9~15 mm in total length, were collected from July to October with set-nets, put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound (Fig. 4). The postlarvae were swimming and gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. They are elongate and laterally compressed in shap, provided with normally developed eyes, large air-bladder, 32 (10+22) myotomes and a few melanophores at the base of the caudal fin. After the swimming life has passed this gobioid fish enters into bottom life at the size 15 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. The juveniles are eel-like in shape, with the eyes half buried under the skin. No food particle was detected from the alimentary ducts of the postlarvae.アカウオ Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) およびチワラスボ Taenioides cirratus (Blyth)は共にハゼ亜目Gobiinaのワスラボ科Taenioidaeに属する特異な形態を示すハゼで, 東南アジア, 印度の各地に広く分布することが知られ, 日本では南部各地の内湾に棲むことが報告されている. ここでは主として瀬戸内海および有明海から得た材料によつてこれらのハゼの形態, 生態および幼期について述べる.
坂上 康俊
史淵 (ISSN:03869326)
vol.141, pp.一-二四, 2004-03-10
黄 英
Comparatio (ISSN:13474286)
vol.12, pp.34-43, 2008

河田 和子
Comparatio (ISSN:13474286)
vol.3, pp.xlv-lx, 1999

The "Kotodama" theory of Yasuda Yojuro in its early stage received some influence from the thought of Fujitani Mitsue. Yasuda valued Fujitani's scientific attitude. But, Yasuda came to be more based on Kamochi Masazumi's thought than Fujitani's. In this way, Yasuda's "Kotodama" theory developed away from a "Necessity theory" to a "Chance theory". Discussions about "Kotodama" were carried out during the Pacific Ocean War among Japanese writers. They considered it as different from the Western knowledge system. They were thinking about "Kotodama" which attached importance to sound. Yasuda's position was different from that of the other writers. He thought about "Kotodama" in order to change the recognition of the world based on scientific rationalism. He tried to conquer the modern principle by studying the world view of the school of ancient Japanese national studies (Kokugaku).

元資料の権利情報 : Fulltext available.

2 0 0 0 IR Robert Frost論

吉野 昌昭
言語文化論究 (ISSN:13410032)
vol.1, pp.1-13, 1990

While giving an appreciative description of modest but rich scenes of the natural beauty of New England, Frost tried to scrutinize difficult human relationships and then to make an inquiry into the significance of man as a mortal. This paper traces his elaborate course of thought, especially in terms of the major imagery in his poems, so as to make explicit his whole idea of man's existence. The clandestine grudge the speaker of "Mending Wall" bears towards his neighbor, who doggedly keeps his faith in the "wall" between their farms allows us to have a general idea of our poet's basic stance as man and poet. First, the speaker's disbelief, which is apparently shared by his creator, in the usefulness of the "wall" does net drive him to dare to break it down, suggesting his careful consideration of other's beliefs. This seems to imply Frost's individualism in the best sense of the word and will easily be reinforced with other instances, such as the "considerate neglect" claimed by an old lady of "The Black Cottage" who fended for herself after the death of her husband. Secondly, however, there is no denying that Frost has had an urge to break down the wall, a testimony to his negative appraisal of individualism. Individualist that he is, the husband of "West-Running Brook" somehow manages with his wife's visionary insight as his guide to leave his small world for a wider view of the world and to share her romantic understanding of life. He gains an insight with which to read, for instance, the fate of man into the white waves and foam raised by the current as it flings itself backward towards the "source." The brook designated to suggest the difference in thought between husband and wife how finds itself symbolic of their mutual understanding and their sharing of the same view of life. The water and its source, which stands for "something" beyond the "wall," is thus found only obtainable when one believes, as does Frost, that "what counts is the ideals." No matter how futile it may be, man is destined to reach after "something" (or the Truth) beyond the "wall," whether it lies in the heart of others or somewhere in his imaginary world. Among other great poetic achievements of Frost's, "Directive" deals with the loftiness and originality of the "source" to which man aspires against the current of life washing him down towards death. In "Directive" Frost makes use of a repository of imagery that he has worked with over the years, and it is incumbent upon us to examine this imagery in the overall context of the poet's work. Frost dwells on the significance of man's trial to restore the primordial serenity and harmony on this side of the wall, the world of mortals. By focusing on images of crucial importance such as "wall" and "water," this paper attempts to show how free Frost is from dogma and how calmly he accepts the fact that no human dream can be perfectly celestial. Earthly troubles always insinuate themselves.