黒田 貴綱 曽根 賢 大澤 啓志
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.82, no.5, pp.687-690, 2019-03-29 (Released:2019-07-03)

“Ukiya no Sato” in the central part of the Kanto Plain, Japan, contains a mix of agricultural lands, such as paddy fields, and semi-natural grasslands, such as wetlands, and harvest mice (Micromys minutus) are found in both habitats. In this study, we investigated the nesting habits of harvest mice and the formation of semi-natural grasslands in this region to examine the conservation status of each. We observed many harvest mouse ball nests in the paddy fields on the plains, which were a long distance from the hilly and mountainous areas. It was inferred that the wetlands helped to maintain the mouse population through geographical and hydrological factors, as well as historical factors related to rural development. It was noteworthy that harvest mice in the study area particularly used the wetland species Carex dispalata as a nesting material and that the timing of leaf growth overlapped with the harvest mouse breeding season, indicating that this species was positively used as a nesting plant. From the viewpoint of conservation of the harvest mouse in the study area, it was considered necessary to shift to various plant communities in the wetland environment by improving the site condition closer to the wet side.
千葉 教代 篠沢 健太 宮城 俊作
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.753-758, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
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This study illustrates a process of citizen participation in planning, design and maintenance of Ishikawa River Park in Osaka Prefecture paying specific attention to consensus building among the participants and the administration. Core members of the citizen groups, most of them are from several sects that had opposed to the plan prepared by the administration, played an important role throughout the process. They worked as facilitators to enhance discussion and collaboration within local communities to reach the agreement for conservation of riparian landscape developed along the river. Based upon results of the case study at Ishikawa River Park, it is pointed out that the primary issues of citizen participation process are in attributes of participants and small groups of citizen are more eligible for promoting planning and design of the park, while new members with vitality and expertise are necessary to enhance efficiency in participation.
栗田 英治
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.78, no.5, pp.599-602, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)

Terraced paddy fields landscapes are evaluated as typical of the cultural landscape, the importance of the terraced paddy fields in terms of environment and landscape conservation have been described. However, in recent years, the continuation of the conservation of the terraces paddy fields landscape is getting harder with the reduction of farmers due to depopulation and aging in agricultural settlements. This study focuses on visibility of terraced paddy fields landscape and management agent of terraced paddy fields in large areas such as municipalities. Based on its results, this study also considers the conservation strategies of paddy fields on slope land in the future. The visibility of terraced paddy fields landscape are identified by slope angle of the paddy fields, view of the paddy fields from the main roads, and cohesiveness of lots of paddy fields. 17% of the paddy fields with good visibility were managed by the certified farmers. On the other hand, 57% of the paddy fields with good visibility were managed by small-scale paddy fields farmers whose total management area is less than 1ha. From the case studies of selected agricultural settlement, importance of mechanism to continue the agricultural management by small-scale farmers was considered.
黒田 貴綱 勝野 武彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.567-570, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)
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Yato (small valley with paddy field) in the urban area is important habitat for rural animals. Yato is a rural landscape made up of coppice forests, grasslands and farmlands. We discussed relations between the fauna and distribution of small rodents and land use of Yato landscape in the southwest Tama hills. As a result, Japanese large field mouse (Apodemus speciosus), house mouse (Mus musculus), brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) and harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) were observed by trappings and finding nests. Habitat utilization by these rodents were recognized as follows. 1. A. speciosus were dominant species in the survey area. They used all elements (coppice forest, farmland, grassland and paddy field) in Yato. It was considered that its main habitat was the coppice forest. 2. M. musculus utilized the farmland as its main habitat. 3. M. minutus were utilized the confined grassland. 4. R. norvegicus were captured only a few individuals at the farmland. When the mean range lengths were considered by the method of capture-recapture, it was clarified that A. speciosus had longer range lengths than any other species. It was suggested that landscape mosaics in Yato were important as rodent habitat. We concluded that managing land-use patterns of Yato is required to effectively conserve the rodents' diversity and their habitats.
岡島 直方
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.399-404, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)
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Coppice gardens have been widely accepted in modern Japan. This paper discusses and describes the background of these gardens and the role of Dr. Uehara in introducing them through his writings. (1) In 1919, Uehara perceived that gardens required new elements and innovative designs for the future. (2) He proposed new trees such as the coppice, which were different from the conventional ones planted in residential gardens in 1923. (3) He moved to Mitaka (i.e., Musashino) in the suburbs west of Tokyo, where he explored the Musashino woods and studied various trees. (4) He suggested several trees as important elements of the gardens for the coming age in which some of these trees had been used for charcoal. (5) He did not consider Quercus serrata Thunb. and Quercus acutissima Varrutherus as horticultural trees suitable for a coppice garden. He perceived coppice gardens as gardens in which some of original trees were left untouched. (6) He followed Kiyoshi Inoshita’s opinion in naming new garden trees. (7) He described a coppice garden as a “natural garden,” “naturalistic garden,” and “garden of coppice woods.”
小林 昭裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.425-430, 2016 (Released:2017-03-17)

This study examined the processes of contextual affection among stakeholders toward Maruyama Park, which was located beyond the administrative boundaries of the city, using sociocultural perspectives. The proximity of the park to Sapporo Shrine was thought to impart special meaning to the place. The Sapporo Subdivision Congress and city mayor were eager to establish a park in the former forestry experiment station site. The Maruyama Park plan made by Nagaoka to comply with the requirements of the Sapporo Subdivision appeared to have defined the framework for the park of today. The need of the shrine to fulfill upgrading the level of shrine and the deep relationship between the citizens and the shrine had made the beautification of the ground with cherry blossoms, and became Maruyama Park and shrine as a famous place of appreciating cherry blossoms. Several stakeholders of Sapporo civil society have involved for establishing nature conservation and recreational use of the Maruyama Park and around area. This study clarified those values from sociocultural perspective: identity of the place, relationship among stakeholders, momentum of social background, effect of civil activities in environmental conservation and recreational use.
若泉 悠 鈴木 誠
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.469-474, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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Fukuba Hayato (1856-1921) is known as a person who created the foundation of modern gardening. This study is aimed to search his thoughts of modern horticulture and landscape gardening in Japan through his personal records.Also the author intended to clarify his influences on modern horticulture and landscape gardening in Japan. He studied knowledge and skills of modern horticulture and landscape gardening from foreign countries over his life for refining the Shinjuku Imperial Gardens (Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden). He advocated the ideal way of Imperial gardens and gardening in Japan, established Kunaisyo Naienkyoku (after Imperial Household Agency, Maintenance and Works Department, Gardens Division), and popularized skills of modern landscape gardening not only inside of imperial palaces. In addition, he greatly contributed to the development of the modern landscape gardening including professional educations. In conclusion, the author pointed out the influence that he had given to the horticulture and landscape gardening in Japan was considered as a critical one that has continued until today.
原田 文恵 雨宮 護 横張 真
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.593-596, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)
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A key task for urban planning in Japan is to incorporate agricultural land uses into the urban fabric and statutory planning. This paper analyzes the process whereby “agricultural zones” were incorporated into the planning of Kohoku New Town, a site designed in the 1960s and recognized as a path breaking attempt to include agricultural land in urban development. Our findings draw from key planning documents and from interviews with key actors in the planning of Kohoku New Town. The results indicate that the primary aim of “agricultural zones” was to augment open spaces and that agricultural and urban land uses were comprehensively incorporated into an open space system that included pathways to connect agricultural and residential areas. However, in the final plan released in 1974, the “agricultural zones” were designated solely for industrial agriculture, a shift which can be attributed to the introduction of the “senbiki” system of strictly separating urban and rural areas in the New City Planning Act of 1968. In addition, the pedestrian paths connecting “agricultural zones” and housing areas envisioned in the open space system of earlier planning stages as a means of integrating agriculture and residential development was also abandoned. Thus, the original plans to fuse agricultural and urban development were discarded during the planning process.
小泉 祐貴子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.439-444, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)

This is a basic research reflecting upon the structure of the fragrance experienced in the traditional Japanese gardens. The author calls the landscape experienced through fragrance "the Scent-scape". The structure of the Scent-scape was investigated through the studies of all the sceneries described in "the Tale of Genji". Although the incense from inside the house has often been the subject for the former studies, the Scent-scape is the unique aspect of this study. It deals not only with the subjective (sensory) aspects of the fragrance, but also with the objective (physical) aspects and the integration of the two. From this research, it was clarified firstly that the nobles in the Heian era already appreciated the fragrance of the currently popular garden plants such as Ume (Prunus mume), Tachibana (Citrus tachibana), Fuji (Wisteria floribuda), and five other species. Secondly, they appreciated the scent of garden plants together with their physical aspects such as colors, shapes. These plants are placed in close distances from the buildings. Lastly, wind played an important role to integrate the two aspects by often maximizing the experience through embracing the scent of plants that is often strongly associated with their special memories of the past.
青木 陽二
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.1, pp.53-57, 1999-08-25 (Released:2011-07-19)

江戸時代に来日した欧米人の日記や旅行記を調べることにより, 彼らが日本の風景の中で, 地形の細やかさ, 植生の豊かさ, 山上までの耕作, 郊外の田園散策路, 長崎の入江, 富士山, 街道の並木を好ましいと記述していることがわかった。 記述の中には植物の多様さ, 高木の美, 新緑紅葉, 熱帯と寒帯の植物なども記していた。 彼らはまた, 日本人の花好き, 旅行好きであること, 田畑を庭園のように耕すことなどを記述していた。 これらの欧米人の風景記述は, 景観評価のデータとして今後分析を試みる価値があると思われる。
東 淳樹 武内 和彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.62, no.5, pp.573-576, 1998-05-25 (Released:2011-07-19)
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千葉県印旛沼流域の谷津環境に生息するカエル類について, 種および個体数と生息地の環境要因の関係について調べた。調査は, 1997, 98年5月から7月にかけて行なった。畦の上を歩き, 目撃したカエルの数と, 歩いた畦の距離, 周辺の環境要素などを同時に記録した。目撃種ごとの個体密度と環境要因との関係について分析した結果, 個体密度に影響を与えた要因として, 水田の暗渠排水施設の整備斜面の土地利用, 用水の取水方法, 水路の配置などがあげられた。ニホンアカガエル・トウキョウダルマガエルの生息は圃場整備による乾田化によって負の影響を受けやすいが, ニホンアマガエルは乾田化の影響を受けにくいことが明らかとなった。
栗田 瑞江 河村 止 近藤 三雄
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.59, no.1, pp.12-23, 1995-08-31 (Released:2011-07-19)
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年平均400lux, 1.300lux, 1700lux, の3段階に設定した室内の照度条件下において, 35種類の造園植物の生育可能性をみるために, 26ヶ月間にわたり生育実験を行った。その結果, 400下uxの照度条件下では, クスノキ (苗木), ピサカキ, サザンカ等の11種類の植物が生育可能であること, t300-uxの照度条件下では, クスノキ (成木), カクレミノ, ヒマラヤスギ等19種類の植物が生育可能であること, 1700luxの照度条件下では, ユズ, メタセコイア, アオキ (斑入り種) 等の22種類の植物が生育可能であることが判明した。また, 屋外に比べ, 葉, 花, 樹形などの形態的変化, 新葉の展開時期, 開花時期のずれ等の現象が顕著であった。
七海 絵里香 石井 佑也 大澤 啓志
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.559-564, 2016 (Released:2017-03-17)

As far as the work continues, the waterside space where traditional fish catching is carried on possesses the value as the cultural landscape. We aimed at the fish weirs by this research. We considered the contemporary significance and factors in the continuation by investigate the placing on the system, change in the material, the material amount necessary to set up, the situation of technological succession and consciousness of establishment people in Nakagawa River. As a result, we guess that fish weirs possessed several current significances. The first is the significance that fish weirs are continued, changing from the traditional material and form. The second is the fact that there is a fish weir which stuck to the traditional material and form. We regard that diversity of continuation of fish weirs to existence of the form of several kinds of fish weir. In the third, the significances that material of woods and bamboos are being used much. And those materials were obtained from forests in surrounding areas. And we suggest that the spirit and the fulfillment to build fish weirs are important factors in the continuation.
根岸 尚代 菅野 博貢
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.78, no.5, pp.687-692, 2015

Almost seventy years have passed since the Second World War, and there are very few physical reminders of it. The people who personally remember the war are quite old now. Trees damaged during the war are historical relics, and their number and distribution are unknown because there has been little research conducted on these trees. In this study, we surveyed three wards—Taito, Sumida, and Koto—which were the main targets of the air raids on Tokyo on March 10, 1945, to establish the distribution and number of war-damaged trees as well as their present condition. We determined that 1) war-damaged trees were unevenly distributed and mainly concentrated in some public parks, temple precincts and edge of the target area of air raids; 2) there may be previously undiscovered war-damaged trees; 3) some of the trees that were earlier recognized were now gone; 4) carbonation and hollowing are the main features of war-damaged trees, with 60.2% showing carbonation and 52.6% showing hollowing; 5) the degree of these damages and vigor of the trees were not correlated in ginkgo trees; however, the other species seemed to be heavily influenced. More study of the relation between damage type and vigor is required.
菅野 博貢 根岸 尚代
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.471-476, 2016

<p>Nearly 70 years have passed since the Second World War and very few physical reminders of it are present. The people who remember the war are now quite old. Trees damaged during the war are historical relics; however, their number and distribution are unknown because little research has been conducted on this subject. In the present study, we surveyed three wards—Taito, Sumida, and Koto, which were the main targets of air raids on Tokyo on March 10, 1945, and established the number, distribution, and present condition of the war-damaged trees. We determined the approximate number of the war-damaged trees, which was not recorded in previous studies. Then, we newly discovered 80 estimated war-damaged trees and 114 more trees for which more evidence was needed. We found that war-damaged trees were unevenly distributed and they were mainly concentrated in some public parks, temple precincts, and on the edges of air raid targets. Their distribution was particularly dense at the end of a fire spread. In summary, we conclude that we need to preserve these trees, not only individually, but as specific areas or precincts because of their historical significance.</p>
柳原 博史 菅野 博貢
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.543-548, 2018

<p>This paper is to analyze the monuments of the Tokyo Air Raid (occurred on March 10, 1945, in the east side of Tokyo), which established from the end of World War II to the present day. In those 72 years, within the drastic change of Tokyo's urban environment, as well as changes of people's consciousness, we explore how the environment has accepted those monuments and how the monuments have transformed themselves. Through the 101 cases of monuments by field surveys, documents and interviews, we found a large number of monuments to memorize the each special victims, located in temples and public spaces, have been maintained as activities especially by the neighborhood associations who have important roles. The monuments have a potential directivity to want to be permanent, and tend to be made of permanent materials such as stone, some of which were replaced from the wood monuments. On the other hand, there are transitions due to external factors with monuments. In some cases there were relocation due to the influence of public works such as bridge reconstructions and park renovations. Until the 1960s, there were cases in which monuments were transferred from public places to other places, but since the 1980s they have been built again in public spacess including parks and roadsides, after the completions of public works.</p>
赤坂 信 石川 忠治
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.59, no.5, pp.13-16, 1995-03-29 (Released:2011-07-19)

脇水鐵五郎は, 明治の末期から昭和の初期まで地質学をもとに風景論を展開した。このとき脇水は, 風景の構成要素を明らかにし, 風景評価を行うという点で地質学の理論を風景の評価に持ち込んでいる。名勝地や国立公園のような大風景地の成因の大変わかりやすい地質学的解説という実績を残し, 海外の風景と比較して勝ると考えられる海岸風景美と渓谷美をその中心的テーマとした。また脇水の海岸風景の3要素という風景の類型化の展開が, 国立公園の実際の選定で取り入れられていった。やがて海岸風景地の国立公園指定に対する強い要望は戦況の深刻化とともに影をひそめ「時局」に沿った路線へ転換していった。
平野 裕二郎 浦出 俊和 上甫木 昭春
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.609-614, 2012

In this study, we grasped the status changes of the rural stage of shrines in Kobe by literature survey and on-site survey, and investigated hearing survey about transition and usage to the five shrines where restoration of the rural stage usage was checked. As a result, five shrines can be divided into three groups; "Shimotanigami shrine, Kamitanigami shrine" which receives the designation of cultural properties and the preservation society exists; nevertheless they are managed by governing body, "Aina shrine, Ougo shrine" which council and rural council operates with the support of external organizations and government, and "Kizu shrine" which council and rural council mainly operates with their own. It is considered that good operation and maintenance of rural stage, relation of an external organization with an acceptance of local organization, and government support are important factors for restoration of the rural stage usage.