藤井 義久 重松 敏則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.529-534, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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In order to discuss the effective method to control the bamboo forest expansion, we surveyed the former Japanese cypress forest which was seriously invaded by Phyllostanchys pubescens since after forest clearing through April to June in the shooting season, for 3 years under different cutting conditions namely summer selective bamboo cutting and repeatedly clear cutting. In every summer selective bamboo cutting stand, 3 years later, such pioneer species as Zanthoxylum ailanthoides and Mallotus japonicus grew thick at the height of about 7. 1m. Whereas bamboo shoots decreased and shrank due to the oppression and shading by these pioneer species, and disappeared completely in 2 years. On the contrary, in the repeatedly clear cutting stand, the small bamboo glass-like shoots were still seen even 3 years later. In the abandoned control stand, bamboo shoots generated year by year, and recovered the former bamboo forest.
北村 泰一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.4, pp.421-428, 1994-03-29 (Released:2011-07-19)

自然災害を受けやすいわが国では, 土砂災害・水害に対する安全性を確保しつつ多様な水辺環境を保全しなければならない。水辺の植生復活に配慮した河川工法として水制工が注目されているが, 空中写真の比較判読と現地調査の結果, 木曽川下流部の水制域では施工より約60年を経た1975年以降, 治水事業による洪水低減効果に起因してヤナギ林を主体とする水辺林が形成されたことが明らかになった。水制域の水辺林は, 湿地・干潟・草地・樹林帯など様々な微地形が形成推移する自然立地的空間であり多様な生物空間を提供しているため, その保全維持管理に果たす造園の技術的可能性は大きく, 関連する河川構造物との有機的連携が必要である。
加藤 和弘 若山 睦月
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.723-726, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)
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Though factors influencing species composition in urban patchy woodlands have been studied, the ecological meanings of surrounding residential areas are still unclear. In residential areas in the Chiba City we surveyed relationship between bird species composition and land attributes such as vegetation structure and land cover considering landscape conditions indicated by the distance from the nearest large woodland and vegetation index, to clarify the factors influencing bird species composition, from January to March (wintering season) and April to June (breeding season) in 2009. The results were as follows. 1) Sixteen "urban avoider" species were recorded through the survey, which suggested that residential areas can play a role of movement pass for such species. 2) RDA (Redundancy Analysis) extracted three major axes of species compositional change in each season. Vegetation coverage of trees, agricultural land cover, coverage of grassland and distance from the nearest large (>5ha) woodland were significantly correlated with the axes. 3) The results indicated that two "urbanization gradients" could be considered in the residential area: one is the compositional gradient of woodland species and the other is that of grassland species.
小野 良平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.83, no.5, pp.491-494, 2020-03-30 (Released:2020-06-09)

A case study was conducted to discuss landscape settings of historic religious places as their visual relationships with surrounding environment. Mt. Daisen (Tottori pref., 1729m), where is known as one of “Reizan (sacred mountains)”, has been developed by temples and shrines on its north-west mountainside since ancient ages. Including their access roads from other regions, visual relationships of the religious places and surrounding environment was surveyed using DEM and viewshed analyses. First, visual target areas, where were assessed as significant views from the religious places, were identified. Then, high visibility areas to the target areas were extracted, and the relation with the location of religious places were investigated. As the results, strong correspondence of high visibility areas to the targets and the religious places’ setting was observed. The results show that the settings of historic religious places have visual connection with their surroundings. And they inspire the discussion that the landscape what we can see from there could be not a result of the past development, but a contributing factor of the development. The results also suggest the necessity of rethinking of landscape planning at Reizan, where are nowadays likely to be designated as national park.
七海 絵里香 大澤 啓志 勝野 武彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.77, no.5, pp.593-598, 2014 (Released:2015-05-22)
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People have made various relations between plants for every time or area. As a result, the vegetation and the local scene have been formed for every area. But, it is apprehensive about increase of a rural management abandonment place, and the fall of the biodiversity accompanying it in recent years. There is a Japanese lacquer producer who continues four generation in southern Yamizo Mountains. This study aimed to elucidate roles of the traditional plant resource utilization for conserving an indigenous rural landscape element, particularly semi-natural grasslands. We clarified the spatial distributions of woodlots for the lacquer tapping, habitat properties, management state and understory vegetation for this Japanese lacquer produce at an example. As a result, It was shifting to the landscape of large-scale woodlots for the lacquer tapping on a abandoned cultivated land from small-scale woodlots on the base of a mountain or a bank. However, the kind of many species of Miscanthetum sinensis-class is a growth cage as a good half-natural grassland in the habitat of a bank. That is, the difference had arisen in the composition of woodlots floor vegetation by the career of the land. And It was considered that those species richness decreasing when management abandonment progressed.
小木曽 裕 根本 和晃 藤崎 健一郎
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.753-756, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)

The aim of this study is to elucidate how residents’ perception and use of green belts (“forests”) in housing complexes changed when such spaces were redeveloped in order to meet residents’ needs to eliminate parts considered as obstacles from the viewpoints of perception and utilization. The opinion of residents about the forest space in Tamadaira was that its balance was improved by the redevelopment, its overall atmosphere was lightened, and the space became easier to use. Consequently, the forest was considered to have become more valuable. The use of forests preserved in the area also increased as a result of redevelopment, and the residents’ perception of the forests was improved. This higher evaluation is attributed to the comprehensive improvement of forests in accordance with the needs of residents, whereby the presence of forests was the objective of planning and scholarship through long-term workshops and green academic seminars.
山崎 寛 青木 京子 服部 保 武田 義明
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.481-484, 1999-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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里山の高林化と種多様性の増加を目指して, アカマツやコナラなどの高木優占種を残し。照葉低木類, ササ類の伐採等の植生管理を行った。植生調査は, 兵庫県の里山林整備事業地9ケ所に定置調査区12区を設置し, 管理前から管理後最長3年目までの追跡調査を行った。その結果, 管理前後の植生を比較すると, 管理後種数の明瞭な増加が認められた。特に, 日本海側のアカマツーユキグニミツバツツジ群集とコナラーオクチョウジザクラ群集で著しい種数の増加が見られた。また, 植生管理後増加した種は, 里山の主要構成種であるブナクラスの種が中心であった。したがって, このような植生管理手法は, 里山の種多様性を維持・増加させるのに有効であると考えられた。
真木 利江 柴 惟史
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.405-410, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
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This paper is a part of the research intends to shed light on the model of ideal scenery in Muromachi period. The aim of this paper is to clarify weather the landscape painting affected the landscape composition of viewing pond gardens in the period. There are eight gardens still exist, and each garden consists of upper part with main stone arrangements and lower one with pond in common. The landscapes of gardens are analyzed by the arrangement of garden elements according to the line of view. In consequence, we have following two distinct types of landscape composition: ‘diagonal type’ and ‘orthogonal type’. Five gardens of ‘diagonal type’ are characterized by the composition that stone arrangements lined along diagonal vector show the unification of garden elements. Three gardens of ‘orthogonal type’ show the vector toward the artificial hills in the center contrasts garden elements lined horizontal. Each spatial composition is illustrated with isometric projection, and considered by comparison to two configuration methods of landscape paintings: ‘three perspective drawing’ and ‘one corner’ composition.
木野村 泰子 下村 孝
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.827-832, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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The questionnaire survey was done among employee in business buildings with or without a garden on its rooftop to clarify the actual conditions and the evaluation of the roofs as spaces for relaxation or for lunch break. The ratio of the respondents who took rest in the roof gardens at lunch time was significantly higher when that roof garden received a higher evaluation. In addition, 68% of respondents answered that they wanted to take rests in the green roof when they felt the sense of relief and also the 39% the sense of season. On the other hand, 65.0% of the respondents who did not intend to take rest in the green roof said that there was no place or facility to sit down on. And the 43% answered there was a little shade and also the 38% remarked that they couldn't be bothered to go up to the roof. Results showed that the green roofs are evaluated by the office workers as spaces for relaxation and lunch breaks when they were able to feel comfort, nature and the change of the season on them. And it was also shown that above-mentioned preferable conditions would be maintained by introducing some facilities such as benches, rain covers, pergolas and the vegetations consisting of various kinds of plants such as grass, flowers, and evergreen shrubs.
小野 良平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.423-428, 1999-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

明治22年の東京市区改正委員会において計画された公園配置計画を対象として, その計画思想を衛生行政の動向と関連させながら分析した。公園配置計画の特色として神田区付近への集中的配置が認められ, これを当時の内務省と東京府などによる神田下水等の衛生環境整備との関連から考察した。委員会での公園計画における衛生論の立場は, 計画全体についてみれば市区改正審査会時に比べて影響力を減じたと思われるが, それは当時の衛生行政が, 明治19年のコレラ大流行を経て, 上下水道の整備や建築規制の実現化という, より基盤的な衛生環境整備に重点を置くようになり, その結果公園の意義に関する認識が審査会時に比べて相対的に低下していたものと考察した。
下村 泰史
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.7, pp.131-140, 2014-08-23 (Released:2014-10-08)
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In Kyoto city readjustment areas in 1930’s adopted street conscious method in“ machi” layout. One“ machi” was settled on both sides of a street. A street was the axis of a “machi”. This structure is similar to the traditional “machi” layout in historical Kyoto city. This way of“ machi” layout had gradually been given up in 1940’s. In this paper we show some variation of technical guidelines about “machi” layout and compare them each other. Firstly we show the difference in naming concept of streets and “machi” between 1931’s guideline and 1935’s one, and the common idea about street conscious “machi” layout, and show the historical and traditional character of this concept. Secondly we show the character of 1935’s guideline as not for all over the city but for northern area. Thirdly we show the clear difference between 1974’s guideline and former ones. It have remarkable modern character.
伊藤 文彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.83, no.5, pp.703-708, 2020

<p>In recent years, it has been often discussed that the community should take part in heritage conservation. But, when a community manages heritage, the historical relationship between the heritage and the community needs to be considered. This study aims to clarify the historical change in the management of cultural heritage, using the example of Ishibutsuan temple along the Kumano pilgrimage route Iseji and based on a literature survey, the analysis of the space structure, and the distribution of the donors. The results show that, in the pre-modern period, Ishibutsuan temple relied on pilgrims and relevant people because the pilgrimage was flourishing then. After the middle of the 19th century, walking pilgrims had disappeared due to the development of the modern transportation system. Therefore, the temple established monuments of local people and acquired the worship of the local community. After the inscription of Iseji on the World Heritage list, the number of walking tourists increased slightly. In conclusion, tourists must contribute to management as was the case in the pre-modern period. Also, Ishibutusuan temple needs to reconstruct the space structure to attract tourists. For instance, it can incorporate a resting place like the one that existed in the past.</p>
俵 浩三
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.1, pp.22-27, 1994-08-31 (Released:2011-07-19)
霜田 亮祐 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.73, no.5, pp.625-630, 2010 (Released:2011-07-22)
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the process of improve method of land use condition in block development collective housing during 1970s as an environmental infrastructure for future urban development on Koto delta area. The swash along canals on Koto delta area had been heavily industrialized since 1880s. Serious land subsidence and land infrastructure development by the industrial area created continuous artificial levee along the canals. The levee has varied form affected by each block urban development after 1970s. Block-development collective housing by Japan Housing Corporation is one of such redevelopment. The quantitative study and verification of planning theory of intensive landscape facilities especially mounded planting area provided a prospect that process of the improvement of land use condition has enhanced both urban environmental structure and residents amenity especially for lowland development in post industrial area.
霜田 亮祐 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.709-714, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of urban environmental structure on Koto delta area, a part of Arakawa river basin, through the review of land infrastructure development based on watershed development and transition of the artificial topographic change. On alluvial plain of Arakawa river basin, which used be tidal wetland before Edo period, large industrial area had been developed since around 1880s and their overuse of groundwater caused serious land subsidence. About 80% of Koto delta area is still below Tokyo Peil (T.P.) . Current landform is unveiled in the area below T.P. by the information of digital elevation model. Through the chronological study of topographic map overlaying the elevation model, relationship between urbanization and its land condition is inferred. Although entire ground level on Koto delta area was depressed, the range of land subsidence of an area by canals is low. On the other hand, in the other areas between plural canals, which were rapidly developed in early 1900s, the range is high. The difference of urbanization speed and scale affect the land condition and the range of land subsidence. Those land characteristics by canals is evaluated as "Artificial levee" which could be an urban environmental structure on Koto delta area.
堀内 美緒 熊澤 栄二
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.581-586, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)

Traditional festivals in rural regions were the pride of the region and the nucleus of the community, and played a major role in the continuation of regional society. However, declining fertility rates have meant that retaining supporters and passing on the traditions have become increasingly difficult. The purpose of this study is to understand the realities of how traditional arts in local traditional festivals are passed on to elementary and middle school students, and to clarify the issues required, using Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan as its subject. We interviewed the principals of nine elementary schools and four middle schools in order to understand the situation of activities concerning traditional arts such as drums and flutes at each school. Next, we conducted a questionnaire for all elementary and middle school students, collected 976 responses (97% return rate) and used cross tabulation to analyze the relationship between passing on traditional arts and personal attributes. As a result, it was made clear there were differences in the inheritance process depending on region and family/sibling structure.
橋本 禅 高力 千紘 中村 省吾 星野 敏 清水 夏樹
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.8, pp.31-36, 2015 (Released:2015-06-18)
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There is a growing attention to the concept of the coupled social-ecological system (SES) where human and biophysical systems are intricately linked. This recognition calls for a more integrated approach for the sustainable use and conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. In this paper, we identified hotspot of social-ecological production landscapes (SEPLs) of the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa, where both human-perceived social and physically measured ecological values overlap. Questionnaire survey was conducted targeting at residents of and (potential) visitors to the Noto Peninsula to explore human-perceived landscape values of the study area. The result of questionnaire survey was geo-referenced to develop value surfaces of twelve landscape values with a Geographic Information System (GIS). In addition, the ecological value map was developed employing Satoyama Index as an indicator for agricultural landscape heterogeneity, which was then overlaid with the maps of landscape values to identify spatial distribution of hotspots of social-ecological production landscapes. Our analysis identified that hotspots existed across the study area, especially in coastal plains of suburban areas where diverse land use with multiple landscape values were observed. We concluded the paper by discussing the limitations and potential managerial implications of hotspots mapping of social-ecological production landscapes for sustainable landscape management.