天野 知幸
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.2008, no.1, pp.161-176, 2008-12-25

竹内 明
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
pp.185-207, 2002-03

Ippen was the disciple's disciple, of Shoku, who was himself Honen's foremost disciple. Hence Ippen's teaching, even as it represented his own unique understanding, was based on that of Honen as transmitted by Shoku, and also had possessed the original characteristic. Traditionally, Pure Land Buddhism taught the possibility of birth and life in Amida Buddha's Pure Land after death. This is because it is difficult for the common man to manifest his own Buddha-nature by himself. Therefore in his Senchakushu Honen declared that it is possible to be born in the Pure Land after death by chanting the name of Amida Buddha. However, even while Honen understood the birth in the Pure Land to be something achieved after death, he often declared that the devotees chanting the name set their hearts in the Pure Land and he lived himself already there in his present life. Therefore Honen also said "Chant the name earnestly believing that it will result in birth in the Pure Land." On the other hand, although Ippen, following traditional Pure Land thought, unquestionably understood the birth in the Pure Land to be something achieved after death, he considered that, because every moment was last moment, there is no difference between being born in the Pure Land after one's death and being born there in one's hearts at present. Indeed for Ippen, being born in the Pure Land was the death of the self by chanting the name, and the death of the self meant becoming Amida Buddha. This is the unity between the person chanting the name and Amida Buddha. Neither Honen nor Shoku required a person to rely on his own efforts; they only stressed the need to rely on the compassion of the Buddha. Moreover Ippen excepted faith from the necessary conditions of being born in the Pure Land in order to push the logic of the selection forward. Of course, it depended on the chanting the name of the Buddha. Therefore Kanda, a Tokugawa period Jishu monk who learned the Senchakushu, argued in his Senchaku-kikyusho that the faith was present in the chanting of the name. In short, the Pure Land Buddhism returned to main-current of Mahayana Buddhism in Ippen's Pure Land thought. Thus, the difference between Pure Land Buddhism and Holy Path Buddhism disappeared in Ippen's Pure Land thought.
君塚 大学
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.8, pp.1-17, 2001-03-25

There have been. some argument that traditional Confucian culture has still a strong influence in the lives of the people of East Asia. Some scholars find Confucian ethics to be the main cause for the miraculous economic development in the countries known as the Four Dragons. Furthermore some political analysts foresee the clash of civilizations between Confucian China and Christian Europe, especially the USA. But others deny such ideological functions of Confucianism. In these ways, there are many disputes concerning Confucian culture. In order to discuss these problems empirically, we must construct statistical accounts of the existence and strength of Confucian hegemony. Therefore I try in this paper to construct statistical scales to measure the main elements of Confucian culture. With the data from a comparative survey conducted in Japan, South Korea, and China in 1999, I have devised five indices as measuring scales. The first, Confucian economic culture scale, deals with economic ethics and industriousness. The second, Confucian political culture scale, tests authoritarian orientation and dependency on political leaders. The third, Confucian integral culture scale, is a tool to observe the inclination of social solidarity by ascription principles such as filiality, senior fidelity, and communalism that have been seen as typical features of the Confucian tradition. The fourth, Confucian life-world culture scale, serves to reveal the degree of ancestor worship and cultural ethnocentrism. Lastly, the Confucian whole culture scale, measures the prevalence of Confucian cultural ensemble among the population by combining the four scales.
赤松 徹真
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.1998, no.1, pp.277-305, 1998-03-14

'Bukkyo Seito Doshikai 仏教清徒同志会 was inaugurated in February, 1899 (Meiji 32) in order to part with the existing Buddhist orders which have been propelling the movement of Koninkyo 公認教運動. This organization depended on the state for protection. It insisted on normalization of relations between politics and religion, criticizing some Buddhist orders which took the stance of exclusivism against Christianity, the use of religion for governmental purposes and govermental interference in religious matters. However, this organization's fundamental posture went no further than the 'Constitution of the Empire of Japan (1889) '. Its idea of freedom of religion was based on the Article 28 in Chapter II 'Rights and Duties of Subject' : Japanese subjects shall, within limits not prejudicial to peace and order, and not antagonistic to their duties as subjects, enjoy freedom of religious belief. The philosophy of this organization was based on the principle of "Protection for and interference in religion should be expelled"; yet, its demand for freedom of religion did not necessarily mean the demand for human rights ensuring human dignity. The 1912 (Meiji 45) anti-Sankyokaido movement 「三協会同」反対運動 exhorted the policy of freedom of religion, but 'Bukkyo Seito Doshikai' accepted the theory that Shinto was not counted as religion, in the same manner as other Bukkyo organizations, without criticizing the system of State Shinto. As was observed in the issue of propagation of the Buddhist faith in inland China 支那内地布教権問題 , the reformative stance held by this movement at its conception had disappeared, and they now positively approved of the division of the colonized land in China by the Japanese Empire. Moreover, when the Japanese government tried to delete the Fifth of the Twenty-one Requests as to 'negotiate at a later date' thus practically trying to eradicate the matter, a member of the New Buddhist Movement made great efforts to acquire the right for propagation of the faith in China, and censured the weak-kneed diplomacy of the government. The transfiguration of New Buddhists who took an active part in imperialist foreign policy was revealed. The New Buddhist Movement lost its meaning and finally its identity in the changing situation; and this movement ceased activities in August 1915 (Taisho 4). As described above, this New Buddhist Movement began and ended with a focus on mundane affairs. Its ideology, reform of New Buddhism had vanished in the changing circumstances, and its raison d'etre finally disintegrated as the imperialist movement became firmly established. Consequently it was clear that the movement itself lacked a universal ideology and the ability to grasp the situation objectively, despite their declaration that the movement was based on New Religion and New Faith. The New Buddhist Movement raised questions about the problems between politics and religion, particularly Buddhism, in modern Japan, which have yet to be answered with regard to historical and Buddhist ideological ideas.
井上 隆弘
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.24, pp.1-14, 2017-03-25

筒井 大祐
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.28, pp.1-16, 2021-03-25

小谷 利明
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.1998, no.1, pp.153-201, 1998-03-14

In order to investigate some characteristics of power structure in Kinki area in Sengoku period I analyzed mainly Kawachi province. The significance of examining one clan as a measure was in order to scrutinize the former recognition of Kinki area in Sengoku period. That is to say, the theory of seeing Kinki area as a whole domain ruled by Hosokawa KyochO family made the discussion of the characteristics of each county in Kinki area difficult, as well as hindering deeper research into the relationship between the power of Daimyo (lord) and that of Ikko Ikki (Ikko Uprising). Here, I presented two different types of Ryoshu existent in the power structures used by Hatakeyama, a military governor in Sengoku period, and discussed the changes taking place within them from the beginning to the middle of 16th century. One type was a bureaucratic type of lord (kanryo-gata sengokuryoshu) , a magistrate possessing the privilege to issue Hanbutsu and sharing a part of the military lord's power. Another type was a locally powerful lord (chi'ikikenryoku-gata sengoku ryoshu) , supported by warriors, having a strong 1 military power of his own. The foundation of power in 16th century was related to the birth of a new region. Previously, the domination of regions by military lords was considered to exist at county-level, but with the expansion of regions, the area had become much larger than a county. Regional codes (kokuho) were promulgated in those wide areas and a group of them was united into two parts called jogun (upper county) and Gegun (lower county). Chi'ikikenryoku-gata sengoku ryoshu gained military power in these areas. Meanwhile, development of the influence of Ikko Ikki had some connection to those new areas. Villages related to Honganji were formed on a river bank naturally made by Y odo and Yamato rivers, and this bank was maintained by the integration of Shugo (military lord), Kokujin (local lords) and Ikko sectarians. A military lord was deeply involved in maintenance of this bank in the 16th century. The Tenbun Ikko Ikki that took place in the middle of 16th century was a serious battle between military lords and Ikko sectarians. The peace negotiations phazed into two stages. First was the negotiation between each Shugo and Ryoshu and second was Shugo and Ryoshu together negotiating with the peasants. As a result the power of S/zugo overcame the power of all Ryoshu as the former guaranteed Buji, Safety. Kokuho, regional codes at this time existed basically in order to protect peasants and to prevent private conflicts, and corresponded to Buji provided by Shugo. jinaimachi in Kawachi Province was founded on the grounds of Buji by Shugo and was in practice supported by Chi' ikikenryoku-gata Sengoku Ryoshu. Osakanami established in the Eiroku era (1558-1569) as a movement of obtaining the privilege of Jinai is considered to have developed since Honganji had become Monseki and the Jinaimachi were officially authorized.
金澤 誠一
佛教大学総合研究所共同研究成果報告論文集 = Supplement to the bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University (ISSN:21896607)
no.5, pp.1-17, 2017-03

村岡 潔
佛教大学総合研究所共同研究成果報告論文集 = Supplement to the bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University (ISSN:21896607)
no.5, pp.75-84, 2017-03

池田 晶
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University (ISSN:13405942)
no.27, pp.27-35, 2020-03

KarmaChags-med 中御門 敬教
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.18, pp.31-46, 2011-03

KarmaChags-med 藤仲 孝司
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.18, pp.47-61, 2011-03

橋本 憲尚
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.16, pp.1-18, 2009-03

本稿の目的は,高度職能教育としての教員養成プログラム策定にあたり,その基盤となる理論的視点の提供にある。まず,教室における学習のしくみの前提となっている知能観( 能力を個人内部に帰属させ,常に考えて見通しを立ててから行為するよう求める) に批判を加えた。次に,研究データ収集場面と教室学習の場面での人間関係の類似性に着目し,各々の場面において被験者・子どもに要請される行為のルールの了解が課題解決の制約条件となっていることを指摘した。最後に,教室学習を"状況に埋め込まれた"ものとみなす観点から,"分散された知"という新しい枠組を紹介し,その主要な概念的事項として道具・プラン・コンテクストについて解説を施した。
西之園 晴夫
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.16, pp.19-34, 2009-03

わが国では大学の授業料高騰が教育格差と社会的格差とを相互に助長する懸念があることが指摘されている。世界的にみるならば,変動社会の出現と職能の高度化にともなって,すべての国民に高等教育までを提供することが求められており,1970 年代に国連で高等教育まで無償化することが決議された。しかし日本政府は無償化問題については奨学金などで対応するのでこの決議に拘束されないことを表明している。その後の学習に関する科学技術の進歩,ならびにユビキタス情報通信環境が整ってきたので,各国において新しい教育方法の開発が進んでいる。このような状況から協調自律学習による授業開発の方法論としてシンボリック設計法を紹介している。従来の授業開発が教育目標や教育内容が重視されていたのに対して,最近では学ぶ意味,学習活動,学習成果などのように学習者に視点をおいた方法にシフトしており,そのときの設計法を提案している。
飯田 隆夫
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University (ISSN:13405942)
no.26, pp.1-18, 2019-03

藤井 透
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.2, pp.236-240, 1995-03-14

This book first deals with the formative process of housing policy in Japan which had not been studied. It is also a document which inquired of the persons concerned through the method of oral history. According to the author' view point that "The housing policy is social policy", this review summarizes the features of this book and estimates it. In the first place this book brings home to me that post war Japanese government consistently put emphasis on the preparation of the industrial basis and neglected the housing in constructive administration again. It shows me that housing policy thoroughly adopted the owner-occupation policy and the "number priority" policy too. Therefore I realize in historical cities, such as Kyoto, centralized housing policy doesn't assure the building of the new houses fitted the historical landscape. However her method of oral history can't explain that there is a wide gap between the consciousness of the bureaucracy who tackled the housing problem and the serious conditions many people suffered from housing. As to her view point that "The housing policy is social policy", the theoretical ground needs because the former social policy theory didn't contain the housing policy in Japan.
井上 隆弘
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.24, pp.1-14, 2017-03
