疋嶋 大作 福井 亘 松本 綾乃
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.527-530, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)
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In recent years, it is important to grasp the economic value evaluation of the waterfront space created by public works. This study aimed to understand the value consciousness and economic value evaluation of waterfront space creat ed, and to clarify the relevance of the value consciousness and the economic value evaluation. The subject of this study is the waterfront space of Horikawa River that has been created by the waterfront environmental improvement project of Kyoto city. A questionnaire survey was conducted for neighboring residents of Horikawa River and using the CVM to grasp the economic value evaluation of Horikawa River. From the survey results, the value consciousness of the subject was conducted the quantification theory class Ⅲ and cluster analysis and classified from the evaluation trend into two groups. As a result, two groups trend to evaluate the value consciousness of landscape elements and space utilization. Also a result of the factor ana lysis, four value consciousness, history and culture, community space of the region, trees, river flow has been found to be associated with the economic value evaluation, especially community space of the region suggested strong correlation coefficient.
内田 仁 北山 正雄
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.447-450, 2001-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

本研究は二條城清流園の成立過程及びその経緯更に地割・植栽の経年変化について考察した。京都市はかねてより城に不釣合いな市民のレクリエーション施設であるテニスコートを撤去し, 国賓・公賓を迎える迎賓施設として, また市民や観光客にも利用できるような新庭園の作庭を検討していた。そのような折テニスコート代替地決定と旧角倉了以邸の敷地内の建物などの無償譲渡の確約が得られたことを機に, 京都市職員が直営で10ケ月の歳月を費やし昭和40年4月清流園を完成させた。清流園は作庭から35年以上経過している現在でも地割・植栽ともほとんど変化なく維持され, 鑑賞要素の一つにとどまらず迎賓・集会的な役割を果たすこととなった。
香川 隆英 田中 伸彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.201-204, 1995-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)
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我が国における森林の風致施策は, 明治6年の「官林調査仮条令」において, 社寺林を風致林として保護するところから始まる。その後, 今日までの120年の間に様々な歴史・変遷の過程を経ながら, 森林の風致施策は展開してきた。その風致施策の2本の柱は, 保安林制度の中での施策と, 国有林におけるレクリエーションの森を代表とする施策である。本論では, 保安林制度における, 風致保安林と保健保安林について, 保安林制度及び森林風致施策の歴史の中での位置づけを明らかにする。
天野 公太朗 松本 恵樹 國井 洋一 鈴木 誠
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.78, no.5, pp.493-496, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)

Yokoyama Taikan Memorial Hall was used as a residence-atelier during 1909-1945 and 1953-1958 by Taikan Yokoyama (1868-1958) who was a representative of modern Japanese-style painter. There is a characteristic garden in the former Taikan Yokoyama residence. In 1909, Taikan built a residence-atelier at Ueno Ikenohata on the banks of Sinobazunoike where was a famous cultural and scenic place of Tokyo. However, unfortunately the residence-atelier had destroyed by an air raid on Tokyo in 1945 and the garden had damaged also. After that, Taikan's residence-atelier was rebuilt and his garden was restored by his strong intention. We had on-site surveying the garden, considering Taikan’s career, analyzing relationships between his representational paintings and the garden features, and interviewing to Mr. Jiro Fujii who was involved in the restoration of the garden. In the result, we found that Taikan ordered to plant the trees and shrubs in the garden, just like he painted on his pictures. The garden was landscaped to have more spiritual meaning than natural landscaped garden by his intention. This attitude toward to the garden was different from the gardens created by the other representative of modern Japanese-style painters.
大場 悠暉 原 祐二 山本 祐吾
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.16, pp.5-16, 2023-02-19 (Released:2023-05-22)

In this study, we improved and further developed the existing GIS-based model for screening terraced rice lots in its conservation priority with focuses on three aspects; landscape value, agricultural efficiency and disaster prevention function. Then the model was applied to the Wakayama Prefecture area within the Kii Peninsula region in central Japan, in which has a clear north-south gradient in geological features. As the results, constructed model performed effectively in selecting rice lots with higher conservation priority within 10km spatial scale. Moreover, in the northern part of the prefecture, agricultural efficiency was an important aspect in the model, whereas landscape value and disaster prevention function were also detected in the middle and southern parts, respectively. Prefectural governmental officials in charge of terraced paddy conservation policies, who were interviewed, supported an applicability of this model in actual institutional fields because it was guaranteed by scientific approaches. Based upon these figures, we proposed that at prefectural spatial scale the model calibrated among three aspects depending on geologic and topographic conditions could be utilized for prioritizing terraced paddies without serious regional inequalities in institutional supports.
佐々木 宏二 増田 昇 井原 縁 竹田 博康 加我 宏之
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.13, pp.59-69, 2020-11-20 (Released:2021-01-15)

This study aims to clarify forest characteristics and formation process of wooded flat areas inhabited by deer in Nara Park, known for its beautiful scenic landscape, and to explore key factors contributing to the forest formation. We probed into a wide range of past and present documents relating to afforestation of the park, including those written in the Edo period before the park opened. The study found that the wooded areas are classified into six categories, each dominantly comprising a group of tall trees. It has also revealed that there are three factors that have shaped their distinctive forest formation, including the eating habit of deer inhabiting Nara Park, preservation of historical or cultural spaces of religious, historical, or cultural values, and landscape creation based upon newly developed or improved park environments of integrative and scenic values, while presenting basic concepts conducive to future forest protection and sustainability in response to each formation factor.
尾山 真 金岡 省吾 小松 亜紀子 市村 恒士
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.86, no.5, pp.567-572, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-05-12)

The purpose of this study is to clarify changes in students' awareness of regional settlement in the "Regional Life Plan" course at the University of Toyama through quantitative analysis, and to examine the usefulness of the course. Specifically, a structural covariance analysis was conducted on the questionnaires at the beginning and the end of the course conducted in 2022, to construct structural models of regional- settlement-awareness at the beginning and the end of it. These models suggest that students' awareness of settling in the region is correlated with their choice of region and choice of company. It is also suggested that students' understanding of the social contribution and name recognition of a company increases the attractiveness of employment opportunities in Toyama Prefecture. In addition, it is suggested that a decrease in the importance of regions outside of Toyama Prefecture increases the attractiveness of job placement in Toyama Prefecture.
井原 縁
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.483-486, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)

In recent years, at the Islands in the Seto Inland Sea, the flower planting movement by islanders and so on has be expanded gradually. This movement has created new 'Flower Landscape' and received attention, because of the possibility of not only the tools for repairing the run-down landscape here, but also the tourist attractions. Therefore,the objective of this study is to find the cultural property of the 'Flower Landscape', that is tounderstand the present flower planting movement in the context of the regional culture. At one time, the occupation of islanders in this region made another 'Flower Landscape'. This landscape made of the beautiful mosaic pattern. Such landscape has the nature deep-rooted in the islander's life culture, and also the nature as the original landscape which many islanders can share. In addition, this 'Flower Landscape' came to have the nature of the popular tourist attraction especially after 1960's.
十代田 朗
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.59, no.5, pp.105-108, 1996-03-29 (Released:2011-07-19)
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近代におけるわが国のリゾートの成立には, 西洋から輸入された「避暑」思想が深く関わっていた。そこで, 本研究は, 未だ解明されていない「避暑」がわが国で受容され普及し実践されていった過程を明らかにしている。主要な分析結果は, 以下の4点である。1) 外国人が気候風土の異なる地に「転地」してすごすという「避暑」を輸入し, 日本人がそれを模倣し, 浸透していった。2) 避暑地としては明治中期には, 既存温泉地が選ばれたが, その後, 外国人は高原を発見し避暑地とした。3) 明治後期から避暑地としての繁栄は海浜に移ったが, これは健康意識と深い関連があった。4) 避暑のための長期滞在を可能にする宿泊システムが存在していた。
中村 攻
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.3, pp.174-179, 2003 (Released:2003-08-29)
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浅見 佳世 中尾 昌弘 赤松 弘治 田村 和也
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.571-576, 2001-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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本研究では, 放棄水田の水生生物を保全するための植生管理手法として, 植生配置のローテーションにより谷全体で種多様性を維持するシステム (シフティング・モザイク・システム) を提案し, その有効性について京都の府立公園予定地を事例に検討した。まず, このシステムを用いるのに適した遷移系列と, 初期化に適した遷移段階を把握し, 次に抽出した植生を対象に初期化を行いその効果を調べた。調査の結果, コナギ群落からカンガレイ群落へとむかう遷移系列において, 植生, 水生昆虫相共に遷移当初の状態が復元でき, システムの有効性が明らかになった。このように本研究は.遷移を前提とした植生管理の一つの方向性を示し得たと考える。
五木田 玲子 愛甲 哲也
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.82, no.5, pp.579-582, 2019-03-29 (Released:2019-07-03)

Various natural areas are planning to institute or have already instituted a range of entry fees to enhance the experience of visitors. However, these areas still constitute a minority. Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire survey to analyze visitors’resistance to pay entry fees depending upon the resource type and difference in the fee collection method used. Regarding the type of resource, we found that resistance to pay an entry fee for a natural area was higher on average than an admission charge to access a public exhibition facility or cultural heritage. Desirable fee collection methods varied according to the resource type and aversion to paying fees for using facilities in natural areas and entering mountain areas was relatively high. In natural areas and mountain areas, attitudes toward payment were influenced by how frequently respondents to such areas visited natural areas as well as their intent to visit in the future. Those who visited natural areas frequently and intended to visit again were least resistant to paying fees. Based on the above, we conclude that if users are to be made to bear costs, charging them according to the type of resource would provoke the lowest possible resistance.
平野 悠一郎 野間 大介 武 正憲
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.85, no.5, pp.493-498, 2022-03-30 (Released:2022-05-13)

Previous research indicated that many mountain bikers in Japan, as new recreational users, recently engaged in contribution projects to local communities to overcome conflicts with forest landowners, trail managers, and other users to secure their outdoor fields. To verify this movement, this paper conducted a related questionnaire survey among 1,765 mountain bikers. The result showed that Japanese mountain bikers found the best value in riding freely in unpaved forests and trails with a certain distance and scale, and participation in competitive mountain bike (MTB) races was not recognized as primary interest. Additionally, the majority of mountain bikers strongly recognized the need for contribution projects to local communities to secure and maintain these attractive outdoor fields. However, mountain bikers who engage in the projects tend to belong to local mountain bikers’ organizations that collaborate with local communities. Therefore, these local organizations can be the key to developing MTB as a popular outdoor recreation, and promoting local revitalization through the participation of mountain bikers.
小林 昭裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.82, no.5, pp.445-450, 2019-03-29 (Released:2019-07-03)

This study discusses sociocultural changes in society in relation to parks by examining changes in government policies, the construction of port cities and parks, and characteristics of parks in Hokkaido before opening Otaru park and Temiya park located in Otaru city as a case study. Based on changes in society, historic document records were used to public and government perception toward opening and renovating Otaru Park and Temiya Park. Thus, the historical meanings of the parks could be established in terms of space and time, based on four parameters, namely, regional administration / residents' works,features required for park functioning, geographical characteristics of the parks, and the feature of the city when the parks were built. Further examination is required to improve parameters and data collection method for understanding the historical meanings of the parks from sociocultural perspective more deeply.
小林 昭裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.77, no.5, pp.633-638, 2014 (Released:2015-05-22)
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This study tried to consider some processes making changes by finding contextual affection to a historical park from citizens, municipality and central government with sociocultural perspective. In this paper, based on our empirical fact-findings and verifications, we were to try to understand some processes from a broad boulevard to modernized park which was Ohdohri park located in the center of Sapporo city. The boulevard assumed to be settled for dual role: firstly dividing commoners’ residence area and governmental official area, and secondary the axis showing the direction of east and west in gridiron town planning. There seemed to be several processes, which involved signs promoting modern visions of parks, happened during about 1885-1911. The followings three main different viewpoints should be taken into account. Namely, the first was seemed to be citizens’ actions to the park construction and their utilization of boulevard, the second was assumed to be some conversion of citizen’s attitudes from early modern to modern, and the third was thought to be change of the evaluation to the park by the side of administrations.
浦﨑 真一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.679-684, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
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Landscape architect Yasuhei Nagaoka played an active part during the Meiji period and Taisho era in designing the parks of various parts of Japan. These parks still exist today. However, there is little documentation relating to his park design, and therefore little information on his itineraries of design. This paper aims to understand his itineraries for designing parks by examining his notes. These show that Nagaoka went into the field in response to requests for park design from the local government. They reveal that he pointed out problems and made improvements whilst conducting surveys; he also completed design drawings whilst travelling, and submitted them to the local government. In addition, he received many requests to design or improve gardens. He visited them and offered advice. An assistant travelled with him who helped to conduct surveys and draw designs. He sometimes made designs with a locally employed worker. Whilst the itineraries of Yasuhei Nagaoka’s design have been clarified by this paper, detailed examination of his design technique is a further problem.
平澤 毅
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.367-370, 2000-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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15世紀末の「廻国雑記」は, 多くの和歌・俳譜歌・漢詩・連句などによって綴られた紀行文である. そのなかには多くの地名がみられ, 古代・中古以来〈歌枕〉として知られる土地に限らず, 従来の文学とは無縁の地に関する記述を多く含む. その記述の姿勢には, 古くからの情報に捕らわれず, 俳譜性に基づいて, その土地の由緒を里人に尋ねたり, みずからの直接的感懐を述べるなど,〈歌枕〉的な名所観からの脱却のきざしがみられる. 本稿では,「廻国雑記」の記述に見られる名所・風景に関する観念のあり方に注目して, その特性に関する考察をおこない, 中古・中世の紀行文から近世の名所案内記への流れを検討する上で重要な作品であるとした.
浦﨑 真一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.77, no.5, pp.407-412, 2014 (Released:2015-05-22)
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Consideration of Yasuhei Nagaoka’s design achievements clarifies the relationship between the designer’s employment position, the places where he carried out his work, and the number of designs by classifying the different phases of his career. His career is classified and his employment positions clarified by arranging his design achievements according to the places where he carried out his design work during specific periods of time. This classification indicates that he had almost no achievements during the more than 20 years he was employed at the Tokyo prefectural government office. When he became part of the professional staff of the Tokyo City office, the classification reveals that he designed for many places. His achievements for Akita in his later years as a member of staff at the Tokyo prefectural office greatly influenced this thing. The quantity of the park design of each place decreased when Nagaoka resigned from the Tokyo City office. He was continually involved with the design of many personal gardens, but his achievements in the suburbs of Tokyo came to account for most. In addition to his park designs, he designed the personal gardens of distant places as well. However, it is predicted that this reduced the number of his garden designs of distant places, as is evident in the decreasing number of his park design projects.
浦﨑 真一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.78, no.5, pp.413-418, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)
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This study clarifies Yasuhei Nagaoka’s design concepts by examining specifications for six of his parks. It compares the parks by extracting the focus of the design policy and instructions and classifying both the instructions and the intentions for those instructions. Instructions were able to be classified into seven types, and intentions for instructions were able to be classified into eight types. These analyses clarified the idea that Nagaoka regarded how visitors would use the park as the most important consideration while respecting the natural landforms and view. He also took into consideration the scenic beauty and convenience as well as making artificial elements inconspicuous, if possible, when designing park facilities. The importance of enjoying scenery or using park facilities changes the design specifications, depending on the location and history of the park. The comparison of specifications for six parks enabled a cross-sectional and concrete verification. This study provides a new understanding of Nagaoka’s thoughts about park design.